Author Topic: Sid Speaks On Lying to Yourself  (Read 94 times)

Miss NWA Whoorider

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Sid Speaks On Lying to Yourself
« on: December 11, 2001, 12:07:00 PM »
...people lie to you, and people lie to themselves...because they are ashamed of thier humanity. They create a self-portrait of themselves as being something they are not, so, when they fall short, thier whole reality begins to crumble around them....they stop acknowledging thier relationship to God as being one that is helping them to grow, instead, they acknowledge themselves as worthless, meaninless...often bitter. Thats the begining of the end. This would be the fundamental reason people dont love themselves, because they cant even ADMIT what they ARE to begin with....they cant even ACKNOWLEDGE to themselves what God has put forth for them to see and learn with. In thier mind, they must do the best they can to hide thier flaws, their feelings, thier thoughts from those closest to them....because its one thing to not love yourself, its another thing to have somebody you love not love you!! And, why wouldnt they love you? well, because you tend to think that your humanity is worthless, that your mistakes are unforgivable, that what you SHOW yourself to be, will be a rude awakening to the person you love when you show them who you are!!! Is that love? Well..the real question is....WHO is the person you love, loving then? Do they REALLY love YOU?? Or do they just enjoy being blinded by a lie? *shrugs shoulders* .....People often ask me why i dont trust people, and its because you will rarely meet somebody who genuinly loves themself!! This is the person who will celabrate thier mistakes, and not hide thier pain.....this is the person who will honor thier love and truth no matter what the cost, because they KNOW that they deserve to love themself and enjoy thier life. Looking into the heart of the world, i see empty soul after empty soul....all of them living in fear, making the CHOICE to live with pain because they are too ashamed to accept that they have been hurt, embarrased..they have too much pride to admit thier makes no sense to me....but in the same way, i understand. The fear of loss is often too real to just show yourself. Well, for me, its hard to trust these people because no matter HOW MUCH they love you, its a fact that they would go to great lengths to make sure you keep loving them....and that includes...lying!! I, too, was a person who lied to myself, so, i know first-hand on what i speak of.....but, in coming clean, in being honest with yourself and those you love, you might hurt them, you might lose them, you might even have them hate you....but, at least you will know that if they are still there after all of got somebody who loves you....that you did the best you can with all God gave you to feel and experience, and if people cant accept that, thats something they have to acknowledge between them and thier God. I believe we underestimate the power of love...myself included. Our Gods tell us we are forgiven EVEN BEFORE we ask for forgiveness....isnt that something? Well, anyways....take what you wish from this little letter, but, i will say....: I, for one, love that you are human...stop being so ashamed of yourself, its ok. True love is love for Self. So..if your gonna love yourself....then love EVERYTHING about you....the greatest people who live, simply experience themselves, and tell the story as it is!! They rise right to the "top" in our hearts as it is, is something amazing to watch. Without this basic understanding, life is often a nightmare.....wont you come into my world??? *smile* But....whatever...hope everybody is doing well. get at me if you feel the need. "....respect those who respect you enough to hurt those who love you enough to keep loving you when in pain because of you...." *winks*

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »
don't quote mre boy I ain't said shit "yet"