Author Topic: Non Fiction Words about Heaven and Hell  (Read 837 times)


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Non Fiction Words about Heaven and Hell
« on: May 10, 2011, 03:41:26 PM »
*dont think u know me or try 2 put me in some box or try 2 guess what I'm feeling becuz u don't know and putting me in a box is something a human has yet to do and never will.  I'm a rational thinker and most people aren't rational at all when it comes to this*

U know I wouldn't mind going to Hell, i think the stereotype is over rated that Hell is a magical place where u suffer for eternity and you're tied down to some wall and u can't move.  Maybe when people hear the screams in hell they talk about it's The Rebirth of some1 (most babies cry when they're born, do they not).

Uknow I personally have a relationship with the Devil (and God too I guess, even though 4 me God could be the Devil and the Devil could be God and we just don't know it yet).

I'd actually go if I could bargain with Satan on my terms.  Shit, give me a couple of piss drinkin' freaked out sexy bitches who love me, fuck me, and kill people, take it in tha ass and love it, and who would give me their soul so I can bargain with it if it ever came 2 that (which i doubt) and who also love 2 eat pussy and drink "squirt" and cum, an everlasting supply of bomb ass weed, a 12inch dick, and a chance to come back on earth every few years or 1 just to raise hell like kill people, rob people, and influence others to do bad chit and make me alotta money wouldn't be such a bad thing in real life (or real death, whatever u wanna call it).  I think, better yet I KNOW I could be a soldier for Satan, top General shit.  Oh, and I'd definitely be a nigga, I love niggaz man!

I mean what's the big deal about Heaven anyway?  U live up there 4 a few years and see family that never really gave a fuck about u and u deal with people who think gettin' high and being yourself is wrong.  You do that for a couple years and come back to Earth where the world tries to keep fucking you over time and time again and you always have 2 keep fighting.  And then niggaz r like "everything happens for a reason and God will see you thru it"... that may be true but fuck that... give me a strap, a connect on whatever i need, some hoes, alotta money, and alotta power and be able to do that for Eternity, shit i'd take that over Heaven anyday.  Especially if I had the glitch of being able to get away with it everytime or die in a hail of bullets already sitting on top of the world, then "hell yeah".  

This ain't no shock value thread this is real talk.  I think Heaven is overrated and God/Jesus was the wrong guy for the job of "everything good".  They always say Good finds a way to prevail but that's after "evil" has fucked everything up already so in the end you have to look at it like "wow, the nerd finally got 1 up on the bully, big deal".  

I've seen God before.  I saw "I Survived and Came back" the other day and some guy was talking about his experience going to hell and talking to God and it was pretty much literally the EXACT thing I saw all of the way down to the detail (shit was crazy).  I remember thinking to myself, "i thought i was the only 1 who saw that just like that" and i've never shared that with anybody since then (i guess now is my "coming out" you can say).  I remember my heart stopping in the middle of the night 1 night and I couldn't breathe or move, literally and I remember floating to the top to see the white light in the cloud and then having to fall back down to the ground (and that's when i started to wake up but it was so hard i tell u), i remember all of that shit like it was yesterday.

I know, I'm crazy right, but i could care less what u think, this ain't something I run around telling people anyway so I'll be straight.  I feel like I have a special connection with tha darkside and it doesn't come from years of listening to Three 6 Mafia and smoking weed lol, I've had this "connection" ever since I can remember.  Sometimes when I listen to the Intro on "Creepin On Ah Come Up" at the part where Eazy's talking backwards my right hand starts shaking a little bit and/or I feel this energy go thru it (swear to god) or sometimes I get butterfly in my chest/heart #reallife.

I remember being a toddler and I couldn't get the words "I love God, I hate the Devil" or "I Hate God, I love the Devil" outta my head, it was like a song that gets stuck in your head and that shit wouldn't go away until I was in like middle school or something.  And for u stereotypical muthafuckaz this started way before I could even listen to Rap music like, let alone see a Rated R movie.  And no I wasn't diagnosed as some manic depressant baby, I was definitely alive and active #goodtimes

All I'm saying is I think Heaven and Hell have stereotypes just like anything else in life and alot of em I bet are halfway true or false.  Ghosts, Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, The Outsiders (Outcasts), and Aliens ALL walk this Earth, people just don't have any "concrete proof" so to say 2 prove they do or they dont.  If I had to choose a side I'd ride with Satan.  Only if I could be on my Twisted Metal Black "Warthog" shit and could be able to cut the part out of my brain that sometimes gives a shit then I would.  But then again I'm pretty sure the Devil has manners and is polite, tha Evil stereotype that is portrayed of him is probably taken outta context, like when niggaz used to sell drugs in the 80's and had to kill each other over chit.  

