Author Topic: It's time....the elite have started turning on Obama  (Read 1769 times)


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Re: It's time....the elite have started turning on Obama
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2013, 02:14:24 PM »
You are both intelligent men.
And both of you make solid points.

I understand Heinz when he says, that we must not fight negativity with negativity. Two wrongs don't make it right.

And I also understand Virtuoso when he says that ignoring it, as I see it is like an ostrich sticking his head in the sand.

Both have positive and negative.
If you concentrate 2 much on it.. it will consume you and make you bitter.
If you ignore it... you will distance yourself 2 much 2 even care.

So my opinion...choose the balanced middle path.
In the end God knows best.

I am far from intelligent my friend. But I have an opinion.
It is not that I ignore the existence of evil around me it is just that I don't pay it much mind (literally).
Like Virtuoso points out the path it has led him to is one of despair and that is the danger of letting the circus consume your mind.

I agree with you cousin Aladin and would like to add that: not only in the end but:
In ALL things G_D knows best.

Many blessings to you both.



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: It's time....the elite have started turning on Obama
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2013, 02:17:00 PM »
The reality is that hardened stance has come about more recently, it is has come about through the countless interactions with people who just don't even get the most rudimentary points. We have all been subject to bullshit which has been served up on the menu ever since we were children but some people have allowed it to seduce their inner core and it has damaged them, I genuinely believe that. It has damaged them from the point of view of not being able to reason and from the perspective of viewing one group of people as lesser than another and thus less deserving of the rights that they enjoy not really understanding why, just simply parroting the points which they have heard.

With that said, if there was any blackmail hanging over Obama it has surely now disappeared after and his psychopathic devil cohorts have laid the ground work for a much bigger escalation in Syria. Therefore the original point of this thread has been null and void through the complete capitulation which he has again exhibited.


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Re: It's time....the elite have started turning on Obama
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2013, 02:57:48 PM »
The reality is that hardened stance has come about more recently, it is has come about through the countless interactions with people who just don't even get the most rudimentary points. We have all been subject to bullshit which has been served up on the menu ever since we were children but some people have allowed it to seduce their inner core and it has damaged them, I genuinely believe that. It has damaged them from the point of view of not being able to reason and from the perspective of viewing one group of people as lesser than another and thus less deserving of the rights that they enjoy not really understanding why, just simply parroting the points which they have heard.

With that said, if there was any blackmail hanging over Obama it has surely now disappeared after and his psychopathic devil cohorts have laid the ground work for a much bigger escalation in Syria. Therefore the original point of this thread has been null and void through the complete capitulation which he has again exhibited.

Why the need to convince people of YOUR "truths" and how YOU see things? Do you feel it is your responsibility? If so WHY?



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: It's time....the elite have started turning on Obama
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2013, 03:57:38 PM »

Perhaps I have misphrased that, i am all for someone having a different opinion than me,  a difference of opinion is the way in which we learn from each other. What I was trying to convey was the fact that when scrutinised I have noted that many individuals are like deers caught in the cars headlights and don't have any kind of response to muster. Why have I been trying to at least drop my own feelings? the simple to that is that ever since I was 16 I started to take note of the pace of change and the radically changing landscape. We are heading into really dark days and granted, I can't change it, but I won't, perhaps can't just simply keep my mouth shut without offering my point of view. It is my token resistance I guess you could say? I feel like it's passive acceptance if I just nod, agree and go along with this.

Having said that, I go and demonstrate too, not because a small minority can do jack shit, but just simply because it's a way of getting it off my chest. When I asked where are the progressives etc.....that is to say where is the passion that they displayed when conveying the anti war message?. Since most of them have now vaporised, that again, is a classic and unfortunate example of how people only carried that because they were being prompted to do so.


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Re: It's time....the elite have started turning on Obama
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2013, 10:54:02 PM »
Are you familiar with the concept of cognitive dissonance Virtuoso?
If not it might explain a few things for you.



Re: It's time....the elite have started turning on Obama
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2013, 02:08:34 PM »
You are both intelligent men.
And both of you make solid points.

I understand Heinz when he says, that we must not fight negativity with negativity. Two wrongs don't make it right.

And I also understand Virtuoso when he says that ignoring it, as I see it is like an ostrich sticking his head in the sand.

Both have positive and negative.
If you concentrate 2 much on it.. it will consume you and make you bitter.
If you ignore it... you will distance yourself 2 much 2 even care.

