Author Topic: Lottery  (Read 417 times)


« on: December 26, 2002, 10:01:14 AM »
Alright, I thought i'd start a discussion about the lottery; last night, a man won a 320 million dollar jackpot, the largest ever; he bought the ticket in Hurricane West Virginia.  When I was a kid, I lived in Charleston, and guess what? Every sunday, I was in Hurricane, at a flea market my dad set up at.  I'd play in the woods, and stuff, and we'd stop by that convenience store all the friekin' time... and that was the place the biggest lottery ticket of all time  was bought out of.  

So, what do yall think about this?  If you were gonna gamble in something big like that, would you

a. Not even do it, gambling is bad and it's almost impossible to win.
b. Buy just 1 ticket, because odds are so far fetched, extra tickets don't increase the odds very much (that is true, you know)
c. Buy hundreds of tickets
d. travel out of state hundreds of miles to buy tickets

Because basically, All of this happened this weekend as people tried to cash in on the jackpot.  

Second, if you won, what would you do with the money?

a. keep it all
b. give it all to charity
c. a combination of both

or whatever?


Personally, I usually have the opinion that it's almost impossible to win things like this; but If that thing had been local, and I had known about it, I probably would have bought 1 ticket... My thinking is if it's meant to be, one ticket would be enough.  

If I would have won, I would have paid my church 10 percent tithing like I do on everything else I earn, then, I probably would either give the church even more, or I would give a ton of money to a ton of small charities.  I mean a TON, at least half... I saw a guy in california won over a hundred million in the lottery one time, and he saved so much money, just by giving it away from taxes that he almost had as much left as he would have anyways.  I'd end up saving probably 50 million out of 320 million, after taxes.  I'd give to small charities because that way I think I could help more people; like there's little programs here in town, if you gave them 100 thousand dollars, they'd be set for years.  there might be a church that needs a new building, or something, that 100 grand would help them for years, or whatever.  I'd look for opportunities like that; I'd probably maybe start a foundation, with all the money in it, and then donate it as people came forward or I learned about places where people needed money.  I think I'd resist giving a bunch of money to big huge charities, because I've always felt kinda strange about them.  I've heard tons of stories about how the american heart foundation has 90% overhead and crap like that, and I'd rather work with smaller volunteer groups.  

I think I'd also quit my job, and probably spend my time volunteering with those charity groups I donated to.  I'd maybe be a spokesman for a couple, and travel around the world with my friends and family (if they wanted) helping out with small things like that.  

I'd buy a house, probably about a 3 million dollar estate near here, where I live, like just something with lots of property, and a mid size house, I'd custom build something, and maybe I'd buy so much land that my mom and 2 brothers could have a house there too.  I'd give my mom, and both brothers a couple million a piece, maybe more, I'd have to think about it.  Maybe 5 million a piece; but I'd put my mom's in some sort of account, she'd run through that much money in less than a year.  I'd give my friends money if they'd take it, but I'll bet most of them wouldn't let me.  My buddy eddie would, though, hahahaha.  

I'd help both my brothers open a business, some sort of car shop, that's what they've always wanted to do.  My mom would probably just do nothing, LOL and I'd do nothing, LOL.  I might get the list of peeps signed up at dubcnn and send em all 100 bucks or something too, hahaha.  


What would yall do, specifically, if you won a big ol jackpot in the lottery?  


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2002, 11:39:19 AM »
b. Buy just 1 ticket, because odds are so far fetched, extra tickets don't increase the odds very much (that is true, you know)

I play Lotto Advance where I pay $104 and my numbers are put in for every draw (Wednesdays and Saturdays) for the whole year.  I don't even have to check for the numbers, they do it for me and send a cheque in the mail.  I think it's the best way to play.

a. keep it all

I would try to invest it properly while I increase my standard of living and have a whole lot of fun partying while I'm yound.  Once I was like 40-50 and my investments paid off I would start giving to charity and shit like that.


« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2002, 03:03:05 PM »
Dammit.  The guy that won, is

A. Already 55, so he's gonna die and won't get to use it all I'll bet.
B. ALREADY a millionaire.  He owns a business that makes 17 million a year.  WTF?  Why? WHY!!!!
C. He took the lump sum payout of 110 million, or something.  Why? I would have taken the money over 29 years so I could get it all and not have to pay as much on taxes.   If he died, his wife could have got it, or his kids.  

He is gonna pay his tithing to his church though, I think that's good.  Peace~


  • The Paradoxical Third Eye
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« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2002, 03:44:54 PM »
b. Buy just 1 ticket, because odds are so far fetched, extra tickets don't increase the odds very much (that is true, you know)

Second, if you won, what would you do with the money?

c. a combination of both

Man, if i won that much, id contribute a lot to charaties, start my own business so i can get a steady income too, fly to usa n other places to meet my net homies lol...possibilities are endl ess, peace

Waving My Double Edged Sword, God Sharpened My Blade...
Its Just Me Against The World, And The Evil That He Made...


