Author Topic: Was the holocaust a political scam ?  (Read 1048 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Was the holocaust a political scam ?
« on: November 26, 2010, 09:22:56 AM »
Was the Holocaust the greatest crime in history, or is it a continuing political scam?

The following is a composition of views held by a wide range of people. Which are correct or not is largely a matter of opinion

There are a large number of people who believe that the Jewish race concocted a story about the Holocaust, or greatly inflated the number of deaths associated with it, in order to further an agenda.

As to what that agenda may be, again, there are many theories, ranging from gaining world sympathy to increasing their political power to securing the state of Israel.

What is the truth?

Only you can form an opinion on that.


Deniers believe that the Holocaust is used by the Jewish community in order to curtail anyone who speaks freely, and negatively, about the Jews.

Through the educational system we are told, from an early age, that Nazi Germany butchered millions of Jews during World War II.

This is despite the little known, or generally unreported, fact that the Red Cross monitored German concentration camps during the whole of the war and found that there was no extermination program targeting the Jews.


Throughout the Second World War, as with just about every other war, both sides employed propaganda in an attempt to motivate their people and demoralise their opposition.

Some claim that the whole concept of the Holocaust was a propaganda story designed to permanently smear the German people as mass-murderers.

Since the end of the war it has become increasingly politically incorrect to highlight racial differences or to talk of immigration controls, especially where immigration into ‘white’ nations is concerned.

Anyone who does so is likely to be labelled as a ‘Nazi’ or xenophobe.


In schools history is taught in a way that encourages students to question the facts.

After all, a lot of what we believe about our past is based upon the opinions of researchers and archaeologists.

In many areas, our understanding of history changes over time as existing concepts are revisited and re-examined.

Where the Holocaust is concerned, however, everything is taken as fact - teachers state ‘undeniable facts’ which students are expected to swallow as being the final word on the matter.

Children are told that the Holocaust happened, and that millions of Jews died.

To even suggest that there is conflicting evidence is taboo since anyone who intimates that the Holocaust was not as history tells us it was is instantly labelled as anti-Semitic, or a Nazi.


After the war ended, the surviving members of Germany’s political and military hierarchy were put on trial at Nuremberg.

The court was headed by representatives of the Allies.

The Russian judge was the same man who presided over Stalin’s infamous 1930s purge trials.

Whilst it may be difficult to argue that the Germans on trial were not guilty of barbarism, crimes against humanity and other war crimes, there was no due process or protections afforded to the defendants in the way that someone on trial in the UK or the US would have enjoyed at that point in history.

The ‘evidence’ of genocide was enough to convict the men before the trial began, and the validity of such evidence was never questioned.

Inconvenient or conflicting evidence or testimony was suppressed.

Propaganda and lies were accepted, and the conclusions of the court, based on what was actually admissible, have, perhaps, changed our views of history for ever.

After all, it has often be said that history is always written by the victor.


1. The number of Jews in the world between 1939 and 1949 (16 million or so) stayed fairly constant over that time period.

2. Jewish propaganda originally claimed 18 million dead but that figure was dropped several times until it reached 6 million.

3. 5 million Jews emigrated from Nazi-controlled Europe after the war, either to the US or Israel.

This is despite the fact that the Nazis were said to have killed 6 million of the 5 million Jews living in the territory they controlled.

Additionally, Russia claimed to have taken in 2 million of those Jews, ahead of the advancing German army.

Is there not something wrong with these figures?

4. Despite the extermination of Jews by the Germans, half a million survived occupation in Paris for 4 years.

If there was a massive plan of extermination then how did such a large and concentrated number survive that length of time?

5. The Germans used Jews as forced labourers, supporting their war effort.

Why then, would they exterminate their workforce?

6. The Communist atrocity.

German troops discovered that Communist soldiers had mass murdered thousands of Polish prisoners near Katyn forest.

What was their response?

They called in neutral inspectors and the Red Cross to examine the atrocity.

No such investigation was ever undertaken by the Allies.

7. Casualties of war

When World War Two ended there were starving inmates discovered at many camps, and thousands had indeed died.

Could this not have been a result of Allied bombings which destroyed German infrastructure, cutting off food, medicine and other supplies?

8. Scientists discovered no evidence of gassing in ‘gas chambers’.

Many buildings were tested and found to have no residual evidence of gassing taking place.

Also, they were not sealed or vented in a way that would have made it possible for them to be used as gas chambers.

9. Recalculations are wrong.

When the number of Jews gassed at Auschwitz was downgraded from 4 million to 1 million why did the total number of Holocaust victims remain at 6 million?

