Author Topic: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to live 4  (Read 2055 times)


Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #60 on: November 29, 2001, 08:05:12 PM »


That's where I despise the bible.. because people totally believe it in what it says, when others are saying we are being pulled by the sun....i'm trying to think of a diagram... but look at it like this

think of the earth as a microcosm of our solar system...

our ground is the same as the sun...

if we toss a rock in the air.....then it falls back to the ground.....

since the sun is the ground... look at the planets like those objects.... we are slowly but surely being pulled the by the suns gravity.... that's how things move in space... gravity... look at meteors.... they dont just fly around... they are being pulled by gravity... that's why they fall to our atmosphere... because gravity pulls them and the closer you get to the source of gravity, the faster the pull.... we are so far from the sun that we aren't being pulled anytime soon...

here is a better analogy

"gun to a bullet" is like "the sun to our planets"

when you shoot a bullet in the air it will come down....

when  the sun exploded the planets will fall back to it....

now I can't remember if we are being pulled to the sun or if everything in our solar system is being pulled to a central section, but we are definetly being pulled.... but slowly

-Big BpG

Believe it or not I used to doubt God until I compared science and the Bible and how closely they relate. So its not like I'm just blindly believing it because I went to church all my life because I didn't. All these conclusions are based on my personal studying of science and the Bible.

You know what, your right. What you explained is exactly whats happening. But it does not mean that's the way the earth will be destroyed. Its not guaranteed that the earth will go into the sun but for all I know it could be true because God said he would destroy the world by fire, he didn't what the source would be. It would be a huge meteor crashing into earth, it could be God's divine intervention, who knows. We are not suppose to know that since it was not put in the Bible. All I know according to the Bible is that The earth will be destroyed by fire and by the looks of everything you said all of that could lead to fire.

God set up laws like the law of gravity to move things around. Just because there is gravity does not mean God did not set those rules into motion.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »
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Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #61 on: November 29, 2001, 08:27:20 PM »
Yo tom i can relate to what ur feelin yo and i kno it looks so low right now, but remember its gonna be much better later on, and also remember that u mite see ppl all "livin it up", makin ur life look worse, but remeber every1 has their peak time in life, and theirs is proabbly now and urs is gonna come soon, jus fuk the egativity and go on

and yo wit tha skool work jus pull urself together and do the best u can right but but hearin wat u said and if ur like me i woodnt think  about church as an option(my view)....and yo if i cood recommend u something join the military, like the marines or sumn it'd really fix u back up, and i m seriousman, u jus need a change of environment(or maybe ur a lil young for it)...

jus work i out and pull urself up. peace
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


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Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #62 on: November 29, 2001, 10:04:15 PM »
Yo man, I've been there where your at, and I still visit that mindstate from time to time.  Suicidal thoughts and shit.  

Just relax and be patient.  Don't feel like you got to change the world dog.  Just do what you can for now homie.  If it ain't enough for some people, then they're the ones in the wrong not you.  Your only one person, you can't change the world on your own.

Here's some things I've done, may help, may not.

1.  Read "Celestine Prophecies," by James Redfield taught me how to deal with people, and the world, the past, the future.

2.  Islam.  Any religion could do alot for you.  But if you are angry, maybe you can relate better to figures like Malcolm X who channeled their anger into knowledge, discipline and wisdom.  Islam has changed alot of angry and frustrated individuals into intellectual, disciplined, confident individuals.

3.  Writing in a journal and reading back over it.  This could even mean freestylin whatever, it's good to get your feelings out there in the open.

Good luck, got your back, peace.

