Author Topic: 27 dead in elementary school shooting.....this shit has to be a set-up  (Read 17353 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: 27 dead in elementary school shooting.....this shit has to be a set-up
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2012, 04:36:38 AM »
Watch the mindless sheep become moved by Obama's tears. Nick is not an idiot when there have been so many incidents in the past which did not add up. However regardless this will be used as fresh leverage. Does a car kill people or does the selfish crazed motorist? Does the kniFe kill people? Petrol?

wanted to find out why mybe you


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Re: 27 dead in elementary school shooting.....this shit has to be a set-up
« Reply #31 on: December 15, 2012, 05:01:31 AM »
Watch the mindless sheep become moved by Obama's tears. Nick is not an idiot when there have been so many incidents in the past which did not add up. However regardless this will be used as fresh leverage. Does a car kill people or does the selfish crazed motorist? Does the kniFe kill people? Petrol?

wanted to find out why mybe you

Idiots crashing cars or drivers running people down while texting happens. People running people over on purpose of course happens but it's not 'trending' now is it?

People get mugged and stabbed in accidents. Dudes with Samurai swords going on killing sprees happen, but 'every now and again'. Like arson happens 'every now and again'

Gun massacres happen all the damn time in America. Copycat stuff too. Shits out of hand its undeniable.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: 27 dead in elementary school shooting.....this shit has to be a set-up
« Reply #32 on: December 15, 2012, 06:21:35 AM »

Perhaps you should give more of a shit about the congress unanimously voting to allow for the indefinite detention of any american who they deem to be a "terrorist". no judge, no jury, no presentable evidence
Disarming potential victims, is just going to leave the weapons in the hands of criminals and those who would seek to do harm leaving people totally at the mercy of such scum bags.
Perhaps you should realise who the bigger enemy is, the crazed individual's (assuming they were crazed) or the systematic disarmament in the face of a system which is becoming less democratic, less free, less justified and more pernicious.



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: 27 dead in elementary school shooting.....this shit has to be a set-up
« Reply #33 on: December 15, 2012, 06:35:33 AM »
The problem isnt guns.  We have many rules and regulations when it comes to guns.  Who can buy, when, where, how, everything.  Majority who own guns legally own them responsibly.  Areas with the most gun crime are areas with the most restrictive gun laws (less people legally owning), thats a fact. 

We have a culture where about 60 percent of the population thinks its ok to own guns while the other 40 are probably against.  You arent going to be able to just take guns out of a society with free choice and guaranteed rights; and more restrictive laws arent going to prohibit law breakers from getting the guns they want.

If you wanna look at causes of why this stuff happens, lets look at the real root causes, not the easy to point out ones.  The healthcare system (mental health especially), family support/structure, the economy in general (no jobs equal people doing what they have to do to survive).

If you get in a fight, and somebody yells “worldstar”. You better fight for your life.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: 27 dead in elementary school shooting.....this shit has to be a set-up
« Reply #34 on: December 15, 2012, 06:37:20 AM »
Watch the mindless sheep become moved by Obama's tears. Nick is not an idiot when there have been so many incidents in the past which did not add up. However regardless this will be used as fresh leverage. Does a car kill people or does the selfish crazed motorist? Does the kniFe kill people? Petrol?

wanted to find out why mybe you

you can't be serious
If you get in a fight, and somebody yells “worldstar”. You better fight for your life.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: 27 dead in elementary school shooting.....this shit has to be a set-up
« Reply #35 on: December 15, 2012, 06:42:30 AM »

If someone is intent on killing, they will, they will acquire a gun from an illegal source, if they can't do it legally, there have been incidents in the passed where a car has been packed full of petrol and used as a weapon, petrol bomb is another easy way of killing people.
The question is, ....are you serious? if the media had not made this a talking point, then you wouldn't even be discussing this.


Re: 27 dead in elementary school shooting.....this shit has to be a set-up
« Reply #36 on: December 15, 2012, 07:10:11 AM »
so nobody heard about the incident at the school in china the other day? mmmm the reason you aint heard it is because the media did not feed it to you allowing them to push the agenda. anyways 22 people were stabbed in a school (not guns! knives! you know the shit you can get out of a kitchen draw everywhere). So read into this what you will but the facts are facts, it dont mean shit what the weapon is, crazy is crazy just depends on the tool that is used. No ammount of control or laws would of prevented this happening in the chinease school, oh wait there is a way, maybe we could all start eating with plastic cutellry?

anyways to get back to the point in hand, I agree with a point made earlier with regards to the root cause. What most news agencies dont mention is that most of these gunmen (90% i believe in the last ten years) are on some form of prescribed medication for various mental health issues. This is an area that also needs to be looked at as well as other obvious areas also mentioned in this thread.

