Author Topic: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to live 4  (Read 2058 times)


Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #45 on: November 29, 2001, 07:02:20 PM »


I'm ending it now.... i dont believe in god and won't.... i dont hate god... many people get "saved" by god... good for them... you gotta believe in something, i won't believe in god... not that he/she's bad.... but to me the people representing them are... the so called leaders, to me they are. thats all... its like those damn informercials you see on BET with those sweating church dudes ... they touch people foreheads and say stuff like "when i count two all your troubles will go away " and the people act as if they are being tranced and then they fall to the floor... those same people ask for 3 shipments of $20 dollars so you can get the "miracle spring water" that will  clear all your sins.....bullshit......this is me... truama, sikotic, doggystyling, you might have that spring water.... i dont.... if i did, i'd drink it .... my knowledge on reltigion is very little and some of my friends have "found god" all of sudden... invite me to church... no thanks...

GOD is something everyone can believe in, something that gives you hope, god is not jesus lets say, god is someones way to look at good.... that's what god is.... i found my god and it's not jesus christs.... god is the good in everything... i dont preach it I just live by it, you do good, you'll recieve good, so far its worked....

-Big BpG

Don't let the mistakes of man make you think God is fake. Us as human beings have a sin nature and what some crooked pastors do is wrong, that doesn't make God wrong tho.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Big BpG

Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #46 on: November 29, 2001, 07:03:53 PM »


Well before the Bible people believed in God because he was more of a direct influence back then. Same thing before Jesus was born. The reason God isn't a direct influence as often now is cause we have his word. Everything we need in life is in that book. If you ever sat down and read the entire thing you would know.

And as far as the whole "7 day" thing is that is debatable. Some people think it was literally seven 24 hour days and others believe it was a longer period of time. I personally think it was a longer period of time.

And how are polar bears turning into whales and how did we evolve from monkeys? First of all I see any of this happening and nothing has evolved since history was recorded. And Where are the missing links? Thats right there are none except for scientists making them up by putting a human skull with a primates mandible and that has been proven. Of course the media never wants to talk about that since it would completely discredit Evolution.

And another thing, Evoltuion completely contradicts itself when compared to the law of Thermodynamics. According to that law everything gets worse and worse until it eventually dies. I mean just step back and look at the world right now. Greenhouse effect, hole in the O-zone layer, everything and everybody dies. The earth is not improving and we are not evolving into perfect beings. Even the Bible talks about how the world will eventually die.

The Creationists theory makes alot more sense. Once again look at the world. Do buildings just appear? Do roads just appear? Heck no, you gotta build them. This world and everything is so complex someone or something had to have placed it here. It just makes sense.

I wanna know what proof is there for the Big Bang or Big Crunch theory cause I have never heard any proof.

I'm not saying evolution is the way to our survival.... but it  proves a lot... look at the greenhouse effect, look at our increase tempetures over the last's not looking good.... every day the earth get a little closer to the sun, one day we will be so close life can't live on the earth anymore.... every year north america is about 2 inches closer to africa...if you really wanna talk evoluction, you look at the golopagos islands.....especially the birds.... there was a time when man was alive that the islands didn't exist..... then a volcanoe exploded beneath the sea.... with no animal life..... did GOD just wave the magic wand and make them appear... not to scientists...they flew over from south america....eventually dying... but every now and then one species would be able to adapt...changing their features... it's called the survival of the fittest... or there are species on those islands that you can only find on those islands.... because conditions there are unlike any other, animals had to adapt.. same goes for the hawaiin island.... back in the 1970's polar bears were like any other bear... then in the 80s a few started forming webbed feet.... not like a ducks, but the feet are getting smaller and forming webbed feet between their toes.... their backs getting elongated and less fur is present on them... scientists are thinking that in millions of years they will be totally aquatic... reason? global warming... ice won't freeze as fast during the feeding time so bears tend to try and swim to find good food more than ever... they need to adapt to make their survival ... also... people are starting to be born without an appendix.... and splene... we don't need these organs... but there was probably a time when we did and now people are being born without them... just like wisdom teeth... there was a time when we needed these teeth, now however more more people don't grow them... probably because we are adapting and not needing them....

my views...

