Author Topic: UK to start WAR with Iran (possible attack)  (Read 1068 times)


UK to start WAR with Iran (possible attack)
« on: December 01, 2011, 11:01:09 AM »
Britain's armed forces are stepping up their contingency planning for potential military action against Iran amid mounting concern about Tehran's nuclear enrichment programme, the Guardian has learned.

In anticipation of a potential attack, British military planners are examining where best to deploy Royal Navy ships and submarines equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles over the coming months as part of what would be an air and sea campaign.

They also believe the US would ask permission to launch attacks from Diego Garcia, the British Indian ocean territory, which the Americans have used previously for conflicts in the Middle East.

Source: UK Newspapers, and Sky News TV

 ::) ::)

I guess they'll start making up excuses to attack as soon as they move out of Afghanistan now that they have a central bank and puppet government installed there, and the fact that there's no need for a UK fleet in Libya anymore.

I don't know what gives the UK the right to think they can just go around "invading" countries whenever they feel like it, and you know US will be right behind them too... Iran, Pakistan, and Syria will be targeted within the next 10 years to gain control of the entire middle east
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David Mack

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Re: UK to start WAR with Iran (possible attack)
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2011, 07:03:04 PM »
The plan is to "sucker" China and Russia into a military conflict. Basically the Anglo-American establishment has been busy trying to initiate this conflict with the actions they have taken in the last few years. A couple points I could think of........................

1.Funding so called Rebels and bombing Libya to overthrow a government who did big business with China. Libya was a major supplier of oil to the Chinese and with the CIA funded rebels in charge, the oil deal will go out the window.

2.Russia has a deal with Syria to operate the port of Tartus just off the coast of the middle eastern country. Its a huge strategic military port for the Russians and with the current West sponsored uprising, there is fears that Syria will face the same fate as Libya.
Which is the overthrow of the government and the Russians being revoked the rights to Tartus. The Russians are sending a fleet of subs to Tartus as we speak.

3.The constant drone attacks and murders by the US army in Pakistan which China has condemned many times and has threatened to intervene if necessary as Pakistan is a key ally with China.

4. And finally the grand daddy of em all....................IRAN. Now Iran isn't some cake walk like Afghanistan was. It is a country with a huge population, solid military capability and Chinese/Russian backing.  Some people say the US/ISRAEL/UK are pre-emptively attacking IRAN for resourse control (oil mainly) or for the interests of Israel. That is all true but I think if the attack on IRAN does happen, it may lead to something much more sinister. We are now seeing the west impose sanctions on IRAN and the frustration of the Chinese rising. So much so that China's Major General Zhang said that China will not hesitate to protect IRAN from military intervention even if it means World War 3.

Will this all happen? Who the fuck knows but it will be catasrophic it if does. We are dealing with Nuclear power houses that could wipe out millions if not billions of people. Maybe it is the final stages of bringing a more centralized society controlled by a one world government where the world is substantially depopulated.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 07:08:01 PM by David Mack »

Officer Perez

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Re: UK to start WAR with Iran (possible attack)
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2011, 11:22:13 PM »
From what you guys are typing one could think that countries like Libya, Syria, Iran or China are a cornerstone for human rights, freedom and innovative development, and don't do or think of anything bad ever. When in reality those governments and institutions in power over there aren't saints either and it's not as if guys like Gaddafi or Ahmedinejad never asked for trouble. It's not like the western world is pure evil bringing doom over the entire globe attacking purely innocent countries or anything. Imagine a world in which countries like Iran, Syria and China had the upper hand globally... wouldn't be better at all. I mean get real, guys. Those anti-western, nwo-fearing, middle east-glorifying attitudes seem so juvenile when you go too far overboard with them.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 11:28:34 PM by 7even »
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Re: UK to start WAR with Iran (possible attack)
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2011, 04:58:01 AM »
There is good and bad in every nation and in some respects the likes of Syria, Libya were more free, certainly in the case of Libya received more help and were more affluent than us. No nation is wholly evil it's parasitic elements within that tare but the point is the invasion and destruction of nations is evil, worse still when said nation cannot defend itself. I do though disagree regarding suckering in China because since Libya was an important asset to China, then if they had wished to they could have vetoed at the UN but instead they didn't. This tells me that a back room deal was worked out in which China agreed to the overthrow of the political regime operating in Libya.


