Author Topic: How come other countries can't biuld Nuclear Weapons?  (Read 1660 times)


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Re:How come other countries can't biuld Nuclear Weapons?
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2003, 11:40:33 AM »
saddam wouldn't bomb france or any other european country, he shits a lot closer to his own doorstep.

and infinite you say the only justification for war is oppression, well what would you say is happening to the Iraqi-Kurds?

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Re:How come other countries can't biuld Nuclear Weapons?
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2003, 11:47:04 AM »
saddam wouldn't bomb france or any other european country, he shits a lot closer to his own doorstep.

I don't think he will either...he's not that dumb...

My Global History teacher said if Sadaam ever wanted to attack the US, he would do it by bombing one of our allies...

Alot of our Allies don't really like the US...but if they ever got a big fat nuke dropped on em...they would come runnin for our help.  I don't mean to sound negative, but thats prolly what would happen.


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Re:How come other countries can't biuld Nuclear Weapons?
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2003, 12:05:58 PM »
you best believe it if france got nuked, they'd either run to you or surrender to saddam, let him settle there and launch attacks on English citizens (now that sounds strangely familiar)

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Don Seer

Re:How come other countries can't biuld Nuclear Weapons?
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2003, 12:16:57 PM »

there'd be a large shortage of white material in europe if france got attacked...


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Re:How come other countries can't biuld Nuclear Weapons?
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2003, 12:27:06 PM »
God help us if both France and Italy got attacked they'd have to import Japanese flags and cut out the middle.

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Re:How come other countries can't biuld Nuclear Weapons?
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2003, 12:58:37 PM »
No country should posses WMD.  I feel what your saying though Infinite..

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Re:How come other countries can't biuld Nuclear Weapons?
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2003, 02:48:22 PM »
No country should posses WMD.  I feel what your saying though Infinite..


WMD's are both good and bad to posses...but definitly more bad reasons...

Robert J. Openheimer, Albert Einstein, and other knew that the world would be changed forever from WMD...but they still created the bombs, and still used them in war...

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Re:How come other countries can't biuld Nuclear Weapons?
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2003, 03:34:09 PM »
From my knowledge there was an agreement not to build nuclear weapons in both iraq and n. korea.

If there is an agreement the strength of future agreements of the sort rely on the fact that all agreements are upheld.  If the UN allows n. korea to dismiss their previous agreement then what is the purpose of making any future agreements.

Nuclear Weapons is not a game like, you did it so now i should get to do it.  The US does a lot of shitty stuff, but fuck off seriously.  We stand of for a lot of shit everyone else runs from.  We never wanted to enter WWII, but we did and helped the WORLD win it.  From then on we got the label "world police."

So be it, the US does fucked up shit at time.  For all you christains out there "let he who has not sinned cast the first stone."  I'm sorry but all of you have sinned.  Muslims have sinned repeatedly by their own standards in recent times.  

In being the so called "world police" we are expected to police the world for EVERYONE, and never ever consider our own self interest.  We risk american lives all over the world at times for our own self interest and at times for the good of another portion of the world.  World policing is not an easy thing to manage.  And further more, why are we NOT allowed to care about the self interest of america?  

Is it our fault we achieved more than other countries?  Are we supposed to self destruct ourselves so you feel better?  Or since we are the most powerful economy and military should we just sacifice ourself for the sole good of those who hate us.  Yeah good idea.  Fuck off lets see you go sacrifice your country for the good of the countries that repeatedly shit talk you.

This time its in the interest of the world not to allow n. korea and iraq to have nuclear weapons.  Its also in the interest of the world to end terrorism.  Basically, if we get blown up enjoy life void of all our economy and all the technological progress it produces.  

Do I completely like everything we do? No.  But guess what I'm also not arrogant and ignorant enough to say I  know how to better manage a whole country.  

LMAO.... give me one fucking example ;D ::)

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Re:How come other countries can't biuld Nuclear Weapons?
« Reply #23 on: January 07, 2003, 03:43:10 PM »
America is simply trying to keep peace in the world...

We don't want N.Korea having WMD because they are sure to use it against S.Korea...and that would be bad.

We don't want Sadaam to have WMD simply for the fact of "What would he do with it?".  He would never nuclear bomb the US...but he woul bomb one of our European allies, like France.

Plain and simple the US is trying to prevent a nuclear holocaust between countries from happening.  We may seem like "bullies" to you, but its for EVERYONE's own damn good!

PS: To Overseer's question...we still can't find that maufucka!

usa dont want n. korea to have nukes cuz they can tag with china and attack usa

usa dont want iraq to have nukes cuz they can threaten kuwait and other "chep oil countries" witch would increase the oil price in usa... that's why usa bombed iraq during gulf-war.. france got nukes o.. france can defend themself, if iraq could attack france, why aren't france doing anything to stop them. as matter fact, fance is one of the major countreis in europe thats against  the war... and please explain for me why usa didnt attack france around 4-6 years ago, when france got their nukes?? they protested, but france basicly said "fuck off" and usa kept quiet... when when it comes to iraq, usa is gonna "bomb them muthafuckas"... lol.. looks like usa only attack those who cnt defend themself...

so you think that usa have the right to have nukes, biological, chemical, techical weapon, but not iraq and north korea??... lol... i dont even know what to say


Re:How come other countries can't biuld Nuclear Weapons?
« Reply #24 on: January 07, 2003, 03:47:43 PM »

LMAO.... give me one fucking example ;D ::)

Grenada, Haiti, Somalia, Kosovo????

"American bases are predicated on contractual obligations — costly to us and profitable to their hosts. We do not see any profits in Korea, but instead accept the risk of losing almost 40,000 of our youth to ensure that Kias can flood our shores and that shaggy students can protest outside our embassy in Seoul."