Lil Jay

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Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #63 on: November 30, 2001, 05:43:09 AM »
Oh man this topics gettin big and yall posted ALOT of interesting things and good points that i never think about. I agree with everything Trauma said man, i cant quote that shit anymore its way too much but ...

to me, you gotta find it in yourself before you find it in anything else.... if you find GOD as you're way, then you take GOD and make him part of you're daily life

that was true bpg. you gotta find it in yourself before you find it in anything else. if god is your way believe in it. i dont know too much about religion but i always believed on god, and you cant just believe in god all of a sudden, from one day to another.
Personally I do believe in god and those things trauma posted had me thinkin a lot. this is kinda hard to talk about on a message board, but dont lose faith and never say 'i feel bad and thats why i dont believe in god'. you need to believe in something, believe in the good thingz and keep the faith.  like the other homie said, compare your life to another, that will make you happy again. you say GOD doesnt help you, cause nothin positiv is happening in your life, well it is happening man, you get saved everyday man you just dont notice, and god is helpin everybody, wether youre a bad or good person, wether you believe in him or not. and thats true. one day it will all make sense and you will reckon, there is god.

oh and this


Here's ANOTHER one: Time.  When did it begin? By definition, it didn't.  How does it exist, when you can't touch it?  That's impossible, but it does.  The reason it does, is because of god, god creates the impossible.  

very good observation Trauma.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 » - west coast news network  | - independent west coast hip hop network


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Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #64 on: November 30, 2001, 06:07:26 AM »
wtf?? all of a sudden this turns into a religion issue when we were simply cheering tom
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


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Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #65 on: November 30, 2001, 08:09:20 AM »


wtf?? all of a sudden this turns into a religion issue when we were simply cheering tom

That's exactly what i was gonna say, So all you bible bashes Quit preachin, and u non religious peeps jus except that some people need something to believe in to get through life, don't get them down because they are weak minded and need somethingt to cling onto (hehe, u watch that cause some up roar) Face it u religious peeps, i know some people used noah for u lot to explain, but try explainin Fossils, oil, coal, THA ICE MAN and MAH' FUCKIN DINOSOURS (dunno if spelt wrong, but fuk it)
 Did dino's believe in this 'god' ??? And what the fuck is that shit about Eve comin from Adam's Rib Cage!!! If i could create Ho's comin from my ribs i fuckin would, but lets face it lads, it ain't gonna happen.
  Another thing, Why didn't God want Adam to eat that Apple of Knowledge, basically cuz he didn't want us to have free will, why??? Is it cuz he was lookin out for us, cuz he know's that Free will leads to evil, because no one is truly good?!?!?!? sorry to start more of the argument, but i really do get sick of this preachin, jus except like that person said earlier in the post, People get brought up different ways and so beleive in different things. So quit the bible bashing and jus Except. And u catholics, I would jus like to add, have the worst religion there is, They tell peeps that if they don't beleive in it then they go to hell, WHAT THE FUCK is that all about, u lot ever heard about goin over the top.

PEACE !! (lol)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

Big BpG

Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #66 on: November 30, 2001, 08:14:09 AM »
I think time is a man created idea.... indians used to look at the world without time, but when the sun was out they knew it was the best time for productivity... when it was dark... it was time for rest.... they had no sense of a time... but rather a cycle... time doesn't exist... we basically go through the same cycle everyday.... it's not like things are old.... think about it like

when the earth was created it was in its first cycle of rotation
when columbus sailed to america it was the 1,492 cycle
and now we are in the 2001th cycle...

this is just an idea... of course there were millions of cycles before colombus sailed to america

time is something we created to stay in a system... basically we are just trying to explain our cycle around the sun... the reason we move is because of the pull of gravity from the sun.... kinda like a whirlpool.... one day we will be in the center of that whirlpool....

-Big BpG
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

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Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #67 on: November 30, 2001, 08:53:43 AM »
Alright, I'ma Stop Trying To Help You, Because You Don't Even Believe In Time, LOL.  

Let me tell you what we have here:  You are so caught up in doing your own thing, that you won't accept anything an authority figure tells you.  You don't even believe in time!  WTF?  

EVERYTHING Doesn't have to be your own idea, you know.  It's ALRIGHT to be a part of something else.  If someone explains the topic of time to you, it's alright to grasp that concept and hold it as true, you don't need your own personaly explanation for EVERYTHING.  Honestly, saying time doesn't exist is an ignorant statement.  

I just think you have a problem grasping concepts that you can't see.  That's a horrible way to live your life, and homie, i mean, if you don't believe in time or god, or life after death, or anything like that, you're gonna have a hard time getting a woman, honestly, because they're smarter than that.  Sorry, that's just how I see it.  

