Author Topic: The Nu American Agenda  (Read 4997 times)


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #60 on: November 17, 2012, 10:12:32 AM »
this shit clearly gets to u becuz u sit around with ur phone in your hand waiting to log on to respond.  u only log on when sumbody replies to a thread in here, let it go.  Unclick the "notify me" button for threads in here, particularly mine.  If u cant handle the heat go outside and sit on the front porch

i see u


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #61 on: November 17, 2012, 10:16:23 AM »
Dude, you are a straight up retard, you know no one, I think these people in the upper echelons are SCUM and EVIL, but they are highly intelligent, people like you wouldn't even be fit to wipe their ass let alone "know them", the only people you know of any significance are the voices in your head.

P.S I take it as a given that you don't read, perhaps can't read, your poor child like brain gets overwhelmed by more than a few sentences, it's okay really, run along and get your milk and cookies you delusional simpleton.

Why is this fagg so disrespectful and why are there Quotation Marks around Baracks's name and why did he use the word "reneg"?
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 10:24:16 AM by virtuoso »


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #62 on: November 17, 2012, 10:28:42 AM »
yeah youre definitely here just to annoy ppl.  i guess u really wanna be a Mod of this section huh?


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #63 on: November 17, 2012, 10:35:53 AM »
and i feel u tho, throw out abuncha incoherant rants and be very disrespectful when u've been backed into a corner and dont have anything to say, let alone anything intelligent to say.  do ya bad babe, i hope u feel like its worth it, i love to make ppl's day. 

Russell Bell

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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #64 on: November 17, 2012, 11:03:51 AM »
Dude, you are a straight up retard, you know no one, I think these people in the upper echelons are SCUM and EVIL, but they are highly intelligent, people like you wouldn't even be fit to wipe their ass let alone "know them", the only people you know of any significance are the voices in your head.

P.S I take it as a given that you don't read, perhaps can't read, your poor child like brain gets overwhelmed by more than a few sentences, it's okay really, run along and get your milk and cookies you delusional simpleton.

Why is this fagg so disrespectful and why are there Quotation Marks around Baracks's name and why did he use the word "reneg"?

Money like Draymond Green.....yuuup

M Dogg™

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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #65 on: November 17, 2012, 03:02:35 PM »

The UN is the official front for the illuminati you dumbfuck. I don't even know why I try to enlighten you, you're a lost soul. Good luck brah.

Have you ever met anyone from the UN? I have. Have you ever fu.. dated someone from the UN's daughter, I have. I have learn a lot about the UN. Much of which that even the people in the UN's children know their parents are up to no good and it's the most corrupted group of people in the world. "Peace missions" are nothing more than huge prostitute buying binges. But to say they are the front for the Illuminati is laughable at best. The Illuminati, IF IT EXIST, is said to be a bloodline. The reason the president is related to George Washington is theorized to be because of this bloodline. Well the UN is so diverse that you cannot fit these bloodlines. The US is WAY to big, and I can tell you that the people I met in the UN were not of any elite or royal bloodline.

And you try because you believe in your own garbage.

Before I begin, it is my opinion that Bin Laden on ice is the bs alternative theory which is designed to ridicule and sideline the much more plausible that he died a long time ago (which I already outlined)

Okay, since you are so resolute to stare into ignorance and to be guided by whatever your favourite pundit says let me make it reallll simple for you. Once upon a time there 27 sovereign countries who comprised the European continent (that means the laws of the land were decided within the borders of that country). It was a cool novel thing called a fucking firewall, you know kind of antiquated because dude that's like so outdated in it's thinking, anyways I digress....

Then one day in 1949 a co-operative was set up called the council of Europe now just co-operative you understand, because you know, we need to bring peace and stability after the 2 world wars had brought mass devastation. There were initially six countries that joined this group and slowly others began following suit. Way back when people were becoming uneasy because they said wait a minute you are binding us to legalities but the insistence was given that this was a paper tiger, you could leave whenever you liked.

