Author Topic: Jesus really is the real deal!  (Read 3919 times)


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Re: Jesus really is the real deal!
« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2013, 08:10:08 AM »
I am pretty open minded to the various possibilities that there could be to explain our history, and how we got there. The one thing I can't stand however is people who claim that their "religious beliefs" ARE the ONLY correct and viable option as if anything else is ridiculous.

The truth is... NONE of us know, not one person here can make that claim or have that right to disrespect others opinion or belief, because that's all they are.

I believe the bible is nothing more than an astrology book. G_D is the "sun", worshipped on "sun"day, provider of light, warmth etc. The devil, Satan is Saturn, worshipped on Saturday evenings. Over time it's been manipulated and used as a form of population control. That isn't a Fact, or how it is, that is simply my "opinion" and 'possibility', just like all religions

Radio Tube states it best: "I do believe" and not how it is

Indeed anyone has his own quest for truth.
But he stated that we the muslims belittle Jesus.
I do have the freedom 2 respond?
Or am I not allowed to do that.

See, I never throw a punch first. But I will not turn my other cheek.

Why don't you let Jesus himself speak in his own words they are in the Bible,aren't they.
Let us make it more easy, the red bible. The red bible, is the bible were the words attributed to Jesus are red.
If he states in the bible that he should be worshiped in his own words.
Then You can shame me.

But if not, then you can NOT say we belittle the Great Messiah Jesus.

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Re: Jesus really is the real deal!
« Reply #31 on: December 12, 2013, 09:42:39 AM »
Feelings caught in this thread lol...

you're an idiot.  simple as that.  all that you've seen and all that you've heard and all that's possible and yet u still don't believe?  I have no other choice but to mock u becuz you put your own self in that position, not Me.  i dont care about your rebellious attitude/approach to it, shit means nothing to Me, i'm not impressed nor convinced (becuz I once was thee).  it's not my fault you haven't picked up tha good book and read The Old Testament

And YES Muslims DO belittle Christ.  Labeling him anything other than The Son of God (or even The Son of Man as he calls himself) and not believing it IS in fact belittling him.  U degrade thee

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Re: Jesus really is the real deal!
« Reply #32 on: December 12, 2013, 10:50:51 AM »
moses > jesus

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Re: Jesus really is the real deal!
« Reply #33 on: December 12, 2013, 11:13:23 AM »


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Re: Jesus really is the real deal!
« Reply #34 on: December 12, 2013, 01:56:28 PM »
I don't personally know what to believe in, but everybody needs hope and if religion provides it for you, then I'm happy for you. Just don't go trying to force it on others because at the end of the day Jesus, Allah, Flying Spaghetti Monster are all just unproven stories that help people come to grips with the mysterious world around them, and aren't worth harming interpersonal relationships or important political progress in their name.

You should believe in Yeshua.  He's not just about Hope, he's about Salvation and how u should live and who u should strive to please. 

And personally I can't force him on the whole world, becuz in my opinion from the way the world is (human nature), we weren't all meant to be saved even tho we ALL have the option at some point in our lives.  So while I can lead u to the water, i can't make u drink it.  U aren't as dear to my heart as my Family is.... I hope that doesn't sound selfish.

And he isn't unproven.  There's actual records of his existence from back in tha day (his crucifixion) so it's not like he's a myth.  Those records are actually the equivalent to something like today's CNN [News Journalism recording].  Not only that, I've seen him work for Me and other people as well (people I know/know of and complete strangers).  I've seen everything in his name and in his ways work out better [like Rap music for example, the 90's had a HEAVY Gospel influence Sonically and Lyrically].  I've seen Wars in his name and seen who has won time and time again.  Even if The U.S. "loses" the War in the Middle East, what about all of the times before that.  I honestly really could go on & on. 

And lastly, I'd burn for Christ if I was standing in line for Judgement Day and it went down to that.  And if you actually read more than The New Testament then you'd know why I feel that way. 

To each his own tho, if u wanna burn in hell then burn in hell.  If not, then live for Jesus...

And to think, I was actually leaning towards being Muslim..... smmfh

would have made sense though, as Jesus is one of the prophets of Islam too.

