Author Topic: REAL fights in Pro Wrestling  (Read 279 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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REAL fights in Pro Wrestling
« on: October 13, 2001, 12:58:29 PM »
This is an article I found on  Its very informative.

Nasty Boys and Ken Shamrock circa 1990 — This fight occurred when all three were wrestling for South Atlantic Pro Wrestling and Shamrock was working under the name Vince Torelli. Following a show, there was an incident in a hotel bar between Brian Knobs (Brian Yandrisovitz) and a woman, and Shamrock reportedly went to Knobs’ room afterwards to discuss it. Jerry Saggs (Jerry Saganovich) answered the door since Knobs was already in bed. Shamrock allegedly jumped on Knobs and started pounding on him, so Saggs made the save by smashing a lamp over Shamrock’s head. Many people have noted the parallels between this story and the recent WWF angle involving Dean Malenko, Lita and the Hardy Boyz (Hardyz even broke a lamp over Malenko’s head). Shamrock, despite the reputation he would later gain in mixed martial arts, was much smaller at this time than he was during his WWF stint and was no match for a two-on-one beating. Knobs and Saggs allegedly nearly killed him, pummeling him into unconsciousness. Shamrock’s head was reportedly so swollen afterwards that it didn’t even look human. Robert Fuller, Rex and Spike of the Pit Bulldogs team broke it up. Frank Dusek, the promoter, claimed that the three had to talk Knobs and Saggs from throwing Shamrock off the balcony to the cement below, although that could just be the result of stories getting embellished through the years. Shamrock filed charges, yet nothing ever became of it. Years later, while working for the WWF, Shamrock saw Knobs while walking through an airport with Rock. Shamrock pretty much went into the zone legit, but Rock calmed him down, saying nothing was worth getting arrested over.

Brian Pillman and Sid circa 1991 — Sid (Sid Eudy) and Pillman ran into each other at a bar following a house show. Pillman worked for WCW at the time and Sid was getting his first big push in the WWF. Apparently, Sid told Pillman that he’d made it to the big time and was making huge money, and Pillman never would because he was too small. Pillman — who on a bus trip once talked so tough that Bill Kazmaier, a multi-time World’s Strongest Man winner who weighed nearly 350 pounds, backed down — started screaming at Sid and they got into an argument. Pillman challenged him to a fight. Sid left the bar, went to his car, and returned with a squeegee which he apparently figured he could use to defend himself against the much smaller Pillman. Mike Graham wrestled the squeegee from him and Sid backed down, saying it wasn’t worth re-injuring his already torn bicep.

Vince McMahon and Nailz December 14, 1992 — Nailz (Kevin Wacholz) confronted Vince McMahon backstage at the Raw show in Green Bay, WI and demanded more money for the SummerSlam match he worked at Wembley Stadium earlier in the year. The show drew 75,000 fans and Wacholz believed he should have made more than just $8,000 for his match. Wacholz may or may not have punched McMahon, but when Sgt. Slaughter, Gorilla Monsoon, Dave Hebner and Arnold Skaaland stormed in to find out what was happening, they found Vince lying helpless on the floor with Wacholz on top attempting to strangle him. Wacholz ended up calling the police and claiming McMahon sexually assaulted him. Earl Hebner later told people that he saw the incident through a cracked door and there was absolutely no sexual assault on McMahon’s part. Wacholz gave the police a report when they came to the building, and subsequently filed charges. Nothing ever became of it because the people Wacholz had listed as witnesses wouldn’t corroborate his story. Wacholz was, obviously, fired as a result of this incident.

Sid and Arn Anderson October 28, 1993 — During a tour of England, Sid and Arn Anderson (Marty Lunde) got into an argument in a hotel bar. Sid later went up to Arn’s room, and when Arn opened the door Sid allegedly struck him over the head with a hotel chair. They got into a huge fight with Sid stabbing Arn over 20 times with a pair of scissors. Too Cold Scorpio, Doug Dillinger, Vader and several other wrestlers finally arrived to break up the fight, and both men were subsequently hospitalized. Arn ended up keeping his job with the company, but Sid, who was in line to win the World Title two months later at Starrcade, was fired after several wrestlers threatened to walk out if he wasn’t. Years later, Anderson and Sid pretty much buried the hatchet.

Vader and Paul Orndorff August 30, 1995 — Vader (Leon White) and booker Paul Orndorff got into an argument backstage which escalated into a fight. Vader had showed up late for the Center Stage tapings and Orndorff started yelling at him to hurry up and do his promos. There had been previous heat between the two. Both got face to face and Orndorff begged Vader, who outweighed him by 200 pounds, to start something. Vader shoved him down with a palm blow and Orndorff came back fighting, flooring Vader and knocking him for a loop with a punch from his bad left arm. Orndorff proceeded to kick at Vader’s face with his sandaled feet until all the wrestlers broke it up. Amazingly, everyone just left Vader on the floor in a fetal position and went back to doing their thing, so when Vader recovered he walked right into Orndorff’s office and they got into another fight. After this fight was broken up, Vader was sent home with the belief that he’d instigated it, and Orndorff ended up working a match later that night with a busted up face against Barry Houston. WCW ended up firing Vader, who immediately jumped to the WWF.