And to Liquid Dog, I can explain where everyone of those came from, fossils, all that, but you don't want to hear it.  did you even read the explanations I put earlier? Hell no, because you don't want to consider that maybe you're wrong.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

Big BpG

Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #68 on: November 30, 2001, 09:12:07 AM »
Hahahah... wow... I can't even give my opinions... I hear what you're saying Trauma.... you just don't seem to except what im saying.... everytime I say something you need to make you're own little reason why it's related to god and not to my views... let me tell you, if you don't believe in what i believe in then you're not going to get a woman because they are smarter than that...


Yea... I mean come on dogg, calling me ignorant because I can't see you're views... but can you see mine???

Yea exactly... I just flipped you're own opinions and directed them at you... you see what I'm saying....

and obviously I don't know where I said

" i dont believe in time "

please if i said that, point it out....... and please tell me what time is... because I guess I'm too ignorant to see it... right now the time is 3:00 o clock..... I guess Ill thank god for that

Thanks You!

Trauma.... when did you grasp the idea of time.... were you just born with it... how did you learn about time? So how do you view time??? If I left a newborn child in a forest and ten years later came back to it.... would it have a sense of time?
To me, the only time it would know of is night and day, but not an actual sense of TIME... you learned time through you're parents, through school and through GOD... they learned time from their parents and such... you were influenced with you're ideas... like I was influenced for mine... so don't start acting like you're own opinions our majority to mine... everything you think of was influenced in you... so don't start acting like my opinions are false to yours... you take your beliefs a little to seriously when you start viewing others as a minority...

There are thousands of people like you
There are thousands of people like me

At least I won't be alone in hell... please pray for me before you go to bed


-Big BpG

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Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #69 on: November 30, 2001, 09:17:53 AM »
okay ..... i only read the  1st page  .  but i seen some of yall disrespectin the church .    trauma just gave  him  an   alternative  that could  "maybe"   turn his  life around for the better .  maybe .  its up to the person really .  
thats the problem    with   society   these days .   when someone is  facing  adversity  (tom)    and  is  lookin for a little helpin hand     there is    always  people who try to help and have logical   suggestions  (church)  but then there are people who just  make the shit worse by    sayin shit like  ..... " Church is  evil  blah blah blah  Dont go there.."  
you aint helpin nobody  sayin shit like that .   thats will make somebody just say ... " fuck it .... they dont care about me  ... im jumpin off this bridge . "    

personally ,  i dont go to church to often .   but my relationship with God  is strong .  i talk to  him  every night . he is always right by my side .    he makes me realize   that  my life  is precious .  God is the one who has blessed us all with  a  Life .   and personally .  i  feel its my duty to  live it in peace and prosperity  FOR HIM .   not  for myself  but for  him . cuz i didnt create life , he gave it to me.   and it feels good livin your life for him . feels   damn good.  i dont know about yall  but when its my time to  leave this bitch .......  i wanna  go to heaven .   but thats just me .  i cant tell u  to do  this .    

just remember that God  is  here for  EVERYBODY .   u   just gotta accept him as your savior .   Im tellin  you ,  if u find God    and i mean TRULY  find him   .....  i    guarantee he will  lead  you  to  true happiness .  

Big BpG

Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #70 on: November 30, 2001, 09:27:16 AM »


That's exactly what i was gonna say, So all you bible bashes Quit preachin, and u non religious peeps jus except that some people need something to believe in to get through life, don't get them down because they are weak minded and need somethingt to cling onto (hehe, u watch that cause some up roar) Face it u religious peeps, i know some people used noah for u lot to explain, but try explainin Fossils, oil, coal, THA ICE MAN and MAH' FUCKIN DINOSOURS (dunno if spelt wrong, but fuk it)
 Did dino's believe in this 'god' ??? And what the fuck is that shit about Eve comin from Adam's Rib Cage!!! If i could create Ho's comin from my ribs i fuckin would, but lets face it lads, it ain't gonna happen.
  Another thing, Why didn't God want Adam to eat that Apple of Knowledge, basically cuz he didn't want us to have free will, why??? Is it cuz he was lookin out for us, cuz he know's that Free will leads to evil, because no one is truly good?!?!?!? sorry to start more of the argument, but i really do get sick of this preachin, jus except like that person said earlier in the post, People get brought up different ways and so beleive in different things. So quit the bible bashing and jus Except. And u catholics, I would jus like to add, have the worst religion there is, They tell peeps that if they don't beleive in it then they go to hell, WHAT THE FUCK is that all about, u lot ever heard about goin over the top.