Very true.  But they belittle him.  He's The Son, not just another Prophet.  There were hundreds of Prophets, but only ONE Son.

Is it true Jesus was Chinese?

No, he was Asian but not that type of Asian.  He was Jewish.  An ORIGINAL (bronze-skinned Jew).  Not the Jew you always see with the blonde hair and blue eyes.  In fact, how many Jews that's White that actually have Blonde hair and Blue eyes *but that's another story*

god this nigga gets sodomized a couple times in prison and reads a couple of books and we got the a smart dumb nigga that acts like hes the 2nd coming of nas and lupe.

your statements are so ridiculous and appalling, i tend to forget you have brain deficiencies. The bold really made me smh, i really hope you dont talk to any kids trying to convince them your some "wise" "OG" that got locked up. but it wouldnt take them long to see your just some bum that has some mental issues talking absolute nonsense.

the fact that you put so much emphasis on religion, shows us how disconnected you really are with the world.

first of all, everybody and their momma knows theres records of jesus's crucifixion, you idiot.

second of all, wars in his name? the fuck are you talking about? no huge conflict has even taken place while me or you have been born, and no invading countries for resources, influence and strategic placement, that have no real airforce, navy, and a ragtag army with 80s era weaponry is not a huge conflict.

3rd, lose the war in the middle east? like i said above, these guys are a joke of a professional army, by modern standards, some might be hardened veterans, but without any real technology or weaponry, they cant hold any capital or land.

ah its refreshing to have tube back,

love hearing his nonsense and talking shit to him. as petty as it sounds, its just interesting to see someone so low in the level of society, dude is a just a step below a crackhead bum.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


Re: Jesus really is the real deal!
« Reply #35 on: December 13, 2013, 02:35:37 AM »
Feelings caught in this thread lol...

you're an idiot.  simple as that.

Because I fail to agree with you?

You see people, this is a prime example right here of what is wrong with religion and people who believe that their opinion is right over others. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having faith, and striving to be a better person, with better ideals and vision. So long as it doesn't conflict with being respectful to others views, beliefs and opinions. The moment people become wrong, idiots, or lesser beings because they fail to agree with your newfound point of view, you have already failed.

You have a lot of growing up to do kid, but wish you well on your journey. I have been around all kinds of religions, listened to different viewpoints on how we all got here, with some intriguing supportive evidence to a lot of those different points. Not once have I claimed that any of them were "wrong" regardless of what "I" personally believe. I have read a lot on Judaism, spirituality and of the bible too. Have listened to many Scholar's trying to decode the various versions of it. To 'assume' that I haven't ever picked up a bible or any pagan book some allege the text derives from is a bit impulsive on your part. You're better than that!
« Last Edit: December 13, 2013, 02:43:44 AM by V2DHeart »
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Re: Jesus really is the real deal!
« Reply #36 on: December 13, 2013, 08:00:08 AM »

I don't think you can limit that to religious people only.
It depends on the person.

You have religious people, atheist, agnostics who respect and listen 2 different point of views (how it should be)
And you have some that don't.
It has nothing to do with being religious or not.

But we must also realise there has to be one ultimate truth.
And this truth has to stand the test of time.

 "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."


Re: Jesus really is the real deal!
« Reply #37 on: December 13, 2013, 11:14:55 AM »
Judaism is the only religion....every other religion is pretty much just a spin-off of Judaism. I respect everyone's views, but there is only one God worthy of praise.


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Re: Jesus really is the real deal!
« Reply #38 on: December 13, 2013, 12:02:08 PM »
Feelings caught in this thread lol...

you're an idiot.  simple as that.

Because I fail to agree with you?

You see people, this is a prime example right here of what is wrong with religion and people who believe that their opinion is right over others. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having faith, and striving to be a better person, with better ideals and vision. So long as it doesn't conflict with being respectful to others views, beliefs and opinions. The moment people become wrong, idiots, or lesser beings because they fail to agree with your newfound point of view, you have already failed.

