Author Topic: What U Won't Hear In Mainstream Western News(Whats Really Goin On Libya)  (Read 573 times)


this is what the evil devil phony's running the system are really doing in libya, sarkozy treats muslim brothers and sisters in france like third class citizens, cameron dosen't give two flying shits about the poor in england, he took my little nieces ema(a grant to help kids to buy tools for college whop are coming from deprived backgrounds) away and is socially cleansing off uni's over here and other shit, obama spends billions, trillions on imperialist wars abroad that only benefit him and his evil circle of devils but can't spend a couple of millions on fixing up inner city schools in the USA, but would rather spend more money on building prisons, that says it all, you see what i'm saying, so it justs cracks me up(if it wern't a sick in the head pyschotic fruitcake joke) that heads would believe these evil piece of shits would give two flying fucks about muslim brothers and sisters a billion miles away in libya, you get what i'm saying, this is what is really going on, this shit is about oil and the system 100% controlling it under there terms as usual, they have murdered and assassinated gaddafi's innocent family members for no reason and are targeting gaddafi for assasination because he stood up to these punk devils for so long and are murdering civillians for collective punishment in the libyan capital tripoli

from by the great and revolutionary cynthia mckinney

'NATO bombs civilians!': Report from Tripoli
by grtv
As NATO attacks continue in Libya, former US congresswoman and presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney went to the country on a non-governmental fact-finding mission to see what exactly is going on in the war-torn country.

Cynthia McKinney believes the bombardments of Libyan cities and other measures taken by NATO, causing civilian casualties, represent the idea of “collective punishment”.

“NATO is preventing shipments of fuel, food and medicine to come in. There have been efforts to get medicine into the country that have been denied by NATO. It is impossible to go on any street and miss the huge queues – sometimes three or four deep – that go on and on, as they queue up to get gasoline from the service station,” McKinney says.

McKinney also told RT how universities and other civilian facilities are being bombed by NATO troops.

“I don’t know why NATO is choosing these targets, but these are civilian targets. Whenever you target a civilian population, you’re committing a crime,” she added.

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the colonialists are back, fuck the system

from www.globalresearch

African Leaders Demand Halt to NATO Bombing Campaign in Libya

Global Research, June 15, 2011
Bloomberg News

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African leaders today demanded an immediate end to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's bombing campaign in Libya and called for the African Union and United Nations to take the lead in reaching a political solution.

"We have not voted for a substitute for bombing of one group by the other," South Africa's Foreign Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane told reporters in New York, referring to the UN resolution authorizing military action against Libya leader Muammar Qaddafi's regime, which her government supported. "All forms of military intervention and bombing must stop now."

Nkoana-Mashabane and ministers of Mali, Mauritania, Uganda and the Republic of Congo, which formed the AU's Ad Hoc Committee on Libya, expressed their concern about the NATO bombing campaign to the UN Security Council. Adoption of a draft statement demanding a "complete end to violence and all attacks against and abuses of civilians" was blocked by the U.S. and other Western nations.

"This was a meeting for expressions of frustration," said Ambassador Nestor Osorio of Colombia, a Security Council member. Ambassador Jose Moraes Cabral of Portugal, also a council member, said Uganda's Foreign Minister Ruhakana Rugunda suggested the NATO intervention amounted to "going back to colonialism" in Africa.

Call from Russia, China

The meeting in New York followed a statement today by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a security alliance led by China and Russia and including the former Soviet states of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan [and Kazakhstan], urging an end to the NATO campaign. "Domestic conflicts and crises have to be regulated exclusively by peaceful means, through political dialogue," the group said in Astana, Kazakhstan, where it is holding a summit.

South Africa's President Jacob Zuma was more direct yesterday in Cape Town, saying the UN resolution authorizing military action was "being abused for regime change, political assassinations and foreign military occupation."

[Mauritania's Foreign Minister Hamady Ould] Hamady called for an "immediate humanitarian pause" in the fighting and expressed the AU's "surprise and disappointment at the attempts to marginalize the continent in the management of the Libyan conflict."

Britain's Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant said a precondition of a halt to the NATO bombing was a cessation of attacks on civilians by the Qaddafi regime.

