Author Topic: Do you speak Redneck? Are you, in fact, a redneck?  (Read 78 times)


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Do you speak Redneck? Are you, in fact, a redneck?
« on: March 03, 2003, 07:08:23 PM »
You're a redneck if:

*You know the difference between a hissie fit and a conniption. (sadly, I do)

*You know pretty much how many fish make up a mess (I even use the word "mess" as a plural grouping noun)

*You know what general direction cattywumpuss is. (Yeah. I do. Now leave me alone.)

*You know gimme sugar doesn't mean pass the sugar. (This one's an easy one.)

*You know when "by and by" is. ('Fraid so. I know what is is, by and by.)

*You know how to handle your "pot likker". (Happily, not)#

*You know the best gesture of solace for a neighbour in trouble is cold potato salad. (It is)

*You know the difference between "purty near" and "a right far piece". (Yes. Yes I do. Shut up.)

*You know the difference between a redneck, hick, hillbilly, trailer trash and good ol' boy. (Yeah, the middle and lower class Southron classes)

*You know never to go snipe hunting twice. (Common sense)

*You know never to assume the other car with the flashing directional light is actually going to turn. (Common sense)

*You know not to lend out your gun, flashlight or tools to nobody. But nobody! (Obviously just sensible planning)
« Last Edit: March 03, 2003, 07:11:10 PM by Owen »