Author Topic: The Spirit of Bobby Fischer  (Read 792 times)


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The Spirit of Bobby Fischer
« on: September 08, 2013, 01:55:11 AM »
   Arguably the best chess player of all time is Bobby Fischer and he is by far the one I enjoy studying and watching the games of the most.
To some reading chess combinations from a book would be as interesting as looking at a page of sheet music staring at the notes.
If you have a deeper understanding of Chess then you will start feeling Bobby's playing much like classical music, it can move your spirit and expand your mind.
For years I have gained pleasure from re-playing his symphonies and when he passed away in 2008 I promised one day to visit his grave to pay my respect.

Many people try to dismiss Bobby by saying he became crazy... to me that is simply ignorant and it is a witch hunt not worthy of any self respecting person.
Bobby Fischer was one of the more fascinating public figures from his time and it is with some regret that I never got to meet him alive in person.

The last years of his life Fischer lived in Iceland. He was granted citizenship there after having been imprisoned in Japan, and this is where he passed away.
He was buried in the small churchyard of Laugardælir, right outside of Selfoss.
This year my opportunity to travel to Iceland and a visit his grave became a reality.
My family had an invitation here since I was asked to do a record cover for a well known Icelandic songstress.
So we all arrived here some 3 weeks ago.
The stay has been amazing and the hospitality of our hosts exemplary.
We have ventured far and wide here and seen and experienced things out of the ordinary.
But that is for a separate thread.

On August 25th one of my Icelandic friends drove me from Reykjavik to Laugardælir.
And 5 years after my promise had been made I was able to kneel at the legend Bobby Fischer's grave and pay my respects.
It was a special moment and I could feel Bobby's spirit and his appreciation for my gesture.

On our way back to Reykjavik my mind turned inwards and I was filled with a strange sensation.
I had the intuitive feeling that somehow Bobby's genius was available to me and that his spirit was of assistance.
Filled with curiosity of this I decided to see if it was true.
Back in Reykjavik I went to a second hand bookstore that Bobby used to visit.
They have a chess table there and amateurs meet for friendly bouts.
On that day the former Icelandic chess master Fridrik Olafsson was in the store and he agreed to a match with me.
I played like I had never played before in my life and my opponent was taken by surprise.
After a couple of loosing games he exclaimed:
-This is surreal, it feels like I have just played against Bobby Fischer.
I shook his hand and smiled.

I learnt at the book store that before he died Fischer had started creating a new type of chess based around chaos.
He felt that chess in its current form was defined too much by calculated strategy and limitations.
Sadly his chaos chess never made it to the public and remains a mystery.
I for one would have enjoyed it immensely. It would be like the improvisation of jazz instead of following a set of pre-arranged chords.
Keith Jarrett comes to mind as someone that would be the musical equivalent of a master at chaos chess if it ever became a reality.

This is our last day here in Iceland and I am leaving here a richer man.
If you ever get the chance to go you should.

Rest in peace Bobby Fischer.
May G_d's peace be upon your soul.



« Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 02:23:19 AM by Heinz »


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Re: The Spirit of Bobby Fischer
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2013, 02:54:25 AM »
I don't know very much about him, other then what I just read on wiki (not the most trustworthy source.)

But Even though he may be right on some points.

You cannot hold the jews responsible for what the zionist are doing.
I believe the jews are hijacked by zionism, like salafi-islam and western christianity is hijacked by them.

So you can not fight opression form zionism, by supporting oppression (Hitler.)
both are wrong.

I am quite surprised that the master Chess player, does not recognize the evil master Chess player.

But then again, if you don't have Nur (light) from G_d, (which is not sold in the stockmarket.)
You will only have one source of insight. And you can not see the world for what it Really is.


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Re: The Spirit of Bobby Fischer
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2013, 03:05:14 AM »
Wickedpedia is not a reliable source.

Mr.Fischer might have been blinded by his anger but I believe some of his anger to be justified and needed to be vented. Sadly he got consumed by it.
I don't think any of us can understand the hardships and responsibilities he had to go through.
I will respect him and his memory regardless of his shortcomings.

Anger is like a dark cellar hiding you from the light of the Glorious Sun.


  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Re: The Spirit of Bobby Fischer
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2013, 05:43:23 AM »
Wickedpedia is not a reliable source.

Mr.Fischer might have been blinded by his anger but I believe some of his anger to be justified and needed to be vented. Sadly he got consumed by it.
I don't think any of us can understand the hardships and responsibilities he had to go through.
I will respect him and his memory regardless of his shortcomings.

Anger is like a dark cellar hiding you from the light of the Glorious Sun.

Anger is indeed a dark cellar.

I did not mean 2 be disrespectful 2 his memory.
Maybe I got carried away, because there are a lot people who think zionism and jews are one entity, which iin reality it is not!
True, there are a lot of jews (or people who call themself jews) who are zionist.
But that political ideology has nothing in common with true Judaism.



Re: The Spirit of Bobby Fischer
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2013, 01:19:42 PM »
Yeah, above all, all those ideologies shouldn't be confused with the average guy's personal agenda, which is mostly providing for his and don't getting into trouble, no matter what faith.

Most people don't have the time for world domination.
i don´t need any medicate shit im 100 normal.


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Re: The Spirit of Bobby Fischer
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2013, 04:41:06 PM »
Bobby Fischer wins.


  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Re: The Spirit of Bobby Fischer
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2013, 02:19:35 AM »

Most people don't have the time for world domination.

Pinky And The Brain do not agree with you  :)

« Last Edit: December 09, 2013, 05:42:59 AM by Aladin »


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Re: The Spirit of Bobby Fischer
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2014, 11:18:36 PM »