Author Topic: WCC Solutions...  (Read 90 times)

Suga Foot

WCC Solutions...
« on: March 09, 2003, 11:47:46 AM »
1.  Ignore The Immaturity(If you see a stupid ass thread made by an idiot, don't go in there saying "You're such and Idiot" just leave it alone.  If people make stupid threads and nobody replies, they'll eventually stop.)

2.  Stop Complaining (Compaining is useless, everyone knows WCC is headed down a shitty path, I don't need to be reminded of it every day.  I can see it myself.)

« Last Edit: March 09, 2003, 11:48:17 AM by Suga Foot »


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Re:WCC Solutions...
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2003, 11:52:13 AM »


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Re:WCC Solutions...
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2003, 12:35:36 PM »
y'all are lucky that I ain't the moderator of this board.  I ain't nearly as nice as Seer and Rud.  I woulda banned a lot of u fools after your first dumb ass post.  How pathetic can your life be that u have to spend your time trying to ruin a fucking internet message board?  Keep your fuckin stupid ass comments to yourself.  I hope everyone who is part of this forum comes here for the westcoast music, and not just to show their overall stupidity.  I look at the threads in these pages and their is like 2-3 relevant threads, and pretty much zero relevant threads in anything goes.  I mean c'mon, do u really needa make a fuckin post that u are going to bed?  give me a fuckin break, who gives a shit.  A lot of yall new people seem like some fuckin lil kids that can't even handle a fucking internet forum.  stick to the nelly and eminem websites with the rest of the fagget ass groupies.  If u don't have anything better in your life to do than post worthless ass stupid comments on here, go fuckin jack off or something, it will be better for everyone.  And to anyone who dislikes what I have to say, give a fuckin argument for your stupidity.  Their has been plenty of arguments why your dumbasses shoulda been banned a long time ago, so lets see a fuckin argument why you shouldn't be banned.  And no, "fuck you dickhead, I can post if I want!" is not a fuckin argument.