Author Topic: The UN Gives No Fly Zone Mandate In Libya  (Read 1648 times)


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Re: The UN Gives No Fly Zone Mandate In Libya
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2011, 09:20:57 AM »
I mean, cmon, he isn't exactly the best leader for the Libyian people. At least give the rebels a fighting chance. Get it in.

Meanwhile ignore Bahrain and Saudi Arabia?
Bomb the prick? It seems like he is going against these evil cold blooded mother fuckers in one way or another
What makes those rebel/western backed, the "best" leader?
Why are we ignoring actual footage of saudis and bahranians shooting protestors in cold blood
The only answer seems to be that libya and egypt establishments were going against whatever vile plan they have in mind, whereas they already own and entirely control Bahrain and Saudi Arabia
Plus...more wars = More DU = more poisoning of the planet

I never said ignore them, the way I see it, taking out Gaddafi just means one less asshole. Let his own people tear him to shreds and do business with the next guy.
I don't think Gaddafi cares about being an anti-illuminati freedom fighter. I really doubt Gaddafi is doing it because he watches Prison Planet TV, and even if he is, he lost credibility long ago with his methods. Gaddafi looks out for Gaddafi. Mubarak and Gaddafi were both down until the opposition just got too overwhelming. Its interesting the role social media now plays in mobilizing dissent. I just heard Facebook is banned in Vietnam.

Who knows what the motivations are against these particular countries, but it's a nice way to justify war, nice way of poisoning the planet yet again without encountering opposition, because after all, it's humanitarian, trying to move this into the war is peace model, they are despicable human beings. y point was they will ignore saudi arabia, bahrain, yemen, jordan. I doubt these rebels are any better, it's obvious they are being supported,we don't know how this started and as for Gaddafi, he hasn't suddenly turned into a thug.

As for shooting people in cold blood, stand up Israel to
Stand up UN enforced sanctions along with wars on Iraq which have killed millions of people
Stand up Fallujah where parents can't have kids now, where masses of kids are being destroyed by cancers

Fuck these murderous, low life, criminal bastards, whatever evils these dictators have carried out and I have little doubt that they have, first of all, we NEVER hear about the vile acts carried out by the rebels and you can be damn sure it's equally as heinous but more so, it pales into compares to the crimes perpetrated by the real players on this planet.

These wars feed their sadistic tendencies, they feed the distraction away from the crumbling economy's of much of the world, they feed the military oligopoly and they are now creating new precedents of declaring war without calling it war and without approval from the sovereign parliaments.

They have the blood of millions upon millions upon millions of people on their hands
« Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 09:24:59 AM by virtuoso »


Re: The UN Gives No Fly Zone Mandate In Libya
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2011, 02:07:30 AM »
I mean, cmon, he isn't exactly the best leader for the Libyian people. At least give the rebels a fighting chance. Get it in.

Meanwhile ignore Bahrain and Saudi Arabia?
Bomb the prick? It seems like he is going against these evil cold blooded mother fuckers in one way or another
What makes those rebel/western backed, the "best" leader?
Why are we ignoring actual footage of saudis and bahranians shooting protestors in cold blood
The only answer seems to be that libya and egypt establishments were going against whatever vile plan they have in mind, whereas they already own and entirely control Bahrain and Saudi Arabia
Plus...more wars = More DU = more poisoning of the planet

I never said ignore them, the way I see it, taking out Gaddafi just means one less asshole. Let his own people tear him to shreds and do business with the next guy.
I don't think Gaddafi cares about being an anti-illuminati freedom fighter. I really doubt Gaddafi is doing it because he watches Prison Planet TV, and even if he is, he lost credibility long ago with his methods. Gaddafi looks out for Gaddafi. Mubarak and Gaddafi were both down until the opposition just got too overwhelming. Its interesting the role social media now plays in mobilizing dissent. I just heard Facebook is banned in Vietnam.

Who knows what the motivations are against these particular countries, but it's a nice way to justify war, nice way of poisoning the planet yet again without encountering opposition, because after all, it's humanitarian, trying to move this into the war is peace model, they are despicable human beings. y point was they will ignore saudi arabia, bahrain, yemen, jordan. I doubt these rebels are any better, it's obvious they are being supported,we don't know how this started and as for Gaddafi, he hasn't suddenly turned into a thug.

As for shooting people in cold blood, stand up Israel to
Stand up UN enforced sanctions along with wars on Iraq which have killed millions of people
Stand up Fallujah where parents can't have kids now, where masses of kids are being destroyed by cancers

Fuck these murderous, low life, criminal bastards, whatever evils these dictators have carried out and I have little doubt that they have, first of all, we NEVER hear about the vile acts carried out by the rebels and you can be damn sure it's equally as heinous but more so, it pales into compares to the crimes perpetrated by the real players on this planet.

