Author Topic: Why would someone vote against Prop 23?  (Read 947 times)

Russell Bell

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Why would someone vote against Prop 23?
« on: November 04, 2010, 12:40:41 AM »
I don't understand it honestly.  I know that green jobs are part of the future (distant future or near future, thats up to who you ask), but should we really be overhauling the system (which will cost lots and lots of money and cause employers to not want to hire) in a time when as a state we have 12% unemployment?  In my humble opinion, I say absolutely fuck no. 

I look at the added costs to businesses who have vehicles or heavy machinery who will have to improve current equipment or buy new stuff, and I see places that are going to lay people off and not hire anyone new.  The law that will have to be followed because of prop 23's failure at the polls, calls for businesses to reduce their greenhouse gasses to a 1990 level (25% according to wiki).

Someone who voted against this give me a reason why.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2010, 12:44:03 AM by Russell Bell »
Money like Draymond Green.....yuuup


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Re: Why would someone vote against Prop 23?
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2010, 10:41:53 AM »
I'm an environmentalist.  You want to take a look at added cost to business, well I'm taking a look at added cost to the environment.  It's much more severe in the long run.  The LAO couldn't even accurate report the pros and cons to Prop 23, they're just a bunch of vague beliefs for both sides. 



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Re: Why would someone vote against Prop 23?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2010, 01:34:15 PM »

Meanwhile the "environmentalists" can't see the bigger picture, the pollution will just move elsewhere while on aggregate the developed world's standard of living quickly erodes, but don't let the bigger picture get in the way of your "principles".

No one of importance really gives a flying fuck about "pollution" the depleted uranium they have dropped by the millions of tonnes in Iraq, Kosovo and Afghanistan also, but nope, gotta have your feel good factor. It will feel good when you hear of ten million green jobs being created, you won't care about the 30 million jobs lost as a result because you are captain planet!

And so the new religion is birthed
« Last Edit: November 04, 2010, 01:37:02 PM by virtuoso »


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Re: Why would someone vote against Prop 23?
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2010, 01:41:46 PM »

Meanwhile the "environmentalists" can't see the bigger picture, the pollution will just move elsewhere while on aggregate the developed world's standard of living quickly erodes, but don't let the bigger picture get in the way of your "principles".

No one of importance really gives a flying fuck about "pollution" the depleted uranium they have dropped by the millions of tonnes in Iraq, Kosovo and Afghanistan also, but nope, gotta have your feel good factor. It will feel good when you hear of ten million green jobs being created, you won't care about the 30 million jobs lost as a result because you are captain planet!

And so the new religion is birthed

I don't give a fuck about other places, I give a fuck about where I live.  Go ahead and put quotation marks over pollution like if it's myth, there are motherfuckers dying with cancer along the 710 corridor in Long Beach/L.A..  Oh wait, it's just a coincidence I'm sure that there is a higher concentration of cancer in that area than in the rest of the state based on pure randomness.  Go ahead and make fun of these people, with your "witty" remarks about Captain Planet, it's not changing my beliefs about where I live.  This is my fucking house. 


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Re: Why would someone vote against Prop 23?
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2010, 01:47:30 PM »
Bad economic times are exactly the right time to make regulations stricter and force this technology to be implemented because if these things were done during good times the corporations would still complain and say "this'll cause a slowdown, can't we wait some more?".

We can't wait anymore. We have the technology and the knowledge to replace fossil fuel already, it's just a matter of forcing the cheapass corporations to make the initial buys to create an economy-of-scale and bring the technology into wide use. You may not know this, cars between 1910 and 1922 were all-electric, it wasn't til the mid-20s that gasoline became cheaper than electricity thanks to the Saudi oil fields being drilled.

We need to create a system to pay Californians well if they generate extra electricity and the state should also loan money to homeowners to buy American solar panels or to fix up their homes for conservation. Both those things would circulate money in the economy and create jobs for the construction industry, while saving electricity and creating a market for solar energy.

Also, they should require both conservation technology and solar technology in all future buildings via building codes because recently an MIT lab developed solar tech that you can literally paint on a building so that the entire part of said building that gets sunlight can be used to produce energy. Combine that with wireless electricity and continue to develop the technology and we could make fossil fuels unnecessary.

Fuck the oil and coal corporations. Since the 1970s they've bought the rights to these technologies to hold the patent and prevent them from being produced to protect their ill-gotten monopoly.


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Re: Why would someone vote against Prop 23?
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2010, 01:47:31 PM »

Meanwhile the "environmentalists" can't see the bigger picture, the pollution will just move elsewhere while on aggregate the developed world's standard of living quickly erodes, but don't let the bigger picture get in the way of your "principles".

