Author Topic: Dubya's speech  (Read 763 times)


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Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #30 on: March 19, 2003, 04:25:36 AM »

How there is 1 snivelling brat in the world, anywhere, that opposes this war, I will never know.  I say after this, hell, lets go after the next tyrannt, lets go ahead and rid the world of the people who in the 21st century, still refuse to treat their citizens like decent human beings.  


p/s i don't want you fanatics to be man's savior. you won't allow us to live in freedom.


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Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #31 on: March 19, 2003, 04:28:50 AM »
This war has no aim but to make you feel safer. That is why im against war.

I'm trying to figure out what the hell you mean.  What else reason is there to fight a war? If it'll make your country safer, then you are obliged, for the welfare of your citizens, to fight the war.  By your own words you're wrong.

Second, there are plenty of reasons for a war.  Do you not realize that Saadam Hussein is a bad man? lol, I mean I won't even get into what he's done in the past, but do you think the Iraqi people are going to be MAD when we liberate them and let them lead what life they want?  

Third, maybe you don't realize it, or haven't been paying attention, but 12 years ago, we were at war with Iraq.  A U.N. Sanctioned war.  The U.N. helped us END the war, and draw up a cease fire, which said that Saadam Hussein had to, as a term of the cease fire, destroy all of his weapons of mass destruction.  We're still finding weapons 12 years later, when he lets the 100's of inspectors who have been combing his country for 12 years find one.  He shoots at U.S. planes in the sky.  He applauded the attacks on us on 9-11-01.  He's breached the terms of the cease fire agreement... we have an agreement from the U.N., a resolution stating that if he hadn't disarmed, by DECEMBER, that action would be taken against him.  That was the deadline.  12 years!  12 years this guy has been in breach of a cease-fire agreement.  

In October of last year, the U.S. Congress passed a resolution giving the president the power to use military force against Iraq.  Today, 30 countries stand with us supporting this war, and 70% of americans support it.

Tony Blair - Do you honestly think that Tony Blair would risk his entire political career just to kiss Bush's ass? Why? If he's no longer a politician, his connection to Bush would be useless.  I'll tell you why Blair supports this war; it's because he knows that the NEXT time a terrorist wants a bomb, he could probably get one from Bagdad.  Do any of you deny that?  Saadam would gladly give materials to terrorists.  The next time something is bombed, it might not be the U.S.  It might be the good people of Britain.  It's the best thing for PEACE loving people everywhere, to get rid of a tyrannt, who has been making HIS LIFE MISSION the infliction of pain on his OWN PEOPLE!  

You know, it's a sad world.  In a perfect, god loving world, there would be no war.  Unfortunately, this is not a perfect world.  It's flawed, and it's a road in which good-hearted peaceloving people would be rutlessly taken advantage of, if they did not arm and protect themselves.  Look at the people in Iraq.  They have no guns, they have no way to defend themselves, and look at the asshole running their country.  Should we, as free humans, let him continue, or should we interupt, the ONLY way we can? For years we've tried to Change Saadam, and the only option left, after 12 years, is to kill him, for the good of his country, for the safety of the rest of the world, and Tony Blair, the prime Minister of Australia, the U.S. Government, and several other leaders around the world realize this.  Blair is a hero, he's risking his entire career to support something he thinks is right, and yall are making him out to be an asshole for it.

brilliant post. the wealth of assumptions and non-facts is just impressive. do you work for wolfowitz or dick?



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Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2003, 05:13:09 AM »
welcome to the club of nazis.



ITW [the irish boy]

Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #33 on: March 19, 2003, 10:33:42 AM »
Firstly, well done trauma, you made above a better case for war than your leaders have.

As you know however I disagree with the war.

I'll agree with you on several points : Saddam is evil and should be killed. The Iraqis deserve freedom, and it is our obligation to help them.

However, firstly, the US is not the world police. Secondly, attacking the very people you are trying to defend cant work. This war would not be legitimate and will cause people to detest the states more(unless a speedy resolution to the israeli crisis follows)

The US SHOULD care about world opinion, because this is an international issue, not a us one. The only reason i am critisizing bush is because he is threatening world stability.

Ok i dont have any more time to respond, ill finish later. But good post trauma, i still disagree though...


Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #34 on: March 21, 2003, 10:35:23 AM »
^^ We're not the world police, the U.N. is.  The U.N. has let saadam do whatever the hell he wants, since the last 'cease fire' in 91! The U.N. has failed to do their job, so unfortunately, members of the U.N. have banded together to get the job done that the u.n. couldn't, due to political bitching.  France said they would veto any resolution regarding Iraq to comply, with the agreement they had already agreed to comply to! How the hell can the U.N. be seen as any sort of viable force after that kind of crap is unavoidable?  Someone had to do something, so 40+ Countries decided that it could wait no longer.  

ITW [the irish boy]

Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #35 on: March 21, 2003, 10:54:54 AM »
Ok, so if the majority of the UN disagrees with you, you will go ahead and do what you think is right, but the majority thinks is wrong?
You say you are attacking Iraq because they are clearly disregarding the UN. And what are your country doing? Clearly disregarding the UN.
I hate the way polititians from britain and the US are trying to blame this on the french. They said "at this time" we would veto any proposal sanctioning war. And "at that time" disarming was in progress and there was and still is no need for war. "At that time" more weapons had been disarmed than in the whole of the gulf war.