PEACE !! (lol)

You kinda went to extreme on them... I don't judge those... we all have reasons for believing things and there is nothing wrong with that, but I know my uncle preaches to god daily... he committed some sins in his life and when he picked up the bible.... god was his cure, his savior.... when I committed my sins... I looked at myself and thought...for a reason, i found it and cleared it... I didn't need god for my life... still dont, dont know if i will... since i don't know god I cant accept him... not in a way where i cant like him.... remember the little grace

god is great, god is good, let us thank him for our food.

i used to say that when I was younger... after years of saying that I found it ridiculous because I didn't know god... god to me was like santa clause.... or the tooth fairy... they were images put in our heads...yet we never saw them... so i stopped believing in them... i know many people can't get away from the bible... thats cool... if you need it, good... we all need things....i dont need god.... yet when people start saying im not going anywhere because I dont have god, i gotta say... FUCK YOU! ...



listening to trauma is sickening... saying shit like " ill stop trying to help you"  

help me with what

i dont need help... almost saying he will help me get to heaven... im not looking for heaven as a destination...

this is the life i lead.... you lead your own, dont intervene

-Big BpG
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

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Big BpG

Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #71 on: November 30, 2001, 09:28:31 AM »


okay ..... i only read the  1st page  .  but i seen some of yall disrespectin the church .    trauma just gave  him  an   alternative  that could  "maybe"   turn his  life around for the better .  maybe .  its up to the person really .  
thats the problem    with   society   these days .   when someone is  facing  adversity  (tom)    and  is  lookin for a little helpin hand     there is    always  people who try to help and have logical   suggestions  (church)  but then there are people who just  make the shit worse by    sayin shit like  ..... " Church is  evil  blah blah blah  Dont go there.."  
you aint helpin nobody  sayin shit like that .   thats will make somebody just say ... " fuck it .... they dont care about me  ... im jumpin off this bridge . "    

personally ,  i dont go to church to often .   but my relationship with God  is strong .  i talk to  him  every night . he is always right by my side .    he makes me realize   that  my life  is precious .  God is the one who has blessed us all with  a  Life .   and personally .  i  feel its my duty to  live it in peace and prosperity  FOR HIM .   not  for myself  but for  him . cuz i didnt create life , he gave it to me.   and it feels good livin your life for him . feels   damn good.  i dont know about yall  but when its my time to  leave this bitch .......  i wanna  go to heaven .   but thats just me .  i cant tell u  to do  this .    

just remember that God  is  here for  EVERYBODY .   u   just gotta accept him as your savior .   Im tellin  you ,  if u find God    and i mean TRULY  find him   .....  i    guarantee he will  lead  you  to  true happiness .  

church isn't evil, god isn't evil

i didnt say that...

-Big BpG

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

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Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #72 on: November 30, 2001, 09:30:33 AM »
Thank You.

I'm Sorry, But I Just See God As Superior To Snoop Dogg.  Some People On Here Don't Believe In God, And Put Their Life In Snoop's Hands, And HEY! If That's What Floats Your Boat, Fine, But Snoop Would Say That's Some Stupid Stupid Shit.  

BPG, What Do You Think About Snoop Believing In God?  Is he Wrong Too? LOL  Man, You're Twisted.  

And The Comment I Made About Women Is True, Damn True.  

You're Trying To Disprove That God Exists, And I Tell You Why That Proves He Does, And You Get Your Panties All twisted.  And PLEASE Don't Patronize Me By Saying I Don't Understand Your concepts, They're Really Quite Simple, and I've Been Through Each One Before, There's Nothing New There.  Your concepts Are Basic, Generalized Notions That Are Inferior To Any Religion's Well Thought Out Concept Of God.  This Stuff Gets DEEP, It's Not Old Man In THe Sky Logic.  Read St. Augustine, If YOu Really Even Care.