This defies the simple logic of mathematics.

10. Jews control the media

Many of the major media corporations are controlled by Jews, either directly or indirectly.

This gives them the ideal opportunity to sway opinion and influence beliefs about the Holocaust and Jewish persecution in order to create a smokescreen, designed to hide their increasing political and financial power.


I believe some of the above points do carry some validity, though I am certainly not going to deny that atrocities occurred during the war.

It is my belief that atrocities were probably carried out by all sides in the war, more so by the Germans, and quite specifically against the Jews.

I also believe that Jews were killed in huge numbers, maybe the low millions.

However, I am of the opinion that those figures have been inflated for effect.

With the scale of the Holocaust, as it is presented to us now, it is very hard to have anything negative to say about the Jewish race.

I believe that feeling of sympathy led directly to the creation of the State of Israel, something that would probably have never even been contemplated if the Holocaust had never happened.


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Re: Was the holocaust a political scam ?
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2010, 09:44:47 AM »
Didn't you already make a post about this?


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Re: Was the holocaust a political scam ?
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2010, 10:41:09 AM »
your moms pussy is a  scam


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Re: Was the holocaust a political scam ?
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2010, 11:10:40 AM »
It has completely been exploited by the Jews without a doubt. They fail to acknowledge the millions of non Jews killed. It has allowed them to play victim for decades to somehow justify their satanic ways. It's literally a crime in some parts of Europe to say that less than 6 million Jews died in the holocaust.

For another interesting bit check this out. The most evil of Jews are descended from Ashkenazi. Yes, AshkeNAZI. Try and make sense of that and maybe you'll begin to understand how deceptive they really are.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Was the holocaust a political scam ?
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2010, 12:06:37 PM »

Whoa Jrome chill man, firstly I have no idea what the truth of the holocaust is, I know there have been very real questions asked which most people are too scared to really look into. As for me personally it's such a hot potato I don't personally go near it but word, the law is ridiculous and it is downright dangerous, setting the precedent that history should not be questioned. However by the same token, it is very apparent that the nazi party did have a deep hatred for the jews, for the russians etc, so to learn that millions were killed in the concentration camps would not be in the least bit surprising.

However my "who Jrome" comes from the fact that lets be honest, a group of jews do run basically everything, backed up and assisted by white europeans, the anglo establishment basically. However come on man, we are talking about a relatively small group of jews and whites who have tried to strangle the world. The way I am reading what you are writing is that jews in general are "deceptive" "evil" etc I sure hope I am reading that wrong.


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Re: Was the holocaust a political scam ?
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2010, 12:07:31 PM »
It has completely been exploited by the Jews without a doubt. They fail to acknowledge the millions of non Jews killed. It has allowed them to play victim for decades to somehow justify their satanic ways. It's literally a crime in some parts of Europe to say that less than 6 million Jews died in the holocaust.

For another interesting bit check this out. The most evil of Jews are descended from Ashkenazi. Yes, AshkeNAZI. Try and make sense of that and maybe you'll begin to understand how deceptive they really are.
amazing post. fuck those damn tricksters


Re: Was the holocaust a political scam ?
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2010, 02:19:51 PM »
i don´t need any medicate shit im 100 normal.


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Re: Was the holocaust a political scam ?
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2010, 05:24:02 AM »
I think they killed much more russians then most other nationalities & ethnicities combined.


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Re: Was the holocaust a political scam ?
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2010, 10:42:39 AM »

Whoa Jrome chill man, firstly I have no idea what the truth of the holocaust is, I know there have been very real questions asked which most people are too scared to really look into. As for me personally it's such a hot potato I don't personally go near it but word, the law is ridiculous and it is downright dangerous, setting the precedent that history should not be questioned. However by the same token, it is very apparent that the nazi party did have a deep hatred for the jews, for the russians etc, so to learn that millions were killed in the concentration camps would not be in the least bit surprising.

However my "who Jrome" comes from the fact that lets be honest, a group of jews do run basically everything, backed up and assisted by white europeans, the anglo establishment basically. However come on man, we are talking about a relatively small group of jews and whites who have tried to strangle the world. The way I am reading what you are writing is that jews in general are "deceptive" "evil" etc I sure hope I am reading that wrong.

I hear you.  Here's my thing.  First, as you well know, saying anything negative about Israel's policy automatically dubs you an anti-Semite.  Nevermind that many are not Semitic.  In the eyes of the media, UN, etc, there is no crime worse than being an anti-semite. 