Alex Wright and Hardbody Harrison May 13, 1997 — Alex Wright and Hardbody Harrison (Harrison Norris) were going over their match at the WCW WorldWide tapings in Orlando, FL when Harrison said he wouldn’t do a few of the spots Alex had come up with. Alex told Randy Anderson about the problems, and Anderson told Harrison to do whatever Wright asked him to do. Harrison got angry that Wright had "gone over his head" to Anderson, and the argument turned into a fight. Alex apparently got the better of it, cutting Harrison’s head open and requiring him to get seven stitches afterwards. The result surprised a lot of people since Harrison had gained a reputation from winning several Toughman contests.

Kevin Nash and Roddy Piper June 9, 1997 — Following one of the most horrible matches in wrestling history pitting Scott Hall and Kevin Nash against Roddy Piper and Ric Flair, Nash stormed to Piper’s dressing room. Nash was angry over what he perceived was Piper not cooperating during the match and subsequently going into business for himself. Piper went as far as to call for the finish six minutes early, so the post-match brawl ended up going on seemingly forever and making for hideous television. Nash pounded on Piper’s door until Piper’s bodyguard, Craig Malley, opened the door. Nash stormed in and pie-faced Piper, who jumped back up and tried kicking at Nash’s bad knee. Malley and Ric Flair quickly broke it up and Malley backed down from the much larger Nash when a fight nearly started between the two of them. Nash and Piper parted ways, leaving the heat between the two unresolved.

Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart June 9, 1997 — Bret Hart walked into Shawn Michaels’ (Michael Shawn Hickenbottom) dressing room in the hours before Raw and they got into an argument. Weeks earlier, Shawn felt Bret, in a wheelchair due to a knee injury, had double-crossed him by talking too long during an interview. As a result, the show in question went off the air before Shawn could make his comeback and superkick Bret out of his wheelchair. Bret felt Shawn crossed the line during a subsequent interview by claiming Bret had seen many "Sunny days" lately, insinuating that Bret was having an affair with Tammy Sytch. During their argument, Bret screamed at Shawn for making comments that affected his personal life, and Shawn reportedly just kept taunting him. Hart apparently went after Michaels and they had a short brawl that was quickly pulled apart by Gerald Brisco, Pat Patterson, and several of the wrestlers. Hart pounded on Michaels and pulled out a huge clump of his hair. After an argument with Brisco, Hart left the building at 8:30 PM, a half hour after Raw went on the air. Shawn stormed out of the building shortly before the show began as well, saying he would never be able to work with anyone in the Hart Foundation again and that the WWF presented an unsafe working environment. The entire show had to be rebooked on the fly since Hart was scheduled to play a major role and Michaels was to have wrestled Brian Pillman in the main event. Michaels and his father had a meeting with McMahon in the weeks that followed, asking to be released from his deal so he could go to WCW and become set for life, but McMahon refused. Of course, both guys ended up returning for the infamous match in Montreal.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


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Re: REAL fights in Pro Wrestling
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2001, 12:59:07 PM »

Bret Hart and Vince McMahon November 9, 1997 — Following the infamous Montreal double-cross at Survivor Series, Vince McMahon, son Shane, Sgt. Slaughter and Gerald Brisco all entered Bret Hart’s dressing room. Bret and Vince got into an argument, with Vince trying to defend his decision and Bret saying there was no justification for it. At one point, Vince told Bret it was the first time he’d lied to him in fifteen years, and Bret immediately rattled off a dozen lies Vince had told him in the last year alone. Bret said he was going to take a shower, and if Vince was still there when he got out, he was going to punch him in the face. Bret took a shower and returned, and Vince was still there. Bret warned him twice more to leave, but Vince refused. Hart finally stood up and they began shoving each other, with Bret almost immediately knocking Vince out with a vicious right hand. Shane jumped on Bret’s back, but Davey Boy Smith jumped on him to break it up. Smith hyperextended his already injured knee in the process. Bret demanded Shane and Brisco drag Vince out, and in doing so, they stepped on Vince’s ankle and injured it.

Earnest Miller and Buff Bagwell August 14, 1999 — Prior to that afternoon’s Road Wild PPV, Buff Bagwell (Marcus Bagwell) and Earnest Miller got into an argument about their upcoming match. Miller was scheduled to do the job, but said he wanted to get his heat back on Bagwell afterwards. Bagwell refused, they started arguing, and a fight began. Both guys ended up rolling around on the floor and several wrestlers had to step in and break it up. As they were pulled apart, Bagwell reportedly sucker-punched Miller, and they fought free and went at it again. Miller allegedly got the best of it and Bagwell finally backed down and attempted to act as peacemaker, probably because he took a pounding. They ended up doing their scheduled match, which saw Bagwell win with a terrible roll-up and Miller subsequently getting his heat back.