Re: UK to start WAR with Iran (possible attack)
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2011, 09:34:02 AM »
I'm not saying that middle eastern countries leadership are any better or worse than ours, but one thing's for sure, their society is far better, more civilized, friendlier, and safer than in the UK or US (Iran we're talking about) they don't have the social problems, the drug issues, and lack of respect in the youth over there, so they must be doing something right... Anyone remember Iraq before and after the invasion? Before the invasion, illegal drug use was very rare, and after the US & UK invasion it was pretty much everywhere. Anyone ever been to Iran or Libya before?
UK & US can't go around policing the world, and bullying people into sanctions "they" create from thin air. If I were Iran, I too would be racing to make a nuclear deterrent, after seeing Iraq, Afghanistan & Libya bullied into giving up their countries. The West may get oil from it, but they're pushing those countries into a degree of unresolvable scarring, and control of banks with no other motive than to have an evil grip on them forever. Anyone who's tried to escape it's grip and come together, to create laws, or even pay back these people are assassinated (see: Lincoln, and JFK)
Iran is bigger than the UK, but like Russia, most of their country is unoccupied by anyone. I think Iran has a population of around 72 mil, while UK has around 66 mil. Not much of a difference, and when you put the military spending power in place, UK being 3rd or 4th in the world, it's not a fair fight, especially when they bring along the rest of it's buddies (US, & France) along to the party as well
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David Mack

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Re: UK to start WAR with Iran (possible attack)
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2011, 05:21:33 PM »

There is good and bad in every nation and in some respects the likes of Syria, Libya were more free, certainly in the case of Libya received more help and were more affluent than us. No nation is wholly evil it's parasitic elements within that tare but the point is the invasion and destruction of nations is evil, worse still when said nation cannot defend itself. I do though disagree regarding suckering in China because since Libya was an important asset to China, then if they had wished to they could have vetoed at the UN but instead they didn't. This tells me that a back room deal was worked out in which China agreed to the overthrow of the political regime operating in Libya.

I think the overthrow would have taken place with or without UN approval. UN is a big joke anyway.  But u maybe right on the back deal but that doesn't mean that US/China tensions are boiling over.

As far as painting the countries in subject as saints................I'm not. Tyranny exists in every nation but that also includes the west. Dictators control people by the threat of physical force............."democracies" control the minds of people by the means of propoganda. I think the latter is more dangerous since the public is led to believe in a false sense of security while in the background corruption/chaos is occurring (ie the current economic state of Europe and US brought upon by Central banks/off-shore banking Cartels and Wall street). We shouldn't support one side or another in this struggle but support the general populace on both sides who are getting the short end of the stick.

Officer Perez

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Re: UK to start WAR with Iran (possible attack)
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2011, 05:53:06 PM »
I'm not saying that middle eastern countries leadership are any better or worse than ours, but one thing's for sure, their society is far better, more civilized, friendlier, and safer than in the UK or US (Iran we're talking about) they don't have the social problems, the drug issues, and lack of respect in the youth over there, so they must be doing something right... Anyone remember Iraq before and after the invasion? Before the invasion, illegal drug use was very rare, and after the US & UK invasion it was pretty much everywhere. Anyone ever been to Iran or Libya before?
UK & US can't go around policing the world, and bullying people into sanctions "they" create from thin air. If I were Iran, I too would be racing to make a nuclear deterrent, after seeing Iraq, Afghanistan & Libya bullied into giving up their countries. The West may get oil from it, but they're pushing those countries into a degree of unresolvable scarring, and control of banks with no other motive than to have an evil grip on them forever. Anyone who's tried to escape it's grip and come together, to create laws, or even pay back these people are assassinated (see: Lincoln, and JFK)
Iran is bigger than the UK, but like Russia, most of their country is unoccupied by anyone. I think Iran has a population of around 72 mil, while UK has around 66 mil. Not much of a difference, and when you put the military spending power in place, UK being 3rd or 4th in the world, it's not a fair fight, especially when they bring along the rest of it's buddies (US, & France) along to the party as well

