Author Topic: Westcoast rap has failed.  (Read 2664 times)

Z the laidback Virus

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Westcoast rap has failed.
« on: July 22, 2014, 02:57:21 AM »
Years ago, I read's review of DJ Quik's 'Rhythm-al-ism' and I remember being pissed off by it. It said, and still says:  "Just what rap needs: one more guy boasting about his majestic penis and how good he is at treating women like gutter trash." Back then, I thought this very unfair commentary. Reading the review again, I still feel the reviewer misses the musical quality that's largely responsible for why this album is good to listen to, but I can only agree with that trashing I cited. Over the last five years or so, I've grown as a person and I'd say for the better. I am happy about that because I feel that striving to be the best person you can be and wanting to make the world a better place for everyone you know is a good goal for anyone and should ultimately be every person's desire. However, it has also resulted in me growing ever more uncomfortable with many elements of westcoast rap, which I used to be a fan of and still enjoy in terms of sound. There's a number of reasons for that discomfort.

First, I think the main subject matter in westcoast rap goes completely against what my principles have come to be. I can only condemn and mock misogyny, homophobia, violence, willfull ignorance, crime, gangs and egotism yet those are important subjects and themes in westcoast rap. That list misses drugs and especially weed as a subject. While I'm not and have never been a drug user myself, I suppose anyone who wants to can use drugs even if they perhaps shouldn't. I'm indifferent to it as subject matter, though it certainly gets tiresome to me. Mainstream westcoast rap of course does have a positive side in its subject matter, of course. Unity, friendship, comradery and family are commonly referred to as well, and those are positive values. However, all of those are often drenched in aggression as well; 'We against the other' instead of 'all together'.

That brings us to tribalism; 'Othering' is rampant in westcoast hiphop and then there's the utter stupidity of gangs. As long as westcoast rap excels in promoting a mindset that includes feelings of superioity towards others and condemnation of others it can never be a positive influence.  This is easy to spot in many fans at this forum. They 'ride' for their rapper of choice and go apeshit when he's criticised for whatever and can't deal with differing opinions and lose all rationality they may or may not have had before. Rappers of course do nothing to counter this and instead promote the idolatry around themselves and may well believe in their own hype. There's very little sentimental difference between this on one hand and one tribe of cavemen massacring another one. Both are expressions of a primitive, deplorable, ignorant and contemptible mindset. Once again, westcoast rap promotes rather than acts against such thinking.

I feel that's a great mistake many rappers have made, driven by their fans and vice versa: Rap is a great way for expression, mockery and criticism in a potentially artful way and has often been used to adress real problems in the world and their solutions. However, westcoast rap has done very little of the sort in recent times (not that this a problem confined to westcoast rap), instead specialising in negative messages and setting dreadful examples. I feel that is a lot of squandered potential and a misuse of the power many rappers have as esteemed artists, even if it might be what their fans desire of them.

The fans, oh the fans! Even when I was a lot younger and very positive about westcoast rap (I even explained all its negativity away as 'being honest about the way humans really think about each other), I often felt a little embarassed to tell people I was into it. Why? It's associated with numbskulls who excel in their ignorance, adopt stupid walks, wear ridiculous clothing and jewelry, adopt a horrible faux accent and have an obsession with 'being tough' and ultimately anti-social. This is what I mean when I say many rappers misuse their power over their fans. Of course, dumbfucks will be dumbfucks but those can certainly be trained or educated too. Instead of teaching misogyny, sagging, homophobia and the importance of chains and chain-snatching, rappers might have used their voices to teach or inspire positively. Lost opportunities galore.

Also realise, as this forum often proves, that overcompensation for insecurity or feelings of inferiority seem to underlay westcoast rap, its rappers and its fans to an astonishing degree. It seems logical that music that largely deals with people who are 'the man', get all the money, women and fancy stuff appeals to those who want to be respected, want to feel vindicated and feel entitled to all those things I mentioned. As a teenager, that certainly played a role in me liking westcoast rap, but I've outgrown that and come to appreciate the music more for its rhythm and vibe than for its subject matter, which tends to be dreck and extremely repetitive to me. Perhaps most people will outgrow it. I certainly hope so. If that happens however, it's unlikely to be because of rap itself but more from external influences. What that means is that westcoast rap may well be holding its more pathetic listeners back, making them feel entitled and frustrated or keeping them there rather than leading them to greener psychological pastures. Lost potential again.   