-Big BpG
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

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Big BpG

Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #47 on: November 29, 2001, 07:05:51 PM »


Don't let the mistakes of man make you think God is fake. Us as human beings have a sin nature and what some crooked pastors do is wrong, that doesn't make God wrong tho.

i stated in that post that god is not wrong.... but i dont think god is jesus... god is the good in people.... jesus was good and he was crucified along with many others.... god is good... but god to me is not a thing, but more of a situation... god is good... and good in people if that makes sense

-Big BpG
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

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Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #48 on: November 29, 2001, 07:05:53 PM »


In other words, it took god 7 days.  7 of HIS days... how long are HIS days?  Hell, we might still be in day 6, and he hasn't rested yet.  

WOAH! thats crazy. I never thought about creation like that. Thats a real good point, somethin that makes you go hmmm...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #49 on: November 29, 2001, 07:06:43 PM »
I Agree.  And About Noah... we don't understand.  I have no IDEA how many animals are even on earth, much less how to get two of each on a boat! How would I?  That's impossible.

But! It's not impossible for god to do it, if you (again) understand the concept of god, then he could do it easily, he can do whatever he wants!  

Human beings have a mind.  You know, that feeling of self, where you feel like there's something inside you that remembers things and thinks, your mind, you know... not physical, it's just kinda 'there'.  How is THAT possible? Just because it seems impossible, does that mean it is? Hell no, it exists, I feel it right now.  The answer is : we don't KNOW.  We don't understand.  I also, on my list of trillions of things, don't understand how noah built the damn boat.  LOL... simple as that.  The reason i have a mind I can't see and can't be removed through surgery.. hell, can't even be HURT through surgery, is because of god.  The reason noah got everything on the boat is because of god.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #50 on: November 29, 2001, 07:14:22 PM »
Bpg -

Science has proven that things are changing.  They haven't proven who did it!  Sure, a volcano made the mountain.  If god just made it appear, then everyone would believe in him.  That would take away our free agency... Now, i'm about to scare you...

If you live in afganistan, you don't know if your wife loves you.  Why? Because she HAS to marry you and live with you.  In're wife loves you, because if she didn't, she'd leave your ass.

God's sitting in heaven one day.  With all of us.  Do we love him? hell, he don'tknow, because we have to be there with him.  So, he blinds us, and sends us to earth.  If we returnto him, we loved him,because we choose him.  If we don't return to him, we never loved him in the first place, and we're free to take the alternative (the devil).  

That's why we were sent to earth, to wonder blindly, learn about him, and decide for ourselves, without him making us love him.  If he swung a magic wand and made everything good for us, we'd have nothing to learn.  If my dad was still alive, i'd never have learned about death, and had the choice to react negatively, or positively to it.  If I saw him fix everything perfectly, then I'd know he existed, and of course i'd choose him.  But!  Since I'm blind, all I have is my faith... through my faith (knowing without seeing), I truly prove to god that I love him.   That is why you don't openly see god in the world, because then we wouldn't have the choice of not accepting him.  However... through my faith, I see him EVERYFU*KINGWHERE.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #51 on: November 29, 2001, 07:15:33 PM »


I'm not saying evolution is the way to our survival.... but it  proves a lot... look at the greenhouse effect, look at our increase tempetures over the last's not looking good.... every day the earth get a little closer to the sun, one day we will be so close life can't live on the earth anymore.... every year north america is about 2 inches closer to africa...if you really wanna talk evoluction, you look at the golopagos islands.....especially the birds.... there was a time when man was alive that the islands didn't exist..... then a volcanoe exploded beneath the sea.... with no animal life..... did GOD just wave the magic wand and make them appear... not to scientists...they flew over from south america....eventually dying... but every now and then one species would be able to adapt...changing their features... it's called the survival of the fittest... or there are species on those islands that you can only find on those islands.... because conditions there are unlike any other, animals had to adapt.. same goes for the hawaiin island.... back in the 1970's polar bears were like any other bear... then in the 80s a few started forming webbed feet.... not like a ducks, but the feet are getting smaller and forming webbed feet between their toes.... their backs getting elongated and less fur is present on them... scientists are thinking that in millions of years they will be totally aquatic... reason? global warming... ice won't freeze as fast during the feeding time so bears tend to try and swim to find good food more than ever... they need to adapt to make their survival ... also... people are starting to be born without an appendix.... and splene... we don't need these organs... but there was probably a time when we did and now people are being born without them... just like wisdom teeth... there was a time when we needed these teeth, now however more more people don't grow them... probably because we are adapting and not needing them....

my views...