You're The One Thinking Your Above What It's Taken Thousands Of Years For People To Realize And Accept: The Concept Of God.  Lemme Get This Straight, They're ALL Wrong, And You, At 19, Are Right.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #73 on: November 30, 2001, 09:43:35 AM »


Yea exactly... I just flipped you're own opinions and directed them at you... you see what I'm saying....

- yeah, That Was Clever. Never Saw That One Coming  ::)  Um, Your Award Winning Debate Skills Are Lacking, Sorry.

and obviously I don't know where I said

" i dont believe in time "

please if i said that, point it out....... and please tell me what time is... because I guess I'm too ignorant to see it... right now the time is 3:00 o clock..... I guess Ill thank god for that

Yeah, you should.   Because it's something you have no control over, therefore, proves that there is something above you.  You miss the point.  You don't believe time exists, you think it's something we made up.  That's because, I believe, you don't understand it.  If there is no time, then how do things get older?  If there is no time, then how do things come into existance and leave existance.  If there was no general concept of time, a force in the universe, then existance would be impossible.  But you're not ready to get deep like that, walk before you run, homie.  

Trauma.... when did you grasp the idea of time.... were you just born with it... how did you learn about time? So how do you view time??? If I left a newborn child in a forest and ten years later came back to it.... would it have a sense of time?
To me, the only time it would know of is night and day, but not an actual sense of TIME... you learned time through you're parents, through school and through GOD... they learned time from their parents and such... you were influenced with you're ideas... like I was influenced for mine...

Again, your mind misunderstands.  Please try to grasp the argument here.  You are using a fallacy, you're saying AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, that just because we don't see something, it doesn't exist.  A Baby in the woods, would NOT know of time, because it wouldn't be aware of it.  However! That does not mean it DOESNT EXIST! That's what this whole thing is about, you don't catch it.  You have to have everything proven to you.  Everything has to be spelled out perfectly plain for you, just use your mind a little bit instead, god.  It's so frustrating.  You're right, parents, information, church educated me on the concept of time.  Read st. Augustine, again.

so don't start acting like you're own opinions our majority to mine... everything you think of was influenced in you... so don't start acting like my opinions are false to yours... you take your beliefs a little to seriously when you start viewing others as a minority...

Ah.  You don't know what minority or majority means.  Perhaps you mean superior and inferior?  Of course I believe they're superior, or I woulnd't believe them.  You do have the choice to be inferior though, that's cool, i'm not gonna hate.  I'm just trying to help you think a little more deeply, because yo'ure kinda shallow right now.  You're the one who didn't just blindly accept god existed, now you're half assing it.  If you REALLY want to find out if god exists, don't just use your shallow half-thought arguments for it, REALLY think about it, and you'll be dissapointed with your answers, because you'll find out you shoulda left it alone to begin with.  Plus, i'm not arguing that your arguments are wrong, i'm arguing that they're half-ass.  You almost have the whole thing downpat, you just need to search a little deeper.  

At least I won't be alone in hell... please pray for me before you go to bed


Nah, I won't, because that's some sarcastic, bitchmade shit you just said right there.  I hope that's funny to you.  You say when you die it'll be dark, I think maybe sometimes god gives people what they REALLY, TRULY WANT.  Is that what you want?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


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Re: Tha cold realization that I have i nutin to li
« Reply #74 on: November 30, 2001, 10:00:58 AM »

and u non religious peeps jus except that some people need something to believe in to get through life

PEACE !! (lol)

In a way your right.  I could no longer live as an atheist.  As an individual the world had conquered me.  I was no longer stubborn enough to believe that my ideas could hold a grain of salt in comparison to the knowledge contained in ancient texts and the knowledge posessed by the great thinkers both post and modern.  On my own, I was too ignorant and weak to face the world alone any longer.  I was in desperate need of the knowledge, wisdom, discipline, and inspiration that is found in the Islamic religion.  Islam is knowledge.  It isn't just blind faith.  Maybe you'll never reach your breaking point like I did almost a year ago.  But if you ever do, know that they're is help and knowledge their waiting for you.  Peace.

And like Trauma said, I found out that....

"EVERYTHING Doesn't have to be your own idea, you know.  It's ALRIGHT to be a part of something else."