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« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2002, 07:54:12 PM »
i would buy 4 tickets,  2 where i pick the numbers myself an 2 quick pick.  as for what i would do wit the money,  320 million bucks equals a lot of lap dances but 1st i would give every1 from the wcc 5 bucks cuz im a nice guy like that.  than i would buy blade that pet pony he always wanted.  pay for the mental help sub-z always need.  I would pay for infinites sex change that he so secretly wants.  i would pay 2 have javi deported to mexico an i would than sleep on the rest of my money with many beautilful woman


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« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2002, 07:58:12 PM »
pay for the mental help sub-z always need.  

thank you! you are a real pal  ;D


  • The Paradoxical Third Eye
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« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2002, 08:20:30 PM »
than i would buy blade that pet pony he always wanted.


Waving My Double Edged Sword, God Sharpened My Blade...
Its Just Me Against The World, And The Evil That He Made...


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2002, 09:27:07 PM »
I have never bought a lottery ticket and I most likely never will.  

If I ever won that amount of money I wouldn't give it away.  It would sit in my bank account until I figured out what to do with it.  That would require a lot of learning on my part which would be pretty fun.

I used to believe in giving money away but no longer do.  Charities are for the most part the most inefficient organizations in America.  They are usually not comprised of many great minds, and if by chance they have some intelligence on their board it is sure to be drowned out by the housewives of America that need some sense of importance in their life.  

I would definitely not give to my church.  Especially since I belong to a Roman Catholic church.  Just take a walk into a catholic church and you can literally see money being pissed away.  Sure every week that give out brownies to homeless people, but those brownies are about 1% of the money they take in.  The rest goes to cover the enormous maintainence bills associated with heating, and maintaining huge cathedrals.  Although maybe if they start selling indulgences again I'd consider it.  ;)

At most I would consider establishing my own charity.  If I was to run an non-profit it would be devoted towards educational reform.  Actually I have small dream to open a school one day when I'm older and wiser.  

On a final note.  I'm glad this money was won by a business man and not some poor fellow.  While I can't judge this persons abilty from a far, if he is an accomplished and able businessperson than I'm sure this money will go to good use.  Arguing from the side of a general business person.  Its better for a business to win this money than a poor person for a number of reasons.  Notably, the business will make more use of this money than the poor guy.  The poor guy will spend it trying to live la vida loca (or whatever you want to call it), he will pass some of it around to his friends, and donate the rest to charity.  Trying to live the high life will inevitably destroy him and those around him while he meanwhile pisses the money down the drain.  I say it will destroy him because money is a status symbol.  And unearned money is unearned status, a difficult thing to deal with.  When pursuing material possessions its worthwhile to consider if you want them to enjoy them or  because you think they will add meaning to your life.  If the answer is the latter expect future problems.  The rest of the money he donates to charity will be pissed away as well, as already touched on.  The end effect, not much.

The intelligent business man can use this money to expand his business.  This may lead to new products, more effecient processes, new jobs, etc.  All of these things benefit society for a longer duration than quick money that is here and gone.  Since all the people that wish this money went to a nice normal fellow that will give it all away in the spirit of helping society. If you really want to help society its more logical to route for a business person.  Its just that this is not what anyone wants to hear.  I know there are greedy businessmen.  But there are greedy poor people too.  Do you cheer for the little guy because its the most logical thing to do or because its what society deems it the "right" thing to do?

« Last Edit: December 26, 2002, 09:30:59 PM by Ant »


« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2002, 09:52:20 PM »
Hmmm; Interesting, but I'd ask you "do you say the opposite of everybody else becuase you believe that, or do you say it because you don't want to be a conformist"

The guy that won it didn't need it.  That's why i'd prefer somebody else win it... it doesn't have to be a poor person.  It could be Blade.  How many Blade's are there in the world that would inevitably use it for good?  Millions, I'd just rather one of them win it.  


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« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2002, 10:29:52 PM »
No I either say what I believe.  Or if its in the form of a question I'm challenging other peoples assumptions.  Although I will admit my opinions do change often.

My arguement is this though.  (Only saying blade because you used his name).  If blade won all that money he would "at best" try to do good with it.  He may not even desire to do "good" with it and that is up to him.  However if he does desire to do good with it thats not as easy as it sounds.  None of us are here are all that educated, intelligent, experienced, knowledgeable.  Some may believe they are but it all depends on your yardstick.  If you are comparing yourself to the people in your neighborhood maybe your considered intelligent.  But if you extend that yardstick the picture changes.  

