Author Topic: We need another "Age of Enlightenment" in today's world  (Read 732 times)


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We need another "Age of Enlightenment" in today's world
« on: April 12, 2012, 06:19:25 PM »
Just like back when Washington and Franklin were doing their thing.  I feel like Society has taken steps towards a New Era with Computers/Communications, Internet (Search engines, Social Media, Income, etc), Combat weapons, Western Modern Medicine, and World Aid among a few other things that probably aren't as significant as those I just mentioned. 

I wish Humans would advance to a higher technological state that was once unimaginable soon.  I've heard about "ground breaking" inventions that have been made and denied a patent and some even receiving a ban but as far as I know that's all hype even though there are small truths to some lies.  We should have control levitating air walking boots for young kids already, complete and accurate skin graphing should be solved, the sides between Good and Evil should be a lot more evident and clearer now.  I'm not complaining but just provoking a thought. 

I was watching that "Anchient Alien" special on TV earlier and after I cyphered it out as fair as I could with the information I've gathered before and I started to make sense of it and it kinda solidified my beliefs on what I already thought.  I know nobody with sense actually takes this side of the forum serious but what's the point of it being called "train of thought" if all we're throwing out there is political conspiracies?  It should be renamed to "fantasy land" or "tell your best bullshit story and piss on your fingers". 

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Re: We need another "Age of Enlightenment" in today's world
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2012, 10:24:46 PM »
You make a good point.  I am sure there are many advances that we simply are not aware of yet, but over all, it does seem like tech is still.  TV's are getting way cooler, smalller, cordless, flatter, etc.  Kindles, iphones, etc continue to grow in advancement.  Cell phones now are like small computers even compared to what was out there a couple years ago.  It does seem like with the technology we do have or should have, war, economy issues, debt of our country issues could be solved simply. 


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Re: We need another "Age of Enlightenment" in today's world
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2012, 10:25:26 PM »
Just like back when Washington and Franklin were doing their thing.  I feel like Society has taken steps towards a New Era with Computers/Communications, Internet (Search engines, Social Media, Income, etc), Combat weapons, Western Modern Medicine, and World Aid among a few other things that probably aren't as significant as those I just mentioned. 



yeah a new age like total global domination by those parasites that ruled us for last half millenia sounds real enlitened to me ::) A BRAVE NEW WORLD!!! :o

Fuck the computers give  me back tribal circles and drumming and trance states...
Fuck the internet give me back freedom of true knowledge without suppressio nby dominating class who burn books and kill truth exposers...
Fuck combat weapons...a spear and sword weaponry is best to develop both mind and body (plus spirit in right context) at the individual level...
FUCK western modern medicine...nuff said, 3rd leading cause of death in usa! and they act like they invented surgery when it was copied from ancient healing arts (its admitted fact plastic surgery was copied from native medicine med in India)
Fuck world aid...more like engineered economic destruction and re-colonialization thru charity money

AND MOTHERFUCK PATENTS man...get off that illuminati mind control and free urself from these modern calamities and diseases.... illuminati even got science advanced to such a level they can reverse aging, but they are such scum they dont wanna share these knowledge with rest of humanity which they despite.

U think that bullshit mindfucking PROGRAMS that control ur mind like a program controls the hardware and directs it on the computer is illumnating and the TRUTH about a global conspiracy which is painfully obvious is some "fantasy land"?? What r u smoking or who are u blowing smoke in the face of???! ::)
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Re: We need another "Age of Enlightenment" in today's world
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2012, 12:00:28 AM »
If the internet was used properly, we would be in the age of environment. Instead, we have dubcc and porn..........and snuff films and puppy/kitty videos.
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Re: We need another "Age of Enlightenment" in today's world
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2012, 03:26:21 AM »
Why would u wanna regress like that?  Becuz u disagree with a few things the machine does?  

No thx, gimme what we have today but gimme higher tech shit.  I'm a little wary of my grandchildren or great grandchildren growing up in a computer over man "domination" kind of world that we're slowly progressing to but I'm not trying to go back to tha days of sharp rocks and bonfires when Governments and Private Entities ALREADY have far superior weapons than all of what you could think of in an hour.  I'm for society becoming more connected again as well (pre- aol/yahoo/msn instant messenger days) but I need my Entertainment and Dating sites (some of them).  

If society embraced and discovered more together about The Masons like we already do with Religion and K-9 Education then the world would be better off as a whole.  People are always going to fight and have conflict (life would be a little bland with it here n there at times) so don't take your feelings out on George Washington n them.  

I wish society would embrace and try to think like The Masons have.  It's kinda like the only way Mankind will ever fully and truly advance.  Knowledge IS the power *no cliche*.  Obviously I don't agree with 100% of some of the personal choices made by them but their philosophy is something that should be taught in grades 1-6 (seriously) with occasional and optional refreshment courses/exercises in later curriculums.  

I think we should discuss Masonry more openly and more casually and try to play it off as some scandal. 
« Last Edit: April 13, 2012, 08:53:31 AM by Hollywood Bilderberg Group™ »


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Re: We need another "Age of Enlightenment" in today's world
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2012, 02:18:07 PM »
Well I think freemasonry came from the native religions of the world, especially the Eastern Indian religions which was real big in Europe in 1800s...and not from the superficial aspects of these religions (like currently Hinduism as its practiced by majority of clueless sheep) but from the deeper philosophy and esoteric teachings of these groups...the deep truth. but unfortunately freemasonry was used to have secret society groups in a top down fashion where a small elite rose to power and dominated the group and its agenda to suit their own twisted purpose...

unfortunately human nature is inherently corrupt which is why we've always had an emphasis on religion in our socities and placing god as the rightful ruler, not man or men...
this is why these illuminati have brainwashed the youth against religion so they can become gods in the eyes of the people and dominate easily...

