Author Topic: Islam so peaceful(115 Nigeria schoolgirls still missing after kidnap)  (Read 4115 times)


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Re: Islam so peaceful(115 Nigeria schoolgirls still missing after kidnap)
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2014, 04:01:13 PM »
STILL fishing with QUESTION marks...hahaha

Hack Wilson - real

Re: Islam so peaceful(115 Nigeria schoolgirls still missing after kidnap)
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2014, 04:31:25 PM »
and i reeled you in with no bait

silly heinz


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Re: Islam so peaceful(115 Nigeria schoolgirls still missing after kidnap)
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2014, 11:34:58 PM »
STILL fishing 4 HEINZ. hahaha

Hack Wilson - real

Re: Islam so peaceful(115 Nigeria schoolgirls still missing after kidnap)
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2014, 01:03:53 PM »
i know i CAUGHT your ATTENTION because you KEEP getting ANGERED at my POSTS




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Re: Islam so peaceful(115 Nigeria schoolgirls still missing after kidnap)
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2014, 01:35:04 PM »
its OK HACK nobody can TELL that U REALLY want 2 get 2 ME.
 :-* :-* :-*

J. B A N A N A S

Re: Islam so peaceful(115 Nigeria schoolgirls still missing after kidnap)
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2014, 04:45:06 PM »
So yeah, it's not Islam that causes this fuckery, it's the fanatic love for Islam that does. Much in the way that the "root of all evil" quote is so commonly misquoted that we attribute the actual money to evil. The belief system itself is not the cause.

However, there do seem to be a lot more fanatic, violence wielding muslims than with any other faith on the planet, save for medieval era christianity.



Re: Islam so peaceful(115 Nigeria schoolgirls still missing after kidnap)
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2014, 10:47:40 PM »
its mufuckaz like infinite who use islam as a crutch for their deep-seeded insecurities


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Re: Islam so peaceful(115 Nigeria schoolgirls still missing after kidnap)
« Reply #22 on: April 23, 2014, 10:53:10 PM »
So yeah, it's not Islam that causes this fuckery, it's the fanatic love for Islam that does. Much in the way that the "root of all evil" quote is so commonly misquoted that we attribute the actual money to evil. The belief system itself is not the cause.



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Re: Islam so peaceful(115 Nigeria schoolgirls still missing after kidnap)
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2014, 01:04:56 PM »
 Islam causes this shit world wide though. particularity bad in India, parts of Europe and Africa. well of course in The middle east and other pats of Asian too.
 I mean at the end of the day there is a world wide invasion going on and its being done without aggression or violence.
 The western world so stupid that even with all the acts of aggression and violence and the clear anti west statements the invasion is being allowed to take place without the use of force.
 Anyone who dosent see it is a blind ignorant stupid fuck. But Ill be dead before the world is taken over so it don't really matter i guess....
 Its funny to me, they flee their piece of shit nations yet are attempting to convert the entire world to be Islamic, to live by sharia law...
 Backwards, women hating, non drinking, non pork eating pieces of shit.
 hey, if that's how you want to live then fine, i have no problem with that but stay in your own fucking country if you are going to move to another nation and judge and fail to adapt and refuse to adapt or inter grade or respect and abide by the ways of your new home.
 Judge and disrespect your new nation then fuck you.
 yet fools be all welcoming with open arms n shit. Stupid fuckers. they out breed everyone too, but having said that most non whites are like that.
 At least non Muslim drink  and dont hate women and don't rape etc(well of course some non religious and all races have ppl that do this).
 Having said that the Africans that live here seem to bash and murder their wives and rape girls so.....(but media may make it seem worse than is)
 But then Christians molest kids and take advantage of people for their $ so both religions are fucked and cause and create madness.
 Dont get me wrong, it would be good to belong and to believe in something but religion is ripe with corruption.
 So many religious people are either mad, lost or corrupt, influenced, brainwashed, etc.
 How is the attitude of the Muslims any different to the attitude of Hitler? answer this.
 Muslims think they are superior just like Hitler thought white people were.
 So which god is real? or is it the Viking gods or the Egyptian gods or??
 hey i like the Japs style, its all about Honor or the emperor, not a god. But they are racist cunts too lol... they racially pure like a Hitler vision. But they aint racist, lol not at all.  ::)
 But if Muslims were as bad as the media portrayed shit would be alot worse but its happening and too many people blind to it. just like there are many false Muslims because being a Muslim is like trendy or something?
 But i do agree with some forms of Islamic law, as far as discipline. But not quite so medi evil. makes me laugh how Australia considered racist cos we stop the illegal immigrants/boats...
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 01:09:36 PM by KrazySumwhat »

