Author Topic: Metroid Fusion & Metroid Prime  (Read 225 times)


Metroid Fusion & Metroid Prime
« on: December 28, 2002, 02:34:24 PM »
Who's Got Metroid Prime for Gamecube, or Metroid Fusion for gameboy advance?  I've been playin' Prime for days, and i'm only up to like 13% on the game, LOL.  Has anybody else been playin it?  Also, yall know if you connect your gameboy advance to the gamecube, and have both games, you can play the original nes version on gamecube, and the original gameboy version on gameboy advance, right?  I think that's hella strong.  Anybody else got these?  


Re:Metroid Fusion & Metroid Prime
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2002, 07:32:53 PM »


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Re:Metroid Fusion & Metroid Prime
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2002, 09:50:41 PM »

.....yeah, uh, I have Prime. Almost done with it, I just gotta beat Ridley & Metroid prime. Definitly one of tha best of tha year, Mario is just a little better though....can't fuck with a classic



Re:Metroid Fusion & Metroid Prime
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2002, 10:01:03 PM »
Man, I rented mario, and didn't like it, lol.  I don't know why.  I liked Luigi's mansion, but mario just didn't click for me, I'll wait till it gets real cheap then buy it and try it again.  So far, the best to me is Metroid and Starfox.  I'm hyped for that new Mario 128, and for Wario World.   I'm up to like 30% on Metroid Prime, but I'm stuck in this one part, I dunno what to do.  The game's hard as hell, I keep getting to spots that I can just barely beat, I know it's gonna get worse as I go on... it's givin' me a jones for some old metroid, though, I wanna play the original one again!


Re:Metroid Fusion & Metroid Prime
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2003, 05:28:48 PM »
My lil brother got it and hes up to 35% so HA! lol j/k

I played the very beginning mission where you gotta kill that alien monster and escape before time runs out. I'm workin on Vice City first tho since I'm almost done with it.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



Re:Metroid Fusion & Metroid Prime
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2003, 03:25:52 PM »
Man! Yall help me out... I'm stuck at like 38%, I'm fighting the Omega Pirate or whatever, the one that can restore himself if he gets in the radiation.  There's armor on 4 points, you have to take each one out with a supermissle, the whole time he's kickin' your ass; then, two guys hop out, and he goes x ray on you, so you have to look for him.  I can't even come CLOSE to beating him.  Anybody know any tricks or anything on him? I have I think 6 containers of health (maybe 7), and 70 missles, so I don't last very long, he just whips my izzo.


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Re:Metroid Fusion & Metroid Prime
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2003, 10:23:59 PM »
Man! Yall help me out... I'm stuck at like 38%, I'm fighting the Omega Pirate or whatever, the one that can restore himself if he gets in the radiation.  There's armor on 4 points, you have to take each one out with a supermissle, the whole time he's kickin' your ass; then, two guys hop out, and he goes x ray on you, so you have to look for him.  I can't even come CLOSE to beating him.  Anybody know any tricks or anything on him? I have I think 6 containers of health (maybe 7), and 70 missles, so I don't last very long, he just whips my izzo.

That Omega Pirate was a str8 bitch! Just make sure you keep your distance from him, don't get too far though 'cause he'll start shooting those hard-to-dodge missles at you. Once you break his armor, take atleast one of his little pirate bitches out. Then use your X-ray visor & search for him. Concentrate on shooting his big ass, don't worry about tha other pirates, since you can dodge them pretty easily(well, it was easy for me).

Hopefully that helped. BTW you don't need to use supermissles to take his armor out, I just charged my plasma beam & fucked him up with that.
