Author Topic: The New World Positive Agenda  (Read 642 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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The New World Positive Agenda
« on: January 01, 2014, 06:06:51 AM »

Hey people and happy new year
So the poison, the sickness, the twisted, heartless psychopathic and sociopathic behaviour has been on the rise now for a long time as it rises, it becomes more obvious to all but the most ardent people who in truth whose minds have been so badly damaged by the many poisons around them that to communicate anything other than what is the status quo to them is beyond being possible.

This title does not suggest a sudden, bizarre endorsement of the satanic strivers who beyond doubt have truly wicked designs upon humanity but it is an attempt by me to map out some things which I consider to be positive in the sense that it's contribution does absolutely nothing to further the aims of this wickedness and whose sum of all parts does weaken their aims.

So here is my agenda, this is my own agenda, because I feel it's morally right to do also.

1) Cops - We know that some cops have committed wicked things, we have seen them gun down black men. white men, with a hail of gun fire against unarmed people. The system wants this, they want us to become so angry they we seek reprisals. That way cops really will buy into the propaganda being pushed that it is us against them. The reality is that most cops got into this for the right reasons and there are numerous examples of heroism from cops. So instead of always looking upon cops with suspicion, talk to them, whether it's just or brief greeting or a conversation. When they aren't In uniform they are just people, just like you and I.

2) Music and film - We all love music and film but it's a fact that there is a slew of satanic messages and imagery presented in music videos. While you may still like the artist concerned, fine, but if you are going to consume that music anyway, download it, or, if you want to acquire the album, then purchase it second hand. We do not need to be feeding these giant corporations anymore so then we have already done. The same goes for films too, essentially, this is just boycotting.

3) Turn the idiot box off - When we watch television our brains almost go into an alpha state which makes it extremely susceptible to subliminal messages and just the general message being conveyed. While of course film is one thing, don't just watch television for the sake of it as it's dumbing everyone down.

4) 2016 Presidential election - We have seen the agenda, we have seen the cynical exploitation of the poor, we have seen the cynical marketing of change, the blatant NLP. The democrats and the republicans are no different, they are pursuing the same agenda and while conceivably there might not be a third party which you would consider voting for, then fine, do not vote at all. Obviously one of the two gangs will get into power but alarm bells will ring when turnover starts dropping like a stone.

5) You are what you eat - We are often told that all dairy products are bad but I see milk as something of necessity but recognise that cow's milk is extremely toxic for human health because of the hormones, because of the allergies, because of the issues with lactose intolerance, because of the lack of vitamins etc. This is why goat's milk should instead be considered a staple part of your diet instead because whilst more expensive the health benefits far exceed the increase in price.

6) Walk away from the money - No, not in the literal sense, I am not advocating rejecting money altogether, I am simply pointing out that the big banks have been engaging in wild corruption, they have been implicated in money laundering, drug money, arms money, they have effectively robbed us of colossal amounts of money and then use our money to bail themselves out. They are essentially rotten to the core and offer no financial incentive for keeping your money with them. So, either start taking your money outside the system in total i.e. stack cash, hold some of your capital in metals, or move your money into a local credit union. I prefer metals and moving money into a credit union simply because there is an acknowledged move toward eradicating cash altogether so the benefit of holding cash could well only last a couple more years.

7) Start growing some of your own vegetables - Yeah, I know, I hate vegetables too, but like it or not, they are good for the body. Plus, growing yourself means you have peace of mind in knowing that they have not been tainted by god knows what before getting to you.

8) Stop taking antibiotics - There are times when you feel like the easiest thing to do is to go to the doctors and take a course of antibiotics to flush whatever toxic bacteria which has started attacking your body out of your system but it's now recognised that there many strains of illness are growing a resistance to antibiotics leaving your body extremely susceptible. Just let your immune system do, what it's designed to do.

9) Support local business - Not always the easiest thing to do, but if the cost isn't prohibitively more expensive, then shun the large department store and buy from the alternate local store. We need to create competition and not allow for even further consolidations of power to occur within these markets.

10) Stop using google - Google is now becoming a monstrosity, we don't need it for the internet.
Use, even if porn is what you are after, it's easy to find porn stream sites.

11) Pick up a book - The mind expands like nothing else after the input of reading, expands the vocabulary, makes your mind sharper, allows you to assess ad approach an issue from all sides and when comparing the content of a book with a film, the book is many times more detailed, action packed and captivating.

12) Make your own bread - We don't have to be consuming soy, many bread mixes do not contain soy and as research into soy will illustrate it is yet another poison which we could all do without and furthermore the end product is much more tasty and is relatively cheap too.