Im not saying we should is great when utilized for the progress of civilization and can help us. but to thikn of technologt as Superior and the old ways as backwards is another wrong concept because its too extreme. we should philosophically and with deep spiritual mindset try to analyze the ways of the ancients because that is eternally harmonious and uplifting for the human being on an individual, spiritual level...
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Re: We need another "Age of Enlightenment" in today's world
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2012, 05:50:24 AM »
That's what I'm getting at.  The way you're talking may have truth to it but we can't think like that on Earth lol, if u do just be prepared to walk out your front door everyday with a jar of Vaseline.  Why run from it when it should be embraced?  And I wouldn't trip if my kids were learning SIMPLE-Basic Money, Business, and Life Skills in Elementary school verses them learning that Columbus discovered America and Washington's. Cherry Tree incident as their center piece.  

Nobody is talking about trying to push a few Men of Mankinds ideas and their ideas only or totally remake the K-12 system altogether but we shouldn't hide America's past, present, and future any longer.  

You know it's pretty hilarious when I see all of these negative conspiracy theorist trying to cash in on the hype.  But when u actually read what FreeMasonry is about and what it's done and where it's at in today's society (allegedly) then you yourself would join...and not just for the money and bitches.  I think we should add A high school course in certain areas about the Crips and Bloods too.  About the people of the Crips and Bloods (black people), the reason why they formed, how this ends up happening with a handful of people in damn near every poor society in the world (maybe not this big of a scale), etc etc
« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 05:54:31 AM by Hollywood Bilderberg Group™ »

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Re: We need another "Age of Enlightenment" in today's world
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2012, 10:32:46 AM »
Dudes like Radiotube are alive. It's a physical impossibility.


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Re: We need another "Age of Enlightenment" in today's world
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2012, 11:49:58 AM »
 Well you never know humans could end up like in Star Trek, and no i dont just mean space exploration ans re colonizing but i mean evolved like no more war(in fighting) and racisim and we drink synthahol instead of alcahol and nobody dose drugs and we go to a holodeck instead of a whore house, can cure all disease, etc.
 But more likely we end up fucked from over population, failed multi culturalism , self destruction/war, etc. As long as there is religion there will always be conflict. Even with all this modern day science and technology people still follow religion due to fear of the unknown and death and brain washing, etc.
 Political correctness is destroying western civilization, lack of discipline, respect, etc.  The do gooders seem to control the majority. Ageing population, undisciplined spoilt kids who arent used to failure and the hardships of life, broken familys, etc. We all eating shit food and not being physically active enough(cant speak for all) so becoming less healthy and unfit.
 The people who really run shit are all about profit and greed. 
 Who knows though, technology is crazy, iam sure life will keep getting easier(or more convenient) and medicine will continue to improve(to an extent as long as it dosent fuck with the profit making too much), and i mean look at America with military tech but then look at Japan with the crazy robot tech and shit.
 Oh and the talk of going back to living tribal and primitive is fucking ridiculous. Well IMO at least.
 I kinda wish it would be "the ledgend of the overfeind" I'd be like Method man "i liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike this worlllllllllllllllllld!"


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Re: We need another "Age of Enlightenment" in today's world
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2012, 07:00:36 AM »
^ that just sounds like bitching tho.  we should live in an age where Society can do for itself.  starting off by maturing the Education system.  That's why we gotta re-elect Obama.  This kind of Progressive society we live in today wouldn't have happened with McCain/Palin.  True, Obama has bent his word a little and has even disappointed me a little but NO President will ever be a perfect President.  Until another Ron Paul comes along then we'll always be at this pace of Progression.  

Think about it, Obama represents the times like Reagan represented his time and both times are trancending to the future, both times have brought on a "new age" in society.  So I believe with Obamas re-election we'll continue on this (rocky) path, if Romney is elected we'll go back to the late 70's socially and economically our future could be at stake on some "new fed deal" shit.  Talk about being enlightened.  They sometimes might try to make Barry look like a fool on TV and whatever but his Presidency has produced some positive results.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 07:03:16 AM by Hollywood Bilderberg Group™ »


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Re: We need another "Age of Enlightenment" in today's world
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2012, 07:23:03 AM »
There's nothing wrong with technology, it just depends on how it's used. 

I def believe that military / black ops have tech that is prolly 50 years old or more that has yet to be released out to the public.  I think they have anti-grav, and I think when they are out flying that shit people believe they are seeing UFOs.

The powers that be control the world largely through scarcity based economics and they're not going to just relinquish control of that by coming up with free energy or any shit like that for the public.

We're slaves for green pieces of paper and that ain't changin lol.


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Re: We need another "Age of Enlightenment" in today's world
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2012, 08:33:32 PM »
hell yes, we need to restructure everything,

dont blame it on technology, tv, wtvr.

its the government, the politicians. our system is such a joke, we're not going to advance in particularly anything.

their dumbing down the population, as so is the rest of the world, its a fact that its an U.N. Protocol/Idea not sure if its official so just put the idea.

i remember it was agenda 52? some shit like that in the US it has some other name to it, sustainable development is part of it, not saying the whole practice is garbage, but the plan that it is part of is ridiculous.

dumbing down the population = population that makes less money = less product consumption = less pollution.

lmfao in that plan they also imply that they will try to make arithmetic arbitrary within the the next few generations.

like people are fucking stupid, why even report the north korean incident? why do people even respond or believe their threats? its no different from any of the other 50 times they've threatened to do shit over the past 30 years.

and why do people think china would even back them? is the general population that fucking stupid? do you think china will go to war with a country thats stimulating its economy? the ignorance is just overwhelming. u dont bite the hand that feeds you, especially if your going to be bigger than that hand and which will eventually switch roles within the next 200 years.


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