Author Topic: Dubya's speech  (Read 760 times)

Don Jacob

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Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2003, 06:17:03 PM »

1. learn how to spell
2. they ruined their relationship with the US BIIGGGG muther fuckin' time
3. you're an idiot and whoever is in Baghdad still is too, they've had more than 48 hours to get out

1. you're right. it should be yacub
2. oh no..... I'm cryin
4. shut the fuck up you little retarded midget. your hubris just pisses me off.

1. say my name however you want , it only makes you look childish
2. good
3. okay german flower boy

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2003, 06:18:26 PM »
I thought it was fucking hilarious when bush said


And this war isn't about the fucking oil?  ::)


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Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2003, 06:31:41 PM »
1. say my name however you want , it only makes you look childish
2. good
3. okay german flower boy

1. sorry yacub, it was my intention to hurt you.
2. i bet your little weener is gettin hard right now...
3. see above

Don Jacob

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Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2003, 06:47:04 PM »
1. say my name however you want , it only makes you look childish
2. good
3. okay german flower boy

say whatever you want , but i'm not the one with flowers in my avatar ,saying i'm straight

1. sorry yacub, it was my intention to hurt you.
2. i bet your little weener is gettin hard right now...
3. see above

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2003, 07:30:41 PM »
When will they listen to the people?

First off, why are you even talking about the president of the U.S., you're not american, right?  Second, He's the president of the UNITED STATES.  He doesn't need to listen to the people of the world.  The people in the u.s., WANT Saadam gone! The latest poll shows over 70% support Bush's war on Iraq.  What are you talking about?



Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2003, 07:33:18 PM »
I thought it was fucking hilarious when bush said


And this war isn't about the fucking oil?  ::)

You're ignorant.  The Iraqi people have 1 source of income, their oil wells.  Last time, they travelled into Kuwait and destroyed the oil wells, as well as the oil wells of Iraq.. why?

Also, do you realize, in your immature mind, that we don't GET our oil from Iraq? The U.S. makes nearly half of it's own oil, and the vast majority of the rest comes from South America.  Only a 10th of our oil comes from the middle east!  

Cold hard facts.   You think you know what it's about, but unfortunately, you're just listening to what people have told you, and not done any research yourself.  


Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #21 on: March 18, 2003, 07:44:12 PM »
This war has no aim but to make you feel safer. That is why im against war.

I'm trying to figure out what the hell you mean.  What else reason is there to fight a war? If it'll make your country safer, then you are obliged, for the welfare of your citizens, to fight the war.  By your own words you're wrong.

Second, there are plenty of reasons for a war.  Do you not realize that Saadam Hussein is a bad man? lol, I mean I won't even get into what he's done in the past, but do you think the Iraqi people are going to be MAD when we liberate them and let them lead what life they want?  

Third, maybe you don't realize it, or haven't been paying attention, but 12 years ago, we were at war with Iraq.  A U.N. Sanctioned war.  The U.N. helped us END the war, and draw up a cease fire, which said that Saadam Hussein had to, as a term of the cease fire, destroy all of his weapons of mass destruction.  We're still finding weapons 12 years later, when he lets the 100's of inspectors who have been combing his country for 12 years find one.  He shoots at U.S. planes in the sky.  He applauded the attacks on us on 9-11-01.  He's breached the terms of the cease fire agreement... we have an agreement from the U.N., a resolution stating that if he hadn't disarmed, by DECEMBER, that action would be taken against him.  That was the deadline.  12 years!  12 years this guy has been in breach of a cease-fire agreement.  

In October of last year, the U.S. Congress passed a resolution giving the president the power to use military force against Iraq.  Today, 30 countries stand with us supporting this war, and 70% of americans support it.

Tony Blair - Do you honestly think that Tony Blair would risk his entire political career just to kiss Bush's ass? Why? If he's no longer a politician, his connection to Bush would be useless.  I'll tell you why Blair supports this war; it's because he knows that the NEXT time a terrorist wants a bomb, he could probably get one from Bagdad.  Do any of you deny that?  Saadam would gladly give materials to terrorists.  The next time something is bombed, it might not be the U.S.  It might be the good people of Britain.  It's the best thing for PEACE loving people everywhere, to get rid of a tyrannt, who has been making HIS LIFE MISSION the infliction of pain on his OWN PEOPLE!  

