Author Topic: Koolo & Eminem Leaks Interview  (Read 2160 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Koolo & Eminem Leaks Interview
« on: January 22, 2011, 06:10:14 PM »
he koolo controversy continues as the man himself opened up again about issues surrounding his leaks. The situation is escalating. In this thread, koolo will post exclusive snippets of never-before-heard Eminem songs.

Here we go...

Can you say exactly how many tracks you have right now that aren’t available anywhere else on the internet?

I have 4 songs that are complete, around 12 songs as samples, from 30 seconds to 1 minute long.

What era do you guess they are from?

3 I’m assuming from Encore, 1 from Relapse since he mentions relapsing.

Is there accent on that one? Do the others sound druggy/or how do they sound like Encore era?

One I already talked about, which is the one where he is talking about a wee wee, whatever that means. I’m gonna up a sample of it a little after the interview. He is talking about bananas and berries. This is the song I said was worse than Fack.

There is another song I only have a sample of. I’m still not sure if I want to buy it. It’s called "Uh No.”

Some of the lyrics:

"First I re-up then I relapsed, then I went to rehab and now I detox after I see doc"

As far as I know it’s a Relapse 2 song.

Another song is called "It’s Been Real.” It’s another song he made for Proof. There is no rapping in the song. He does the whole song singing.

Some of the lyrics:

“Thanks it’s been real..I love you but I can’t deal with the stress this game has given meeeeeeeeee....but before I go I know I can’t close this show without closure....”

Do you plan on leaking any of the songs you currently have?

No I will not leak any shitty song period, and that’s all I have right now. Some people like balla asked me if I regret not leaking Syllable although I had it. I don’t regret it even if I knew for sure that guy who claimed he had did have it. I still won’t leak it. I don’t want to be linked with shitty music. I was never going to leak Topless. I did it to shut bitches up until RB got back up.

I’m also offered music way back before Eminem was famous and I’m not even bothered to check if it’s released or not or if people have it. One title I remember is Phat Friend.

How does that Proof song compare to Difficult and You're Never Over in quality? Does it sound like it was made before or after Difficult?

After Difficult for sure. I’m sure it was going to be the last song to whatever it was intended to be for. As he mentions that he can’t close the show before doing a song for Proof. But I’m done leaking Proof songs.

Another song I have is called "Give Me The Ball." That is another shitty song. Throughout the song he keeps talking about balls...

“Know what I’m doing give me the ball or your life is ruined" ..."Give me the ball you don’t know what to do with it...shoot it in the basket"..."You’re trying to touch shit down" ...garbage.

Any features?

There is one with Obie but it’s not that good.

Some of the lyrics from Em:

“Greet him with a shake he isn’t as mean as what they say as the thing is he can’t think of things to they mistake him for being crazed...we part ways so your impression of him change you don’t think he’s turn around and give him thanks"

Another one is with D12 and I only have Em's verse. I don't know if i want to buy the whole thing.

I’m not sure when the song was made but Em is using his screaming voice with no accent and the beat is kinda dope...

"Get ‘em, got it fucking A been this way since B-C* what can I say I’m stuck with my ain’t superman, stay in your lane"

What are you up to right now?

I was looking for new music Eminem was recording but I didn’t have any luck. Then Royce actually told me that Eminem isn’t recording as much nowadays although he is always in the studio. So I started looking for older songs like Cocaine and Difficult, but that was about it when it came to good songs. I heard around 50 songs from different sources like phone and msn, but nothing sounded good except these 2. So now I’m trying go even further back.

But no matter how hard I try I still come empty. I keep getting promises that "this song" is from 2001, but it has an accent so I know it’s from Relapse. Although we never heard it it’s still not worth buying. I have now one hope remaining of a mixtape from 2000. I won’t say the name of the mixtape but it contains Mathers. Another mixtape from 1998 called "K City.” Both mixtapes are in the process of getting cracked, but it takes a bit of time.

Some people need to understand I can’t get songs out of nowhere. When I first wanted to get Eminem songs I did it for RB. When I got Doctor the only place I thought of was RB. Even when I leaked it to RB I didn’t think about how huge it will get. Also when I got new songs I thought of RB. And now again I’m trying to get songs for the members of RB like Swizz, Mano, Balla, Dev One, Ty, Ama, Solo....etc, because I want to give back to the greatest forum on the net.

But people are starting to really push me away. I’m doing everything I can but they don’t seem to understand that this is not easy.

If you want shitty music I can get it in 5 minutes, but good songs are not that easy to get. I even doubt anything Eminem made during 2000 ever touched an online PC. Someone has to physically get them.

In what way do you feel like people are pushing you away?