So people said cool yo, this is dat shit yo, we be politicking with our bro's from across these lands (I have to really dumb it down for Arthur, don't worry amigo I won't use words like renege or quotations). So then the membership continues to increase in size, more treaties were signed, European borders became no more and now all citizen who resided within the European Union could move freely from one country to another, and in later years with the eastern countries joining this block have migrated centrally to the richest countries in this block.

As the European Union became bigger and more stronger, they started to collect more paper from their whores (the tax slavers of Europe) the slave minders, the budget of the European Union became in excess of hundreds of billions a year. The og's in the European Union decided that we need to move things forward, we now dictate most of Europes law's (through EU directives, leaving the national parliaments as talking shops).

So getting that paper wasn't enough, they now wanted monetary control, so they announced that all European countries would surrender their sovereign cuurrency's and would instead accept one currency for the zone, the euro. It was sold on the "yes we can" meme to the dumbed down masses, anyone who raised an objection that now one entity would decide upon interest rates for all of these country's and would tie everyone in, bind them was derided as "anti european or a "conspiracy theorist".

We started to have "dialogue" in this country asking us whether we should be more European just like our neighbours. Greece joined the eurozone, the eurozone is a force of good, a bastion for democracy and co-operation. Then as all criminals do, the EU decided it wanted more, so it proposed the Lisbon Treaty, some countries as per their constitution's allowed the people to vote on this. The Irish voted NO and were told that there must be a revote on this because it''s not good enough, you slaves can't say no to us.

So they initiate another round of the referendum, the No's disheartened back away as the lobbyists flood the yes message and the yes message gets through. Cue the "financial crisis" the greek people are told that their banks will be saved if they agree to the Union's demands for greater control and less rights to the greeks. Suddenly things get worse so the EUROPEAN UNION announces that the ELECTED leaders of Italy and Greece are to step down and be replaced by APPOINTED EU beaurocrats. The proxy dictators appoint their own cabinet, clearing house and ramming through the austerity measures.

Irish people see how their government has sold them up the river and want an election to throw the current scumbag out of their positions but the EU tells them NO, you can't have sovereign elections until you have agreed to OUR latest cuts. Shock horror as the cuts worsen the plight of Greeks and Portugese and Ireland, the EU meets again and indicates that the way forwards is political integration as the only thing to solve the problems.

 All nations must agree to harmonise their tax laws, a European Army is very much on the cards, my passport is an EU passport, the laws of the land are not soverign laws, they are EU laws. So as for your stupidity in saying "show me proof that a world government is being formed" listen you overmedicated fool, for practical purposes to have world governance you must firstly have continental governance, well that is exactly what is happening in Europe.

And for the brain damaged consider would have said this was a conspiracy theory 7 years ago but now accept it, why has your opinion changed? BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN CONDITIONED NOW, you were not CONDITIONED enough 7 years ago. The sad reality is that the masses damaged by sheer ignorance, stupidity, whose brains have been further eroded by the deadly combination of chemicals they obliviously consume. We have come to one of the most dangerous parts moments in our recent history, we either move back to serfdom or a revolution of the mind occurs.

It is clear that this arm of the world government pours scorn on Democracy,
It is clear that they intend to impoverish people.
It is very clear from my research that these people are sadistic psychopaths
It is very clear that they are backed up by sociopaths

"What do they want money for" well Arthur you simple minded labotomised chimp, money is power, the more you have and the less the people have, (underpinned in a centralised planning) allows you to whatever the fuck you want and the more evil the people calling the shots the more fucked we are !. You can only use words like "paranoid" if you have an intellectual rebuttal for these remarks mdogg, then please provide it. Unlike you I don't compartmentalise, apologise for and or allow things to disappear down the memory hole. This is the irony of mainstream media its all very much reported, at least the fundamentals are reported but yet very rare is to find them piecing it altogether, you would think there was no sum of all parts, that these did not link in any conceivable way.