Bringing you back to another point, saying attacking Iraq is ok if it means americans are a bit safer. Are you suggesting that american, or western lives for some reason weigh more than the lives you have taken tonight and will continue to do in the coming days?

The images on tv tonighht were horrible. They were as,if not more, disturbing as the images of 911. I felt myself, and I'm not the slightest bit terrorist minded, that the perpetrators of the bomb raids on iraq should be brought to justice. Imagine what an already unstable person will think seeing those pictures. I doubt it'll be too long till western skys will be burning again. God help all those in iraq tonight.

RIP those who died aimlessly in the air raids, soldiers, men women and children.
RIP to the servicemen who died aimlessly for the allied forces.

After seeing those images tonight, who can still be in favour of war?


Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #36 on: March 21, 2003, 11:31:02 AM »
Ok, so if the majority of the UN disagrees with you, you will go ahead and do what you think is right, but the majority thinks is wrong?

You say you are attacking Iraq because they are clearly disregarding the UN. And what are your country doing? Clearly disregarding the UN.

I hate the way polititians from britain and the US are trying to blame this on the french. They said "at this time" we would veto any proposal sanctioning war. And "at that time" disarming was in progress and there was and still is no need for war. "At that time" more weapons had been disarmed than in the whole of the gulf war.

Bringing you back to another point, saying attacking Iraq is ok if it means americans are a bit safer. Are you suggesting that american, or western lives for some reason weigh more than the lives you have taken tonight and will continue to do in the coming days?

The images on tv tonighht were horrible. They were as,if not more, disturbing as the images of 911. I felt myself, and I'm not the slightest bit terrorist minded, that the perpetrators of the bomb raids on iraq should be brought to justice. Imagine what an already unstable person will think seeing those pictures. I doubt it'll be too long till western skys will be burning again. God help all those in iraq tonight.

RIP those who died aimlessly in the air raids, soldiers, men women and children.
RIP to the servicemen who died aimlessly for the allied forces.

After seeing those images tonight, who can still be in favour of war?

Let me destroy this really quick.  of course you'll ignore it, and act like we never spoke.

First, If the majority of the U.N. disagrees to uphold THEIR OWN RESOLUTION, then the U.N. is obviously useless.  They made a resolution, and now, will not support a second resolution, stating the exact same thing.  OF COURSE you should act outside of such a politicized group.

We are attacking Iraq because the only reason we STOPPED attacking them, in the first, unanimously voted "just" war with them, was because they agreed to a resolution.  They have broken that agreement, so we are STILL AT WAR with them.  

Saadam was NOT disarming! Hans Blix himself says they have made no progress in the past 3 months.  The U.N. refused to do anything about it, and would not even hold up their own resolutions, even though the DECEMBER! deadline had passed! Think about this with the other friekin' part of your brain.  There was a resolution saying to disarm.  12  years pass.  A december deadline is given.  It passed.  They still hadn't disarmed.  WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Wake up, damn, how you don't see this is amazing.  

No, American lives are equal to Iraqi lives.  Unfortunately, the GREATEST threat Saadam poses to the world is endangering the lives of his OWN citizens.  He's routinely killed them, which you know.  George Bush hasn't killed any americans with nerve gas.  LOL.  LOOK FOR THE BADGUY.  Are you that misguided that you think evil is good and good is evil?  I think I read something about people like you in Revelation.  The war is to save not only AMERICAN lives, but also IRAQI lives.  

So, you think the perpetrators who bombed the military components of Bagdad should be brought to justice? That's great; when should the Man who killed 5000 of his own Citizens with GAS be brought to justice?  LOL.  You're loose~

I'm still in favor of THIS war.  I wish Saadam would just lay all his weapons down and surrender for the horrible atrocities he's committed against the people of Iraq.  Then all this would be unnecessary.  Until then, I hope the attack is swift, and surgical.  

P.S. Don't even respond, everyone on the board sees us systematically tearing your loose arguments apart.  

ITW [the irish boy]

Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #37 on: March 21, 2003, 03:17:01 PM »

This is a matter of perception. You say that the UN was not enforcing it's own resolution. In america's eyes that is true. In the eyes of the majority that is not through. I seem to remember at the time of the 1441 that one of the reasons the resolution was unanimous was because it was assumed a second resolution would be sought before a war.

Hans Blix said, and this was on live tv, "real disarmement is taking place" as regards the al samoud missiles. I cant see how you missed that. I think further pressure could have been put on by multiplying the amount of inspectors etc.

I won't argue with you, Saddam is the biggest threat to the iraqi people. But you cant fight fire with fire. It will be his pawns and his people that will bear the brunt of this attack, not him. I know it is now pointless to look back, but 1.5million have been killed by the sanctions imposed, and over 150000 in the first gulf war, they dont need this again.

Saddam should be brought to justice. No argument.

I believe the US motives in this are wrong and I am cynical about there commitment in the long term (especially after afganistan). However now that war is inevitable i join with you in saying i hope it is quick and surgical and that saddam is permenantly ousted from power. God help those soldiers forced to fight the allies or get excecuted, and particularly god help the moms and dads and kids in baghdad tonight.

Don Jacob

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Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2003, 11:51:26 PM »
Hans Blix said he would never of found that scud launched at kuwait either......

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09