Hack Wilson - real

Re: Islam so peaceful(115 Nigeria schoolgirls still missing after kidnap)
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2014, 02:56:20 PM »
lyin brian is the next john walker


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Re: Islam so peaceful(115 Nigeria schoolgirls still missing after kidnap)
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2014, 01:40:06 AM »
Islam causes this shit world wide though.

You should really look at the bigger picture....

Listen close to what  he says...

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Islam is innocent of these misguided people who are used in these proxy battles.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 01:42:52 AM by Aladin »


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 conspiracy theory shit. Who really knows i guess?
 But if you been following this story you would have seen that even more girls been taken and alot of people killed. America, the UK, France and the China offering aid to Nigeria.
 I don't know how involved America is in all these Islamic extremist groups but i will say that Islam causes problems everywhere they go. Its an undeniable FACT.
 The only way to avoid it is to remain racially pure like Japan or North Korea. North Korea on some real Nazi shit.
 I think Islam may very well succeed in world domination, not because of these extremest groups, but because of politically correct weak western nations and they spread all across the globe slow;y trying to change every nation they go to Islam, continue to stick to their backwards ways, brainwash and recruit, out breed, etc.
 But it is a real shame for the authentic Muslims, when all these groups keep giving them such a bad rep and making non Muslims hate all Muslims for the actions of these sorts.
 I guess the media dose have a strong effect. But you cant denie history or facts.
 I guess the main thing that i don't understand is why do these peopel leave their unsafe countries and relocate, flee to peaceful western nations or where ever and then not only refuse to integrate or adapt in any way, but to then go a step further and try to transform their new place of residence into the one that they just fled from? This really baffles me?
 I dont think hat we cant get along because of race, not at all, has very little to do with it, its because of religion.
 Thats what separates us.
 I also do not understand why so many black people in America convert to Islam? Iam not trying to say anything bad or judgmental, i just genuinely don't understand it? is teh whole "white Jesus" thing?
 I guess the Muslim religion is very good for ones heath and wallet, the no drinking thing and all.
 Back on topic though, what is it about Islam that makes these extremest want to murder innocent people? It had to be the whole "infidel" mentality, right?
 You just do not hear about Christian groups doing that shit.

 I know you could argue Christianity's past and America kill plenty of innocent people in the middle east, etc.

 But stories of crazy men kidnapping children and slaughtering people in the name of Islam is not a good look for a supposed peace and loving religion.


« Last Edit: May 09, 2014, 06:37:31 AM by KrazySumwhat »


Its funny to me, they flee their piece of shit nations yet are attempting to convert the entire world to be Islamic, to live by sharia law...
 Backwards, women hating, non drinking, non pork eating pieces of shit.
 hey, if that's how you want to live then fine, i have no problem with that but stay in your own fucking country if you are going to move to another nation and judge and fail to adapt and refuse to adapt or inter grade or respect and abide by the ways of your new home.

Seems like you've been reading too much mainstream press, and watching news 'programming' to form your opinion, which unfortunately is shared with many other sheep too. Your reaction is engineered because the PTB have created that. I know many muslims, and they don't really care how others live their life.

Your last statement should wake that brain up a bit:

But stories of crazy men kidnapping children and slaughtering people in the name of Islam is not a good look for a supposed peace and loving religion.