You have a lot of growing up to do kid, but wish you well on your journey. I have been around all kinds of religions, listened to different viewpoints on how we all got here, with some intriguing supportive evidence to a lot of those different points. Not once have I claimed that any of them were "wrong" regardless of what "I" personally believe. I have read a lot on Judaism, spirituality and of the bible too. Have listened to many Scholar's trying to decode the various versions of it. To 'assume' that I haven't ever picked up a bible or any pagan book some allege the text derives from is a bit impulsive on your part. You're better than that!

come on dude, do you really get into an argument with a crack fiend bum on the streets?

just ridicule him, drop some knowledge, but thats about it. arguing or trying to reason with him is out of the question.

nigga thinks hes an uncle sam, but a nigga is a really just an uncle tom. its pretty sad how he just doesnt realize it.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.

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Re: Jesus really is the real deal!
« Reply #39 on: December 14, 2013, 12:36:22 PM »
"Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."

It's funny u say that.  So u mean to tell Me after all of this time all of a sudden Jesus isn't who he say he is.  So u mean to tell me people like Bill Maher (who I respect) have more influence over you than God himself?

U mean to tell Me that Man is more rational and persuading than God (The Almighty)? 

So since WE agree that Mankind has finite knowledge and God has infinite knowledge... Wouldn't WE agree that we can only understand but so much of what God is doing and has done?  And that goes for Today, Tomorrow, and Yesterday...

There's many Religions but there's only ONE TRUE Religion and that's Christianity (pick a denomination, any denomination)...  Once you start playing with the idea of differing your opinion on the matter then The Devil has entered your mind.  It's like that new brain chip y'all are talking about in that other thread.... It starts off innocent but then it gets worse & worse.

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Re: Jesus really is the real deal!
« Reply #40 on: December 14, 2013, 12:39:35 PM »
And also... if we agree on Revelations then wouldn't it make sense that at the same time Christ (and Religion) is becoming less and less popular/followed and now people question the very God that put u & i here and has done what he has done time and time again with MUCH evidence to show that The Revelations is becoming true?  

Becuz if you know The LORD then you can easily see what he has done and why he's done it.

We're talking The Holy BIBLE here.  The same book that's been right time after time.  Now all of a sudden becuz we live in a more advanced day (so we think, atleast the Europeans and Whites do) that Jesus Christ was nothing more than folklore or ANYTHING other than God?  Something doesn't add up here.  You mean to tell Me that Mankind is smarter and more cleaver than God himself.  The same People who can't go 7 years without genital stimulation of some sort are the same People who can catch God in a lie?   :P  yall high as shit

edited:  12/14/2013 - 7:46pm
« Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 04:46:15 PM by _RadioTube_ aka Aquit My Homie Gucci Mane! »


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Re: Jesus really is the real deal!
« Reply #41 on: December 15, 2013, 03:23:55 AM »
"Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."

So since WE agree that Mankind has finite knowledge and God has infinite knowledge... Wouldn't WE agree that we can only understand but so much of what God is doing and has done?  And that goes for Today, Tomorrow, and Yesterday...

Here we have something we can agree with, Radiotube. That statement can not be from someone else than G_d (The Almighty)


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Re: Jesus really is the real deal!
« Reply #42 on: December 15, 2013, 03:29:31 PM »

how about the fact that technology for police work has vastly improved and that religion just isnt as good as TV in regards of controlling the masses.

i just cant comprehend the fact that theres a guy like radiotube out in the real world.

this nigga is such a tool, feed this dumb nigga anything, he'd believe it.

lol at bill maher having more respect than 'God' himself. no you dumb fat fuck, we dont believe in bill maher, we thought, analyzed and simply agree with his views on religion. damn, your dumb as fuck dude. nigga dont think for himself at all.

your a sheep bro, just following the herd, funny cuz you like to think of someone that thinks outside the box, when clearly you do not think nor are your views outside the societal norm.

talking about white man this, white man that, your mentality, your lack of critical thinking and ignorance and stupidity is exactly how the white man wants you to be. extremely ironic, this is why i have  hard time believing this guy is an actual individual and not an alias.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


Re: Jesus really is the real deal!
« Reply #43 on: December 15, 2013, 03:51:17 PM »
The white man got yall fooled. Don't worship their God.
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Re: Jesus really is the real deal!
« Reply #44 on: December 15, 2013, 08:12:31 PM »
word to allah , send niggas to yahweh