Author Topic: 5 signs Jay Z is turning into Kanye West  (Read 674 times)


Re: 5 signs Jay Z is turning into Kanye West
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2013, 02:10:58 AM »
Free shirts, free products are all small time as is personal stylists doing their hair or make up. I'm talking about the entire marketing of the individual. The night before a televised award show, a magazine spread, and more importantly - music videos. products and labels, which are 'permitted'. People might hand them free things all the time, but that doesn't mean that if I were to hand over something to Kanye West, that it's going to appear in his latest video or on the catwalk before a show. Products aren't just handed to them for promotion via visual possibility, but also word of mouth.

There are fewer conglomerates every year. People don't even know, Giorgio Armani, YSL, Olay, Diesel, Maybelline, etc etc. They all belong to the same corporation. They haven't been individual companies for years. I know some companies fund videos by putting their products on it, even back in 96 (All About U) but Hip Hop was bought and sold years ago. We all know it was bought by big corporations the minute mainstream Hip Hop became a walking talking advertisement to the extreme.

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Re: 5 signs Jay Z is turning into Kanye West
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2013, 05:32:30 PM »
Both look and act like whores.

Jay was initiated wayyyyy before Kanye, but their masters expect a "uniform" look for their pets now that they have financial control of the rap game, they don't need a Jay Z in a basketball vest anymore or to look "legit" because the fan bases are all braindead consumers, so their masters have to ensure that they advertise the biggest and most expensive shyt on the market. Dormeuil, Dolce & Gabbana and the rest of the pointless "fashion" labels. Of course Kanye, Jay and other kids in the game get to either keep the shyt for free under the guise of "sponsorship" or are paid to wear it, because they don't know they're really prostituting themselves to corporatism....

Regardless of how "Boss" they try to make themselves out to be, they probably haven't been able to wear what they like, and have been told they wouldn't be able to attend functions and shows without a specific pre-chosen item of clothing agreed upon by their masters. It's why puppets like those and Britney (as an example) eventually snap and do stupid shyt

Comedy post

To you? Yes, it more than likely is, but then your opinion doesn't derail from the facts even if you were to try and provide a reason why.

Have you heard of the term: Mergers and Acquisitions? Or are you the type of person who orders a bottled water in KFC out of protest against Pepsi? Think about that for a minute and think about the way Hip Hop has changed since the 90's, and I'm not just talking about the music portion of it

Have you never heard of Image Consultants and Stylists? Employed by the label or artist..

Do you know how much free stuff celebs get sent every day? Companies begging them to wear or endorse stuff. Free hotels, cars to drive, clothes, holidays free VIP etc etc

Do you think this is a conspiracy?

the question is, how would u know if its not?

to me, it could go either way.....only God knows

Jimmy H.

Re: 5 signs Jay Z is turning into Kanye West
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2013, 10:42:11 PM »
The thing with the conspiracy is how people are acting like it's something new, just because they don't like the music. Tupac was an Interscope artist. Ice Cube, N.W.A., Death Row, were all on the radio because of mainstream money. Now, that the music doesn't appeal to them anymore, it's now just a bunch of 30-year-old men complaining about how it is all the fault of the Illuminati.


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Re: 5 signs Jay Z is turning into Kanye West
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2013, 03:01:17 AM »

Hey Jimmy I ain't comfortable with the fact that Marlboro paid $43,000 in 1977 to get their logo 22 times in Superman.

Was Chris Reeve illuminati? Did his masters kill him?

It all fits :'(


Re: 5 signs Jay Z is turning into Kanye West
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2013, 04:09:49 AM »
This goes beyond the typical realms of sponsorship.

This isn't anything new and has been around for decades, but Hip Hop was always (like most other things) allowed to co-exist and was never an issue until the "free speech" right was being fully utilized in the 90's. It's evident with the amount of backlash and demonization throughout that period by politicians, VP's, and other suit wearing snakes that they were worried about the impact it had.
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Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: 5 signs Jay Z is turning into Kanye West
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2013, 04:20:08 AM »
The thing with the conspiracy is how people are acting like it's something new, just because they don't like the music. Tupac was an Interscope artist. Ice Cube, N.W.A., Death Row, were all on the radio because of mainstream money. Now, that the music doesn't appeal to them anymore, it's now just a bunch of 30-year-old men complaining about how it is all the fault of the Illuminati.

It's not new at all...but what has happened is it has now pervaded every aspect of the entertainment, education, media industries etc. the major labels are owned by them and as V2D mentioned, mergers and acquisitions now have hundreds of brands, each unique only by the way they are marketed and advertised but with the same agenda.

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: 5 signs Jay Z is turning into Kanye West
« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2013, 04:26:11 AM »

Hey Jimmy I ain't comfortable with the fact that Marlboro paid $43,000 in 1977 to get their logo 22 times in Superman.

Was Chris Reeve illuminati? Did his masters kill him?

It all fits :'(

You really don't grasp what we're saying at all. Chris Reeve was not. He worked for Hollywood which has been and always will be owned by them. Your mention of cigs - dead on programming. Cigs were hugely promoted back when tv first started. I was watching some old school twilight zone episodes and every episode made it a specific point to show someone smoking a cig in every single one.

Why do you think they refer to them as television "programs"? Because they were and have always been made with the intent to "program" society.


Re: 5 signs Jay Z is turning into Kanye West
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2013, 01:29:35 PM »

J. B A N A N A S

Re: 5 signs Jay Z is turning into Kanye West
« Reply #23 on: August 12, 2013, 02:00:32 PM »
lol @ illuminati Jay.


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Re: 5 signs Jay Z is turning into Kanye West
« Reply #24 on: August 13, 2013, 02:19:16 AM »

I think people are expecting too much out of a pop star. Of course he's styled, coached, managed, told what it's cool to say, what not to say. Limit who gets near him, what magazines get an interview. Where he goes, who hes seen with. What he's wearing. The works. Image and sales are 'everything'. Major stars are backed with major money..

What do you expect from Jay? To lead you to salvation? Dude is 'that guy' on the album cover

This is nothing new