Author Topic: Ms. Dynamite - A Little Deeper  (Read 126 times)


Ms. Dynamite - A Little Deeper
« on: January 07, 2003, 02:54:48 AM »
Has any UK peeps copped this album? I doubt many people outside of the UK have heard of her, correct me if i'm wrong. I finally picked it up a few days ago, i'm not a huge fan of female MC's but she can sing too and she's got alot of shit to say which us British 'youths' can relate to. I didn't really think about buying it before hand but I saw her talking about all different kinds of issues on some TV program over christmas (she talked about the government, I found she shared alot of the same views as myself and i'm sure alot of yours too, she's also been through alot in her family life, similar to my family life too, she also spoke on how she feels there's still alot of racism in the UK too etc) and I decided to give her a listen. She's been compared to Lauryn Hill alot which I can see now that I have her album. There's alot of production from Saleem "the chameleon", one of Nas' resident producers now, and it fits her style perfectly, it's got a real British sound to it suprisingly.
I'm not a huge fan of the British music scene but she is a breath of fresh air and I recommend this release to anyone who's willing to give her a listen. I feel this is an important release for British music especially.

I think that if you take one of the 'O's' out of 'Good' it's 'God', if you add a 'D' to 'Evil' it's the 'Devil'. I think some cool motherfucker sat down a long time ago and said 'let's figure out a way to control motherfuckers'.


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Re:Ms. Dynamite - A Little Deeper
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2003, 04:59:46 AM »
I was meaning to get this all last year then I finally got it for Xmas - Dope album. Took a few listens to grow on me but it's a very nice cd. Very UK Urban flavored but still has a universal appeal.

I think she's only going to get better as time goes on and she matures as a writer. Only thing she needs to avoid is becoming too 'preachy' in her lyrics imo

Favorite tracks right now are Any Way U Want It and Seed Will Grow


Re:Ms. Dynamite - A Little Deeper
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2003, 02:12:17 AM »
I was meaning to get this all last year then I finally got it for Xmas - Dope album. Took a few listens to grow on me but it's a very nice cd. Very UK Urban flavored but still has a universal appeal.

I think she's only going to get better as time goes on and she matures as a writer. Only thing she needs to avoid is becoming too 'preachy' in her lyrics imo

Favorite tracks right now are Any Way U Want It and Seed Will Grow

Yeah, I agree about the 'preachy' bit, but as far as this album goes I think she's opened up alot of peoples eyes because we don't get many conscious type musicians in the UK, but not only that as she has tunes like "Ms. Dyna-mi-tee" that talk about up-beat things in life. i think she has a great career ahead of her though, she has a garage album coming up and although I doubt very much i'll be copping that I think it will be just as well recieved as this record.
One of the tracks that hit me most was "Put Him Out", that hit home as my mother has been through alot of the stuff mentioned in her relationships and as i've gotten older i've pointed out many of the things she talks about in the song to my mother.
As for "Any Way You Want It", I think that would make a good single if she was to release another.
Nice to see somebody else here went out and copped it anyway.

I think that if you take one of the 'O's' out of 'Good' it's 'God', if you add a 'D' to 'Evil' it's the 'Devil'. I think some cool motherfucker sat down a long time ago and said 'let's figure out a way to control motherfuckers'.