Who wouldn't kill 4 a chance to be young forever that's rich with a personality that could make the purist Christian sell their asshole and turn Athiest?  I mean I definitely got that "swag, swag, swag Lil' B funny chit but I'm serious right now chit" but If I could make Wall Street Execs turn backflips for me and have the world in my hand then there wouldn't be any second guessing chit.  I wish I could set up that meeting ASAP... WHERE DO I SIGN UP!?!?!?  

*And no I'm not the type of person that hold grudges in life or is scarred from the trauma of a childhood or whatever.  I'm normal (whatever Normal means lol).  I believe in peacefulness I guess, I believe in helping others, I believe in doing the right thing when it matters and not just when some1's life is in jepardy or I'm going thru tumultuous times*

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- You'd probably consider something like this "dark" but I don't think so.  I'm just being honest.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 05:20:02 PM by Cousin Bang »

Ghost Drebin

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Re: Non Fiction Words about Heaven and Hell
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2011, 04:01:52 PM »
This is without a doubt the greatest post that has ever been posted.  You are a goddamn savant radiotube.


Re: Non Fiction Words about Heaven and Hell
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2011, 04:34:38 PM »
This is some real shit.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



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Re: Non Fiction Words about Heaven and Hell
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2011, 05:16:21 PM »
U know I think the battle between Heaven and Hell really isn't all that serious.  You're just supposed to pick a side and ride with it and that's why they spend forever trying to recruit people thru various mediums ever since life began.  I mean when you think about it, truthfully speaking if God is who they say he is and I'm not saying he's not then he could end all of the madness if he wanted to right.  But he doesn't becuz in the end it just doesn't really fuckin matter.  It's like u can either be a Redneck or a Hillbilly uknow.  And how long is all of this shit supposed to go on 4 anyway, it's getting redundant.

I know this is kinda like a random topic but I felt like it was better than making Osama Bin Laden conspiracy threads that probably just aren't true all of the way (that shit is pretty gay if u ask me).  I mean it's not like people are gonna rise up and be like "Obama is lying", most people have accepted tha fact that he's dead (and has pretty much been dead hiding like he has anyway).  But u know how some of these GoGoGadget HiTech Crackers are, they'll never give up even if Obama had a mask on and was really white the whole time, they'll probably say he's got another mask on underneath that and he's still Black anyway.

Bottom line is if God really wanted us to be on his side he's make a greater effort to do so and not just let "evil take over" the way it's been going on for years.  I mean who has more to offer in the long run and while you're on this Earth... i think it's pretty clear.

Disclaimer (becuz people like to judge):
And no I'm not mad, I actually got some of the best news I've heard in a long ass time that pretty much tops anything that I've heard in my whole life and I've lead a pretty interesting life.  Not that that matters to y'all but I thought yall should know.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 05:19:25 PM by Cousin Bang »


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Re: Non Fiction Words about Heaven and Hell
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2011, 03:35:44 AM »
Man, you gotta do what feels good for you. And I don't mean instant, short satisfaction, like fucking girls or smoking weed. I mean make your decisions based on what you KNOW is right. You talk about a lot of material gains, which is cool, but how much are you willing to sacrifice for it?


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Re: Non Fiction Words about Heaven and Hell
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2011, 07:53:07 PM »
Man, you gotta do what feels good for you. And I don't mean instant, short satisfaction, like fucking girls or smoking weed. I mean make your decisions based on what you KNOW is right. You talk about a lot of material gains, which is cool, but how much are you willing to sacrifice for it?

wats wrong with instant and short satisfactions, that's what makes life great right.  and why cant u do both.  i'm not all about materialistic things, most importantly i wanna be happy (and that's the things that make me happy along with a few other things too).  

regular humans who've been brainwashed to think that this game of life is so 1-deminsonal and so black-n-white don't really have a true understanding of it.  i dont think i have all of tha answers but i believe there's perks to both sides of the fence #feelme u just have to make a choice of which side u wanna be on.  

i'm a strong enthusiast for "quality of life", when looking at things in retrospect i'd rather have a greedy family members (who i could leave at anytime) just egging me on for my money all tha time verses living in some overthelimit poverty land (the children u always see on those infomercials).  and i mean no disrespect to them or feel like i'm better than them becuz truthfully they probably have things in their life i'd probably be jealous of but being rich and having power and having all of the things that make u happy is what life's really about, it's the whole reason why God and Lucifer are still fighting to this day (i mean all of this bullshit has to be going on 4 other reasons besides human greed and ignorance otherwise BOTH sides would be having a pointless battle just for souls)


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Re: Non Fiction Words about Heaven and Hell
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2011, 11:37:10 PM »
wats wrong with instant and short satisfactions, that's what makes life great right.  and why cant u do both.  i'm not all about materialistic things, most importantly i wanna be happy (and that's the things that make me happy along with a few other things too).