13) Keep fit - There is no benefit from any addiction so you don't need to hit the gym every day but 4 days a week doing weights/press ups, is good for the brain as all of those endorphins are released and will help keep you healthy.

14) Vitamin supplements - The old adage was that there was no point in supplementing as all of the vitamins were already contained with the foods. However due to the pesticides, herbicides and general processing of said foods, that is very often not the case and therefore there is a real benefit to consuming supplements. However due diligence is needed to wade through those which are synthetic vitamins and which are the pure.

15) Elections/councils - Rather than shouting up to the ivory towers laden in sound proof glass, if you are going to remonstrate, do it effectively, local town meetings is a platform upon which your voice will be heard and the local parasites get quite uncomfortable at hearing any kind of voice of dissent, particularly a rational, articulate one.

16) Obamacare - It is very clear that Obama care is a swindle to enrich the top insurance companies even further and not the promised manna that was first presented to the people. The reality is that the systems falls apart if people don't buy into it, so don't buy into it and this will come crashing down as it's a blatant Ponzi scheme.

17) Buy Organic - While not perfect due to the "trace elements of gm" it's still a much healthier alternative to consuming gm foods which are just absolute garbage for the body.

18) Volunteer at a soup kitchen - There can be numerous reasons for doing this, but if anyone ever needed a sense of perspective, then seeing the way in which others live will have a galvanising effect on your own state of mind.

19) Stop making excuses for others and don't buy into political correctness - Immorality, is immorality, I see black people defending blacks, white people defending whites, fuck that, don't buy into it. Likewise don't allow for political correctness to silence your own dissent, it's another form of tyranny, just a softer form of suppression.

20) Don't concern yourself with being liked by everyone - If you aren't pissing at least a handful of people off in life then you are not having an impact upon this earth and are just a conformist.

21) 911 still evokes memories of tremendous bravery and courage by those who didn't stop to think about their own well being but were instead only intent upon saving others, race didn't matter, class didn't matter, all that mattered were the victims. It is that final point that is the biggest hope for the future for the parasites endeavour to dehumanise but on that day people stood tall for others.



Re: The New World Positive Agenda
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2014, 10:05:24 AM »


Re: The New World Positive Agenda
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2014, 10:34:08 AM »
Happy new year to you, too! Great thread, can agree with mostly everything.

I think that oatmilk is much more tasty (and healthier) than any animal product. And vegetables are great. Nobody can tell me that the first steak they prepared tasted like heaven.

But I like your new, positive approach, virtuoso. +1

Might I add, try buying regional and seasonal. Stay away from refined sugar. Our decisions as consumers are what keeps the machine running. Nobody's perfect but every step in the right direction is important.

Oh, on another note. The fucking bank closed my account just now, cause there hadn't been any flow of money (in or out) for at least 1 year. ;D Good opportunity to go for a better alternative.

i donīt need any medicate shit im 100 normal.


  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Re: The New World Positive Agenda
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2014, 07:26:05 PM »

Oh, on another note. The fucking bank closed my account just now, cause there hadn't been any flow of money (in or out) for at least 1 year. ;D Good opportunity to go for a better alternative.

Crazy, can they close it because of that?


Re: The New World Positive Agenda
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2014, 08:51:32 PM »

Oh, on another note. The fucking bank closed my account just now, cause there hadn't been any flow of money (in or out) for at least 1 year. ;D Good opportunity to go for a better alternative.

Crazy, can they close it because of that?

Apparently. I guess it's like, if I don't provide them with money to do their evil shit with I'm useless as a customer. I mean, it's not like they would store people's money out of kindness. Maybe the costs of maintaining an account with no money in it are too damn high so they have to close it. :D
i donīt need any medicate shit im 100 normal.


  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Re: The New World Positive Agenda
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2014, 02:49:30 AM »
They do evil shit, no matter if you got money or not.
You know that more than 90 precent of money is virtual money, it does not exist only in the books of the banks.
I still don't understand why they terminated the contract. Is that like an obligation in your contract 2 heve a cashflow once a year?


Re: The New World Positive Agenda
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2014, 04:00:41 AM »
They do evil shit, no matter if you got money or not.
You know that more than 90 precent of money is virtual money, it does not exist only in the books of the banks.
I still don't understand why they terminated the contract. Is that like an obligation in your contract 2 heve a cashflow once a year?

Yeah, I know. But still, they're definitely doing their evil shit without my money. As for my account, I really don't care. I find it rather amusing that they did it but like I said before, this is really more of an opportunity to go for a better option than anything else.
i donīt need any medicate shit im 100 normal.