Author Topic: Michael Jordan isnt the greatest basketball player ever.....  (Read 3755 times)

Don Jacob

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Re:Michael Jordan isnt the greatest basketball player ever.....
« Reply #60 on: January 06, 2003, 12:19:53 AM »
its truly mean most journalists , sports writers, Gernal mangagers , players, couches, columnists and fans FROM LA will tell you that kobe is the best all around player in the league right?? lmao don't joke!!

wow geez i didn't know Dr. Jack Ramsey was based in LA ::)

yeah i know kobe can shoot, pass the ball and create shots so what your fucking point?? tmac, payton, kidd, AI can do the same if not better
ummmmmmm nope, none of them can do ALL of those things
Tmac is a shooter, defense is mediocre and isn't a very effective passer

Kidd is a passer , he can get points here and there but more times than not when he's the leading scorer and not passing his team does't get the W

AI, is a ball hog straight up, he has D .......every 5 games , and his passing is ineffective, Larry Brown and eric snow had to work with him on that as a matter of fact,lol
when did kobe shut down any of these players??? please name a game when your hero kobe shut down these players and site a source

NBA finals 2001 -AI and the laker home game in same year and 2000 against sixers

T-mac-any game between 99-2002, first meet of this year was great both players equaled eachother but Tracy had back probs and knee probs and Kobe had Knee, ankle , elbow and lower leg probs, and Tmac barely played the 2nd meet so i can't count this season

oh yeah kobe isn't my 'hero'......shaq/Magic/Barkley/Moses Malone are

kobe gets his hype because he wins championships not cuz he can back it completely ignored my arguement on how kobe can't even carry a team by himself....and yes your least tmac, AI, kidd, payton can carry their team to the playoffs by know what i'll forever kiss kobes ass if he can carry his team to the 8th seed of the playoffs by himself...

you know what the very fact that Kobe has championships
should say it all but since you're too heated  i'll explain

like i've said amillion times the Lakers as a WHOLE organization is based around Shaquille O'neals Needs. just like Chicago Based everything around Jordan's. Just like the Celtics did for Russle....just like any Great Main Option gets from his organization. Shaq is the Laker's Crown jewel. even Kobe is a compliment to Shaq, when Jerry west was putting this organization together back in 96' this is what they were doing. Getting Shaq and meeting his needs to get the rings. that's what every GM tries to do. Kobe just rose to superstardome.....when he was traded in the draft they though kobe was going to be the perfect back up to eddie jones , they were going for bench depth. but it turned out he was better than all the shooting guards in the organization (this is what they're doing with kareem rush[depth that is not superstar btw]). SO when Orlando's GM is making moves this season it's all to complement T-mac to make his life better and to make it easy for him to score. in Philly that's what their GM is trying to do make life easier for AI, so he can get the open looks. when NJ's GM makes moves for Jason kidd they're doing it to get players that jason kidd can get to make shots for him. In LA it's all about Shaq and getting his needs , we already saw in 99 and 2000 when they tried to meet BOTH kobe and shaq's demands ,Chaos. And Shaq would  NOT have it ! or take then step down to let kobe be the main option and play in a team built around hiiiiim! This is what shaq and kobe were bitching about during their fued.  So Kobe had to take the step down and let Shaq take total control of the team, and kobe's time to score is whenever shaq's not (which is not a lot btw lol) and at the end of the 4th quarter. So my answer to you is.......Kobe can't lead his team anywhere cuz he's not the Main guy! the team isn't based around him, he doen't have a cushion like every other superstar in the league! Kobe would anywhere else but he's playing on the same team as the most demanding player in HISTORY

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09

Don Jacob

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Re:Michael Jordan isnt the greatest basketball player ever.....
« Reply #61 on: January 06, 2003, 12:20:22 AM »
and you said these players said they model after kobe??? LMAO!!! please don't lie..yes they gave him props..but don't exaggerate like that

i said tmac did and i can site him on that lakers-magic 2001-2002 post game press confrence

something to the effect of

"yeah this team is hard to beat, you got shaq whose a complete monster and Kobe who is a leader and sort of a role modle for players like me"

-Tracy Mcgrady-

and NO..john stockton and karl malone is one of the greatest players that ever played...BUT NOT CHAMPIONS...don't put words in my mouth
actually they are sir, back to back western confrence champions...