These wars feed their sadistic tendencies, they feed the distraction away from the crumbling economy's of much of the world, they feed the military oligopoly and they are now creating new precedents of declaring war without calling it war and without approval from the sovereign parliaments.

They have the blood of millions upon millions upon millions of people on their hands

you know about falluja, it makes my blood boil when i think about what bush did there, using chemical & other illegal weapons on civillians and so on and so on that the world didn't pay attention too just turning a blind eye and shit, bush & blair are war criminals that should be in the hague

fuck them devils obama, sarkozy & cameron too, gaddafi might not be perfect, but he ain't on the same level or playing field or on in the same ball park as your blairs, bushes, obama's, camerons and sarkozy's and the rest of the system mudda fockers, he's actually done good in the past, he supported a lot of revolutionary movements against oppression from the system and its puppets and despite what the propaganda western mainstream media would have you believe, he did actually use he's oil revenues to uplift the lives and benefit brothers and sisters over there to a certain extent, big up kaddafi and the libyan people

fuck these blood thirsty, oil hungry, war mongering primitive punks devil mudda fockers, fuck the system, middle finger all day
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Re: The UN Gives No Fly Zone Mandate In Libya
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2011, 03:02:28 AM »
I mean, cmon, he isn't exactly the best leader for the Libyian people. At least give the rebels a fighting chance. Get it in.

Meanwhile ignore Bahrain and Saudi Arabia?
Bomb the prick? It seems like he is going against these evil cold blooded mother fuckers in one way or another
What makes those rebel/western backed, the "best" leader?
Why are we ignoring actual footage of saudis and bahranians shooting protestors in cold blood
The only answer seems to be that libya and egypt establishments were going against whatever vile plan they have in mind, whereas they already own and entirely control Bahrain and Saudi Arabia
Plus...more wars = More DU = more poisoning of the planet
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Re: The UN Gives No Fly Zone Mandate In Libya
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2011, 04:06:33 PM »
Are you honestly suprised by this? The power countries are only ever willing to help out if they'll directly benefit in some way from changing the current regimes,


Re: The UN Gives No Fly Zone Mandate In Libya
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2011, 02:53:10 AM »
former US assistant secretary of the US treasury breaks down the american goverment and the rest of the puppet system goverments in the west imperialism tactics and beef & warmongering wit china


  'US To Recoup Libya Oil From China'
Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of US Treasury

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts



Global Research, April 17, 2011
Press TV

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Press TV has interviewed Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of US Treasury from Panama City, who gives his insight on the revolution in Libya and why US President Barack Obama needs to overthrow Qaddafi when no other US presidents did.

Press TV: Russia has criticized NATO for going far beyond its UN mandate. In other news a joint Op Ed is going to be written by Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy who have said that “leaving Qaddafi in power would be an unconscionable betrayal to the Libyan people”.

We do know that the mandate does not call for regime change; the Obama administration has been saying they are not in there for regime change; but things seem a little different now don't they?

Roberts: Yes they do. First of all, notice that the protests in Libya are different from the ones in Egypt or Yemen or Bahrain or Tunisia and the difference is that this is an armed rebellion.

There are more differences: another is that these protests originated in the eastern part of Libya where the oil is - they did not originate in the capital city. And we have heard from the beginning credible reports that the CIA is involved in the protests, and there have been a large number of press reports that the CIA has sent back to Libya its Libyan asset to head up the Libyan rebellion.

In my opinion, what this is about is to eliminate China from the Mediterranean. China has extensive energy investments and construction investments in Libya. They are looking to Africa as a future energy source.

The US is countering this by organizing the United States African Command (USAC), which Qaddafi refused to join. So that's the second reason for the Americans to want Qaddafi out.

And the third reason is that Libya controls part of the Mediterranean coast and it's not in American hands.

Press TV: Who are the revolutionaries. The US say they don't know who they're dealing with, but considering the CIA is on the ground in contact with revolutionaries - Who are the people under whom Libya will function in any post-Qaddafi era?

Roberts: Whether or not Libya functions under “revolutionaries” depends if the CIA wins - we don't know that yet. As you said earlier, the UN resolution puts constraints on what the European and American forces can achieve in Libya. They can have a no fly zone, but they are not supposed to be in there fighting together with the rebels.

But of course the CIA is. So we do have these violations of the UN resolution. If NATO, which is now the cover for the “world community,” succeeds in overthrowing Qaddafi, the next target will be Syria. Syria has already been demonized.

Why are they targeting Syria? - Because the Russians have a very large naval base in Syria. And it gives the Russian navy a presence in the Mediterranean; the US and NATO do not want that. If there is success in overthrowing Qaddafi, Syria is next.

Already, they are blaming Iran for Syria and Libya. Iran is a major target because it is an independent state that is not a puppet of the Western colonialists.

