Author Topic: Debate on Gay Marriage  (Read 885 times)


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Debate on Gay Marriage
« on: December 09, 2013, 03:37:21 AM »
I am busy with a new topic on Gog and Magog, but it is a difficult subject and I have 2 have my facts straight.

But in the meantime Gay Marriage:

What are your thoughts on it and why.

Some comic relieve on the subject (although a repost) :)


J. B A N A N A S

Re: Debate on Gay Marriage
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2013, 01:21:08 PM »
I live in an educated, sane state (WA) so it's legal and there isn't really the need for debate. Areas with higher concentrations of stupid people are generally governed by what their respective cult rules state, like in Islam or Christianity, where homosexuality is a big no no. They don't support gay marriage.

My official libertarian stance is that government has no place in marriage of any kind, but since I'm a realist and there will always be government ties to it, I say let the fags marry.



Re: Debate on Gay Marriage
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2013, 01:45:41 PM »
gay marriage is gay

if u support it, u support the man's evil agenda....real spit


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Re: Debate on Gay Marriage
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2013, 01:50:48 PM »
It's just yet another attack on traditional values.

Now some people will say hey that's great, but the reality is the planners intend to pervert everything and so now they have turned on religious beliefs in a big way.

As you people know, I am not religious but this is about the bigger picture.

If it was just about introducing gay marriage, then I would say fine, do whatever you like, but it shouldn't need anyone to point out the agenda here is to totally corrupt, poison and kill off society both in a physical, moral and spiritual sense.

The question you have to ask is why would a group of murderous sociopathic scum give a fuck about anyone's rights?

The why gives you the answer, the rest is just to prey upon people's sense of what is right, what is equal, what is fair.

Therefore not only do they destroy us, they can cite the fact that it was permitted by the peasants.

It's a sick group of degenerate sub humans who are pulling the strings.
Then of course you get the parrot like "oh you just hate gays" which is also bullshit, in fact...........

I hate gay people who give more of a shit about their so called so gay rights, than they do about infanticide, more than they do about the poisoning of those poor muslim babies in Iraq leaving them deformed and riddled with cancer from DU, the decimation of the west economically, the squalor inflicted upon the Palestinians, the sickening wars, the poisoning of the west, the erosion of basic liberties, the explosion in criminality.

These are just gay militant scum who would passionately defend their right to marry ahead of everything else.

How do I feel about gays in general? I bear no ill feelings towards them, they are who they are, I can't understand it, but I wouldn't wish any harm upon them

« Last Edit: December 09, 2013, 01:53:01 PM by virtuoso »


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Re: Debate on Gay Marriage
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2013, 01:29:52 AM »
but it shouldn't need anyone to point out the agenda here is to totally corrupt, poison and kill off society both in a physical, moral and spiritual sense.

You got some great insight.
May G_D bless you.

Don't be deceived by the deceiver.
Daijal (arabic for Anti-christ) comes from the rootword: Dajala.
Which means deception.

And I believe we live in his world order now.
So if  most of the people start running to the left, we should be running to the right.


Re: Debate on Gay Marriage
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2013, 08:06:24 AM »
This entire debate is just a diversion tactic to keep people from worrying about real issues. Watch this thread get like 10 pages and prove my point.

If you really care who grown ass adults are having sex with, whether they're homo or hetero, then you got issues.
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Re: Debate on Gay Marriage
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2013, 09:04:17 AM »
This entire debate is just a diversion tactic to keep people from worrying about real issues. Watch this thread get like 10 pages and prove my point.

If you really care who grown ass adults are having sex with, whether they're homo or hetero, then you got issues.

I also believe that what people do in the privacy of their home is their business.

I tell you a story of a close companion of our prophet.
Who was the muslim leader at that time.
He was walking in the streets and heard some people laughing and music.

So he jumped over the wall and there he "caught" a muslim.
Drinking and with women.
So he told him You thought you could escape, but G_d exposed you.

The fellow answered the muslim leader. Yes I have sinned.
But you have sinned more then me.

- You spied on my home
- You entered my home without my permission
 and he give a third reason, but I don't remember it.

The muslim leader after hearing him, said you are right pardon and forgive me. And he left.