and i'd like to know what context that anouncer siad that in aswell

and all of my players are only good for dunks and flashy passes?? LMAO!! hmm. lets see...jason kidd AVERAGED A TRIPLE DOUBLE during the conference finals, gary payton at 34(?) can carry his sorry ass team by himself to the playoffs in the WEST..both mcgrady and iverson can score, pass, play defensive, and most importantly, can carry their sorry ass team to the playoffs...which kobe has never done...not alone can't even keep his team at 500..lmao...the truth always hurts

yeah and kobe probably has the most triple double in the league right now,so what......who won the championship?

yeah , my bad i didn't know that the sonic were this just shows your ignorance seattle is a damn good team with lots of talent, i love payton !but he's never gotten nowhere in the play offs , 95' they got to the finals true, but it was becuase of shawn kemp, gary payton's game went down like you said kobe's did during that post season. and the sonics almost released GP last season becuase he didn't want to play with his teammates, he wanted to play individual ball, and he siad it himself.

tracy mcgrady has been 2 what 2 playoff's and lost both of the series when they SHOULD've won   they SHOULD've beat the sixers but he didn't come through. they COULD"VE beat the hornets last year but didn't becuase he couldn't come through. while he was busy trying to win all the games by himself he was ignoring his teammates resulting in a loss

Jason Kidd coiuldn't even win a playoff series until he was put on a very loaded New Jersey nets team

and like i siad above these players have cushioins they're whole team is based around them and their play.......kobe doesn't have that luxiory.....and if he did it'd be DAMN interesting to see theonly time Kobe has had that is during all those all star games, and i'd pretty much say kobe put alllll those all stars on his back last year , you don't go into an ALLLL STARRRRRR game and do all the stuff kobe did and not be considered above those players.

yeah the lakers are below .500 but we started off in a bad bad way, most of our line up is nursing injuries, kinda hard to win when you're racked up, but hey we're getting back

oh yeah i find it funny how you have to call me a biggot when you don't even know me and try to change subjects cuz you can't give me one good reason why kobe is the best player in the league..well kid...keep hiding behind the screen cuz thats what your good for..

i find it funny how you are quick to diss by calling me big fake and dumb amongst other things about me and havn't even gone into as much detail as me  but insist i'm that what you say is the truth when you make ignorant statements like the sonics are a sorry ass team. but  hey i'm just glad i'm not as insecure as you and have to diss everyone who disagrees with me so bullegerantly with statements like ^.....

lol^^typical start to a Jake argument...

i would agree that Kobe is probably the best 2 guard in the league....but best player, i dunno bout that.   lol

you damn right i start off with the facts

and thank you yes kobe is the best shooting guard in the league

i already know who you think is the best player (Duncan) which i can't hate and is a respectable opinion

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09

Don Jacob

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Re:Michael Jordan isnt the greatest basketball player ever.....
« Reply #62 on: January 06, 2003, 12:23:24 AM »
oh yEAH will school me on basketball knowledge??? you sound like a 5th grader...please grow don't even know shit about b-ball thats why you have to reliy on these socalled anaylists cuz you can't form your own opinion ...get a life loser

i'd rather form my opinion based around EXPERTS who know more than both me and you  (me being the majority of the knowledge btw)

than out of bias ignorance

and yes i will school you on basketball knowledge you probably don't even know basic x and o plays

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re:Michael Jordan isnt the greatest basketball player ever.....
« Reply #63 on: January 06, 2003, 05:05:29 AM »
*falls asleep while reading Jakes post*


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Re:Michael Jordan isnt the greatest basketball player ever.....
« Reply #64 on: January 06, 2003, 08:38:33 AM »

its truly mean most journalists , sports writers, Gernal mangagers , players, couches, columnists and fans FROM LA will tell you that kobe is the best all around player in the league right?? lmao don't joke!!

yeah i know kobe can shoot, pass the ball and create shots so what your fucking point?? tmac, payton, kidd, AI can do the same if not better

when did kobe shut down any of these players??? please name a game when your hero kobe shut down these players and site a source

kobe gets his hype because he wins championships not cuz he can back it completely ignored my arguement on how kobe can't even carry a team by himself....and yes your least tmac, AI, kidd, payton can carry their team to the playoffs by know what i'll forever kiss kobes ass if he can carry his team to the 8th seed of the playoffs by himself...

