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The R Kelly Appreciation Thread

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R Kelly & RNB sucks bunch of bitch ass fuckers

Michael Jackson didnt touch up no underage's, but R Kelly did for sure, seen it myself buddy that guy is guilty as sin

i enjoy all R.Kelly albums, hes a great muscian...his beats are bangin(BUMP BUMP BUMP is R.Kelly at his finest)...Choclate Factory is crazy...hes got another Duet with Mr Isely...which is tight as hell...even tho he likes lil girls...and i probably wont ever buy his music again...i still think he is a great artist


--- Quote from: syxx_aka_engies on February 28, 2003, 06:04:44 AM ---R Kelly & RNB sucks bunch of bitch ass fuckers

Michael Jackson didnt touch up no underage's, but R Kelly did for sure, seen it myself buddy that guy is guilty as sin

--- End quote ---

What???     Michael Jackson did touch up on little boys
Are you an idiot or what? Michael is fag that screws little boys

If He wasn't guilty he wouldn't have given up 20 million dollars to Michael's little friend

Even though R. Kelly is a pedophile......atleast he doesn't screw little boys

Someone FWD this THREAD to the Pedophile Forum
Fuck R Kelly and Michael Jackson


--- Quote from: Kain670 on February 28, 2003, 01:44:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: syxx_aka_engies on February 28, 2003, 06:04:44 AM ---R Kelly & RNB sucks bunch of bitch ass fuckers

Michael Jackson didnt touch up no underage's, but R Kelly did for sure, seen it myself buddy that guy is guilty as sin

--- End quote ---

What???     Michael Jackson did touch up on little boys
Are you an idiot or what? Michael is fag that screws little boys

If He wasn't guilty he wouldn't have given up 20 million dollars to Michael's little friend

Even though R. Kelly is a pedophile......atleast he doesn't screw little boys

Someone FWD this THREAD to the Pedophile Forum
Fuck R Kelly and Michael Jackson

--- End quote ---

Ohh my lord. So because someone settles out of court that means they are guilty. Are you that dumb. It was easier for Michael, a rich person, to pay them a settlement rather than go thru the lawyer process, go thru court cases & controversy for years on end & probably in the long run pay less or more

Remember Jay-Z settled out of court for that Un Rivera stabbing, do you think he really did it. No, but they where prepared to drag his name thru the mud & bring up controversial things, so he saved time & money settling out of court. Same with Michael

I dont know how old you are (you seem to talk like a young teenager), but you need to grow up & experience things & instead of presuming things, look for proper evidence.

Just from watching many interviews with him you can tell he is basically a "non-sexual" if there is such a thing. You can tell he is a nut case & seems stuck in his childhood years. he doesnt have a grip on reality it seems. People who know him closely will tell you that sex seems the last thing ever on Michaels mind, but I agree he shouldnt have children sleep in his bed even if they ask him. Unless you are related to them I dont see a reason to sleep with a 10 year old.

You know, in a childhood mind set it is. When i was a kid i had my friends my age sleep in the same room. I think michael views it like that, & he doesnt think like a normal 44 year old man.

Listen to interviews, read from credible sources, people who know Michael closely & you will see that sure he has lost touch with realiity, he is a nut job but he isn't a pedophile

Its ignorant rumor spreading non researching immature fuckers like you that ruin the world

seriously this kain dude is an idiot, i dont know why overseer doesnt consider banning this fool


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