-Big BpG

I respect your views and thats very interesting as well. Adaptation is a form of micro evolution. Creationists believe in micro evolution and should because its proven. Same with survival of the fittest. But micro evolution and evolution are two different things because micro evolution is where your adjusting to your surroundings but your still the same creature when full'fledge evolution is where one animal completely turns into another animal, theres no evidence of that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Big BpG

Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #52 on: November 29, 2001, 07:26:32 PM »


Bpg -

Science has proven that things are changing.  They haven't proven who did it!  Sure, a volcano made the mountain.  If god just made it appear, then everyone would believe in him.  That would take away our free agency... Now, i'm about to scare you...

If you live in afganistan, you don't know if your wife loves you.  Why? Because she HAS to marry you and live with you.  In're wife loves you, because if she didn't, she'd leave your ass.

God's sitting in heaven one day.  With all of us.  Do we love him? hell, he don'tknow, because we have to be there with him.  So, he blinds us, and sends us to earth.  If we returnto him, we loved him,because we choose him.  If we don't return to him, we never loved him in the first place, and we're free to take the alternative (the devil).  

That's why we were sent to earth, to wonder blindly, learn about him, and decide for ourselves, without him making us love him.  If he swung a magic wand and made everything good for us, we'd have nothing to learn.  If my dad was still alive, i'd never have learned about death, and had the choice to react negatively, or positively to it.  If I saw him fix everything perfectly, then I'd know he existed, and of course i'd choose him.  But!  Since I'm blind, all I have is my faith... through my faith (knowing without seeing), I truly prove to god that I love him.   That is why you don't openly see god in the world, because then we wouldn't have the choice of not accepting him.  However... through my faith, I see him EVERYFU*KINGWHERE.  

My Parent's brought me to this earth.... the first humans on this earth were adam and eve... however there is no proof of them... so to me.... adam and eve were the first primates.... after millions of years they evolved to humans... it would be interesting to watch chimps in this way since they are our closes relatives... i might check into recent adaptations they've noticed in them... anyway .... you're analogy on women loving men compared to us loving god only works for you because you mentioned afghanistan... now once again im assuming, but they dont believe in our god... so did their god do the same to them.... they are blinded and must find their way back to him???


Science has proven that things are changing.  They haven't proven who did it!

Either has the bible... but science has proven that there was a big explosion that created planets... they dont know who did it, the bible says god, but they can't prove, but science is also proving that we heading for a big implosion... which means we will all die some day in millions of years.... is god doing this??? If he wants us to find love in him, why would he jsut kill us..........  

the bible always stays the same... same book, same pages, same words.. science is a continued  way of thinking and as long as I live it will change as the bible stays the same...

-Big BpG
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

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Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #53 on: November 29, 2001, 07:27:33 PM »
Anyways, i've got to get to sleep, peace to all yall who responded, tom don't sweat the small sh*t, ya know?  My dad's dead, LOL.  your dad ain't dead yet. My 13 year old brother lost his dad too, you know, now I'm his daddy.  There's always someone worse off than you, you'll be alright, homie.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #54 on: November 29, 2001, 07:31:33 PM »
Why would he let the universe implode? well he won't. The book of Revelation explains that all and if the universe did implode at this very moment then that would prove the Bible inaccurate, but like the good book says It ain't gonna happen because it's not in God's will so thats not a concern of mine.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Big BpG

Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #55 on: November 29, 2001, 07:33:25 PM »


I respect your views and thats very interesting as well. Adaptation is a form of micro evolution. Creationists believe in micro evolution and should because its proven. Same with survival of the fittest. But micro evolution and evolution are two different things because micro evolution is where your adjusting to your surroundings but your still the same creature when full'fledge evolution is where one animal completely turns into another animal, theres no evidence of that.