Of course, rappers alone are not all to blame, since clearly people like the negative subject matter and labels sell it. We can all name examples of rappers who started out with a message but lost that along the way. Even so, the medium also molds the consumer so we are probably looking at a vicious circle here. Yet, pandering to the ignorant and validating their negative or anti-social feelings is not a good thing and that energy could have been spent far better. That many a rapper appears to be an ignoramus himself or herself isn't helpful either.

I don't want to end this post without giving special mention to misogyny, because I consider that one of the most insidious elements of westcoast rap (and rap in general). Misogyny is not endemic to rap in the sense that it only exists there. Mockery, objectification and hatred of women is very common. Just look at any commentary on any women that appear online in whatever way possible. However, I feel it is perhaps the most negative aspect of westcoast rap in a way. This because it is something so widespread and which all listeners of westcoast rap are going to come across or propagate in their lifes, unlike gangs or drug dealers which many listeners are probably never going to really experience. Women however are everywhere and this means that a culture that promotes misogyny is likely to have a direct negative outcome in the lifes of many people. Promoting mutually respectful and loving relationships between men and women (or just about anyone) is a lot more commendable than spreading hatred and vitriol and promoting that other human beings are sub-human in one way or another. Unfortunately, westcoast hiphop has largely failed to realise or express that, meaning it feeds toxicity into society and interpersonal relationships. Wasted potential, and that's putting it mildly.

Nowadays, I have to agree with what that reviewer said about 'Rhytm-a-lism'. It is a horrible album in subject matter. To me, however the experience is bittersweet. I love the beats and melodies on the album and I think both DJ Quik and his guests do a great job throughout in adding to those beats and melodies vocally. It's a shame that they fill that atmosphere with shit in terms of what they actually say. A wasted opportunity and thus exemplary of westcoast rap.
Z knows about ALL your inner conflicts..

Fonky Fresh

Re: Westcoast rap has failed.
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2014, 05:34:45 AM »
I didn't know dubcc had a selfmade schrink giving free advices.Are you wrting an essay of some kind ?

With today's politically correct & feminism resurgence you can't do anything if you listen to these people.
Most women i knew were bitches meaning ready for whatever, unsincere, money grabber, cheating regardless of how sweet i were.It's a fact for me and many.

I agree though you can't make an album filled with that subject, it gets boring real fast especially when it's not quik & the gang doing it.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2014, 01:32:09 AM by G2K »
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Re: Westcoast rap has failed.
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2014, 11:46:15 AM »
'Rhythm-al-ism is a classic


Re: Westcoast rap has failed.
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2014, 01:04:25 PM »
The OP has posted what I've felt and wanted o say for quite a while now if truth be told.

The point that I would disagree with that is its not just a west coast thing or a rap thing, it's spread in all areas of music and entertainment and society in general.

Don't get me wrong, I am a hypocrite. I find my self objectifying women unknowingly, then I have to check myself.
I'm a grown man now, but I just can't play some of my music load with the Windows down as I am actually embarrassed now although I do listen to I through earphones.
Like the OP, I love the melodies, production, flows etc, and I can tolerate some of the subject matter if it's done creatively, but what I'm hearing is lacking all these attributes. It's how many people can you kill on a song, every other word is mutherfucker, nigga, bitches etc
over a crappy beat.

The only reason I can listen to some of the album's now like dogg food etc if that it was released in that golden era of growing up (teenage years) so there's the nostalgia factor.

Don't get me wrong, I could listen to the same subject matter if it's clever and witty, but I currently ain't hearing it.
And don't get me started with some (not all) of the people who are influenced by the subject matter and culture surrounding it.
It's now got to the point of characature, the point of ridicule and embarrasing.

I want a better life for myself, family and friends, and unconsciously, I've noticed that I've started to cut out more and more of the negative aspects from my life and that's including more and more so-called gangsta rap.


Re: Westcoast rap has failed.
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2014, 05:07:24 PM »
Heh, I feel I have to turn my explicit music down when driving also.

There was a time before gangsta rap when rappers treated women better. 