In a sense that they are not logical people. One day after I leaked Doctor I remember they wanted more. One day after I leaked Topless the same. One day after Cocaine the same as their excuse was we always wanted Difficult from the start. One day after Difficult they want more. They can’t wait. They don’t understand how hard this is. I had an opportunity to get 34 full songs in one go, but I couldn’t go along with it because it was a very fucked up approach. Before I was just buying from people and I didn’t care where they got it. Right now I’m actually sending people to get me the songs. I’m starting to be the bad guy here. Where does it stop?

And even after I finish, people will again just ask for more thinking I can get whatever I want.

Do you think you will eventually stop then, and when might that happen?

I want to say that there is no Eminem album coming in 2011. I’m not guessing. That’s a fact. I was told by Royce and Paul. Only albums coming are Slaughterhouse/Yelawolf/ and "Bad and Evil EP". For now it’s actually called Bad and Evil. So I don’t know how many songs are left to be leaked anyway. I found a new way to get old songs, but like I said, it’s a very very fucked up approach. And if I decide to go with it I will have a lot of Eminem songs from SSLP to Recovery. It won’t involve hacking or anything like that.

Can you describe at all how it's a fucked up approach?

I will not feel proud of myself anymore. Leaking every song I had was ok to me because I bought it fair and square. Even sending hackers online to get it is ok to a limit. But what I’m talking about involves putting actual people in jail for a very long time. Even if the other parties are ok with it, I can’t go along with it. I know people now think even hacking puts people in jail, but it’s completely different from what I’m talking about here...sorry for not going into details.

What did Paul and Royce promise you if you gave your source?

Royce wanted me to call Eminem on the phone. Maybe that’s his way to make me talk about everything. Royce said "they will take care of me" whatever that means.

Can you give specific numbers for what you're paying for these tracks?

As a total I spent more than $1,500 on songs alone, but people need to understand I paid much more than that just to find contacts. You have to be scammed knowing you will be scammed just to filter these people out. You have to pay for contact information.

Actually I paid around $700 USD just to get some MMLP songs that I might never get, and I’m quite okay with that. I just hope members know how much I’m trying to get them MMLP songs.

You've said before money is no issue to you. When does it become an issue though? When do you reach your breaking point of not wanting to spend more money tracking down old Eminem music?

It’s never going to be an issue if I want to spend more money, but if I feel like it’s impossible to get older tracks I will stop. No one is rich enough to spend money on Fack.

It’s not even a money issue. It’s more of a principle. I will not spend money on shitty songs. I might get one or two since they sounded good on a sample, but most of the time you can tell it’s bad based on a sample.

Do you feel like people need to appreciate what you're doing more for the forum?

No, I don’t feel that way. No matter how they feel I will still try to get more Eminem songs because I’m a fan and want to get his music before anyone. But some things are pushing me away from RB. Almost every thread is either about me or mentions me inside the thread. It’s really getting stupid. Everyone likes to be mentioned here and there, but news sites starting to quote me using a "fake" post, people making twitters pretending to me, actual girls from my country want to hook up with me because I am "koolo" on the net. It’s getting pathetic. Not a day passes by without PMs begging me for shit.

Do you feel like you're getting too noticed now? You would rather remain a bit more undercover?

Let’s just say I can relate now when I listen to Say Goodbye Hollywood lol, but for real, I’m cool with people knowing me. Just wish the dick riding will cool down a bit. I’m really ok with people mentioning me, but dick riding is very different.

Are you still looking to buy Rap Basement?

I don’t think Jason understands me when I tell him I want to buy it. He keeps talking about doing "biz" with me and keeps saying let’s be "partnrs"...keeps calling me "bro.” And Dave is on vacation for 3 months now. I dunno what’s going on anymore. By the way I can prove Jason is a snitch for Paul. Idiot claim he is "fired,” but I can prove that cock sucker is lying. Unless Paul is lying and I doubt jason is that important to Paul.

What happened with ruff and shane?

I don’t know/care about shane. I really know nothing about him, but he is a soldier that actually put his life on the line for a better world. Ruff locks threads...who the fuck is that mexican faggot to tell anybody anything? He is clearly not in a position to say shit to even Monk. If he died will he be missed? Will anything in the world change? If that cock sucker drops dead right now what will happen ? Ama will just have to pick up the pace in locking threads. Actually not even that since that lazy mexican doesn’t even do admin things. He is worthless, so I felt he shouldn’t say anything to a soldier.

How do you feel about the RB awards?

I was really really REALLY REALLLLLY shocked I lost. How can I lose after the year I had. I don’t really care much about them but it just doesn’t make sense. I can’t open RB without threads about me, and I lost 2 awards and I won 1 award by 1 vote. It doesn’t make sense. Even Em wants to holla at me and I lost, lol.

