Author Topic: Jrome, save me some time.  (Read 277 times)

Chamillitary Click

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Jrome, save me some time.
« on: October 19, 2011, 12:37:58 PM »
I was in class today & some bitch asked the teacher about "Occupy Wall Street" & my teacher said he didn't understand the point of it because if people know how the Federal Reserve worked & how they get their money, they would be protesting that. I remember you said almost the exact same thing in that thread in ToT.

So if you could link up some of your best Federal Reserve articles, it would be appreciated.

Chamillitary Click

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Re: Jrome, save me some time.
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2011, 05:44:06 PM »
I just watched the Zietgiest Youtube video, but just the part about the Federal Reserve. Insane.


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Re: Jrome, save me some time.
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2011, 04:12:16 AM »
Sorry man, just saw this.

I'll try to sum it up briefly:  the federal reserve is not a government entity despite it's name trying to make it sound like one. It is a privately owned bank, and up until the Internet age, it's ownership was hidden/unknown.

In 1913 woodrow Wilson signed the federal reserve act which gave the Fed the right to print our money instead of the US Treasury. When u look at your "dollar", what is it truly called at the top? A Federal Reserve Note. Now, anytime u are in the banking world, the word "note" means a loan. What does a bank loan have? Interest.

Now, what the fed does is print every dollar, and then lends those dollars out to banks. The fed funds rate to loan to banks is 1.25% I believe. So every dollar that they pump into the system has interest attached to it.

So Cham, say I borrow $1 from u. You're cool with that, but you're gonna charge me .25 cents interest to do so. Well, I'm cool with that, but I don't have .25 I'll need to borrow a quarter from you. You're cool with that, but you're gonna charge me interest on that quarter too. I'm basically your debt slave since the only way I can repay is by borrowing more money.

This is basically what happens: the fed prints money, and each dollar they print has interest. The interest can never be repaid because there is always more debt on it than dollars in circulation. It's a scheme that is meant to enslave society.

The fed is our central bank. People like Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, and JFK all fought the central bank of their eras and all were assassinated. JFK issued executive order 11110 which would remove the fed of its printing power. He was bumped off, and the order was reversed by LBJ.

Now think about this: imagine you and 10 of your friends made 1.25% on EVERY DOLLAR PRINTED OVER THE LAST 100 YEARS. We're talking interest on trillions of dollars. Guess what u can do with that kind of can buy the media (JP Morgan famously bought newspapers all over the US), u can buy politicians, u can buy entire governments, u can start war, u can buy off scientists and keep certain cures repressed because u own the pharmaceuticals that treat an not cure, u can buy the church / synagogue / mosque and have them preach your get the point.

The Fed is illegal and is responsible for every boom and bust economically, and they are the reason the dollar is only worth about 2% of what it was 100 years ago because their answer to everything is to print more, which causes inflation.

If we end the fed, the US can be a prosperous place again. If we don't, we will continue to be bled dry by it until we are dead.

Ron Paul 2012...he is the only candidate that wants to abolish it.

Chamillitary Click

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Re: Jrome, save me some time.
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2011, 12:25:39 PM »
Insane stuff. In the video they showed how they set up the attacks to bring us into the WWI, II & Vietnam. & how the Federal Reserve supported them all. Also saw in the video how JFK was ready to do away with it & then so ironically got popped.

If I understood correctly, the Federal Reserve gave the US money to fight in the war, but got interest on all of it. Rockerfeller made like a billion dollars off WWI, which taking todays inflation into account is like 10 trillion dollars lmao.

My question is, how did they initially get authorization to start printing money?