Earnest Miller and Billy Kidman February 8, 1999 — Earnest Miller and Billy Kidman (Peter Gruner) got into an altercation at a bar following that evening’s Nitro. According to witnesses, Miller grabbed at Kidman in a playful manner and Kidman took it seriously, shoving Miller away. Miller shoved back, they got into an argument, and Miller allegedly punched Kidman in the face. Kidman shot back with a punch to the chest at which point several wrestlers broke it up. Kidman reportedly told Miller that if that was all he had, he definitely wasn’t the greatest. Miller got pissed and they were about to go at it again when the wrestlers and hotel security managed to calm both sides down. Miller left to his room and Kidman remained at the bar.

Hawk and Randy Savage November 6, 1999 — Randy Savage (Randy Poffo) and Hawk (Mike Hegstrand) ran into each other backstage at a Kid Rock concert in the Tampa, FL Sun Dome. The two had been involved in a previous incident on April 26, 1996 at the Tokyo Dome when Hawk allegedly sucker-punched Savage after an argument over a pizza. That altercation was broken up before it could escalate into something further. At the concert, Hawk went to shake Savage’s hand, but Savage reportedly sucker-punched him. During the fight, Nora Greenwald (Molly Holly) and Stephanie Bellars (Gorgeous George) allegedly jumped Hawk’s wife and pulled out some of her hair. The fight was broken up and Hawk threatened to file suit against Savage over what happened to his wife.

Scott Steiner and Dallas Page December 18, 2000 — Following an unscripted promo by Scott Steiner (Scott Rechsteiner) on Nitro, claiming Dallas Page (Page Falkinburg) didn’t have the balls to face him, Page confronted Steiner as he came through the curtain and a fight broke out. Steiner took Page down and was pounding on him for a full minute as seven wrestlers attempted to pry him off. A bloody Page and Kevin Nash ended up leaving the building, so some of the show had to be rewritten since they factored into it. Steiner stayed behind and did his scheduled promo and run-in, then wrestled Earnest Miller for the Thunder tapings later in the evening. Page and Steiner met on December 22nd and discussed the situation, eventually coming to an understanding.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

Don Jacob

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Re: REAL fights in Pro Wrestling
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2001, 03:30:45 PM »
lol damn that's some tight shit
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

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Re: REAL fights in Pro Wrestling
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2001, 04:25:05 PM »
I read that and I had to share with everyone down here.  Im glad you found it as interesting as I did.

Shamrock gettiing the shit beat out of him by the Nasty Boys?  Molly Holly and Gorgeous George beating up Road Warrior Hawk's wife.  LOL--Crazy shit...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


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Re: REAL fights in Pro Wrestling
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2001, 04:25:45 PM »
yeah it is.. thanks for postin all that info up
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


Re: REAL fights in Pro Wrestling
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2001, 04:47:34 PM »
I heard about the Sid/Arn, Micheals/Brett, Brett/McMahon and Bagwell/Miller ones and those are all crazy. The rest are some crazy shit too. Especially the thing about Shamrock almost getting killed by the Nasty Boys and Sid grabbing a squeegee to fight Pillman.

Props for getting that.

I think there was a recent one as well. I know Sean O'Haire and Hugh Morris got in some kind of altercation because O'Haire called Morris fat. I don't know if it was physical or just verbal.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »
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Re: REAL fights in Pro Wrestling
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2001, 06:16:27 PM »
I think there was a recent one as well. I know Sean O'Haire and Hugh Morris got in some kind of altercation because O'Haire called Morris fat. I don't know if it was physical or just verbal. >>

There was definite beef between O'Haire and Morrus.  I think they got in a little scuffle but luckily no scissors, squeegees, or lamps were involved.

By the way-the most disturbing of these stories was the one with Nailz.  I really hope Nailz was lying..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: REAL fights in Pro Wrestling
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2001, 09:11:14 PM »
nailz you'st to trip me out back in the day...he was an ugly motherfucker and talked all fucked up too...i remember on a superstars or something he was pissed off about something and he wouldn't leave the ring that night until (at the time president jack tunney) came out and resolved it with him...undertaker's match was up next and after a long stare down nailz left the ring...that shit was all planned but dope, peace.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »
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The Big Bad Ass

Re: REAL fights in Pro Wrestling
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2001, 10:26:24 PM »
Thanks sugefight. That was some good readin. I only knew about a couple of those. That shit with Sid stabbing Arn was fucked up. And Bagwell just reassured me that he is the biggest tool ever to wrestle. With X Fuck/Fuxx/123 Fuck in a close second.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

Lil Suge Knight

Re: REAL fights in Pro Wrestling
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2001, 07:43:14 AM »
But also in there WWF days, so quite recent, Shane Helms and Buff Bagwell got it on, it was alleged that Buff said to Shane Helms he would never be the star of a wrestling company because of his size, and Helms beat the shit out of Buff,

So guess what Buff thats another ass whooping you got, and by the so called smaller guy,

All I gots to say is if all pro wrestlers had a brawl, Scott Steiner would win, the guy is the fucking bomb, he is an animal,

My best pro wrestler is Ric Flair
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »
These is dedicated to the niggaz down from day one!!!