No one of importance really gives a flying fuck about "pollution" the depleted uranium they have dropped by the millions of tonnes in Iraq, Kosovo and Afghanistan also, but nope, gotta have your feel good factor. It will feel good when you hear of ten million green jobs being created, you won't care about the 30 million jobs lost as a result because you are captain planet!

And so the new religion is birthed

I don't give a fuck about other places, I give a fuck about where I live.  Go ahead and put quotation marks over pollution like if it's myth, there are motherfuckers dying with cancer along the 710 corridor in Long Beach/L.A..  Oh wait, it's just a coincidence I'm sure that there is a higher concentration of cancer in that area than in the rest of the state based on pure randomness.  Go ahead and make fun of these people, with your "witty" remarks about Captain Planet, it's not changing my beliefs about where I live.  This is my fucking house. 

Cancer rates are 1 in 3, because of the synthetic crap you digest, the radiation around you and the CRAP they put in the water supplies, there is of course the sulphur and all that good stuff, but if it's not in your back yard the prevailing winds carry it to you.
Oh and ah yes, the small matter of depleted uranium being dropped like confetti!
Don't you get how marketing works? you use the most striking examples to sell your product, in this case, it's about some genuinely bad cases which sell the case of shutting everything down bar the few.


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Re: Why would someone vote against Prop 23?
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2010, 01:51:02 PM »

Meanwhile the "environmentalists" can't see the bigger picture, the pollution will just move elsewhere while on aggregate the developed world's standard of living quickly erodes, but don't let the bigger picture get in the way of your "principles".

No one of importance really gives a flying fuck about "pollution" the depleted uranium they have dropped by the millions of tonnes in Iraq, Kosovo and Afghanistan also, but nope, gotta have your feel good factor. It will feel good when you hear of ten million green jobs being created, you won't care about the 30 million jobs lost as a result because you are captain planet!

And so the new religion is birthed

I don't give a fuck about other places, I give a fuck about where I live.  Go ahead and put quotation marks over pollution like if it's myth, there are motherfuckers dying with cancer along the 710 corridor in Long Beach/L.A..  Oh wait, it's just a coincidence I'm sure that there is a higher concentration of cancer in that area than in the rest of the state based on pure randomness.  Go ahead and make fun of these people, with your "witty" remarks about Captain Planet, it's not changing my beliefs about where I live.  This is my fucking house. 

Cancer rates are 1 in 3, because of the synthetic crap you digest, the radiation around you and the CRAP they put in the water supplies, there is of course the sulphur and all that good stuff, but if it's not in your back yard the prevailing winds carry it to you.
Oh and ah yes, the small matter of depleted uranium being dropped like confetti!
Don't you get how marketing works? you use the most striking examples to sell your product, in this case, it's about some genuinely bad cases which sell the case of shutting everything down bar the few.

Yeah fucking marketing, because people all over the god damn united states care about that 710 corridor. SHIT IT'S ALL OVER THE WEB/NEWS/FORUMS OMG EVERYWHERE.  Yeah, I have more faith in a peer reviewed study about the 710 corridor and its surrounding areas than whatever the fuck you're gonna say about it.


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Re: Why would someone vote against Prop 23?
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2010, 01:58:08 PM »
There are local environmental issues throughout the world, if these local issues are being deal with the support of the local community...why should outsiders give a fuck?  Mind your own god damn business. 


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Re: Why would someone vote against Prop 23?
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2010, 02:02:49 PM »
Bad economic times are exactly the right time to make regulations stricter and force this technology to be implemented because if these things were done during good times the corporations would still complain and say "this'll cause a slowdown, can't we wait some more?".

We can't wait anymore. We have the technology and the knowledge to replace fossil fuel already, it's just a matter of forcing the cheapass corporations to make the initial buys to create an economy-of-scale and bring the technology into wide use. You may not know this, cars between 1910 and 1922 were all-electric, it wasn't til the mid-20s that gasoline became cheaper than electricity thanks to the Saudi oil fields being drilled.

We need to create a system to pay Californians well if they generate extra electricity and the state should also loan money to homeowners to buy American solar panels or to fix up their homes for conservation. Both those things would circulate money in the economy and create jobs for the construction industry, while saving electricity and creating a market for solar energy.

Also, they should require both conservation technology and solar technology in all future buildings via building codes because recently an MIT lab developed solar tech that you can literally paint on a building so that the entire part of said building that gets sunlight can be used to produce energy. Combine that with wireless electricity and continue to develop the technology and we could make fossil fuels unnecessary.

Fuck the oil and coal corporations. Since the 1970s they've bought the rights to these technologies to hold the patent and prevent them from being produced to protect their ill-gotten monopoly.