The thing is, I don't give a fuck anymore.  It's time to call a spade a spade.  Anyone subscribing to Judaism should be looked at with disdain.  They believe that they are better than everyone, they are ordained by God to exterminate, lie, cheat, and steal from all the Goyim.  They believe that all Goyim are only on this earth to serve them.  They hide the Talmud from the goy, they hide the kaballah.  The Protocols of the elders of Zion are real.  They are absolutely the driver behind the global financial crisis, nearly all wars, etc.  They are behind the social engineering that is Hollywood and entertainment that lowers the bar year after year.  They encourage cultural diversity everywhere in the world except for Israel.  They want to wipe out all aspect of culture that isn't theirs.  It's time for this to end. 

Fuck that and fuck them. 

I know generalizations are dangerous, and I have made it a point to try and never do it.  My girlfriends father is a Jew, I have Jewish friends.  Only after a lot of research have I come to see Judaism in a new light.  If you subscribe to that ideology that is an inherently evil one, then it should be called out.  I don't wish harm on anyone that is innocent, but the fact remains that many Jews are evil, and their religion tells them to be.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Was the holocaust a political scam ?
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2010, 11:20:11 AM »

Whoa Jrome chill man, firstly I have no idea what the truth of the holocaust is, I know there have been very real questions asked which most people are too scared to really look into. As for me personally it's such a hot potato I don't personally go near it but word, the law is ridiculous and it is downright dangerous, setting the precedent that history should not be questioned. However by the same token, it is very apparent that the nazi party did have a deep hatred for the jews, for the russians etc, so to learn that millions were killed in the concentration camps would not be in the least bit surprising.

However my "who Jrome" comes from the fact that lets be honest, a group of jews do run basically everything, backed up and assisted by white europeans, the anglo establishment basically. However come on man, we are talking about a relatively small group of jews and whites who have tried to strangle the world. The way I am reading what you are writing is that jews in general are "deceptive" "evil" etc I sure hope I am reading that wrong.

I hear you.  Here's my thing.  First, as you well know, saying anything negative about Israel's policy automatically dubs you an anti-Semite.  Nevermind that many are not Semitic.  In the eyes of the media, UN, etc, there is no crime worse than being an anti-semite. 

The thing is, I don't give a fuck anymore.  It's time to call a spade a spade.  Anyone subscribing to Judaism should be looked at with disdain.  They believe that they are better than everyone, they are ordained by God to exterminate, lie, cheat, and steal from all the Goyim.  They believe that all Goyim are only on this earth to serve them.  They hide the Talmud from the goy, they hide the kaballah.  The Protocols of the elders of Zion are real.  They are absolutely the driver behind the global financial crisis, nearly all wars, etc.  They are behind the social engineering that is Hollywood and entertainment that lowers the bar year after year.  They encourage cultural diversity everywhere in the world except for Israel.  They want to wipe out all aspect of culture that isn't theirs.  It's time for this to end. 

Fuck that and fuck them. 

I know generalizations are dangerous, and I have made it a point to try and never do it.  My girlfriends father is a Jew, I have Jewish friends.  Only after a lot of research have I come to see Judaism in a new light.  If you subscribe to that ideology that is an inherently evil one, then it should be called out.  I don't wish harm on anyone that is innocent, but the fact remains that many Jews are evil, and their religion tells them to be.

I to call a spade a spade, there are a group of cold hearted, cold blooded jews running the show but to generalise, I don't buy. For a start taking Israel as a case in point, over half the population is secular.


Re: Was the holocaust a political scam ?
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2010, 06:51:32 PM »
"...and these niggas gettin tattoo tears...industry Bloods that show fear, when the authentics are near"

OG Hack Wilson

Re: Was the holocaust a political scam ?
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2010, 07:28:24 PM »
lol @ the idea of downplaying one million people dying.  pathetic.
Quote from: Now_I_Know on September 10, 2001, 04:19:36 PM
This guy aint no crip, and I'm 100% sure on that because he doesn't type like a crip, I know crips, and that fool is not a crip.

"I went from being homeless strung out on Dust to an 8 bedroom estate signed 2 1 of my fav rappers... Pump it up jokes can't hurt me."-- Mr. Joey Buddens


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Was the holocaust a political scam ?
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2010, 11:08:05 AM »
lol @ the idea of downplaying one million people dying.  pathetic.

What are you talking about?


  • 'G'
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Re: Was the holocaust a political scam ?
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2010, 06:52:22 AM »
Jews exploit the Holocaust like black people exploit slavery.

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Re: Was the holocaust a political scam ?
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2010, 09:32:01 AM »