and you said these players said they model after kobe??? LMAO!!! please don't lie..yes they gave him props..but don't exaggerate like that

and NO..john stockton and karl malone is one of the greatest players that ever played...BUT NOT CHAMPIONS...don't put words in my mouth

and all of my players are only good for dunks and flashy passes?? LMAO!! hmm. lets see...jason kidd AVERAGED A TRIPLE DOUBLE during the conference finals, gary payton at 34(?) can carry his sorry ass team by himself to the playoffs in the WEST..both mcgrady and iverson can score, pass, play defensive, and most importantly, can carry their sorry ass team to the playoffs...which kobe has never done...not alone can't even keep his team at 500..lmao...the truth always hurts...

oh yeah i find it funny how you have to call me a biggot when you don't even know me and try to change subjects cuz you can't give me one good reason why kobe is the best player in the league..well kid...keep hiding behind the screen cuz thats what your good for..

*about to watch AI kill the dallas mavs*

great post man... Yo if Kobe is SUCH a better player then all these other guards bigJake is runnin off then how come T-Mac, who I think is better then KOBE (sorry for not being an NBA analyst ::)) then how come....

T-Mac is at 30.4 Points a Game (easily leading the league by almost 4 points)

Kobe is averaging 26.7 (third in the league)

T-Mac is shooting a .468% shooting percentage (his highest ever since he's been in the league)

while Kobe is shooting a .441% shooting percentage (his lowest since his second year in the league 97-98)

T-Mac is shooting 394% from 3 point (once again his highest ever since he's been in the league)

while Kobe is shooting .316 from 3 point...

Blocks per game T-Mac is averaging 1.00

Kobe is at .88 a game...

and you wanna talk about how Kobe can carry his team blah blah thru the playoffs... how come Kobe's points per game goes way down in the playoffs too 20.8, while T-Mac's playoff average is at a steady 28.0?

Anyways, just a few things I wanted to point out to these people that are SO SURE Kobe is the best in the league hands down!, lmao...



Tmac is the First option on his team, Tmac might have all that but niether him nor his team mates think he's better than kobe. Tmac is the only player as talented as kobe but he lacks the disaplin and the teammanship .....Horace Grant said this and i think he'd know what he is talking about. like i said above if anyone else was playing with shaq they wouldn't be getting the #'s that kobe is getting straight up

Yoa Ming was leading Shaq in a few stats earlier in the season , Does that make him better than Shaq?! lol no! he was getting better stats than Vlade Divac and David he better than them, HELL FUCKING NO! he's not even the best rookie , Stodimire from Pheonix is right now. Stats don't tell the whole story bud

anybody else that would be playing with shaq wouldn't be putting the # like kobe is???? LMAO....yo first of all, stop contradicting yourself....its you who said stats don't even matter and also you said tmac is talented as kobe...but in the next post you said tmac only has offensive, is not a good passer, and lacks D??? lmao..kid just give don't know jack about basketball..

btw yao ming is the shit....


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Re:Michael Jordan isnt the greatest basketball player ever.....
« Reply #65 on: January 06, 2003, 08:53:55 AM »

wow geez i didn't know Dr. Jack Ramsey was based in LA ::)

ummmmmmm nope, none of them can do ALL of those things
Tmac is a shooter, defense is mediocre and isn't a very effective passer

Kidd is a passer , he can get points here and there but more times than not when he's the leading scorer and not passing his team does't get the W

AI, is a ball hog straight up, he has D .......every 5 games , and his passing is ineffective, Larry Brown and eric snow had to work with him on that as a matter of fact,lol
when did kobe shut down any of these players??? please name a game when your hero kobe shut down these players and site a source

NBA finals 2001 -AI and the laker home game in same year and 2000 against sixers

T-mac-any game between 99-2002, first meet of this year was great both players equaled eachother but Tracy had back probs and knee probs and Kobe had Knee, ankle , elbow and lower leg probs, and Tmac barely played the 2nd meet so i can't count this season

oh yeah kobe isn't my 'hero'......shaq/Magic/Barkley/Moses Malone are


you know what the very fact that Kobe has championships
should say it all but since you're too heated  i'll explain