Another reason where west coast rap has failed: instead of making west coast music sound better, they have made southern music sound worse.  West coast rappers trying to be southern sounds stupid and turns me off completely.  I'm all for being inventive and advancing the genre, but at the same time don't try to be someone you're not.


Re: Westcoast rap has failed.
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2014, 07:32:23 PM »
Heh, I feel I have to turn my explicit music down when driving also.


Hack Wilson - real

Re: Westcoast rap has failed.
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2014, 07:34:31 PM »
Heh, I feel I have to turn my explicit music down when driving also.

lmao   don't be ashamed man, let the public know what you're listening to.


Re: Westcoast rap has failed.
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2014, 07:44:16 PM »
Rhymth a lism had great music and melodys but most if the lyrics and subject matter kinda ruins it . The good music should be matched with lyrics that hit home .

Hack Wilson - real

Re: Westcoast rap has failed.
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2014, 07:50:23 PM »
I can only condemn and mock misogyny, homophobia, violence, willfull ignorance, crime, gangs and egotism yet those are important subjects and themes in westcoast rap. That list misses drugs and especially weed as a subject. While I'm not and have never been a drug user myself, I suppose anyone who wants to can use drugs even if they perhaps shouldn't. I'm indifferent to it as subject matter, though it certainly gets tiresome to me.

you sound like the life of a party


Re: Westcoast rap has failed.
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2014, 09:05:38 PM »


Re: Westcoast rap has failed.
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2014, 09:12:09 PM »
All I'mma do is quote Quik here:

"I bet Eazy E is turning over in his grave
To see that some of y'all done made gangsta rap GAY"

Westcoast rap is the shit for saying what everybody is thinking but is too cowardly to express. I never want the subject matter to change, I'mma still want to hear Quik's music when I'm 90 years old.
The most GAMED UP poster on DubCC.

Member of Bloods.

Money over Bitches.


Re: Westcoast rap has failed.
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2014, 09:54:55 PM »
Love that lyric.  Straight up tellin it like it is.


Re: Westcoast rap has failed.
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2014, 07:51:34 AM »
I wonder who gets the most pussy in this thread.

MOBNIGGA06 or the OP?
The most GAMED UP poster on DubCC.

Member of Bloods.

Money over Bitches.



I'm an ol' school collecta from the 90's SO F.CK DIGITAL, RELEASE A CD!


Z the laidback Virus

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Westcoast rap has failed.
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2014, 11:46:14 PM »
Okay, it's been a few days before I was able to properly reply. Thanks for the reactions, and a few replies to things said or asked by others:

- First, there is a difference between calling somebody a bitch for having personally hurt you and calling women in general bitches. Don't tell me a lot of westcoast rappers do not refer to most or all women as bitches, because they do. It's disrespectful, it's childish and it's toxic if your audience isn't too bright or enlightened. Also don't come up with Nice Guy arguments (I'm not sure if said poster meant that but I'm playing safe here). Yes, there are women out there who play with feelings but Nice Guy stories generally amount to the guy calling himself one and feeling entitled. You have no right to anyone's body.
- I didn't come out to write an essay, I just try to put effort into what I write and had a lot I wanted to say.
- I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels embarassed by rap at times.
- I can understand not always feeling comfortable loudly blasting out music with offensive lyrics in public. There's being oneself and (unpurposely) advertising yourself as a backwards bigot or douchebag by association.
- Whether or not ' Rhythm-a-lism'  is a classic album or not is besides the point, so those were pretty useless posts. That's the same old same old bickering about opinions much of this forum is about. Talk about tiresome!
- Whether or not I'm 'the life of the party' is neither here nor there. Was that meant to be some cheap shot at me? If your definition of being the life of the party is loving all vile and ignorant nonsense, draw your conclusions about your priorities and your mindset.
- I used to agree with that ' freely expressing yourself' aspect. If you do so however, you can also expect criticism for it and shouldn't nag about that. Using honesty as an excuse for saying horrible things doesn't make you a better person, but perhaps the world should at least be thankful you're proudly exposing yourself as the asshole you apparently are or present yourself as and leave no doubt there.
- If your evaluation of a person or anything people say is based on how much sex they I really need to point out why that's impossible to take serious? Don't make a fool of yourself. If you insist, leave it to others who make it more entertaining to read.
Z knows about ALL your inner conflicts..