Author Topic: Differences between US and UK troops...  (Read 212 times)


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Differences between US and UK troops...
« on: April 01, 2003, 02:26:56 PM »
From what I've been watching and reading, it seems to me the US soldiers are really dropping the ball.

Over the past few days I've tried to gain some respect for soldiers, and watching some of the UK forces has helped me a little bit. Obviously I still can't understand people giving up their individuality to follow orders which may or may not be right. But at least the UK forces are doing their job well and showing some level of respect to their allies, enemies and the civilians.

Example: UK troops patrolling towns in So. Iraq have been told to take off their helmets and replace them with berets for a friendlier look. They are seen helping Iraqi people to some extent.

I've seen and read so much shit the US army has done over the past few weeks its ridiculous. In the past few days they've shot up a British tank, killing one and injuring others (UK tank guys described US shooter as a 'Cowboy'), they've shot up a bus full of Iraqis then claimed there was a minor link to the Rep. Guard (not proven), then they shoot up a car with a whole family in it because someone didn't fire the warning shot on time.

Dunno about you but I think a LOT of those US troops have gone in with that Yankee Doodle Dickhead attitude, don't give a shit about the UK allies (despite what Falsehood Rumsfield says with his fake sentiment), couldn't care less about Iraqi civilians, and would be just as happy to shoot up their POWs if they had the chance. Cowboy is  a pretty fucking accurate description imo.

Comments? Intelligent ones only. People with nothing of conversational value to post need not reply.


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Re:Differences between US and UK troops...
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2003, 04:07:47 PM »
you should watch apocalypse now. kilgore.....


Re:Differences between US and UK troops...
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2003, 05:10:20 PM »

Comments? Intelligent ones only. People with nothing of conversational value to post need not reply.

How are people supposed to respond with Intelligent comments when 90% of what you typed was biased and one-sided.

1.) What does taking off helmets have to do with anything?
Here's a good reason not to take off your helmet:

British Royal Marine Eric Walderman from the 40 Commando dons Wednesday, March 26, 2003, the kevlar helmet which saved his life after it was hit by four bullets during a firefight in the southern Iraq port of Umm Qasr.

But hey, if it makes the Iraqi population feel better, I guess it's ok to loose some soldiers?

2.) About the Tank incident, This is WAR. Accidnens happen in war. Of course you're gonna have some guy calling American's "cowboys" after he was shot at by an American. How come you didn't mention the incident when a British Tank fired on another British tank killing 2 soldiers? Friendly fire is one of the realities of war.

3.) 4 Soldiers were killed in suicide bombing when a taxi drove up to a checkpoint. A car dosen't stop after firing a warning shot, what are you supposed to do? Let it come to you and hope it's not carrying a bomb? Once again, this is a war. I'm sorry that it's not nice and peachy, but in a war, you care about your own first.

4.) Your next paragraph is just slander, no real reason to reply to it...

What I'm wondering is why you don't create topics on how the American POW's were tortured by the Iraqi's? How about the Iraqi's firing on their own civilians as they try to leave Iraq? How about Iraqi Soldiers dressing as civilians then shooting soldiers after they fake a surrender?  What about the years of opression from the Saddam Regime?
« Last Edit: April 01, 2003, 05:21:44 PM by Engel-Rock AKA Dances With Bitch »

Don Jacob

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Re:Differences between US and UK troops...
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2003, 08:20:03 PM »

Comments? Intelligent ones only. People with nothing of conversational value to post need not reply.

How come you didn't mention the incident when a British Tank fired on another British tank killing 2 soldiers? Friendly fire is one of the

exactly........i see shit on the TV everyday about the screw ups of UK as well but you don't see me parading around the board  like a dick head saying ha ha the us troops are better neener neener neener, oh nevermind your response saying america[bush] is controlling this war, well by your logic we're controlling your soldiers then, never mind our soldiers are more trained (fact) more skilled (fact) more equipped (fact)

it's obvious your drawing your conclusions from a bias source because even though the US is using more soldiers in this war, the UK has screwed up just as much

now i respect both platoons the same but don't put your shit on a pedistool

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


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Re:Differences between US and UK troops...
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2003, 09:51:52 PM »
exactly........i see shit on the TV everyday about the screw ups of UK as well but you don't see me parading around the board  like a dick head saying ha ha the us troops are better neener neener neener, oh nevermind your response saying america[bush] is controlling this war, well by your logic we're controlling your soldiers then, never mind our soldiers are more trained (fact) more skilled (fact) more equipped (fact)

it's obvious your drawing your conclusions from a bias source because even though the US is using more soldiers in this war, the UK has screwed up just as much

now i respect both platoons the same but don't put your shit on a pedistool

Better trained? The US accepts British troops are better trained.

Better skilled? The US accepts British troops are given a wider training programme than American troops.

Better equipped? Surely you're not saying that because there are more US troops, that makes them better equipped? Man for man, they are equipped with more or less the same equipment. The Challenger II and the M1A2 are equal tanks; the American rifles are suually better, but UK recon vehicles are also usually superior to their allies.

Your post was even more bias than Kaidy's.

Don Jacob

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Re:Differences between US and UK troops...
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2003, 10:12:31 PM »
so you saw the irony right ;)

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


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Re:Differences between US and UK troops...
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2003, 10:20:33 PM »
so you saw the irony right ;)

Partially. But us Americans can be very self-righteous, and I wouldn't have been at all surprised if you had been serious.


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Re:Differences between US and UK troops...
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2003, 11:34:27 PM »
nevermind your response saying america[bush] is controlling this war, well by your logic we're controlling your soldiers then

Damn right. The US is controlling UK soldiers. The US is running this war, as soon as Saddam capitulates they'll get the fuck out of Dodge and leave all the dirty work for the UK and the UN. The UN haha (you saw the irony right? probably not). And as for your (facts) - They're not facts you just made them up.