Press TV: With regards to the expansionist agenda of the West, when the UN mandate on Libya was debated in the UN Security Council, Russia did not veto it. Surely Russia must see this expansionist policy of the US, France and Britain.

Roberts: Yes they must see that; and the same for China. It's a greater threat to China because it has 50 major investment projects in eastern Libya. So the question is why did Russia and China abstain rather than veto and block? We don't know the answer.

Possibly the countries are thinking to let the Americans get further over- extended, or they may not have wanted to confront the US with a military or diplomatic position and have an onslaught of Western propaganda against them. We don't know the reasons, but we know they did abstain because they did not agree with the policy, and they continue to criticize it.

Press TV: A sizeable portion of Qaddafi's assets have been frozen in the US as well as some other countries. We also know that the Libyan revolutionaries have set up a central bank and that they have started limited production of oil and they are dealing with American and other Western firms. It begs the question that we've never seen something like this happen in the middle of a revolution. Don't you find that bizarre?

Roberts: Yes it's very bizarre and very suggestive. It brings back the fact of all the reports that the CIA is the originator of this so-called revolt and protest and is fomenting it and controlling it in a way that excludes China from its own Libyan oil investments.

In my opinion, what is going on is comparable to what the US and Britain did to Japan in the 1930s. When they cut Japan off from oil, from rubber, from minerals; that was the origin of World War II in the pacific. And now the Americans and the British are doing the same thing to China.

The difference is that China has nuclear weapons and it also has a stronger economy than do the Americans. And so the Americans are taking a very high risk not only with themselves, but with the rest of the world. The entire world is now at stake on American over-reach; American hubris - the drive for American hegemony over the world is driving the rest of the world into a World War.

Press TV: In the context of America's expansionist policies, how far do you think the US will stretch beyond the UN mandate? Are we going to see boots on the ground?

Roberts: Most likely - unless they can find some way of defeating Qaddafi without that. Ever since we've had Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and now Obama, what we've learned is law means nothing to the executive branch in the US. They don't obey our own laws; they don't obey international law; they violate all the civil liberties and buried the principal of habeas corpus, no crime without intent, and the ability for a defendant to be legally represented.

They don't pay any attention to law so they're not going to pay any attention to the UN. The UN is an American puppet organization and Washington will use it as a cover. So, yes, if they cannot run Qaddafi out they will put troops on the ground - that's why we have the French and the British involved. We're using the French elsewhere in Africa also; we use the British in Afghanistan - they're puppets.

These countries are not independent. Sarkozy doesn't report to the French people - he reports to Washington. The British PM doesn't report to the English people he reports to Washington. These are puppet rulers of an empire; they have nothing to do with their own people and we put them in office.

Press TV: So these other countries would welcome having NATO troops on the ground?

Roberts: Of course. They are in the CIAs pocket. It's a CIA operation, not a legitimate protest of the Libyan people. It's an armed rebellion that has no support in the capital city. It's taking place in the east where the oil is and is directed at China.

Press TV: Where do you see the situation headed? There seems to be a rift between NATO countries with Britain and France wanting to increase the momentum of these air strikes, but the US saying no, there is no need.

Roberts: The rift is not real. The rift is just part of the cover, just part of the propaganda. Qaddafi has been ruling for 40 years - he goes back to Gamal Abdel Nasser (before Anwar Sadat) who wanted to give independence to Egypt.

He (Qaddafi) was never before called a brutal dictator that has to be removed. No other president has ever said Qaddafi has to go. Not even Ronald Reagan who actually bombed Qaddafi's compound. But all of a sudden he has to go. Why?

Because he's blocking the US African Command, he controls part of the Mediterranean and he has let China in to find its energy needs for the future. Washington is trying to cripple its main rival, China, by denying China energy. That's what this is really about; a reaction by the US to China’s penetration of Africa.

If the US was concerned about humanitarianism, it wouldn't be killing all these people in Afghanistan and Pakistan with their drones and military strikes. Almost always it's civilians that are killed. And the US is reluctant to issue apologies about any of it. They say we thought we were killing Taliban or some other made-up enemy.

Press TV: Who will benefit from all of this other than the US? The other countries that comply with US wishes - What do they stand to gain from this?

Roberts: We are only talking about NATO countries, the American puppet states. Britain, France, Italy, Germany, all belong to the American empire. We've had troops stationed in Germany since 1945. You're talking about 66 years of American occupation of Germany. The Americans have military bases in Italy - how is that an independent country? France was somewhat independent until Washington put Sarkozy in power. So they all do what they're told.

Washington wants to rule Russia, China, Iran, and Africa, all of South America. Washington wants hegemony over the world. That's what the word hegemony means. And Washington will pursue it at all costs.
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