If that is truly what makes you happy, then go for it.

regular humans who've been brainwashed to think that this game of life is so 1-deminsonal and so black-n-white don't really have a true understanding of it.  i dont think i have all of tha answers but i believe there's perks to both sides of the fence #feelme u just have to make a choice of which side u wanna be on.  
Okay, this is an interesting statement. You say that there's perks to both sides of the fence. So I assume you mean that you will do whatever brings you wealth/power/success, regardless of moral values. If that is so, I will pray for you, even though i'm not a religious man.

i'm a strong enthusiast for "quality of life", when looking at things in retrospect i'd rather have a greedy family members (who i could leave at anytime) just egging me on for my money all tha time verses living in some overthelimit poverty land (the children u always see on those infomercials).  and i mean no disrespect to them or feel like i'm better than them becuz truthfully they probably have things in their life i'd probably be jealous of but being rich and having power and having all of the things that make u happy is what life's really about, it's the whole reason why God and Lucifer are still fighting to this day (i mean all of this bullshit has to be going on 4 other reasons besides human greed and ignorance otherwise BOTH sides would be having a pointless battle just for souls)

Okay, "being rich and having power and having all of the things that make u happy is what life's really about"? Really? How about being the person you want to be? Life constantly gives you opportunities to be the best version of your self, to be who you really want to be. If you want to be the guy who kills, robs and influences other people to do bad things (like you say you do) then do it. Don't talk about it, do it.


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Re: Non Fiction Words about Heaven and Hell
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2011, 09:47:50 AM »
Ill never confess on a world wide site, they got niggaz in Winipegg who read this shit so thats a negative.  And i am tha person i wana be, im just not filthy fuckin rich.  Im just not 1 of those ppl who walk a straight line when it comes to spiritual life, i just dont think it wuz supposed 2 be interpreted that way, why, becuz all religion has been comprimised in sum way just look at Islam.  And thx 4 tha prayers, i honestly will return tha favor.


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Re: Non Fiction Words about Heaven and Hell
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2011, 07:44:03 AM »
remember pac n biggie will be in hell to, so in aint all bad

and all those slimey self righteous pompous evangelists will be in heaven

i know where id rather go
« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 07:49:55 AM by Momo »


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Re: Non Fiction Words about Heaven and Hell
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2011, 09:52:23 AM »
remember pac n biggie will be in hell to, so in aint all bad

and all those slimey self righteous pompous evangelists will be in heaven

i know where id rather go

Oh yeah, because you know these things...


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Re: Non Fiction Words about Heaven and Hell
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2011, 05:13:46 AM »
remember pac n biggie will be in hell to, so in aint all bad

and all those slimey self righteous pompous evangelists will be in heaven

i know where id rather go

Oh yeah, because you know these things...


some people dont understand satire


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Re: Non Fiction Words about Heaven and Hell
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2011, 06:17:16 AM »
remember pac n biggie will be in hell to, so in aint all bad

and all those slimey self righteous pompous evangelists will be in heaven

i know where id rather go

Oh yeah, because you know these things...


some people dont understand satire

Go to the G Spot of you don't want to be taken seriously. Anyway, saying Pac & Biggie are in hell is not satire, just bad taste.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Non Fiction Words about Heaven and Hell
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2011, 06:57:43 AM »
humour doesn't have any taste

stop being a sensitive lil bitch


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Re: Non Fiction Words about Heaven and Hell
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2011, 10:27:38 PM »
humour doesn't have any taste

stop being a sensitive lil bitch

naw jokes can be outta taste and that was MOST DEFINITELY one but i get the purpose and what u were getting at (a day or two later).  but i say Pac and Big went to heaven, they were probably God's Gangsters (becuz he has those). 

as far as me tho, i wish i could set tha world on fire.  i would smoke it like a blunt (like literally inhale the smoke like a vaporizer) and watch everybody fry and go 2 heaven {and hell}. 

when i think of this i'm reminded of that scene from "Little Nicki" but I don't care, Satan has a plan for me that'll work out to my advantage.  and even tho i'm 50/50 with it and i have a love and hate relationship with Satan I know that it's all gonna get better, if not then I'll find out when i die and cross that bridge when i get there and remind myself like i always have and not crack or stumble under pressure. 

omg i can't wait to kill people and snatch their souls, it's almost like a ferrari ride without speed limits and you're drunk off of tequila and weed... that's how it feels anticipating it.  if i had the money i woulda BEEN joined the freemasons up the street from my house at the Masonic Temple.  too bad for my always wanna smoke weed, drink liquor, and fuck hoes ass otherwise i'd be a little closer to God and have alot more power (presumptuously).

i'd give my soul to come back to life forever and dwell in eternity forever with the best of things just trying to convert people.... fuck it, why not.  there's too much pressure on being perfect and trying to get to heaven anyway.  if God really feels some sorta way about YOU then you should be good no matter what, i mean if he knows ALL then he shoulda knew Satan was gonna take over 1 day and the people were gonna be there to back him #justsayin.... stop being a puppet becuz for all we know God could be Satan and Satan could be God (God does work in mysterious ways and Satan does represent the epedomy of evil right). 

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