So my opinion...choose the balanced middle path.
In the end God knows best.


Personally, I don't think there's a need for the god part but whenever someone comes to that aforementioned conclusion I couldn't care less what that man's stance on spirituality is. ;)

Of course, trying to stay informed is important. But if you dig yourself into that pile of dirt too deep it will leave stains.

Your physical and mental health is what matters most so you gotta watch what you put into your body and mind. Concentrating on all the bad things you can't even change takes your time and energy and leaves you frustrated and bitter, just like Heinz said before.

Concentrating on what you can change benefits you and your environment. A positive person is a positive influence.
Did you ever get someone to change their mindstate by shitting on them and their personal choices? If you can accept that (many) people ain't moronic but "only" lazy and ignorant regarding certain issues you can approach them in a much more constructive way.

Even if the world might go to shit you don't have to take part in that. Nobody is a saint, but you don't have to feed your hard-earned money or your precious time to the machine.
I'm all for feeling good about what you do. Only, if you are bitter that will turn you into an arrogant person. If you stay aware of your own flaws you can draw positive energy from your actions without the need to compare to others for reassurence that you are better than them.

Lead by example, I guess. If someone asks, answer without trying to belittle them.

Everything is in motion and getting to a point where one achieves a more calm, balanced mindstate takes time, obviously. But you'll never get there if you're heading down the wrong road. Which is an awfully cheesy statement but true nonetheless. :laugh:
i donīt need any medicate shit im 100 normal.


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Re: It's time....the elite have started turning on Obama
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2013, 02:41:25 PM »
You are both intelligent men.
And both of you make solid points.

I understand Heinz when he says, that we must not fight negativity with negativity. Two wrongs don't make it right.

And I also understand Virtuoso when he says that ignoring it, as I see it is like an ostrich sticking his head in the sand.

Both have positive and negative.
If you concentrate 2 much on it.. it will consume you and make you bitter.
If you ignore it... you will distance yourself 2 much 2 even care.

So my opinion...choose the balanced middle path.
In the end God knows best.


Personally, I don't think there's a need for the god part but whenever someone comes to that aforementioned conclusion I couldn't care less what that man's stance on spirituality is. ;)

Of course, trying to stay informed is important. But if you dig yourself into that pile of dirt too deep it will leave stains.

Your physical and mental health is what matters most so you gotta watch what you put into your body and mind. Concentrating on all the bad things you can't even change takes your time and energy and leaves you frustrated and bitter, just like Heinz said before.

Concentrating on what you can change benefits you and your environment. A positive person is a positive influence.
Did you ever get someone to change their mindstate by shitting on them and their personal choices? If you can accept that (many) people ain't moronic but "only" lazy and ignorant regarding certain issues you can approach them in a much more constructive way.

Even if the world might go to shit you don't have to take part in that. Nobody is a saint, but you don't have to feed your hard-earned money or your precious time to the machine.
I'm all for feeling good about what you do. Only, if you are bitter that will turn you into an arrogant person. If you stay aware of your own flaws you can draw positive energy from your actions without the need to compare to others for reassurence that you are better than them.

Lead by example, I guess. If someone asks, answer without trying to belittle them.

Everything is in motion and getting to a point where one achieves a more calm, balanced mindstate takes time, obviously. But you'll never get there if you're heading down the wrong road. Which is an awfully cheesy statement but true nonetheless. :laugh:

You make good points Fraxxx.
Lead by example is a good advice. If you have personal integrity I believe people will naturally listen and find inspiration in your words.

I would like to add that in addition to, and perhaps preceeding the importance of physical and mental health comes spiritual health.



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: It's time....the elite have started turning on Obama
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2013, 05:06:43 PM »

The only way of tackling cognitive dissonance is to challenge it, so yeah, i know all about cognitive dissonance. I never convey to a person that I think they are stupid, the moronic description is one of observation collected after said numerous experiences. You would think that given the state of the world, given the access we have to information, given the transparent body language, tone of voice, justifications that a lot of this hold over people's minds whilst not being overturned would have certainly been diluted and yet, not a bit of it. I agree though, it is important not to let the actions of these giant parasites poison my soul or my mind but by the same time it is utterly disheartening to see how easily so many people can be switched off and switched on at will depending on what reaction the parasites wish to produce.