like i've said amillion times the Lakers as a WHOLE organization is based around Shaquille O'neals Needs. just like Chicago Based everything around Jordan's. Just like the Celtics did for Russle....just like any Great Main Option gets from his organization. Shaq is the Laker's Crown jewel. even Kobe is a compliment to Shaq, when Jerry west was putting this organization together back in 96' this is what they were doing. Getting Shaq and meeting his needs to get the rings. that's what every GM tries to do. Kobe just rose to superstardome.....when he was traded in the draft they though kobe was going to be the perfect back up to eddie jones , they were going for bench depth. but it turned out he was better than all the shooting guards in the organization (this is what they're doing with kareem rush[depth that is not superstar btw]). SO when Orlando's GM is making moves this season it's all to complement T-mac to make his life better and to make it easy for him to score. in Philly that's what their GM is trying to do make life easier for AI, so he can get the open looks. when NJ's GM makes moves for Jason kidd they're doing it to get players that jason kidd can get to make shots for him. In LA it's all about Shaq and getting his needs , we already saw in 99 and 2000 when they tried to meet BOTH kobe and shaq's demands ,Chaos. And Shaq would  NOT have it ! or take then step down to let kobe be the main option and play in a team built around hiiiiim! This is what shaq and kobe were bitching about during their fued.  So Kobe had to take the step down and let Shaq take total control of the team, and kobe's time to score is whenever shaq's not (which is not a lot btw lol) and at the end of the 4th quarter. So my answer to you is.......Kobe can't lead his team anywhere cuz he's not the Main guy! the team isn't based around him, he doen't have a cushion like every other superstar in the league! Kobe would anywhere else but he's playing on the same team as the most demanding player in HISTORY

ummmm no actually the players i mentioned above CAN do those obviously haven't read my post..i'm not about to write all that shit again..

AI got shut down in the 2001 finals? by kobe?? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG that was the funniest thing i've ever either are seriously ignorant or got kobe's dick in ya mouth....just cuz the sixers lost..doesn't mean AI got shut down when 4 out of the 5 final games that he played he had a superb game....except for game 3 i think.....and when in 2000 did AI got shut down??? like i said come with a source....

youre right about kobe vs tmac though...every time they played they were injured or not playing...

just by how you talk about kobe...everybody gets the impression that kobe is your hero lmao

and yes kobe gets his hype from winning championships....its not that hard to figure out amigo..and LMAO at your excuse on why kobe can't led his team by himself....i'll put it like this...kobe has good role players, best coaching staff, probably about the same as what what jkidd, tmac, AI, GP has...i mean what more can you ask for??? face it man kobe is not better than these 4 players...i'm not saying he is whack...he is def good but not better..i mean if kobe is soo good like you say...he shouldn't be the 2nd option and he should at least be carrying his team when shaq is injured..but he can never do that..
« Last Edit: January 06, 2003, 08:56:32 AM by drunken_mastenori »


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Re:Michael Jordan isnt the greatest basketball player ever.....
« Reply #66 on: January 06, 2003, 09:16:20 AM »

i said tmac did and i can site him on that lakers-magic 2001-2002 post game press confrence

something to the effect of

"yeah this team is hard to beat, you got shaq whose a complete monster and Kobe who is a leader and sort of a role modle for players like me"

-Tracy Mcgrady-

actually they are sir, back to back western confrence champions...

and i'd like to know what context that anouncer siad that in aswell


yeah and kobe probably has the most triple double in the league right now,so what......who won the championship?

yeah , my bad i didn't know that the sonic were this just shows your ignorance seattle is a damn good team with lots of talent, i love payton !but he's never gotten nowhere in the play offs , 95' they got to the finals true, but it was becuase of shawn kemp, gary payton's game went down like you said kobe's did during that post season. and the sonics almost released GP last season becuase he didn't want to play with his teammates, he wanted to play individual ball, and he siad it himself.

tracy mcgrady has been 2 what 2 playoff's and lost both of the series when they SHOULD've won   they SHOULD've beat the sixers but he didn't come through. they COULD"VE beat the hornets last year but didn't becuase he couldn't come through. while he was busy trying to win all the games by himself he was ignoring his teammates resulting in a loss

Jason Kidd coiuldn't even win a playoff series until he was put on a very loaded New Jersey nets team

and like i siad above these players have cushioins they're whole team is based around them and their play.......kobe doesn't have that luxiory.....and if he did it'd be DAMN interesting to see theonly time Kobe has had that is during all those all star games, and i'd pretty much say kobe put alllll those all stars on his back last year , you don't go into an ALLLL STARRRRRR game and do all the stuff kobe did and not be considered above those players.