I am actually from england which has one of the strictest gun laws on the world so i appreciate i dont see it first hand like you guys do but even though the gun laws are very strict here these tragedies still happens here too. Its a very sensitve subject for americans which I can appreciate as I see it from both sides of the line, yes these events cannot continue to occur but I believe everyone should have the right to self defence. I know if I was in a sticky situation on a walk home one night and I was attacked by a crazed lunatic, ask yourself if you would rather it be him then me?

I think the most poignent thing in these cases is always the innocent people especially children. These children had christmas to look forward too instead the presents will remain unopened and familys lives changed for ever....   


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: 27 dead in elementary school shooting.....this shit has to be a set-up
« Reply #37 on: December 15, 2012, 07:11:31 AM »

If someone is intent on killing, they will, they will acquire a gun from an illegal source, if they can't do it legally, there have been incidents in the passed where a car has been packed full of petrol and used as a weapon, petrol bomb is another easy way of killing people.
The question is, ....are you serious? if the media had not made this a talking point, then you wouldn't even be discussing this.

Are you kidding me ? I'm old enough to make my conclusions without being brainwashed by the media, i couldn't care less about what they have to say about this,
if you need the media to talk about something like this is not the same for me. There are people mentally ill all over the world, but most of these shootings happens in the united states and in places like norway or finland, not in england spain or somewhere else.....guess why ?

There isn't a "gun problem" in America. OK.  ::)
If you get in a fight, and somebody yells “worldstar”. You better fight for your life.

Hack Wilson - real

Re: 27 dead in elementary school shooting.....this shit has to be a set-up
« Reply #38 on: December 15, 2012, 08:41:23 AM »
Norway has huge gun control and they had that mass shooting a few years ago

its about psycho control, not gun control


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Re: 27 dead in elementary school shooting.....this shit has to be a set-up
« Reply #39 on: December 15, 2012, 10:46:40 AM »
this is similar to the hindu that got beat up/died with a baseball bat in the restroom at the local park in Fleetwood. Similar i said

anywhoo shooters name ADAM LANZA


Re: 27 dead in elementary school shooting.....this shit has to be a set-up
« Reply #40 on: December 15, 2012, 11:21:46 AM »
It is simply not plausible to understand events in Connecticut this Friday without having a conversation about guns in a country where more than 84 people a day are killed with guns, and more than twice that number are injured with them.

Amid all the column inches and airtime now being devoted to these horrific slayings, though, that elephant in the room will remain affectionately patted, discreetly fed and politely indulged. To claim that "this is not the time" ignores the reality that America has found itself incapable of finding any appropriate time to have this urgent conversation. The victims in Newtown, Connecticut deserve at least that. And these tragedies take place everyday, albeit on a smaller scale.


so only government and law enforcement should have guns?

lmao....they got u good.


Re: 27 dead in elementary school shooting.....this shit has to be a set-up
« Reply #41 on: December 15, 2012, 11:22:26 AM »
the government is doing everything in its power to instill fear in america so that they can finally take our guns away....either way, sad shit.

"In response to the Aurora shootings in July, President Obama was right to suspend the routine campaign rhetoric and play the statesman. Nobody wanted to hear about Mitt Romney's tax records and stimulating the economy on that day. There were other days for electioneering, true, but he was wrong to insist on this:

"There are going to be other days for politics. This is a day for prayer and reflection."

Yet that "other day" for debating gun laws never came – not at any point in the three months that remained before the election. Even now, right on cue, the president's spokesman, Jay Carney, has intoned the familiar strain that "now is not the time" to talk about gun control.

YES. They are really doing everything to take the guns way... ::)

smh, lmao


Re: 27 dead in elementary school shooting.....this shit has to be a set-up
« Reply #42 on: December 15, 2012, 11:23:15 AM »
No disrespect to Nik, but only an idiot would start claiming conspiracy in the immediate aftermath of something like this (no Dr. Dre)

only and idiot would ignore the facts and act like the government isn't known for shit like this...yes offense to u


Re: 27 dead in elementary school shooting.....this shit has to be a set-up
« Reply #43 on: December 15, 2012, 11:31:57 AM »
Norway doesn't ring a bell anyone?
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Hack Wilson - real

Re: 27 dead in elementary school shooting.....this shit has to be a set-up
« Reply #44 on: December 15, 2012, 11:34:05 AM »
Norway doesn't ring a bell anyone?

Norway has huge gun control and they had that mass shooting a few years ago

its about psycho control, not gun control