You know, it's a sad world.  In a perfect, god loving world, there would be no war.  Unfortunately, this is not a perfect world.  It's flawed, and it's a road in which good-hearted peaceloving people would be rutlessly taken advantage of, if they did not arm and protect themselves.  Look at the people in Iraq.  They have no guns, they have no way to defend themselves, and look at the asshole running their country.  Should we, as free humans, let him continue, or should we interupt, the ONLY way we can? For years we've tried to Change Saadam, and the only option left, after 12 years, is to kill him, for the good of his country, for the safety of the rest of the world, and Tony Blair, the prime Minister of Australia, the U.S. Government, and several other leaders around the world realize this.  Blair is a hero, he's risking his entire career to support something he thinks is right, and yall are making him out to be an asshole for it.


Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #22 on: March 18, 2003, 07:49:43 PM »
Step back for a second and imagine it was your city. You have a tyrant leader but youve survived so far. Now all of a sudden the worlds most powerful force is about to bomb the shit out of you, apparently in your name. Imagine the bombs dropping. Imagine your kid getting buried under rubble. Imagine losing half of your loved ones just so some westerners can sleep easier.

LOL, unbelievable.  Now, you painted a vivid picture there, listen to another one.

Imagine you live in this city.  You have a tyrant leader, but you've survived this far.  You've seen relatives in other cities gassed and killed by the leader of your OWN country.  Everyonce in a while, people get shot down in the streets for sport.  Most of the time, there's nothing to worry about, but you live in constant fear of the guards stationed throughout the city.  Sometimes they decide to rape someone.  Sometimes they decide to kill someone.  You never know who it will be, you never know when it will be.  This has been going on for 25 years.  You live virtually in poverty, while the leader of the country lives in several palaces.  You have no way to liberate yourself from this ruler.  You have no way to change your situation.  You are forced to live like this, and unfortunately, even when he dies, his son will take power and it'll be the same story.  

Now, the question is, do you

a. try to overthrow him yourself, and the 100 or so people you might be able to gather together, and know almost surely you'll be killed, tortured, raped, or whatever

b. Ignore it, and live in constant fear like a feeder mouse at the pet store, wondering when it's your day to be snake-food...


c. embrace the largest country in the world coming in to liberate you, even if it means several of you will possibly die innocently in the battle?  

Come on, stand up IRISH THUG, be a man, and tell me which one you'd pick, because I know which one I'd pick.  


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #23 on: March 18, 2003, 08:16:10 PM »
Yeah whatevers...Iraq isn't a fucking US Property...Bush dosen't have the rights to tell another country's leader, how to run their country...and bush is tellin sadaam to leave in 48 hours? is this bullshit? c'mon man...


Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #24 on: March 18, 2003, 08:29:26 PM »
So we don't have a right to help out opressed people in another country?

You're actually taking up for Saadam?  So, in your opinion, it goes like this...

A murderer, can ONLY be prosecuted by the family of the people he's killed.  The police really don't have any right, because they weren't attacked, it was people in another city.  

Wake up, he kills people.  All dictators should go, not just Saadam.  He just happens to be the one saying he wants to kill Americans, applauding the 9-11 bombing, etc.  If you say that it was good we got bombed, then you are posing a threat to us, and should be anhilated.  


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Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2003, 08:48:19 PM »
A long time ago, children, there was a very bad man called Hitler. He broke agreement after agreement, and killed his own people, as well as invading other countries.

Though he did not done anything to them yet, two countries, led by brave men, made an alliance with Hitler's biggest enemy at the time, Poland. When Hitler attacked Poland, France and England, the two brave countries, declared war on Hitler. At the time, the press and politicians in both countries, as well as all over the world, said these countries shoud leave Hitler be, until he did something.


