Author Topic: Nelson Mandela Calls George W. Bush A Racist  (Read 2527 times)


Re: Nelson Mandela Calls George W. Bush A Racist
« Reply #30 on: February 02, 2003, 07:56:18 PM »
^^ That's your opinion, I already said mine.  


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Re: Nelson Mandela Calls George W. Bush A Racist
« Reply #31 on: February 02, 2003, 08:05:08 PM »
^^ That's your opinion, I already said mine.  

i respect your opinion, i'm just vehemently against it LOL


Re: Nelson Mandela Calls George W. Bush A Racist
« Reply #32 on: February 02, 2003, 08:18:40 PM »
Yeah, I feel the same, LOL.  I gotta lot of respect for you, but you're full of shit.

First off, The system does work.  The system is designed to promote peace, and opportunity for everyone.  While it doesn't 100% do that, look at the huge strives we've made in civil rights since the 60's.  The system wasn't torn down, it was REFORMED, and it worked.  Look at the constitution of the united states; there's really nothing wrong with it, albeit a few things added and refined over the years; 200 years later it's still a very inspired document, and it works PRETTY good.  there are tons of things that slip through, yeah, but on the whole, people in america have more freedom than most other countries.  The system does not need to be torn down, you're just not thinking saying that.  Also, the system cannot be torn down. If we did, the entire country would collapse, and probably half the world after that.  

2. Are you crazy? Bush has respect for everyone I've seen.  Name 1 thing disrespectful he's done.  Look at the respect he showed Islam after what happened sept 11th.  He didn't have to do that, every redneck in the country was screaming "KILL MUSLIMS" and he calmed the whole country down.  H'es christian, we're powerful, all of europe is christian, and powerful, he could have just said screw muslims, but he knew that wasn't the right thing to do.  Do you honestly think America would have cared if he waged war on Islam? Hell no.  Look what Billy Graham's son and all them said after sept 11th, nobody cared except other muslims.  Bush took the high ground, and that shows respect.  Again, you don't know what you're talking about.

3.  Do you honestly think that War will make George Bush and his people richer? Are you crazy? HOW? LOL.  Have we ever went to war and took things? Ever? In the middle east we probably get cheaper oil rates, but how does cheaper oil out of the middle east make a guy that owns an oil ranch in texas richer? LOL use common sense, man.  Do you honestly believe in your paranoid mind that this is some personal vendetta against the rest of the middle east to get oil cheap?  Read up on OPEC.  
There are plenty of arguments against war in Iraq, I personally don't even agree with it, and I'm very patriotic; that's the worst argument you could possibly come up with, though, try again.

4. Look at his political record, look at his approval rating, look at what people think about him in Texas.  thats' why he's president.  If anybody could buy the presidency, don't you think Ross Perot would be president right now? Just because George Bush isn't the typical old man who never takes his tie off and wears starched underwear, doesn't mean that he isn't a competant president.  Look at Ronald Reagan, for gods sake.  the man was half inept he was so old, and he still ran the country... even if you think George Bush is a clown, that doesn't mean he can't lead the country with the help of his advisors.  


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Re: Nelson Mandela Calls George W. Bush A Racist
« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2003, 08:36:31 PM »
Okay I'll try and get through these quickly:

1) The system may work for you and countless others, but for a HUGE portion of society it is failing them. Sure people think they're free in America and the West, but at what cost. People are so comfortable with their great lives that they don't even notice the incredible suffering of the world. Something is horribly wrong.

2) My point was the USA has always only looked out for itself and Bush is a continuation of that. You called people out for not being loyal or looking out for themselves. Theres countless examples of the US govt being guilty of these same things. WW2 and the cold war come to mind. They're loyal and respectful when it suits them. You think Bush could really say 'Fuck the muslims lets bomb em all'? No, the whole middle east would be against him and bang goes his oil. instead he'll do it slowly and methodically.

3) Has the US ever went to war to take things? Yes they took florida from spain, bunch of land from Mexico, plus they took all the political freedoms from countries in covert operations in cuba and south america among others. Just remember - USA: In G-O-D (Gold-Oil-Drugs) They Trust.

4) Bush didn't win the election. He did pretty well though, because he appeals to the wealthy white majority of society who also happen to be the majority of voters. The common man has lost faith in the political system, which takes me back to point 1.


