Author Topic: What happens if the US Gov. and the legislature can't agree on a budget?  (Read 228 times)

The Overfiend

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In Australia, because we never overthrew the British, we are a Constitutional Monarchy, with democracy written into our Constitution. But if there is a deadlock between the Parliament (the legislature) and the Goverment, the King or Queen's Representative can fire the Goverment and force fresh elections to take place. This happened in 1975. Its actually very useful in retrospect and in context with what's happening now with the US government failing to get approval from the Congress for the budget. In some ways we did better by not being rebellious!


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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A slave state to the will of the royal Sax Coburgh arm of the Sax Coburgh family, yes indeed, just like Canada and presumably every country within the commonwealth.
The whole thing is smoke and mirrors, the entire economy is run on debt, we live in a debt based economy, which means that once we reach a level whereby the credit begins contracting, then the only source of additional surpluses comes from exports. I don't know the situation with exports in Australia, though I imagine it's pretty strong, the balance of trade between imports and exports on the other hand in the likes of America worsens by the month. This is the so called beauty of a debt based de industrialised economy.

So now it's a game of addressing the public with this notion that we must increase debt but only for the purpose of enslaving the people more. What I mean by this is the military budget alone runs at some 4 trillion, the banks have been basically handed some 13 trillion, and yet the question is how much of the peoples entitlement do we cut? in other words how much of what the people have poured in do we steal.

What happens if no agreement is reached? probably nothing, but that is not how they are selling it. What happens if an agreement is reached? they will have kicked the can a bit further down the road. I called this years ago, the crumbling state of the economy, heck i called it back in 2003 to my economics teacher, not because I am intelligent but just because it's so downright obvious. The media blinds us with rhetoric and statistics most of which are just a cruel game of statistics and deliberately omit the most fundamental aspects.

It's all a game and the looting of everyone's futures is the goal and then these psychopathic monsters will grandstand as the saviours just as they did in 2008 hailing their new economic order which only drew the world further into their clutches.

1.5 quadrillion in derivatives (bets) bets which are unregulated, thus we don't even know the details of the bets
So every time these people people parade on television and tell you that it's good for you that they are cutting your entitlements to stabilise the country, know that their masters are raping the shit out of you and loving every moment.