Even if I started leaking songs at Dec 25, I still did more in those 5 days than the rest of RB combined. Not to degrade anyone but that’s a fact.

How have you been maintaining secrecy with your sources?

I bought a laptop just for hackers. I have an msn there with more than 35 hackers just for this. One time I wrote "I want an email hacked" and I got around 16 windows popping up. And I’m not talking about noob hackers...hand picked.

What will you be leaking next and when?

I can’t really tell. I will for sure leak samples for shitty songs to make this interview more interesting. For songs I will leak them whenever I get something worth leaking.

You expect me to download an album that isn't real?  Sorry, but I can't sign this.


Re: Koolo & Eminem Leaks Interview
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2011, 07:36:20 PM »
  Yeah.  I read that just a little bit ago on the d12 board.  Apparently, there are quite a few people over there on this guy's nuts cause he leaked a few Eminem songs.  Damn near every thread on that forum right now is koolo this and that. lol.  I almost feel bad for this guy except that he should have figured the moment that people knew he was the source of the leaks they were going to start pestering him for more.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Koolo & Eminem Leaks Interview
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2011, 08:55:58 PM »
  Yeah.  I read that just a little bit ago on the d12 board.  Apparently, there are quite a few people over there on this guy's nuts cause he leaked a few Eminem songs.  Damn near every thread on that forum right now is koolo this and that. lol.  I almost feel bad for this guy except that he should have figured the moment that people knew he was the source of the leaks they were going to start pestering him for more.

Lol yeah, i was reading through one of the threads, some bitch put her email address up asking to exchange songs for songs, some dude googled the name - ended up being a executive from interscope hahaha
You expect me to download an album that isn't real?  Sorry, but I can't sign this.

DTG Entertainment

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Re: Koolo & Eminem Leaks Interview
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2011, 09:04:33 PM »
  Yeah.  I read that just a little bit ago on the d12 board.  Apparently, there are quite a few people over there on this guy's nuts cause he leaked a few Eminem songs.  Damn near every thread on that forum right now is koolo this and that. lol.  I almost feel bad for this guy except that he should have figured the moment that people knew he was the source of the leaks they were going to start pestering him for more.

Lol yeah, i was reading through one of the threads, some bitch put her email address up asking to exchange songs for songs, some dude googled the name - ended up being a executive from interscope hahaha

Got a link?


Re: Koolo & Eminem Leaks Interview
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2011, 02:35:26 PM »


Re: Koolo & Eminem Leaks Interview
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2011, 03:27:21 PM »
A couple snippets

Wee Wee  :-X :-X :-X :-[ :-[


 Sound like they could be "Relapse 2"-era track.  First one is stupid. Lol.  Second one sounds like it could be alright to me, but then, who could say for sure considering the distorted sound quality and shortness of the clip.  I can't say I blame this Koolo guy for not wanting to buy them though, considering what whoever is selling them is probably asking for them.


Re: Koolo & Eminem Leaks Interview
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2011, 11:03:20 PM »
  Yeah.  I read that just a little bit ago on the d12 board.  Apparently, there are quite a few people over there on this guy's nuts cause he leaked a few Eminem songs.  Damn near every thread on that forum right now is koolo this and that. lol.  I almost feel bad for this guy except that he should have figured the moment that people knew he was the source of the leaks they were going to start pestering him for more.

Lol yeah, i was reading through one of the threads, some bitch put her email address up asking to exchange songs for songs, some dude googled the name - ended up being a executive from interscope hahaha

lol, that's funny


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Koolo & Eminem Leaks Interview
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2011, 11:48:38 PM »
Interesting stuff, if he gets those MMLP era tracks that'd be the shit


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Koolo & Eminem Leaks Interview
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2011, 12:04:58 AM »
he mentioned in another interview he had detox and game tracks, and i'm inclined to believe this dude.
You expect me to download an album that isn't real?  Sorry, but I can't sign this.


Re: Koolo & Eminem Leaks Interview
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2011, 12:15:49 PM »
Give Me The Ball (Snippet)

It's Been Real (Snippet)

The Watcher

Re: Koolo & Eminem Leaks Interview
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2011, 09:39:34 PM »
a 'bad & evil' EP? this is excellent news
army of the pharaohs never make love songs
we finger fuck bitches with freddy krueger gloves on
- celph titled

"lol infact lmao" - Proof of D12

anticipate the shots like obama at the podium
- joe budden


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Koolo & Eminem Leaks Interview
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2011, 12:22:18 AM »
a 'bad & evil' EP? this is excellent news

For real definitely anticipating that. What was wrong with the og name "Bad Meets Evil" though?


Re: Koolo & Eminem Leaks Interview
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2011, 12:35:39 PM »
Nice read !

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