Author Topic: Who are we to judge?  (Read 242 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Who are we to judge?
« on: December 19, 2002, 10:45:00 PM »
This is a question I find quite important.  People seem to denounce antisocial behavior, but when all I hear from the world is criticism criticism criticism.  Fuck the world I'd rather be with myself, left to my own mind, in a library where I can escape learn about the ideas of RATIONAL human beings who possessed knowledge, that may have been wrong at times, but did not waste their life bickering about this and that.  

I hate politics not for what it is, but for who it creates.  Politics are necesary, they are imperfect. they never will be perfect.  I can tolerate that.  What I can not tolerate is the vast majority of uneducated irrational people that spout their political views.  Or rather repeat the beliefs of other illogical people such as themselves.  And why do they repeat the views of other illogical beings such as themselves?  Because those people take the time to encourage them. Because the people they coinicidentally agree with are the people that stick up for the uneducated, the irrational, the common man.  

So I started this saying "who are we to judge" and now I've become judgemental myself.  Or rather I've simply stated how I feel.  

Who am I to judge? I am no one.  I am nothing.  And neither are any of you.  One day perhaps if we all took our time spent complaining and criticizing that which we do not FULLY understand perhaps we could be capable of rationally criticizing these issues, but that day has not come for most America's. It hasn't come for most people of the world, and for the vast majority of us it never comes.  

You all say its unfair that America is controlled by a few men in "power."  I say its unfair that America has to listen to people with out intellect.  People that believe they have it but don't.  

I don't consider myself capable of judging political situations.  I don't consider many members of the government capable of judging the many political situation.  The only thing I do believe is that they are more capable than you or I.  

If nothing else you should be grateful everyone here is young enough to still make something of themselves.  But when you life grows to an end and you never accomplished anything.  Think for a moment, was it truly George Bush's fault, or was it your own.



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Re:Who are we to judge?
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2002, 11:17:16 PM »
politics may have the capability of judging political situations when they start but the power corrupts and leaves them less able, thus the un-corrupted every day people may have more common sense when thinking of political issues and not have such a selfish goal as the powerful, but if these people got power as well, they too would be corrupted - thats where lies the problem in who should judge.


Re:Who are we to judge?
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2002, 11:19:50 PM »
Damn.  *Trauma clicks "props"

Exactly.  I hate hearing people bitch, when they don't realize just how ignorant they are.  I'm happy I'm not a politician.  They're not perfect, but they're probably better than me at it, so I'll concern myself with my life, and leave them to the rest.  Your last line was good, too, people always wanna complain and act like it's the world doing it to them.  


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re:Who are we to judge?
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2002, 01:00:03 PM »
It's nice to know that there are some people in the world that still consider their opinions, just opinions and nothing more.  

Granted perhaps in our old age there may be some cases were we can say our opinions are definite facts.   Perhaps even in our youth we can get to this point, but coming on this message board and screaming all day certainly isn't the path to get you there.

For all the people on this forum, and in real life that aspire to be leaders to remove the "irrational corrupt leaders" in place in the world.  I find it ironic that if by chance any of you were to become leaders, you would only end up become that which you hate.

Its difficult to be successful in life without certainty.  Bouncing back and forth never truly sure of anything probably won't get you any where.  But just as certainty is a requirement for success.  So is it a determinant of failure.  How many people in life have led meaningless existances because they were certain they were right?

How many of you are at this present moment destined to do so?  My guess is quite a few.  I don't say this to denounce anyone.  Nor do I really say it to help anyone.

I post here for two reasons.  One to make my views clear to myself.  Two because as already stated I am frustrated with the unnecesary amount of ignorance and irrationality I have to deal with on a day to day basis.  

In saying that.  I am not denouncing people as being worthless, I attempting to point out the "facts" to give you all the opportunity to consider them.  It is in everyone's power to become something during their existance.  It is in everyone's power to becoming rational, thinking, intelligent human beings.  But not everyone becomes such.  

You don't need college, or money.  There is a library in every town with all the books available at college for you to read and learn from.   Do that first, then cast your opinion.  


Re:Who are we to judge?
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2002, 11:41:03 PM »
Plus, In my opinion, the greatest service someone can do is to themselves and their family.  I count close friends as family, too btw.  I would much, much, much rather toll my whole life away making my family more comfortable, and helping their existance than I would being a politician, where nobody agrees with you completely, and those that do do so unjustly, and those that disagree with you take the first opportunity to purposefully undo everything you've accomplished.  

If you do something for a friend, though, or something for family, they never forget it, and it lasts forever.  That's REAL success right there.