You conveniently choose to ignore a few things here and there. Like, for instance, the reason why those countries feature less drug abuse and less respectless youth. Precisely one reason: Less freedom, more/stricter sanctions. If young foreigners would act in Iran like they act in Western Europe, they'd be dealt with real quick. Over here everything gets tolerated to some degree, including things that shouldn't be tolerated, but also things that should be when they aren't in the middle east. I probably couldn't kiss my girlfriend in public without going to jail.
It's not like people are so pure from vainful things that they don't use drugs or do stupid shit, they just can't cause the sanctions are way more severe, both socially and legally. Your own brother might kill you if you fuck some random ass nigga you're not married to. So of course they ain't gon sleep around while doing cocaine during club nights. Doesn't mean they wouldn't want to.
In all honesty I don't even think you believe that shit, you're just a typical liberal white guilt type of nigga. I'm willing to the bet all the money I have that you prefer to live in the UK. You might enjoy a protected and well planned journey here and there, but you damn sure ain't keen on spending your life in such countries. You also conveniently ignore the fact that Sarkozy and Cameron were treated like heroes by a good portion of Libya's population. I assume there's a reason for that. But I believe you probably assume those were paid guys to spread propaganda on us.
Also, going to war can't be THAT profitable for the west, as most countries are in a terrible spot now compared to the 90s
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Re: UK to start WAR with Iran (possible attack)
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2011, 04:38:54 AM »
If you get in a fight, and somebody yells “worldstar”. You better fight for your life.


Re: UK to start WAR with Iran (possible attack)
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2011, 06:25:33 AM »
I'd prefer to raise my children in those countries than in the UK, beause they wouldn't be surrounded by a decaying society. I don't know how it is where you live exactly, but where I live, there are more broken familys than unbroken ones, and the country is far too soft on people here. It does have great education, even better than Iran or Libya, but right now, a lot of children will be put off by going to University due to the increased costs

My grandfather lived in Libya in the 80's and 90's due to working there, and he always said how nice it was, how different it was, and that the people there actually loved gadaffi as a leader despite what has been said here. That was clearly seen by the amount of everyday person out fighting for him til the death... How many would do that for Cameron or Obama?

Ask anyone who's visited Iran, unguided, and one of the things that you'll always hear first is the disbelief of how nice the people were over there, and how helpful they were.. People have this image of these sheet wearing pyscho's with the dangour of kidnapping lurking atany given moment, and this uncertain fear placed on anyone who's over this side. Some of the laws are a bit harsh, but again, IMO it's far better to have laws that are harsh, than laws that are too leniant... Harsh laws simply annoy people, but not to great extents.. Leniant laws opens the doors for crime, lack of remourse, and fear for law abiders
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Re: UK to start WAR with Iran (possible attack)
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2011, 07:27:10 AM »
WW3 is already here


Re: UK to start WAR with Iran (possible attack)
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2011, 07:45:26 AM »
WW3 will probably be done backdoor. Trade, stock, debt and so on. Frontline warfare on a global scale is a thing of the past
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Re: UK to start WAR with Iran (possible attack)
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2011, 09:03:13 PM »
WW3 will probably be done backdoor. Trade, stock, debt and so on. Frontline warfare on a global scale is a thing of the past

its been happening, alot of trade wars back and forth with china, but the fact is they cant go to war it pauses both countries of economic growth.

no but frontline warfare is just last resort. its not extinct, its just that we had nothing good enough reason to go to war.

did china going start preparing for war after we raised the taxes on chinese tires? no, but would china go to war if we raised taxes on ALL chinese goods for no reasonable cause than yes.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


Re: UK to start WAR with Iran (possible attack)
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2011, 02:55:29 AM »
Right now, if China were to go to war with the US, they would win. China are a high military spending state, enormous army, nuclear with powerful allies (Russia, Pakistan etc.)

US After their conflicts past, and current would not be able to handle a war with China
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Re: UK to start WAR with Iran (possible attack)
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2011, 02:59:35 AM »
^China needs the west to stay alive because they can't come up with shit themselves. They need western invention and know-how on how to do things, they can only imitate, not innovate. Therefore they need countries in the west to stay on a certain level, without them they can't have progress or trade.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
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Re: UK to start WAR with Iran (possible attack)
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2011, 04:17:25 AM »
^China needs the west to stay alive because they can't come up with shit themselves. They need western invention and know-how on how to do things, they can only imitate, not innovate. Therefore they need countries in the west to stay on a certain level, without them they can't have progress or trade.

Agree on the trade aspect, however the innovation is maybe a bit far off. Quality driven workplaces happened over that way with the likes of Duran, crosby and so on before they did over here. All these quality ideas which save companies millions every year are done so by using "their" methods such as the Ishikawa diagrams, and cause and effect analysises. They're not as far back as we think they are. Perhaps you're correct in a way when it's with things like broadband, and telecommunications, but not with internal business, and working. They can get their technology, 'better' technology a lot closer to home in the form of Japan
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