And no Im not saying this about soldiers because I got it from a biased source and I'm trying to say England is great. To be honest I don't give a shit about any soldiers and I'm certainly not a patriotic nationalistic xenophobe. i'm saying that from evidence form the past 2 days, as reported on various news programmes and news sources, it seems to me there are drastic differences in the mentality of the two forces.

1. You missed my point. I didnt say soldiers should take off helmets during battle. The point was UK troops seem to be making a general effort to appear as friendly to the Iraqi people. After all, they are there to liberate the people right? Its things like this that will help the people to not despise the coalition forces as this goes on.

2. Yes theres been a lot of friendly fire. Point was theres been more of it by Americans on British. Some that spring to mind were a US missile shooting down a UK plane, and US soldiers killing a group of English journalists.  Trigger happy

3. Point was the warning shot was not fired in time. I understand suicide bombers are a threat, but that doesn't mean you can shoot up any old car you think is going too fast. The Iraqi civilians cannot all read the signs at checkpoints.

Aight whos next


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Re:Differences between US and UK troops...
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2003, 11:44:40 PM »
BTW this isnt an attack on Americans by a Brit like Jake is trying to say. I haven't got any love for either government. It's an informed opinion by someone with no blind national loyalty to any country.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2003, 11:46:37 PM by Kaidy »


Re:Differences between US and UK troops...
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2003, 01:31:13 AM »
1. You missed my point. I didnt say soldiers should take off helmets during battle. The point was UK troops seem to be making a general effort to appear as friendly to the Iraqi people. After all, they are there to liberate the people right? Its things like this that will help the people to not despise the coalition forces as this goes on.
So the Mines that have been cleared in the port of Umm Qasr so that American humatarian aide could arrive isn't making friendly effort? Liberating a people isn't a friendly effort? Giving MRE's to families fleeing Iraq isn't a friendly effort? You missed my point.

2. Yes theres been a lot of friendly fire. Point was theres been more of it by Americans on British. Some that spring to mind were a US missile shooting down a UK plane, and US soldiers killing a group of English journalists.  Trigger happy
Trigger happy? This is WAR. I'm sorry it dosen't fit your "politically correct" image of what war should be like, but deal with it. Accidents will happen. American's will do everything in their power to try and make sure they don't. I'd rather have my soldiers be "Trigger Happy" than get blown up by a suicide bomber.

3. Point was the warning shot was not fired in time. I understand suicide bombers are a threat, but that doesn't mean you can shoot up any old car you think is going too fast. The Iraqi civilians cannot all read the signs at checkpoints.
Once again, I wasn't there and don't know exactally what happend. You seem to put more trust in the media to report the facts than I do. I will wait for the full story before jumping to any conculsions. If the media is correct, then you should expect an inquiry into the incident and severe repremands if what is reported is true.

Aight whos next
Please don't try and blow me off...
How come you didn't answer my question on the Iraqi's actions?
Why don't you hold everybody involved in this confilct to the same moral standard as you hold the American's to?


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Re:Differences between US and UK troops...
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2003, 05:36:11 AM »
Aight Engel I'm sorry for that, let me try and answer everything you brought up.

1. Okay Umm Qasr. Lot of interesting points here. First, British troops have been clearing a lot of those mines for the Americans and doing the same in other regions. Not ALL British, but i've seen a lot of reports that have said something along the lines of 'British troops have cleared the area in preparation for US forces to go in'. I've seen that on pentagon briefings too. Second, the port of Umm Qasr has apparently already been sold to a multinational corporation, which is why they were able to bring aid in so quick.

I wasn't saying the whole US army are assholes and the whole British are splendid chaps, but I'm saying a general mentality is being projected.

2. By your logic it would be okay to carpet bomb the whole of Baghdad and maybe Iraq too. Sure accidents happen, but they seem to happen a lot more from the US troops. Friendly fire has killed more allied soldiers than the Iraq army have. All the money they spend on these high tech weapons, they should be spending on better training its troops.

Many hawks say that liberating Iraqi people is the ultimate goal. If they care so much about the people, don't you think they could wait those few seconds to confirm who is driving what. This was a family with 3 or 4 kids in that particular incident. Also, there has only been one reported suicide bomb (that I've seen, maybe a couple more, you tell me). Thats not reason to think every car that passes through the checkpoints is rigged up. Its sort of like saying every Muslim is a terrorist, which seems to be a common perception among the uneducated.

3. I got the information from the news, but the US army had given permission to release the written transcript of what happened. Thats an interesting point you bring up about being reprimanded. If the shoe was on the other foot the Iraqi generals would be sentenced for war crimes. Those US soldiers will most likely get a very minimal punishment.

And okay I feel you, I don't make posts about the evils of the Iraqi army, but dont we have enough people that do that here already, including yourself? Just because I'm presenting the other side, don't think I don't care or ignore what Iraq has done. I've never said i was supporting Iraq or Saddam, but I said from the start that this war was bullshit, so its a natural instinct to talk about every bit of evidence that backs me up.

And yes I hold everyone in the same moral regard. I still disagree with British troops being there and I'm not saying they're perfect at all, but the point was to show how it seems the US army could be handling things better.


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Re:Differences between US and UK troops...
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2003, 12:45:49 PM »

^^^^^ HAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA^^^^^....... ;D ;D ;D
MC Mass,' Great Persia and the T Dot Squad:

Prince Tech
till the day when skies turn black and red water covers the lake/
Great King Kourosh sleep well, cuz all of us IRANIANS are still awake/