Now going to America, Martin Armstrong who by the way is a very astute trader, and more day thinking economist has said that it would be much cheaper for the Federal Reserve to have printed all of the money and NOT be borrowing any. He went on to say that as for income tax, 75% of the proceeds of income tax go to the BANKERS. Yet you cheer for higher taxes, you are being played, get off the meds man.

Okay, here is the thing. What you are saying would make great sense if you get off the Fed. I am actually not against getting rid of the Fed. If we go gold reserve for gold reserve with the rest of the world, the United States is far and beyond the biggest gold reserve in the world.

But I want to know why you go from Bin Laden to paper money. We have talked paper money to death. It's like...

Listen, there are basic needs that people have. People need medical care, people need food, people need shelter, children need education. These are basic things people need to strive. I don't care what economical system you do to achieve this, I am for the economical system that guarantees these rights to people.


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #66 on: November 18, 2012, 06:18:58 AM »
M Dogg the "paper issue" was addressed to illustrate that far from being a fanciful notion regional dictatorship is gathering pace here, the problem the economy, the solution, hey fuck all sovereignty if you want to survive you will answer to us now.

As for what you just said about gold reserves, man, really think about what you just said, the BANKS are the predominant creditor, and lest you forget that in the event of the proceeds it has been ruled that the little guys have to wait their turn (MF Global) and that all debts must first be made whole to the banks. So to allow for a gold standard to come in, would cripple existing debts and would lead to all of the gold going to the bankers, the very scum who engineered this.

This of course assumes that vast quantities of what was supposedly housed in Fort Knox has not already disappeared. There has never been a full audit of the inventory, so once again it is assumed that we should just put faith in the system.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 06:21:09 AM by virtuoso »


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #67 on: November 18, 2012, 07:13:46 AM »
so if not the Banks then who?  The State (the Fed), The local Government (a branch off the Fed), Churches, Small Banks (Bank)?  Or do we make a brand new system (that would ultimately be controlled by the Fed/Banks)?  nobody is going to give u a hand out buddy, u might wanna lay off that epidoral.  I'm all for self reliance but u just sound stupid as hell


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #68 on: November 19, 2012, 12:07:44 PM »
so if not the Banks then who?  The State (the Fed), The local Government (a branch off the Fed), Churches, Small Banks (Bank)?  Or do we make a brand new system (that would ultimately be controlled by the Fed/Banks)?  nobody is going to give u a hand out buddy, u might wanna lay off that epidoral.  I'm all for self reliance but u just sound stupid as hell

Absolutely, people need to start looking at community banks, money should not be being introduced as debt and would need to be introduced in such a way as to go into high value projects and not be squandered. We need to draw a line in the sand and let these banks burn and yes, it will be horrible but this is a slow death now and as for what you mentioned in your last comment, well my response is that is exactly what they are in the process of doing. That is why the EU announces that regulation should now be overseen by a European regulator, when the ECB announces that they will buy the bonds of the indebted nations, then they are moving away from state control and in to what they in their words call a need for a political union. I have lost count of the number of cheerleading bitches in newspapers championing for the end of national soverignty to save us.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2012, 02:23:46 PM by virtuoso »

M Dogg™

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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #69 on: November 19, 2012, 12:37:20 PM »
so if not the Banks then who?  The State (the Fed), The local Government (a branch off the Fed), Churches, Small Banks (Bank)?  Or do we make a brand new system (that would ultimately be controlled by the Fed/Banks)?  nobody is going to give u a hand out buddy, u might wanna lay off that epidoral.  I'm all for self reliance but u just sound stupid as hell

Absolutely, people need to start looking at community banks, money should not be being introduced as debt and would need to be introduced in such a way as to go into high value projects and not be squandered. We need to draw a line in the sand and let these banks burn and yes, it will be horrible but this is a slow death now and as for what you mentioned in your last comment, well my response is that is exactly what they are in the process of doing. That is when the EU announces that regulation should now be overseen by a European regulator, when the ECD announces that they will buy the bonds of the indebted nations, then they are moving away from state control and in to what they in their words call a need for a political union. I have lost count of the number of cheerleading bitches in newspapers championing for the end of national soverignty to save us.

