Author Topic: The Real Issue, Volume 2: The Confederacy, and Slavery  (Read 155 times)


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The Real Issue, Volume 2: The Confederacy, and Slavery
« on: March 06, 2003, 06:27:43 PM »
The Confederacy is instinctively connected with slavery, and rightly so. But very few people in the US today even know the true cause of the start of the war.

The aristocrats wanted to secede to keep their slaves; the middle classes, because the North wanted to subsidise mostly northern industry with money from the small, non slave-owning farmers; and the negroes, because the North, including "Honest" Abe, wanted to resettle them in Africa. You can even research that last one, it was official policy...

Until Lincoln opportunized and used it as an extra spur. Wanna know the real reason for the start of the war? Caused by these three issues, and more...

States Rights. Should the state or the nation decide whether to keep slavery, to follow subsidy charters, to surrender sovereignty entirely, to resettle their black populace, etc. The southern states, whatever their reason for loving States Rights, went to war because of States Rights, not because of slavery...after all, Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri never declared for the Confederacy, though they were slave owning states.

A great part of the States Rights cause is because of great Southerners like Jefferson, Washington and Madison.  Many Confederates felt they had been passed the States Rights sword from the great founders of the nation. They did not want to secede because they hated the USA; they hated the government, and the government, the Lincoln administration, that is, hated the South and wanted to destroy it. They succeeded.

Now, only fringe groups, branded racist, support States Rights or the idea of the Confederacy.

I do support the Confederacy. I am in the group "Sons of the Confederacy", the largest para-military in the USA, perfectly legal that is. Over 20k members, and no racial lines have ever appeared in the manifesto. The group was founded by Robert E Lee and John Breckinridge after the war, two anti-slavery generals who had remained loyal to the south. In fact, Breckinridge was a Vice-President at one time, supporting the anti-slavery campaign with all his power.

So don't hate the Confederate flag. Hate thsoe who fly it...If you find out it's racially motivated.

I'll live and die in Dixie! Away, away, away down south in Dixie!


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Re:The Real Issue, Volume 2: The Confederacy, and Slavery
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2003, 06:58:46 PM »
I'm surprised no-one tried to kick my ass over this.


Re:The Real Issue, Volume 2: The Confederacy, and Slavery
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2003, 10:47:03 PM »
Because it's true, lol.  I think most people don't realize that the states went to war over State's rights, and that that's a part of the original, intended u.s. government that is forever lost to us.  The Government originally was gonna protect us, and deliver our mail.  Now look how bloated it is.  


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Re:The Real Issue, Volume 2: The Confederacy, and Slavery
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2003, 06:05:51 PM »
I'm surprised no-one tried to kick my ass over this.

Yeah in US Public schools we learn the truth: the real cause of the war wasnt slavery (lol), it was the states rights...this isnt Pakistan