Author Topic: Armageddon (Ex Terror Squad member) Interview  (Read 73 times)


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Armageddon (Ex Terror Squad member) Interview
« on: July 08, 2011, 03:16:13 AM »

I2G kicked it with former Terror Squad member, Armageddon, for a exclusive interview. We discuss his new album, The Journal Volume 1 The Rebirth and the meaning behind the name, his new single, Sending My Love, Terror Squad memories and much more so check it out.

Illuminati 2G is here with Armageddon how’s it going?

I’m good brother how you doing?

Good, you just recently dropped your new single and video entitled Sending My Love. Tell me a little bit about the single and how the video came together for you.

The song, one it was a hot beat. It was self explanitory as to what the topic should be because the sample is sending my love. So I just had to think of who I would be sending my love to, and immediately my uncle popped into my mind, because he has been locked down for so long.

He has not been able to witness first hand what has been going on with me in the music industry. All he can do is go by what he hears from people, letters we send him or TV. I wanted to send my love to him and reach out to him because I know he is sick of what he is going through and I feel he paid his debt to society.

It is to show that I have not forgotten about him and I appreciate him. The second verse I felt would be perfect to talk to fans and supporters that held me down over the years. Even when I was not putting out music, they held me down in a highly valued place in their hearts and minds and I appreciate that big time.

They are the same ones supporting me out and getting the word out about my music to others. I have to appreciate that and give my love back, and I feel like supporters show love all day and artists don’t return the love in any kind of way, ever.

Artists are full of themselves and look at themselves as these icons that everyone idolizes and they should just because. Instead of appreciating the fact that these people who made you into what you are today as a artist. Even when they are on stage performing, sometimes it comes off that they are performing for themselves.

They not giving the audience what they came for, they just ranting and raving about how dope and tough they are. Half the time their stage show sucks because they are not including the audience in the show. They are not catering to the audience so I figured for that song, let me switch it up and show my love and appreciation to others.

As far as the video, my man thought that it would be a good idea to put out a viral video talking to the fans. I wanted to have more of a full production then just me shouting out the fans so we got my man Steven Tapia and he took it to the next level and also the inspiration for the video was from Pete Rock and CL Smooth I Reminiscene and Kanye’s Through The Wire.

As far as using the photographs and old footage, I was trying to be as creative as possible and also keep the audiences interest.

The song appears on your new album, The Journal Volume 1 The Rebirth. Tell me a little bit about the album and what are fans in store for when they pick up the album.

Well when you pick up the album, you are in store for visual and unapologetic, raw rap. It’s just raw hip hop music and I feel the sound I have is not your typical hip hop sound. I am a mixture and have always been in the middle between underground and mainstream and I hear that in my music.

It is never totally underground or mainstream and for the most part, most of the songs are like that. Alot of high energy songs, stuff that will get you motivated and pumped up to exercise or hit up the bag or something. There are some heartfelt songs, tone it down a little bit and give you some insight into who I am and experiences that I have been through.

I did some other joints where I tell some stories and touch on things that alot of people really don’t think about or have done songs about. It is a mix of sounds and styles and the album came about…, it has been in the works for years. I have been talking about The Journal since I was in the Terror Squad.

I don’t know why I picked that name, I think at the time I was chroniclizing my life into song scructure and I just kinda stuck with the name The Journal because I could not think of any other album names but I wanted to break it into volumes so I could present different aspects of The Journal.

People try to shove their whole life into one album and it does not work. You have to show and represent periods of your life onto a album. The whole collection of The Journal is my life but each volume is a period or chapter within my life and my return to the game with the same passion that I had when I first got into it.

I know alot of artists, on their songs they are just talking over them. It has become a job to them and they sound like they just want to get the song out there. I just got tired of that one day and I just went in on a song I did with Joe (Fat Joe) and Noreaga and since then I have been going hard.

Since then I reconnected with that passion and that love that I had in the beginning and that is the reasoning behind The Rebirth. There is a whole collection, Rebirth, Outbreak, which is coming out in October, Chaos coming out next February, Order, Famine, just a whole bunch of them. I’m working and I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon.

You were a member of the very prominent group Terror Squad. What are some good memories that you have working with the group and in your opinion why do you think the group did not work out?

Well groups are always hard man, I have been in and out of groups since the 5th grade. Groups are always hard because you got different people and alot of input, mixed in with different personalities. We never really had true leadership, we had a boss, not a true leader and there is a big difference between the two.

Joe was pretty much a boss and we were not able to keep things together, that happens. Money and egos become a issue, work ethic becomes a issue and eventually you have it where one person wants to be a superstar and other is lazy and it just fell apart on its own.

It had nothing to do with Pun’s passing because the same shit was going on when he was alive. He was the cash cow, Pun was the only one in the group that brought in money for the boss. Nobody else had a proven track record whatsoever, so people were not willing to take a risk.

At the end of the day, that is business and I know to alot of the fans it looks like it’s family and all love but at the end of the day, it’s all business. It was bad business, it did not work out and that is what happens. Some companies last only a year and some are still going, but my best memories with the Terror Squad it would have to be on tour with us all together.

Those are probably the best experiences of my life, rocking stadiums and large audiences, we had a whole lot of fun on tour.

Do you have any collaborations coming with any other MC’s?

I just did something with this cat named M-Dot, who has a lil buzz going for himself and he is out of Boston. He goes all over the world and I did a song with him, but as far as working with other artists, it is just something that comes up out of the blue.

I might hear a song and say oh I want to work with this guy or I might hear a beat and like to hear a particular artist on it. I like working with up and coming artists and singers.

Do you have any upcoming shows or tour dates?

Yeah we are working on some dates in July, but as of right now we do not have a full schedule yet but we have some dates tenative. Dates in California, Massachusettes, Connecticut.

What is your website information?

Alright well that is all the questions I have for you, appreciate you getting down for the interview. Is there any last words or shoutouts you want to get out there to the people?

I just want to big up all the fans that have supported me and eveyone that has been holding me down since day one. Shout out to PJ Griffith, Tyler Resnick, Alex Manchez, Dennis Paredes, Alex Paredes, DJ L Pro, the whole team Geddy.