yeah the lakers are below .500 but we started off in a bad bad way, most of our line up is nursing injuries, kinda hard to win when you're racked up, but hey we're getting back


i find it funny how you are quick to diss by calling me big fake and dumb amongst other things about me and havn't even gone into as much detail as me  but insist i'm that what you say is the truth when you make ignorant statements like the sonics are a sorry ass team. but  hey i'm just glad i'm not as insecure as you and have to diss everyone who disagrees with me so bullegerantly with statements like ^.....

like i said before i'm not about to believe a laker fan cuz they have the tendency to lie..please give me a source and i'll believe that tmac actually said this

western conference champions??? lmao...i mean nba was marv albert(your another hero) and doug collins who has said stockton and malone were champions btw

kobe wins championships cuz he has shaq..plain and simple

sonics are sorry as fuck who they have lewis?? berry?? mason??lmao come on 2-3 years sonic could be a good team but not now..

btw orlando magic played BUCKS not SIXERS in the playoffs..lmao...i'm sorry for keep exposing your ignorance but i have no choice...

jkidd when he was with the suns he still managed to led them to the playoffs...

my fucking point is that they proven they are better than kobe cuz they have something kobe doesn't have..leadership and carrying their team on their backs...and how the fuck they have cushions when since they are the main options for their team....when they lose...all the blame is on them..its called pressure....face the facts....and oh yeah ball hogging 90% of the time during the all-star game to get 31 points doesn't make you the best....

and trust me, ain't nobody dissed you...calling you bigfake cuz you know i always refer you to that  and youre the one who calls me biggot so whatever....another contradiction by bigfakedoggydogg... :-\

me insecure?? umm actually i'm having the time of my life...while you go on to this message board and calls people biggot, hypocrite, etc. etc. ...maybe its time for you to look in the mirror...i know i know...its hard since your uglyer than krs-one and have a million pimples but you gotta..


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Re:Michael Jordan isnt the greatest basketball player ever.....
« Reply #67 on: January 06, 2003, 09:22:24 AM »
oh yEAH will school me on basketball knowledge??? you sound like a 5th grader...please grow don't even know shit about b-ball thats why you have to reliy on these socalled anaylists cuz you can't form your own opinion ...get a life loser

i'd rather form my opinion based around EXPERTS who know more than both me and you  (me being the majority of the knowledge btw)

than out of bias ignorance

and yes i will school you on basketball knowledge you probably don't even know basic x and o plays

i'd rather have my own opinion instead of being  a sellout listening to these biased and so called experts you claim them to be when all they fucking talk about is the fucking all they fucking know it seems...and how would you know if they have more knowledge than me??? just cuz they on TV with about 3000 pages of information they read  off during games???? dude shut the fuck up...

and once again you sound like a 5th please don't waste your life like this


Re:Michael Jordan isnt the greatest basketball player ever.....
« Reply #68 on: January 06, 2003, 12:59:01 PM »

its truly mean most journalists , sports writers, Gernal mangagers , players, couches, columnists and fans FROM LA will tell you that kobe is the best all around player in the league right?? lmao don't joke!!

yeah i know kobe can shoot, pass the ball and create shots so what your fucking point?? tmac, payton, kidd, AI can do the same if not better

when did kobe shut down any of these players??? please name a game when your hero kobe shut down these players and site a source

kobe gets his hype because he wins championships not cuz he can back it completely ignored my arguement on how kobe can't even carry a team by himself....and yes your least tmac, AI, kidd, payton can carry their team to the playoffs by know what i'll forever kiss kobes ass if he can carry his team to the 8th seed of the playoffs by himself...

and you said these players said they model after kobe??? LMAO!!! please don't lie..yes they gave him props..but don't exaggerate like that

and NO..john stockton and karl malone is one of the greatest players that ever played...BUT NOT CHAMPIONS...don't put words in my mouth

and all of my players are only good for dunks and flashy passes?? LMAO!! hmm. lets see...jason kidd AVERAGED A TRIPLE DOUBLE during the conference finals, gary payton at 34(?) can carry his sorry ass team by himself to the playoffs in the WEST..both mcgrady and iverson can score, pass, play defensive, and most importantly, can carry their sorry ass team to the playoffs...which kobe has never done...not alone can't even keep his team at 500..lmao...the truth always hurts...

oh yeah i find it funny how you have to call me a biggot when you don't even know me and try to change subjects cuz you can't give me one good reason why kobe is the best player in the league..well kid...keep hiding behind the screen cuz thats what your good for..