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Re: Nelson Mandela Calls George W. Bush A Racist
« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2003, 09:02:15 PM »
Okay I'll try and get through these quickly:

1) The system may work for you and countless others, but for a HUGE portion of society it is failing them. Sure people think they're free in America and the West, but at what cost. People are so comfortable with their great lives that they don't even notice the incredible suffering of the world. Something is horribly wrong.

2) My point was the USA has always only looked out for itself and Bush is a continuation of that. You called people out for not being loyal or looking out for themselves. Theres countless examples of the US govt being guilty of these same things. WW2 and the cold war come to mind. They're loyal and respectful when it suits them. You think Bush could really say 'Fuck the muslims lets bomb em all'? No, the whole middle east would be against him and bang goes his oil. instead he'll do it slowly and methodically.

3) Has the US ever went to war to take things? Yes they took florida from spain, bunch of land from Mexico, plus they took all the political freedoms from countries in covert operations in cuba and south america among others. Just remember - USA: In G-O-D (Gold-Oil-Drugs) They Trust.

4) Bush didn't win the election. He did pretty well though, because he appeals to the wealthy white majority of society who also happen to be the majority of voters. The common man has lost faith in the political system, which takes me back to point 1.

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Re: Nelson Mandela Calls George W. Bush A Racist
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2003, 02:38:31 AM »
i couldnt say it better than kaidy

Jay ay Beee

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Re: Nelson Mandela Calls George W. Bush A Racist
« Reply #36 on: February 03, 2003, 06:50:30 AM »
Trauma you are basically saying that it is right to be a sheep and it is right to follow what others do, leaving no room for free thinking.  Comments like "He ain't rich enough to buy his way there, and he's not slick enough to cheat his way there.  He's there because he's a good man" are ridiculous.  He is the son of a former President, and prominent politician before that.  The amount of influence that gave him enabled him to piss a lot of his life up the wall but because he was from a rich and influential family, he went to the best schools, and even more importantly, had people around him that wanted to use his status a son of the President to enhance themselves, and their interests.  Therefore he was able to get involved in the oil business relatively easily, building a fortune through fathers influence.  Do you think some black dude from Compton, no matter how intelligent or 'good' he was could walk into the oil business in the way Bush did?  No way.  The political elite in America is amazingly hard to break into if you were not born into wealth or connections.  Bush was born into both.
  And if your level of free and independent thinking is on such a level that you would allow Sadaam Hussien to be your leader and die for him just because it's the 'system', you're either ambivalent to a fault or mad.

Don Seer

Re: Nelson Mandela Calls George W. Bush A Racist
« Reply #37 on: February 03, 2003, 07:00:23 AM »

King Tech Quadafi

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Re: Nelson Mandela Calls George W. Bush A Racist
« Reply #38 on: February 03, 2003, 11:23:50 AM »
Trauma accepts the illusion, he doesnt look past it
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll

ITW [the irish boy]

Re: Nelson Mandela Calls George W. Bush A Racist
« Reply #39 on: February 03, 2003, 12:07:41 PM »
I think this topic has led us on nicely to another one : Should the US look to european countries for a more legitimate administration?

I don't mean in terms of corruption etc. But the fact that you have to be rich or with connections to get into politics, at least the top tier, seems to be very unjust to society.
In Ireland everyone in politics starts on local council and then local government, minister, then possible leader. Our former president and former human rights high commisioner Mary Robinson was a friend of my mams and she came from the same neighbourhood my mam did. Our current taoiseach (prime minister), though he's an idiot of bush calibre, is from the inner city of dublin, and even now still lives in a normal housing estate.
Surely if a similar structure was in place in the US, there would be more "normal" people in office, which would make the decision making a more accurate reflection of the people. Because as it stands the american people are, and have been for some time, labelled as studid because of, in my opinion, Rich white america paying for pretty rich boys to run their country.
Do you not agree that a system like that would be better?


