Author Topic: X Parallel Interview (Dope Read)  (Read 52 times)


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X Parallel Interview (Dope Read)
« on: November 06, 2010, 10:29:20 PM »

I2G chilled with X Parallel for a exclusive interview. Those familiar with the site will remember our feature on X for his single The Symbol. X has created a mystery in the music industry as described by him in the interview. Recording under a alias while still being signed to a major is risky, but as X Parallel talks about here the reward outweighs the risk. Check it out.

Illuminati 2G is here with X Parallel how’s it going?

Cool, everything is good.

Tell me a little bit about how you got your start in hip hop and who are some of your musical influences out there.

Prior to this whole X Parallel experience, I got my start like alot of other MC’s, by looking up to my peers that I admire. Also being the type of individual that is trying to spread a message, so being that MCing and hip hop are about the best ways to do so, I chose hip hop as the vehicle to express my ideas.

In terms of influences, we can go back to Melle Mel and Herc, Grandmaster Flash, Public Enemy and Rakim, X-Clan, Big Daddy Kane, Poor Righteous Teachers. More recently Jay Electronica, Wu-Tang, Joell Ortiz.

How did you come up with the name X Parallel for yourself?

X Parallel was really born out of the need for me to.., I like to say make my great escape from the label. X meaning unknown, parallel as to a unknown parallel to what my true indentity is. At least unknown to the public.

You have your new EP that is out right now, which is titled The Symbol. Tell me a little bit about it.

Some of the songs that are on the EP, I was interested in putting on my album on the label. It did not work out that way and we will get into that in just a minute. The EP is a message oriented album and I guess if you had to categorize it, it would be conscious hip hop.

I am just trying to touch on topics that I believe not too many other MCs have addressed. For example one of the songs is Walking Time Bomb, which is about what happens when people get too caught up in conspiracy theories.

We have alot of MCs talking about it but there is a downside in getting too involved with it. That is one topic I feel that MCs have not tackled alot before. Broken Family Blues which is this really twisted cycle that this family finds themselves in.

It is a pretty depressing song about the hardships and the struggles and obstacles that people go through everyday. Then there is the first single that we released a video for which is the title track, The Symbol. That is pretty much a introduction to who X Parallel is and what X Parallel stands for.

You had mentioned earlier about being on a major and being held back. What do you…, I mean as much as you can speak on, what transpired with the label that made you decide to go with this X Parallel alias?

Well I was signed to a major a couple of years ago, under the understanding that the style of music that I do is real hip hop. Shortly after, I could see the label was not really interested in pushing the project as much as all the other commerical stuff that my label mates were putting out.

They kept putting me on the back burner and I kept hearing these release dates and they would come and go. After a while I got tired of it and I asked to be released from the contract, that did not happen and they gave me the run around. After some time, as a artist you have to express yourself and I decided if they are not going to put the music out, I will put it out myself.

It is a risk and I am completely aware of the fact that it is a risk to do this independently. So I just decided to do it under a different name. It is much more difficult because I do not have the resources that a major label has, I don’t have the means to market and promote music.

Everything is independently funded but AT LEAST I got some material and music out. For a MC that is important to express yourself and share your thoughts and music with others. If you can’t do that, you are not a artist anymore. I just had to make my own moves basically.

What advice then would you give in going through everything that you have, to a artist that is on the verge of signing with a major? Or is possibly going down this same route you have?

You have to ask yourself what are you in the industry for and what you want out of it. If you are in it for the fame and the popularity, then signing a major deal MIGHT help you get that. I say might because it is not a sure thing.

If you really about putting out some quality music and not compromising your integrity as a artist, not having to be limited to your subject matter and how you present yourself and being in control of your music, independent is definitely the way to go.

The truth of the matter is, the mainstream industry is really coming to pieces right now. It is on its last leg and I would say anyone at this point who is really pursuing a major deal, is fooling themselves.

Because unless you are on a Lady Gaga or a Justin Beiber type level, then yeah go sign to a label and make it happen. That is what labels are dealing with right now, super pop, super commerical, that is what they are looking at.

If that is what you want, go ahead and pursue that, but for anyone for anyone that wants to keep their integrity, I think there are plenty artists that are showing and proving that it can be done. In my case it is definitely a road with obstacles, but it is definitely worth it. Just being able to express your thoughts and not having someone tell you how they want you to come out and how they want you to look and what to rhyme about, that is modern day slavery.

Absolutely. So what is up for you next now that the EP is out?

Well the EP dropped in September so it is pretty fresh still. Right now we are still promoting and still pushing and as a underground, independent artist we really don’t have to worry about the shelf life of a album.

For someone like Drake, the first couple of weeks are the most important window of time to see if the album hits or not. For independent artists, we are not limited to those first week sales. We definitely have time to push and promote it and we will be releasing other video in the next couple of months as well as some free music.

In terms of another EP, we are going to take our time with that. We just want to see how this is received to start off with.

What has been the fans response been to the album since it has dropped?

It has been real interesting because we have alot of people trying to figure out who I am. I knew this would happen, coming out as X Parallel that people would have theories about what label I was on or who I am.

I had people for a while thinking that I was Lupe Fiasco when he was going through his label politics. People thought it was Lupe trying to put another project out, even though I sound nothing like Lupe. I have been compared to alot of different artists and people are just trying to find a person to put to the voice.

Other than that, the response has been pretty good. Everyone is feeling the concept and the message, and I don’t spend too much time talking about my situation with the label. Lyrically I just have more message oriented songs and people are digging that.

There is a resurgence of hip hop with lyrics and significance. I think I am one of many MCs that is taking advantage of this independent situation and putting out music that does not fit the mainstream mold.

What is your website information? We are throwing up a page on the website where we are going to start featuring other independent artists.

I definitely feel that we need to stick together, so I thought why not give shine to other heads that are looking to promote and get there music out there.

Alright well that is all the questions that I have for you, appreciate you getting down for the interview. Is there any last words or shoutouts you want to get out there to the people?

Shout outs to the people that have been working with me. It’s been difficult because everything has been under a concealed indentity, so I need to give a shoutout to Trae Sevn, who produced everything and my man Rod who did the video with Trae. Say It Loud Music.

I appreciate you taking the risk that you are doing. Alot of artists stay quiet and become imprisoned with their contract, but you are putting yourself out and doing it independently I salute you for that. I interview alot of artists and some have expressed they are in situations they cannot get out of or don’t think their music is going to be heard and there are definitely avenues out there for them.

The way I look at it, somebody has to do something. I appreciate Illuminati 2G for giving independent artists shine man. I checked out the website and I definitely see that you guys are focusing on those heads who don’t get the proper recognition. Definitely big ups to you guys.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: X Parallel Interview (Dope Read)
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2010, 06:14:55 PM »
Of course it is possible this is just a good way to release some music and this guy does not have a music contract with anyone....

How do you download this dudes project?      I listened to his song symbol and he sounds like a movie narrator a more than a rapper....but whatever material to bang

I read the website... again this dude wants to sell his project......for money....what kind of vanity people have....they want  pay for the sound of there voice....Fuck that

Get a real  Job you Hippy
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 06:23:10 PM by Smackdog »
"If you see me on a solo move believe that I'm strapped"  - dr. dre

"as he wondered what popped before he got popped, I told you this is dre and you know it dont stop"
"don't choke,  if you do,  you  have no clue, of what me and my homeboy Snoop dogg came to do"