*about to watch AI kill the dallas mavs*

great post man... Yo if Kobe is SUCH a better player then all these other guards bigJake is runnin off then how come T-Mac, who I think is better then KOBE (sorry for not being an NBA analyst ::)) then how come....

T-Mac is at 30.4 Points a Game (easily leading the league by almost 4 points)

Kobe is averaging 26.7 (third in the league)

T-Mac is shooting a .468% shooting percentage (his highest ever since he's been in the league)

while Kobe is shooting a .441% shooting percentage (his lowest since his second year in the league 97-98)

T-Mac is shooting 394% from 3 point (once again his highest ever since he's been in the league)

while Kobe is shooting .316 from 3 point...

Blocks per game T-Mac is averaging 1.00

Kobe is at .88 a game...

and you wanna talk about how Kobe can carry his team blah blah thru the playoffs... how come Kobe's points per game goes way down in the playoffs too 20.8, while T-Mac's playoff average is at a steady 28.0?

Anyways, just a few things I wanted to point out to these people that are SO SURE Kobe is the best in the league hands down!, lmao...



Tmac is the First option on his team, Tmac might have all that but niether him nor his team mates think he's better than kobe. Tmac is the only player as talented as kobe but he lacks the disaplin and the teammanship .....Horace Grant said this and i think he'd know what he is talking about. like i said above if anyone else was playing with shaq they wouldn't be getting the #'s that kobe is getting straight up

Yoa Ming was leading Shaq in a few stats earlier in the season , Does that make him better than Shaq?! lol no! he was getting better stats than Vlade Divac and David he better than them, HELL FUCKING NO! he's not even the best rookie , Stodimire from Pheonix is right now. Stats don't tell the whole story bud

easy?... man how the hell does McGrady being the first option change his shooting %, 3 Point %? there both better then Kobe's and that has NOTHING to do with first option bullshit... and also McGrady having mediocre defense? LMAO!, Jake you gotta be kidding me bro... PLEASE tell me which "Expert" says McGrady's D is Mediocre?... and which teammate's of McGrady say Kobe's better then McGrady? I find it hard to believe that someone ON Mcgrady's team would bring down there star player and say Kobe's the better player...holla back

"Nigga what up now?. you act like a bitch, you bound to get fucked, you trick ass snitch!" - Snoop Dogg - "Buck Em"

"Stranded on death row for pumpin slug's in muthafucka's" - Kurupt - "Stranded on Death Row"

Here's a message to the youngsters today,standing by you can die - Nate Dogg - "One More Day"

Battle Record 1-0



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Re:Michael Jordan isnt the greatest basketball player ever.....
« Reply #69 on: January 06, 2003, 02:17:54 PM »
Kobe is a better shooter than McGrady
Kobe is a better defender than McGrady
Kobe is a better rebounder than Mcgrady
Kobe has a better Free Throw percentage than Mcgrady
Kobe averages more assists than Mcgrady
Kobe averages more steals than McGrady
Kobe makes the players around him better
Kobe is just a way better all around player...

Bottem line...How many Triple Doubles does McGrady have this year?

P.S...Oh yea, McGrady led his team to the playoofs allll alone, right?...Bullshit, Orlando were making the playoffs a year before McGrady got signed...Close your fuckin mouth bitch ass muthafuckaz...PeACe


Re:Michael Jordan isnt the greatest basketball player ever.....
« Reply #70 on: January 06, 2003, 02:37:09 PM »
Kobe is a better shooter than McGrady
Kobe is a better defender than McGrady
Kobe is a better rebounder than Mcgrady
Kobe has a better Free Throw percentage than Mcgrady
Kobe averages more assists than Mcgrady
Kobe averages more steals than McGrady
Kobe makes the players around him better
Kobe is just a way better all around player...

Bottem line...How many Triple Doubles does McGrady have this year?

P.S...Oh yea, McGrady led his team to the playoofs allll alone, right?...Bullshit, Orlando were making the playoffs a year before McGrady got signed...Close your fuckin mouth bitch ass muthafuckaz...PeACe

LMFAO!... shut the fuck up NIK and don't come in here and take it to that level of "bitch ass muthafuckaz" we were having a fuckin decent conversation without personal disses and shit... and Kobe is a better shooter then McGrady? how PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW... does the stats I posted earler go unnoticed? im sorry but they simply prove Kobe is not a better shooter... and better defender!? how? please explain why he's a better defender... or better yet get one of your "experts" opinions on why he's the better defender...and im pretty sure McGrady makes his teammates better also... if you read what some of these "experts" say then you would know they ALL say McGrady is a VERY unselfish player...bottom line is no matter what your going to think kobe's better cause your a Kobe fan and a lakers fan...
"Nigga what up now?. you act like a bitch, you bound to get fucked, you trick ass snitch!" - Snoop Dogg - "Buck Em"