Modern day. There's a bad man called Saddam. He broke agreement after agreement, and killed his own people, as well as invading other countries.

Though he has not done anything to them yet, a group of brave countries decided to remove him, once and for all. However, at the moment, the press and politicians all over the world say this alliance should leave Saddam be, unless he does something.


Uh, I guess we should leave Saddam alone then.


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Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2003, 08:52:00 PM »
DAMN  :o Trauma Lays it down...HARD  :o

Im giving u a prop fa sho... ;D


Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2003, 09:07:46 PM »
Yeah whatevers...Iraq isn't a fucking US Property...Bush dosen't have the rights to tell another country's leader, how to run their country...and bush is tellin sadaam to leave in 48 hours? is this bullshit? c'mon man...

Another Problem you're making, while we're on the subject.  You must not see this clearly.  

Do you realize that the Iraqi people have no say so on the running of their own country?  Iraq is not the US Property.  I'd venture out and say it's not Saadam's property.  It's the property of the people of Iraq, right?  Do you argue with that?  They have every right you do, to have a country that THEY have freedom in.  Human beings are not cattle, that somebody can own.  Saadam Hussein doesn't Own the people of Iraq.  They own themselves, just like you own yourself, and I own myself.  There is no other way.  

The problem standing in the way here, is Not George Bush.  He's not the one keeping these people as Slaves.  The problem, no matter how the hell you want to look at it with your half closed eyes, is Saadam Hussein.  Saadam Hussein OWNS millions of people.  They have no say in who their elected leaders are, they don't even have the right to their lives, because they are under the threat of them being taken at any minute.  Their women don't have the right to reserve their bodies from any man who wants to ravage them, their kids don't have the right to a future, because it might be stolen from them at any minute; they have the right to no other property than the government will allow them to have without stealing it from them.  They're cattle.  They own the country.  They have a problem; an Evil Tyrant OWNS them.  He does nothing for his people.  HE EVEN KILLS THEM!

If George Bush took a friekin GAS BOMB and Killed 5000 of his Family's Cattle on his ranch in Texas, we'd all be pissed.  That's Cattle, why aren't we all pissed that Saadam did this to Human beings?  Why didn't we liberate his country 15 years ago?  

How there is 1 snivelling brat in the world, anywhere, that opposes this war, I will never know.  I say after this, hell, lets go after the next tyrannt, lets go ahead and rid the world of the people who in the 21st century, still refuse to treat their citizens like decent human beings.  

Don Jacob

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Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2003, 11:43:56 PM »
Yeah whatevers...Iraq isn't a fucking US Property...Bush dosen't have the rights to tell another country's leader, how to run their country...and bush is tellin sadaam to leave in 48 hours? is this bullshit? c'mon man...


« Last Edit: March 18, 2003, 11:48:34 PM by Don Jacob Corleone »

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


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Re:Dubya's speech
« Reply #29 on: March 19, 2003, 04:20:46 AM »
So we don't have a right to help out opressed people in another country?

like the us did in chile? lol

You're actually taking up for Saadam?  So, in your opinion, it goes like this...

A murderer, can ONLY be prosecuted by the family of the people he's killed.  The police really don't have any right, because they weren't attacked, it was people in another city.  

he didn't say that. nice try tho.

Wake up, he kills people.  All dictators should go, not just Saadam.

true. but instead of attacking iraq, one should rather support the iraqi people to get rid of saddam themselves. bush sr. failed to do so in 91.... how come? maybe saddam is just an asset, a little puppet? wake up, you brainswashed idiots.

So we don't have a right to help out opressed people in another country?

help yourself first. you might recall that there are strange things goin on in the us. the war against terror is also a war against your own people.

He just happens to be the one saying he wants to kill Americans, applauding the 9-11 bombing, etc.  If you say that it was good we got bombed, then you are posing a threat to us, and should be anhilated.  

by that logic, anyone who thinks that the us sucks, represents an imminent threat to the country and hence has to be killed. that's fascism. congrats man, welcome to the club of nazis.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2003, 04:23:16 AM by Agua »