Incorrect actually and bad researching, the oil corporations like this, they can make huge amounts of money off carbon trading because there are many processes they can modify to rake in carbon offsetting.


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Re: Why would someone vote against Prop 23?
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2010, 02:10:59 PM »
There are local environmental issues throughout the world, if these local issues are being deal with the support of the local community...why should outsiders give a fuck?  Mind your own god damn business.  

An "outsider" has every right to express themselves on any issue, or else there really would be no actual discussion just continuous piggy backing and back slapping. As an "outsider" it should also speak to the unbelievable blindness and naivety.

I mean for fuck sake if you want to live in a dirt poor country where industry is but a speck on the map, then I am sure there are many places you can go to.
That is basically the future of America, but it won't matter, at least not for a while because it will feel good and then people will just wrap themselves in the bullshit of the "elections" every few years when suddenly hmm maybe rollings things back decades and decades wasn't a good idea because the developing countries will do whatever they want and perhaps being dirt poor aint so cool after all.



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Re: Why would someone vote against Prop 23?
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2010, 02:20:59 PM »
What I find really fucking hilarious is that it wasn't that long ago where environmental concerns were seen as anti establishment ideas, now it clear isn't.  Apparently, I'm a part of this huge monster that is trying to fuck people over and get rich off.  Your "outsider" bullshit doesn't contribute nothing.  How about people work on disproving all of these peer reviewed work that deals with environmental issues, until then there is no discussion. 


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Re: Why would someone vote against Prop 23?
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2010, 02:34:25 PM »

That is why I used the term naivety, you are right, the environmentalist movement is big, many genuine concerns, but it's being steered.
I remember when environmentalists were concerned about GM foods, rightly so to, but then along came the cries of the sky is falling save the earth from carbon emissions and suddenly the majority switched completely off this issue.
I illustrated the point before, false arguments are used to nullify, like "oh the oil corporations love the sound of your language" when  they LOVE "your" language for the very point I have mentioned above.
I never said that environmentalists intentionally want to hurt themselves or others or intentionally collude, but merely that people are being swept along by the latest craze and that, if it wasn't in the interests of the special interests, then there would be no funding for these things, they would register, sure as outrage, but muted outrage, ignored by the media and the mainstream as a whole.

Russell Bell

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Re: Why would someone vote against Prop 23?
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2010, 03:32:48 PM »

That is why I used the term naivety, you are right, the environmentalist movement is big, many genuine concerns, but it's being steered.
I remember when environmentalists were concerned about GM foods, rightly so to, but then along came the cries of the sky is falling save the earth from carbon emissions and suddenly the majority switched completely off this issue.
I illustrated the point before, false arguments are used to nullify, like "oh the oil corporations love the sound of your language" when  they LOVE "your" language for the very point I have mentioned above.
I never said that environmentalists intentionally want to hurt themselves or others or intentionally collude, but merely that people are being swept along by the latest craze and that, if it wasn't in the interests of the special interests, then there would be no funding for these things, they would register, sure as outrage, but muted outrage, ignored by the media and the mainstream as a whole.

I agree that they are being steered.  I mean, look at how much the state of CA can make from smog checks?  Yes, they are necessary to a point.  But they have a built in tax of 8.25 for each one that goes directly to the state!! One shouldn't forget environmentalism has been turned into a business, and just like every other business, the pursuit of money clouds original intentions. 

Money like Draymond Green.....yuuup

Russell Bell

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Re: Why would someone vote against Prop 23?
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2010, 03:40:10 PM »
I'm an environmentalist.  You want to take a look at added cost to business, well I'm taking a look at added cost to the environment.  It's much more severe in the long run.  The LAO couldn't even accurate report the pros and cons to Prop 23, they're just a bunch of vague beliefs for both sides. 

Ok.  I feel you that prop 23 does have a kind of "who knows" some extent.  It is common sense that if a businesses costs go up, especially if they aren't getting a return from their investments, will have less money.  USUALLY....less money = less hiring/more firing.  I get that your area of the state is a terrible place for smog, but so is mine (the Central Valley).  I just don't understand the timing of this bill I guess.  It is so incredibly bad.  It really reeks of that "elitism" that many complain about when talking about gov't, usually environmentalist-only dem's or business-only minded repubs.   12% unemployment means a whole hell of a lot more (and should to everyone who has family who are looking 4 jobs or are doing it themselves) than a few more carcinogens in the air.
Money like Draymond Green.....yuuup


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Re: Why would someone vote against Prop 23?
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2010, 04:31:01 PM »

Real unemployment levels are above 20% by the way, as horrifying as 12% is, it's nowhere near the full picture.