"Stranded on death row for pumpin slug's in muthafucka's" - Kurupt - "Stranded on Death Row"

Here's a message to the youngsters today,standing by you can die - Nate Dogg - "One More Day"

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Don Jacob

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Re:Michael Jordan isnt the greatest basketball player ever.....
« Reply #71 on: January 06, 2003, 08:34:54 PM »

easy?... man how the hell does McGrady being the first option change his shooting %, 3 Point %? there both better then Kobe's and that has NOTHING to do with first option bullshit... and also McGrady having mediocre defense? LMAO!, Jake you gotta be kidding me bro... PLEASE tell me which "Expert" says McGrady's D is Mediocre?... and which teammate's of McGrady say Kobe's better then McGrady? I find it hard to believe that someone ON Mcgrady's team would bring down there star player and say Kobe's the better player...holla back


ignores ignorant chink and answers smooth

go to

they had a whole article on KOBE VS MCGrady around the same time as their first meet, they made it seem like a draw but they pointed out a lot of stuff that made sense.

They interviewed horoce grant and he said that , and i think they got both kobe and mcgrady to answer (not sure though cuz i'm there's another article i'm thinking of too that was on but anyways yeah, Horoce Grant would know if anyone, i think he's the only player to play with both of them and make a fair statement

also on the D thing they ( and nbc too) did a whole matchup thing with Vince Carter and Tracy MCgrady and they both had "marginal D" as one of their simularities.....i know this isn't very persuasive argument but also on the 99-2003 NBA lives tracy mcgrady's D isn't that high

and as far as bringing down the star player.....teammates do itall the time,lol

AI did it to his coach and visa versa
Oakly called out Vince Carter, and a few players were pissed at him for going to his college graduation on the same day as game 7 of the E Cong Finals
someone on the Nets (kittles i believe) criticized Marbury
Brian grant got called out on the heat
the whole laker organization was pissed off on and off at kobe for a few years
Rasheed Wallace
and yadda yadda yadda

it's done all the time to motivate and critique a player to do better, most ALL coaches do this

and MCgrady being the first option has everything to do with his stats

1) the whole team is basically built around his needs as the first option so it's easier to do his job. The Laker's  do this for Shaq, not kobe

2) Tmac has 3.5-4 quarters that he has the ball go soley through him. when the point guard calls a play more times than not it's for Tmac. Shaq gets this on the lakers (not right now cuz they're slowly moving him though the triangle which is also strong with  a center like shaq) so most of the shots go to kobe, kobe is only the main option when shaq is resting on the bench or in the 4th quarter ...........Tmac 4 quarters......Kobe 1 you do the math

Until Kobe is on a team that is built around him (not shaq)
Until Kobe is the team's first option for a whole season

you can't compare their stats

perfect exaple is Tmac himself when he was in Toronto.....the raptors are and were Carter based while he was there, and Mcgrady was just in the back ground, and it's no question (IMO at least) that Tmac was the better of the 2 cousins, but this was Vinces team! Mcgrady had to proove himself on another team which he did.

another spin off

North Carolina with Anton Jamison and Vince Carter. During that draft it was alllllll about Anton Jamison the "NCAA PLAYER OF THE YEAR" ....UNC was alllllll about Anton Jamison and vince was great but he was just living in the shadow........guess who was the better player

see you can't compare stats unless you got an even playing field

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


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« Last Edit: January 06, 2003, 08:42:58 PM by drunken_mastenori »

Don Jacob

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Re:Michael Jordan isnt the greatest basketball player ever.....
« Reply #73 on: January 06, 2003, 08:44:13 PM »
lol yeah you, Dre2001 board......LMAO

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


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Re:Michael Jordan isnt the greatest basketball player ever.....
« Reply #74 on: January 06, 2003, 08:47:25 PM »
lol yeah you, Dre2001 board......LMAO

so you still have a grudge against something that happened 2 and a half years ago???? when you damn well know i was playing around and i even apologized??? it looks like your not playing i said keep on hiding behind that screen...
« Last Edit: January 06, 2003, 08:48:10 PM by drunken_mastenori »