I don't know what you mean by completely turns into a different animal, but many prehistoric fish turned into mud-skippers which were the first form of land creatures... they then evolved into a different species of lizard... which evolved into birds... other land animals in colder climates evolved into mammals....  i dont know if this is "completely" changing an animal, but there is lots of evidence in evolutions from one species to another....  

lizards to birds
fish to amphibians
amphibians to repltiles
reptiels to mammals and birds...

its like a cycle.... and it hasn't stopped....  its still happening, but its so slow.... we don't see it like we can see the past...

if you want to look at it like god is in his 6th day... then i guess we are because the world is still changing... according to global warming, we might all end up all black, with little hair... we'll sweat a lot... we'll need moisture... we might all turn amphibious...... who knows... i guess GOD is still creating or maybe the world is still evolving..... that's proven

-Big BpG
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

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Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #56 on: November 29, 2001, 07:36:17 PM »
BPG, don't get upset, but honestly, you're not understanding a thing i'm saying.  I guess you're not ready for it.  I could have used any country that forces marriage, it was only an analogy, you missed the point completely.  And again, you say something created the big bang, that's god.  You're stepping all over the concept I'm talking about, and don't even notice that you're admitting that god exists.  *sigh.  It's right there in front of you, one day it'll snap, and you'll see it.  Until then, i hope you hang in there.  I honestly feel that i've proven god's existance with several arguments in this thread, and it wasn't even that hard!  I think you're being pretty arrogant in thinking that you are the top of the food chain, actually... believe it or not, there's something out there bigger than you, and his name is NOT snoop.  

Do this:

Go outside.  Look up.  See those stars? Who put them there? did you?  I didn't.  And snoop didn't.  maybe a big explosion did, but what caused the explosion? LOL  Alright, whatever caused the explosion, what caused it?  The matter that exploded, where did IT come from?  When you get back as far as your mind wants to take you, stop, and realize, that you don't understand it, you never will, and the reason you don't is because you're trying to understand god.  The explosion was caused by god.  

Her'es another one: Where does the universe end?  Where it ends, whats on the other side? LOL.  If it's infinite, how can that be? that's impossible.  The reason it IS, even though it's impossible, is becasuse it's GOD.  

Here's ANOTHER one: Time.  When did it begin? By definition, it didn't.  How does it exist, when you can't touch it?  That's impossible, but it does.  The reason it does, is because of god, god creates the impossible.  

Here's ANOTHER one:  Look at a rock sometime.  Ever notice there's a lot of big, jagged, grey rocks?  Why?  Did the rock tell itself to be big and grey?  Did YOU tell the rock to be big and grey?  Did snoop?  Who did?  Whoever did, that was god.  

Here's ANOTHER one: Science says matter can be neither created nor destroyed.  Then how did all matter get created?  It didn't, because it couldn't.  But, It Did, even though that's impossible.  Whatever or whoever did it, we commonly call god.

Props to St. Augustine, he invented most of these proofs of god.  I doubt you can dispute any of them....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


  • Guest
Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #57 on: November 29, 2001, 07:41:54 PM »


Man, I Got The Answer For You, But You Won't Listen To Me, LOL.

You Need To Go To Church.  Man, I Go Every Week, It's Good For Several Things.  I Go To A Youth Ward, Where Everybody's In Their 20's And Single, They Have Ones For All Ages, Too... You Can Meet A Lot Of Cool People There, Plus You Feel Good About It Because You're Learning About God, Plus, There's toonnnnns Of Honeys That Go To Church, And Not As Many Guys.  So, Some Girl Will Think You're Cute And You'll Hook Up, I Guarantee It.  

Plus, Going To Church Will Help You See That Your Life Does Have Purpose, You Just Haven't Realized It yet.  Hang In There, It'll Get Better.  

I couldn't agree more with trauma.... i felt that way yesterday night.... because i had to move and now i have no friends in this area... i felt lonely and i ask god for help... then i cryed a good cry... after words i went online a signed up for college to become a nurse... i am going to be something.. and make my life meaningful... and live each day to the fullest

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

Big BpG

Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #58 on: November 29, 2001, 07:42:29 PM »


Why would he let the universe implode? well he won't. The book of Revelation explains that all and if the universe did implode at this very moment then that would prove the Bible inaccurate, but like the good book says It ain't gonna happen because it's not in God's will so thats not a concern of mine.