What I'm saying is, is that while the average Joe might have a heart of gold it takes more than a good heart to handle the resonsibility that comes along with such a large amount of money.  Forget trying to effectively allocate your money for the "good of society", its going to be difficult just to deal with the status change.  Making the most effective use of such a some of money is even more difficult.  I realize that I am in no position to effectively ration out large sums of money, and neither are most Americans.  

You may say the big shots of the world are selfish greedy bastards, but there is a huge responsibility that comes with being a big shot.  A responsibility that is not understood by the general public.  Part of that responsibility is that you have to be able to consider more than just the present moment.  You have to be able to stand on your own, by your convictions often times against popular opinion.  Do you really think that the "accomplished" men and women of the United States got there by doing what public opinion agrees is correct?  They certainly didn't, but yet these people are necesary for the success of all Americans.  

Public opinion believes its best to help your neighbor and friends, donate to charity, and give to your church.  But public opinion is not the product of rational collaboration.  Church doctrine is not the product of rational thinking.  Any organization which bases itself on faith sacrifices its rationality.  I'm not condemning the public or the church.  All I'm saying is that while it may be normal to believe the common man can do the most good, its not necesarily the case.  The common man who wins large sums of money does the most easily visible good.  But he is not the person that can do the most.  The people that I believe do the most good aren't necesarily visible to the public.  And they aren't necesarily doing it with "good" intentions, but they inevitably benefit society whether society wants to recognize it or not.  



« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2002, 10:39:10 PM »
Hmmm, if you say so.  :)  My church has 11 million members worldwide, and no paid clergy; they have a 100% volunteer driven charity program that does thousands of things in hundreds of countries around the world; I'd feel pretty confident giving them money.    I might be pretty ignorant, but I think even an ignorant person could tell a good charity from a bad one.  I'd just look for charities like that.

And most rich successful people didn't "challenge public opinion"; they just played the system.  


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2002, 11:17:29 PM »
Your church is quite unique in that regards.  All my knowledge of religion comes from  a Roman Catholic perspective.  I actually have a lot of admiration for different sects of christianity.  A lot of them seem to have much more admirable ideals than the catholic church.  Although my knowledge here is limited at present time.

Your last statement however is an assumption.  There are a certain organizations that "play the system."  In fact your required to play "within" the system if you want to be in business.  However, that system was created by public opinion.  Secondly,  some people get by searching for loops holes.  Many get by searching for something of value.    

In citing accomplished men and women.  I was not refering to businessmen only.  In fact, I believe accomplishment comes in many different forms. There are highly accomplished artists, businessmen, educators, philosophers, authors, athletes, etc.  existing in this world today.  My only prerequiste for accomplishment is that it is not based on faith, luck, or coincidence.  Accomplishment based on faith from a religious perspective was granted by God.  But from a nonreligious perspective its coincidence.  For me admirable accomplishment is the product of intelligence and ability.

Furthmore I never said successful people "challenge" public opinion.  I said they don't base their own actions and beliefs on public opinion.  Thats much different.  


« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2002, 11:30:48 AM »
So you wouldn't consider the Pope Successful?

The guy that won, more info is coming out.  He's got a construction company in west virginia, and get this, this is what he plans to spend the money on so far.

1. Pay tithing to three different pastors he knows (that's good of him, I think)
2. Buy a helicopter for his business, so he can spend more time with his family.  That's good too.
3. Visit Israel, where he's always wanted to visit.  I think that's admirable too, that that's his biggest dream is to visit where Christ lived.


His daughter wants a car, and to meet Nelly.  No, I'm not lying.  They asked him if he thought he could do it, and he said "I feel confident I can make it happen".  


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« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2002, 05:05:21 PM »
No from my perspective the pope is not successful.  He dedicates his life to a false ideaology.  

Another point on success.  The Pope probably enjoyed his life, and is greatly admired.  In fact, I can admire certain aspects about the pope.  However, normally humans consider success as the ultimate goal in life. It comes in many forms but we all want it.  However, does anyone really want to be the Pope?  If you had the opportunity given to you how many people would take it?  Not many.  Kind of ironic.

I am not saying the pope hasn't acheived anything, I'm saying that what he achieved was not based on reason but on faith.  He acts in accordance to what he believes God tells him.  In a sense thats mindless.  Although I'm guessin the pope is actually a quite rational being at least from the catholic perspective.  So I'll revise my statement.  If you believe the pope is Gods outlet to the world and he does whatever God tells him then no I do not find him to be successful.   All his accomplishments were either granted by God, or if God was not directing him and he just believed he was being directed then they were coincidence.   However, if you believe that the Pope does not follow directives from God and acts on his own accord using whatever knowledge and information he has to make decisions then I say he is accomplished.  
« Last Edit: December 27, 2002, 05:07:14 PM by Ant »


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« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2002, 08:55:25 PM »
If interested...

For another response to this post refer to my post titled "Money is the root of all evil?"