What is the message of this story?
In your home no One has the right to tell you what to do.
Spying in your home is also forbidden in Islam.
If someone is sinning in his home it is between them and G_D.
And we all have our weaknesses, no one is perfect.

But that is not my point.

The problem I have is when you make sinning a law. That we must cherish (Gay Marriage.)
With that we don't reconize G_d as Sovereign. And in fact please Satan.
And that my friend is a serious matter.

But back to the subject. (Gay Marriage and stimulation of that kind of behaviour)
It is like virtuoso said part of an agenda.

I can go on, that they target your children with gay propaganda and anti-christian themes in cartoons. I can give you clear examples.
They target them through education.
They target them every time they drink milk or eat meat.
Yes, the hormones they use for cattle to grow or poduce milk. Are female hormones.
And it ends in the product. Giving childeren unnatural female hormons.

If someone delibratly targets you children. Would you not be aware.
Or are you selfish and don't care?

Edit: Sikotic, had a point when he wrote I was not clear, so made some minor adjustments
« Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 09:53:10 AM by Aladin »


Re: Debate on Gay Marriage
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2013, 09:23:59 AM »
You jumped around a lot there, my man. I don't understand what female hormones in the food supply has anything to do with homos.

Just another point I'd like to make. A lot of you on here in other threads talk about how libertarian they are and how the govt has become to much of a nanny state and so on and so forth......yet yall want the govt to have their hands all up in your relationship business and dictate who you can or cannot be with.

Its contradictory shit like that thats hurting the cause of some people.
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Re: Debate on Gay Marriage
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2013, 09:54:56 AM »
You jumped around a lot there, my man. I don't understand what female hormones in the food supply has anything to do with homos.

I didn't read his last post but if u inject a Male constantly with Female hormones it in fact makes him more likely to be feminine.  it's not a theory its a fact.  in turn it makes him more susceptible to be homosexual becuz he's softened his Manly edge psychologically (it's just how God made us, I can't explain the why or the what about that). 

And Homosexual Marriage isnt kosher with Me becuz it goes against God's will.  And not that I'm one to judge.  I think Human nature is a helluva force to be reckoned with, I think for all of us some things are harder to overcome than the next person/// it is what it is, not excuse no explanation.  God challenges our souls to be intelligent and stronger than what our flesh is.  Then he'll know that we're worthy of something bigger. 

That's just my idea of tha situation

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Re: Debate on Gay Marriage
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2013, 10:56:41 AM »
You jumped around a lot there, my man. I don't understand what female hormones in the food supply has anything to do with homos.

Just another point I'd like to make. A lot of you on here in other threads talk about how libertarian they are and how the govt has become to much of a nanny state and so on and so forth......yet yall want the govt to have their hands all up in your relationship business and dictate who you can or cannot be with.

Its contradictory shit like that thats hurting the cause of some people.

the government is the one pushing the gay agenda

Free Suge Knight, Gucci Mane, & BShmurda Welcome Home Tray D

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Debate on Gay Marriage
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2013, 11:13:00 AM »
You jumped around a lot there, my man. I don't understand what female hormones in the food supply has anything to do with homos.

Just another point I'd like to make. A lot of you on here in other threads talk about how libertarian they are and how the govt has become to much of a nanny state and so on and so forth......yet yall want the govt to have their hands all up in your relationship business and dictate who you can or cannot be with.

Its contradictory shit like that thats hurting the cause of some people.

the government is the one pushing the gay agenda

cosign Nik. 


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Re: Debate on Gay Marriage
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2013, 02:04:41 PM »
To further Nick's point, in Denmark for example, they have ruled that a church es must perform gay marriages. This is about the forced promotion of gay marriage. Religion is very clear about homosexuality as an abomination. Therefore to perform this union in a church is an attack on the very foundations of religion.
Whether you think that it's just or not is irrelevant as this part of the satanic agenda. No, I am not saying that gays are satanic, I am saying that those pushing this are looking to go way beyond a distractiom issue.
Know thy enemy, even if you happen to sympathise with the emotive viewpoint being presented. You must oppose these people because their goal is to fuck us all up.
Again, I will end this post on the following note...since when did a group of psychopathic and sociopathic mass murderers and perverts give a fuck about anyone?