They (and I'm not talking about Muslims) want you in fear, and reliant on them for help and support on something that doesn't even need help and support in. In the UK we have the exact same propaganda, yet I fail to see it in the physical form. Fear mongering to support tougher actions against the Muslim countries and people are too dumb to see it
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 I do see what your saying. And i cant lie that i have fallen victim to commercial media to an extent. But i try not to be like that. i rarely watch the news, i do alot of reading and research and etc.
 What i have seen with my own eyes is here in Australia you always hear things about Muslims complaining about our way of life being offensive to them. Things such as celebrating Christmas or Easter(like in schools and all the decorations in the shops and everywhere), there's the whole burqa situation witch sets a double standard of what is acceptable and a potential security threat and what not(but i admit its rare that Ive seen it here in my city so its not like the UK or say France or Spain), and they really do play the race card alot, everything is offensive or we need to be more sensitive , etc.
 Ok, so there were riots in Sydney over that stupid you tube movie a little while back, Muslims protesting in the streets unlike what has been seen in Australia before.
 If there is an occasion where Aussies stick up for them selves against the Muslims then it spreads around the world wide news and portrays Australia as being racist(happened in Sydney in 2005).
 Here we celebrate Australia day and its gotten to the point now where if you go out with a t-shirt with the Aussie flag or have them on your car on your house that you must be racist....but admittedly i believe this to be our own stupid media, our own stupid over sensitive, tree hugging, over compassionate, race traitor fuck wit politicians and do gooders.
 Stories of Muslims raping Aussie girls, etc.
 But your right, commercial media can be misleading and exaggerate. But at the same time western nations are too laid back and to accepting and too blind of what is happening right before there own eyes. An invasion, no war required.

 I used to buy food from middle eastern restaurants but i decide to stop because i know they hate Aussies and i don't want to fund terrorism (lol). Like i said, its a religion thing, an attitude thing. Seeing everyone else as infidel is no different to North Korea of Hitler.
 iam actually not racist. I just don't like whats happening here in Australia and i have friends in the Uk also. the fact that there are places you cant go if your white in your own county is fucked up.
 I dunno, there's no shortage of Asians and Indians and Africans here now, it dose feel like we are being over run and out bred but i guess Middle eastern people just have that bad rep from the Islamic extremist i guess.
 Theres Muslims of all races but i guess here with my own eyes i only see Arabs as Muslim. But i always read stories about African Muslims, Indian Muslims and Asian Muslims (such as Indonesian) and they always seem to be bad stories.
 I guess my only personal bad experiences with Muslims were younger ones, more a gang mentality as opposed to religious. But of course all races have that and everyone is like that when they are young.
 I think that 90% if Indonesians are Muslim but i think there is only one small part of the nation that lives under sharia law. And iam typing too much again..



« Last Edit: May 09, 2014, 07:05:11 AM by KrazySumwhat »


I have been to North Korea. it was absolutely nothing like how I was told it would be. When I arrived at the airport, I was asked if I would like to rent a temporary mobile for the duration of my stay. There were many people with mobile phones when I got outside of the airport and waited for a taxi. They don't hate Brits, they don't hate Westerners. I didn't see many police or military and I was able to sit in various bars, which 1 in particular had BBC World on. So much for being a 'shut off' country.

I hear on the news that all Subways in the UK have stopped offering ham in their menu's, and are introducing a few more halal foods. I've heard how certain events and other things have been cancelled as it's 'offensive' to Muslims, as if dropping bombs on them isn't offensive.

What they are doing is creating social divide. This is why they peddle these stories, and create the appearance that they are laying down for Muslims and other ethnic minorities. The reason for that is to give YOU, and other working classes a group to hate upon, a group to hate, while the real thieves and crooks at the top are laughing at how they play us off among one another.

Having been to Iran too, my experience was how loving they were towards children. I had a women at a stall give my son a "freebie" every day, and her own son had walked us almost a mile to the place we were trying to get to, and when I reached into my pocket to give him money, he shook his head and say no, no, and ran off. For as crowded as Tehran was, I didn't encounter any hostility, or any crime being committed by other people. I've been to cities all over Europe and I can honestly say that Tehran was by far the most peaceful.

We are being played. Tour the world my friend, and you will see that all you are being told is all nonsense. Experience the world, the people, the cultures and form your own opinions
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