Re: It's time....the elite have started turning on Obama
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2013, 08:11:07 PM »

The only way of tackling cognitive dissonance is to challenge it, so yeah, i know all about cognitive dissonance. I never convey to a person that I think they are stupid, the moronic description is one of observation collected after said numerous experiences. You would think that given the state of the world, given the access we have to information, given the transparent body language, tone of voice, justifications that a lot of this hold over people's minds whilst not being overturned would have certainly been diluted and yet, not a bit of it. I agree though, it is important not to let the actions of these giant parasites poison my soul or my mind but by the same time it is utterly disheartening to see how easily so many people can be switched off and switched on at will depending on what reaction the parasites wish to produce.

I can see how experiencing the individual ignorance of some and the controllability of the masses can be disheartening.
But don't you know or get to know a lot of open-minded people at the same time?
Isn't cutting off all the direct, truely negative influences, as much as possible, (like the truely moronic people) and not bothering too much with all the stuff you can't control, but focusing on what can be changed for the better (like yourself and your personal surroundings) much more satisfiying? There are a lot of good people and a lot of encouraging things happening, too.
In the end, you have to decide what is more important to focus on. And I think that it is much more fullfilling, personally and effective to concentrate on what you really can affect in a productive and positive way, than to point out over and over all the disgusting shit that is happening anyway.

I really appreciate that you address all those issues that you speak on, I just think that you shouldn't allow that shit to affect you on a personal level.
i donīt need any medicate shit im 100 normal.


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Re: It's time....the elite have started turning on Obama
« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2013, 11:51:33 PM »
A natural reaction to the horror circus when you enter it is disgust, despair and anger.
Not to get stuck inside the tent is the key.
A way of doing this is like Fraxx points out to shift your focus and go outside where the sun is shining.
Or do you want to be a hero and fight the beast? How?
Is that even your purpose...? What is your purpose? Is there a purpose at all?
Wise men have said: Know thyself.
Start with that and the rest will surely make sense.

A saint called John Climacus who I enjoyed reading many years ago was asked a question:
- What is the greatest of the virtues?
His reply was:
- Humility.

I have found his answer to be true.



Re: It's time....the elite have started turning on Obama
« Reply #25 on: June 18, 2013, 12:13:23 PM »
A natural reaction to the horror circus when you enter it is disgust, despair and anger.
Not to get stuck inside the tent is the key.
A way of doing this is like Fraxx points out to shift your focus and go outside where the sun is shining.
Or do you want to be a hero and fight the beast? How?
Is that even your purpose...? What is your purpose? Is there a purpose at all?
Wise men have said: Know thyself.
Start with that and the rest will surely make sense.

A saint called John Climacus who I enjoyed reading many years ago was asked a question:
- What is the greatest of the virtues?
His reply was:
- Humility.

I have found his answer to be true.

Wise words. And it's true in even more than one sense, since humility is not only humbleness but also the (in my own case only relative) lack of material needs. I experience that as very liberating again and again.
i donīt need any medicate shit im 100 normal.


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Re: It's time....the elite have started turning on Obama
« Reply #26 on: June 18, 2013, 12:29:55 PM »
A natural reaction to the horror circus when you enter it is disgust, despair and anger.
Not to get stuck inside the tent is the key.
A way of doing this is like Fraxx points out to shift your focus and go outside where the sun is shining.
Or do you want to be a hero and fight the beast? How?
Is that even your purpose...? What is your purpose? Is there a purpose at all?
Wise men have said: Know thyself.
Start with that and the rest will surely make sense.

A saint called John Climacus who I enjoyed reading many years ago was asked a question:
- What is the greatest of the virtues?
His reply was:
- Humility.

I have found his answer to be true.

Wise words. And it's true in even more than one sense, since humility is not only humbleness but also the (in my own case only relative) lack of material needs. I experience that as very liberating again and again.

Guess what he considered the greatest vice and the opposite of humility?


Re: It's time....the elite have started turning on Obama
« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2013, 06:18:04 AM »
Guess what he considered the greatest vice and the opposite of humility?

Pssh, I'm way too intelligent to not know that. ;D
i donīt need any medicate shit im 100 normal.


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Re: It's time....the elite have started turning on Obama
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2013, 09:06:05 AM »
Guess what he considered the greatest vice and the opposite of humility?

Pssh, I'm way too intelligent to not know that. ;D