So we agree on somethings. Scary actually.


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #70 on: November 19, 2012, 05:49:04 PM »
^^^ no we dont agree, fuck the Europeans, thats who got everything fucked up in the first place.  I figured ur dumbass would say that.  I dont want no more Euros touchin my Bank Rolls, they need to stay their asses over there in Europe and get their own ackrite. 

thats why i fuck with the NWO, lets take it out of a few hands snd lets give everybody a shot and let them do their own thing.  U cant be for 1 thing and not open to the next


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #71 on: November 20, 2012, 02:57:42 PM »
^^^ no we dont agree, fuck the Europeans, thats who got everything fucked up in the first place.  I figured ur dumbass would say that.  I dont want no more Euros touchin my Bank Rolls, they need to stay their asses over there in Europe and get their own ackrite. 

thats why i fuck with the NWO, lets take it out of a few hands snd lets give everybody a shot and let them do their own thing.  U cant be for 1 thing and not open to the next

Seriously mdogg, I know you said we should refrain from insults, but man, is this guy for real? does he have any idea what a contradictory statemnt that was? (rhetorical question).


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #72 on: November 20, 2012, 03:00:04 PM »
or maybe this time around European white men have no business even trying to dictate the WORLD market this time around.  

im famiar with the conspiracy stories (every last 1 of them, literally) and thats y i laugh at u.  Not becuz youre dumb but becuz youre an idiot

youre prejudice without being racist.  youre a troll without actually having any kind of trolling skills......among other things

M Dogg™

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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #73 on: November 20, 2012, 11:00:23 PM »
^^^ no we dont agree, fuck the Europeans, thats who got everything fucked up in the first place.  I figured ur dumbass would say that.  I dont want no more Euros touchin my Bank Rolls, they need to stay their asses over there in Europe and get their own ackrite. 

thats why i fuck with the NWO, lets take it out of a few hands snd lets give everybody a shot and let them do their own thing.  U cant be for 1 thing and not open to the next

Seriously mdogg, I know you said we should refrain from insults, but man, is this guy for real? does he have any idea what a contradictory statemnt that was? (rhetorical question).

I have no idea what to make of him. It's like dealing with the Joker.


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #74 on: November 20, 2012, 11:20:49 PM »
Or more like dealing with the Oracle.  What do u think is going to happen with those Community Banks in 10-12 years?  Do u really think any of them in the long run are out to "help the people"?  Sure it would make things a little easier in the short term but thats just thinking too small.  

See what yall underestimate is Man.  Most people are out for theirself.  All of this "oh thats fucked up and they need to put an end to it" victim shit needs to stop.  I betchu virtuoso was the type to run and tell the teacher everytime somebody did something to him like it was supposed to stop right then and there forever becuz "it was the right thing to do".

In the real world people dont play fair, right and wrong is totally subjective.  The law of the jungle will always be upheld higher than the law of the land.  

This whole Suria Law thing youre talking about has nothing to do with American Citizens, its all for foreigners (i think i've made that pretty clear already, i like how u just only see what u wanna see).  When u start showing me hard evidence that Soldiers are just cherry-picking people from bubblefuck then i'll pay attention but i think its safe to say that that particular Law doesnt hold much weight  

and what do u mean Contradicting?  I somewhat agree with u but not all of the way and im opposed to Europe being in charge of Currency.  Which is my point, how do u have all of these criticisms and victim cards but at the end of the day youre pretty much cool with everything thats already happened and u dont want it to change.