"Puerto Ricans are free to vote themselves independence anytime they wish."

"Pakistan gets debt relief that ruined dot-coms could only dream of; Jordan reels in more aid than our own bankrupt municipalities."

"Our bases dot the globe to keep the sea-lanes open, thugs and murderers under wraps, and terrorists away from European, Japanese, and American globalists who profit mightily by blanketing the world with everything from antibiotics and contact lenses to BMWs and Jennifer Lopez — in other words, to keep the world safe and prosperous enough for Michael Moore to rant on spec, for Noam Chomsky to garner a lot of money and tenure from a defense-contracting MIT, for Barbra Streisand to make millions, for Edward Said's endowed chair to withstand Wall Street downturns, for Jesse Jackson to take off safely on his jet-powered, tax-free junkets."



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Re:How come other countries can't biuld Nuclear Weapons?
« Reply #25 on: January 07, 2003, 05:13:36 PM »
When did God give the white powers of this world (Europe, Russia, Isreal and America) exclusive rights to all the weapons of mass destruction?  

Why can't North Korea have nuclear weapons.  In our UN agreement we agreed to supply them with fuel and we agreed not to use our nuclear power to threaten countries without nuclear warheads.  We have gone back on both of those engagements.  So why should North Korea keep up their end?  Now we are going to try to starve their people out to get them to relinquish their nuclear sites.

Remember what happened when we tried to starve Japan out?  When we placed steal and oil embargo's on Japan they bombed Pearl Harbor.  Predictably, the president pretended history began on that day in the same way that President Bush pretends that history began on Sept. 11th.

My opinion is even if Iraq and North Korea have nuclear weapons it is not a valid justification for war.  The only justification for war is oppression, continued oppression of one's people.  
God didn't give the white powers the rights to all the weapons of mass destruction. they took them through milatary agression when the techonlogy became availble.

The resion North Korea can't have necluer wepions is because they're selling 'em. but the resion they're selling them is because there bad ecomony.

If you say the only justification for war is oppression, continued oppression of one's people, then why not go to war with North Korea. They are a comunist state who starves and saverly restricts there own people.  


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Re:How come other countries can't biuld Nuclear Weapons?
« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2003, 05:21:31 PM »

so you think that usa have the right to have nukes, biological, chemical, techical weapon, but not iraq and north korea??... lol... i dont even know what to say

becuase we can't trust them with weapons such as that, but like we can trust britain and our allies with that shit becuase either they'd sell the shit and it'd end up in the hands of some extremist who'd fuck shit up......most of our weapons just sit there and are a defense meconism incase someone nukes us, you nuke us you're already dead! so if you're an enemy of the allies and are planning to nuke us, your're already planning your own death, you be accomplishing nothing...makes scence to me

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Re:How come other countries can't biuld Nuclear Weapons?
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2003, 09:31:30 PM »


Re:How come other countries can't biuld Nuclear Weapons?
« Reply #28 on: January 10, 2003, 01:41:26 AM »
Well, I'll say what I think, and if yall don't like it, oh well, it's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

I think Guns, wars, nuclear weapons, etc. are so friekin' UNGODLY that there's no right or wrong answer.  It's not right to keep Korea from making nuclear weapons, but then again it's not right to let them make them either.  It's like the better of two evils, I think bush and co are doing what they think is the better of two evils.  They should have never been invented, what sick tormented mind invented wars anyways.  What asshole decided he didn't want to be nice to people.  I guess it goes back to Cain.  I'll bet einstein hated himself for inventing the atom bomb.  I would.  I wouldn't even do it.  


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Re:How come other countries can't biuld Nuclear Weapons?
« Reply #29 on: January 10, 2003, 11:33:35 AM »
usa dont want n. korea to have nukes cuz they can tag with china and attack usa

usa dont want iraq to have nukes cuz they can threaten kuwait and other "chep oil countries" witch would increase the oil price in usa... that's why usa bombed iraq during gulf-war.. france got nukes o.. france can defend themself, if iraq could attack france, why aren't france doing anything to stop them. as matter fact, fance is one of the major countreis in europe thats against  the war... and please explain for me why usa didnt attack france around 4-6 years ago, when france got their nukes?? they protested, but france basicly said "fuck off" and usa kept quiet... when when it comes to iraq, usa is gonna "bomb them muthafuckas"... lol.. looks like usa only attack those who cnt defend themself...

so you think that usa have the right to have nukes, biological, chemical, techical weapon, but not iraq and north korea??... lol... i dont even know what to say

Who said anything about biological, chemical or technial weapons?  We're talking about nukes here...

USA didn't stop France because France is an ally of the US...not an enemy.  Yes, France can indeed defend themselves.  However, they are not involved near as much on the war against terrorism as the US is.

Countries around the world can build nukes if they want, but US intervenes only when we think that country will actually use them in war, and kill millions of people.  When we think or know that, we intervene.  Why in the fuck do you think we're so involved w/ N. Korea building them?  If they do begin bulding nukes, and the US sat back and watched, N.Korea wouldn't hesitate to drop a big fat nuke right on S.Korea.  THAT is why we're intervening.

As far as Iraq goes, we are PARTIALLY there because of the oil.  But why are we really there?  Same reason as with N. Korea.  If Iraq had nuclear weapons, they would use them.  On who would they use them against?  We do not know, and that is why we're riding Sadaam's ass.

It may seem like we're bullying these countries, but we're not at all.  We're trying to keep a nuclear holocaust from happening and millions of lives being lost.

If you dumbasses can't see that...then fuck every last one of you...

I am so sick of ya'll bashing the US...