"The ball is in Qaddafi's court," Lyall Grant said.

--Editors: Steven Komarow, Terry Atlas
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some more humanatarian concept from the imperialist evil system's point of view


Breaking News: PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE: NATO Bombed Libya's Nasser University
Campus B of Al Fatah

by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya



Global Research, June 12, 2011

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The NATO war against Libya is not a humanitarian endeavour. It is a blatant war of aggression and a violation of international law.

War crimes are being committed by NATO.

Hospitals and universities have been bombed. Civilian infrastructure has been brutally destroyed.

Recently Tripoli's Nasser University (Campus B of Al Fatah University) was bombed. University staff were injured and killed. There is no justification for this.

What NATO is doing is taking advantage of internal divisions to destroy Libya as a country.

The unspoken objective is to destroy Libya's economy and to prevent it from developing as a nation-state. This is why schools and universities, hospitals, shipyards, factories, not to mention residential areas, have been the target of NATO bombings.

Readers are informed in advance that the photographic evidence that follows is graphic and disturbing.

These photographs were taken by Mohammed Al-Alam, a student at Nasser University. The photographs were directly forwarded to Global Research.

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Global Research, June 12, 2011

Photographs: NATO bombings of Nasser Campus B, Al Fateh University, Tripoli. Copyright Global Research 2011

click on this link for more graphic photos, warning though, theirs pictures of dead brothers and sisters in there too
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welcome to politics


more evidence nato and the system are illegally trying to assassinate and murder a sovreign leader of another country for no other reason than to steal libya's oil


 Nato is trying to kill Gaddafi, admits top U.S. commander
Last updated at 10:57 AM on 27th June 2011

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Nato forces are trying to kill Colonel Gaddafi, the top U.S. commander in the Libyan conflict has admitted.
Admiral Samuel Locklear told senior American politicians air strikes were designed to kill the Libyan leader, despite White House reassurances that this was not the aim.
Such a goal would not be authorised by the UN mandate for the attacks.

Admission: Admiral Samuel Locklear, right, has said that Nato are using air strikes to target Gaddafi  - despite White House reassurances they were not
Admiral Locklear is the most senior figure to claim Gaddafi is a target.
Critics said the admission was further evidence of ‘mission creep’ and that Nato was breaking the rules of engagement.
Yesterday marked the 100th day since military action against the Libyan regime began. Eighteen nations including Britain, France and the U.S. have launched hundreds of air strikes in Libya to help rebels to overthrow Gaddafi.
Mike Turner, a member of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee, revealed that Admiral Locklear had told him removal of the dictator was on the table.
He said: ‘The UN authorisation had three components – blockade, no-fly zone and civil protection.
‘Admiral Locklear explained that the scope of civil protection was being interpreted to permit the removal of the chain of command of Gaddafi’s military, which includes Gaddafi.
‘He said that is the mission as Nato has defined. I believed we were targeting Gaddafi, but that confirmed it.
‘The scope that Nato is pursuing is beyond what is contemplated in civil protection, so they’re exceeding the mission.’
He added that Admiral Locklear, who heads the Allied Joint Force Command in Italy, had said publicly that a small force might have to go in on the ground to retain order if the rebels won.

Target: Nato sorties have already attacked the compound of Gaddafi , such as these which struck during a raid in March
The revelation comes amid reports that Gaddafi is already considering leaving Libya for fear of his own safety.
His compound in the capital, Tripoli, has repeatedly been bombed and his son Saif and three of his grandchildren have been killed in air strikes.
Last week it emerged that the cost of the conflict to Britain had reached £260million, despite initial predictions that the bill would be ‘tens of millions’.
Defence Secretary Liam Fox said yesterday Britain had the ‘moral and political resolve’ to finish the job.
In the latest fighting, rebels in western Libya said they had advanced and were battling Gaddafi’s forces in Bir al-Ghanam, 50 miles south of the capital.

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The US is fuckin Pakistan up right now too with drones, but they just wanna talk about Anthony Weiner and cover who wont he world's ugliest dog contest on the news.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



The US is fuckin Pakistan up right now too with drones, but they just wanna talk about Anthony Weiner and cover who wont he world's ugliest dog contest on the news.

thats the crazy world we live in
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