That's where I despise the bible.. because people totally believe it in what it says, when others are saying we are being pulled by the sun....i'm trying to think of a diagram... but look at it like this

think of the earth as a microcosm of our solar system...

our ground is the same as the sun...

if we toss a rock in the air.....then it falls back to the ground.....

since the sun is the ground... look at the planets like those objects.... we are slowly but surely being pulled the by the suns gravity.... that's how things move in space... gravity... look at meteors.... they dont just fly around... they are being pulled by gravity... that's why they fall to our atmosphere... because gravity pulls them and the closer you get to the source of gravity, the faster the pull.... we are so far from the sun that we aren't being pulled anytime soon...

here is a better analogy

"gun to a bullet" is like "the sun to our planets"

when you shoot a bullet in the air it will come down....

when  the sun exploded the planets will fall back to it....

now I can't remember if we are being pulled to the sun or if everything in our solar system is being pulled to a central section, but we are definetly being pulled.... but slowly

-Big BpG
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

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Big BpG

Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #59 on: November 29, 2001, 07:52:08 PM »


BPG, don't get upset, but honestly, you're not understanding a thing i'm saying.  I guess you're not ready for it.  I could have used any country that forces marriage, it was only an analogy, you missed the point completely.  And again, you say something created the big bang, that's god.  You're stepping all over the concept I'm talking about, and don't even notice that you're admitting that god exists.  *sigh.  It's right there in front of you, one day it'll snap, and you'll see it.  Until then, i hope you hang in there.  I honestly feel that i've proven god's existance with several arguments in this thread, and it wasn't even that hard!  I think you're being pretty arrogant in thinking that you are the top of the food chain, actually... believe it or not, there's something out there bigger than you, and his name is NOT snoop.  

Do this:

Go outside.  Look up.  See those stars? Who put them there? did you?  I didn't.  And snoop didn't.  maybe a big explosion did, but what caused the explosion? LOL  Alright, whatever caused the explosion, what caused it?  The matter that exploded, where did IT come from?  When you get back as far as your mind wants to take you, stop, and realize, that you don't understand it, you never will, and the reason you don't is because you're trying to understand god.  The explosion was caused by god.  

Her'es another one: Where does the universe end?  Where it ends, whats on the other side? LOL.  If it's infinite, how can that be? that's impossible.  The reason it IS, even though it's impossible, is becasuse it's GOD.  

Here's ANOTHER one: Time.  When did it begin? By definition, it didn't.  How does it exist, when you can't touch it?  That's impossible, but it does.  The reason it does, is because of god, god creates the impossible.  

Here's ANOTHER one:  Look at a rock sometime.  Ever notice there's a lot of big, jagged, grey rocks?  Why?  Did the rock tell itself to be big and grey?  Did YOU tell the rock to be big and grey?  Did snoop?  Who did?  Whoever did, that was god.  

Here's ANOTHER one: Science says matter can be neither created nor destroyed.  Then how did all matter get created?  It didn't, because it couldn't.  But, It Did, even though that's impossible.  Whatever or whoever did it, we commonly call god.

Props to St. Augustine, he invented most of these proofs of god.  I doubt you can dispute any of them....

This is how it is for me Trauma... to me GOD is not a thing... is not a person, was not jesus... to me GOD is the good in people... it sounds really weird, but to me GOD is not our creator, but the good things in the bible GOD represents good.... if we stay good and do the right things, then god is in us, but god is not our creator.... its more of a feeling than a thing... the god im thinking about is not the god you''re thinking about .... and my big bang theory in my views comes from energy.... there is energy in the center of the earth causing explosions from volcanoes... radio active material can just explode.... no one makes it happen, but it's there is a natural state... this is where the big bang theory comes in play.... this stuff is naturally there with no man needs...... is this god???????? not to me, its energy....

i dont believe in a heaven either... where is it???

to me...when we die... everything goes black... i dont see a heaven... i see a black world with no thoughts, no feelings, just nothing...not even black... nothing... what's that?

Also the universe is huge... scientists have founda lot of galaxies.... think about this... were are in a galaxy... our galaxy contains dozens of solar systems... and their our tons and tons of galaxies.... i dont know how far the galaxy goes... either does sciene... but either does the bible... they can say its god, but they can't prove it.... i need proof to believe... i believe in jesus christ, i dont believe he is our god...

-Big BpG
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

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