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Re: Nelson Mandela Calls George W. Bush A Racist
« Reply #40 on: February 04, 2003, 09:11:51 AM »
Trauma you are basically saying that it is right to be a sheep and it is right to follow what others do, leaving no room for free thinking.  Comments like "He ain't rich enough to buy his way there, and he's not slick enough to cheat his way there.  He's there because he's a good man" are ridiculous.  He is the son of a former President, and prominent politician before that.  The amount of influence that gave him enabled him to piss a lot of his life up the wall but because he was from a rich and influential family, he went to the best schools, and even more importantly, had people around him that wanted to use his status a son of the President to enhance themselves, and their interests.  Therefore he was able to get involved in the oil business relatively easily, building a fortune through fathers influence.  Do you think some black dude from Compton, no matter how intelligent or 'good' he was could walk into the oil business in the way Bush did?  No way.  The political elite in America is amazingly hard to break into if you were not born into wealth or connections.  Bush was born into both.
  And if your level of free and independent thinking is on such a level that you would allow Sadaam Hussien to be your leader and die for him just because it's the 'system', you're either ambivalent to a fault or mad.

word i agree with alot fo what trauma says, but this time i dont, str8 up feelin ya opinion



Re: Nelson Mandela Calls George W. Bush A Racist
« Reply #41 on: February 04, 2003, 11:29:56 AM »
Trauma you are basically saying that it is right to be a sheep and it is right to follow what others do, leaving no room for free thinking.  Comments like "He ain't rich enough to buy his way there, and he's not slick enough to cheat his way there.  He's there because he's a good man" are ridiculous.  He is the son of a former President, and prominent politician before that.  The amount of influence that gave him enabled him to piss a lot of his life up the wall but because he was from a rich and influential family, he went to the best schools, and even more importantly, had people around him that wanted to use his status a son of the President to enhance themselves, and their interests.  Therefore he was able to get involved in the oil business relatively easily, building a fortune through fathers influence.  Do you think some black dude from Compton, no matter how intelligent or 'good' he was could walk into the oil business in the way Bush did?  No way.  The political elite in America is amazingly hard to break into if you were not born into wealth or connections.  Bush was born into both.
  And if your level of free and independent thinking is on such a level that you would allow Sadaam Hussien to be your leader and die for him just because it's the 'system', you're either ambivalent to a fault or mad.



Perhaps Trauma AGREES with our president? How is that being a "Sheep"

I don't agree with everything Bush says or does, but overall, I agree with his policies. Increasing forgien aid, MANY tax cuts, improving education,  Strong military spending, strong development of non-oil energy sources... Im waiting untill wed to see about Iraq, but Im 99% sure it's just going to confirim what everybody has already known all along. I like him as a person. He's not like other politicans who seem like they don't give a fuck about the common people, he seems genuine and down to earth. Thats why I like Bush and support him. So what he fucks up sometimes, You are going to tell me that you haven't said anything stupid ever?

You guys sheep as well, You look at America with a jaded view, and assume everything we do is wrong and we are all ignorant. Even when people prove you wrong, you just pretend like it never happend and go backt to the same views.

King Tech Quadafi

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Re: Nelson Mandela Calls George W. Bush A Racist
« Reply #42 on: February 04, 2003, 12:16:44 PM »
lol ^^^

everytime me, infinite, itw, jay ay bee, or kaidy, seer etc bring facts about american policy, YOU ignore it and YOU go back to your same views.

lol @ prove us wrong, aint no body here proved these anti american aguments wrong, cuz they;'re not opinions, they're facts, thats why yall sheep
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll


Re: Nelson Mandela Calls George W. Bush A Racist
« Reply #43 on: February 04, 2003, 12:21:13 PM »
lol ^^^

everytime me, infinite, itw, jay ay bee, or kaidy, seer etc bring facts about american policy, YOU ignore it and YOU go back to your same views.

lol @ prove us wrong, aint no body here proved these anti american aguments wrong, cuz they;'re not opinions, they're facts, thats why yall sheep

And you are a sheep to the Extremeists...

Show me the FACTS that everybody brought in this thread...

King Tech Quadafi

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Re: Nelson Mandela Calls George W. Bush A Racist
« Reply #44 on: February 04, 2003, 12:30:54 PM »
you are the biggest idiot on this board Engle, seriously

everything i say about us foreign policy is true, 100%

check my old threads, find a position that i took up, name it, and i will bring u facts (you're good at that shit detective)
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll