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ja and busta beef


Ja Rule seems to be getting into even more beef. This time it seems to be with Busta Rhymes.
An insider at the Grammy's told NY Metro Magazine, that a couple of hours before the show,
on of the artists publicists called and insisted to keep Busta Rhymes and Ja Rule seperated.
The source tells this was supposed to be because of a gun fight, that had happened.
Busta and Ja had dressing rooms next to each other so the Grammy's staff made sure it was changed. A rep for Busta said, the relocation had to do with a lack of space, instead of beef.

wot do yall think

i read on another forum that it was  ja who had bustas car shot up thinking it was 50 car. hard to believe though.

Already a topic about this, so I'm locking it.


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