Author Topic: Is The Earth Actually Flat?  (Read 5216 times)


Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2015, 07:13:06 AM »
Always been a huge fan of the Discworld novels.

Hi Fraxxx nice to see you back.
Is merkel still given you headache?  :)

What's up, Aladin! Never really got time to visit DubCC regularly these days. This last year bullshit politics are fuckin out of control. Way too much shit going on for one post. I'd rather leave it at that and go watch tenths of thousands of people in eastern Germany rise up against islamization when they have about 0,4% foreigners where they live...

It's still Fuck Religion, though. ;D

Well it's the Jew agenda to kill off the white race my friend. Most whites are brainwashed to believe this insane influx of non-whites into white countries is a natural and beautiful thing. LMFAO.

That is why muslims are being ushered into Europe, and why Mexicans are being pumped into the US by the thousands. No more borders.

Unfortunately white people have accepted that every one else is allowed to want their culture, but if white people do, you're ignorant and racist.

"tenths of thousands of people in eastern Germany rising up against islamization when they have about 0,4% foreigners where they live"

This is what I pointed out being ridiculous and that's a fact. Bad immigration politics on purpose or not is simply a different topic, often confused, unfortunately. Many of the people attending these demonstrations never even seen foreigners besides the guy that runs their favorite Kebap joint. Just listen to them talking. Sorry, but I know a racist when I hear one.
They are so misguided, it's sad really. Simply a diversion of power. Watch the same fuckers vote Merkel into office again next election and defend fueling conflicts all over the world by selling weapons to everyone and participating in destabilizing Ukraine, the whole Middle East etc. as "good for our economy" (when it's always only the good of the few) or upholding democratic values and THEN complain about refugees.
If they want problems solved maybe they should take on the cause, not symptoms and scapegoats.
i don´t need any medicate shit im 100 normal.


  • Guest
Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2015, 07:54:37 AM »

It's the Jew agenda to kill off the white race my friend.

Really? Tell us more about it.

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2015, 08:49:48 AM »
Always been a huge fan of the Discworld novels.

Hi Fraxxx nice to see you back.
Is merkel still given you headache?  :)

What's up, Aladin! Never really got time to visit DubCC regularly these days. This last year bullshit politics are fuckin out of control. Way too much shit going on for one post. I'd rather leave it at that and go watch tenths of thousands of people in eastern Germany rise up against islamization when they have about 0,4% foreigners where they live...

It's still Fuck Religion, though. ;D

Well it's the Jew agenda to kill off the white race my friend. Most whites are brainwashed to believe this insane influx of non-whites into white countries is a natural and beautiful thing. LMFAO.

That is why muslims are being ushered into Europe, and why Mexicans are being pumped into the US by the thousands. No more borders.

Unfortunately white people have accepted that every one else is allowed to want their culture, but if white people do, you're ignorant and racist.

"tenths of thousands of people in eastern Germany rising up against islamization when they have about 0,4% foreigners where they live"

This is what I pointed out being ridiculous and that's a fact. Bad immigration politics on purpose or not is simply a different topic, often confused, unfortunately. Many of the people attending these demonstrations never even seen foreigners besides the guy that runs their favorite Kebap joint. Just listen to them talking. Sorry, but I know a racist when I hear one.
They are so misguided, it's sad really. Simply a diversion of power. Watch the same fuckers vote Merkel into office again next election and defend fueling conflicts all over the world by selling weapons to everyone and participating in destabilizing Ukraine, the whole Middle East etc. as "good for our economy" (when it's always only the good of the few) or upholding democratic values and THEN complain about refugees.
If they want problems solved maybe they should take on the cause, not symptoms and scapegoats.

Good points, and I agree. The media also chooses to focus on race rather than those real issues you mentioned.

Why? Because it separates the populace and keeps them fighting each other rather than the real culprits.

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2015, 08:54:55 AM »

It's the Jew agenda to kill off the white race my friend.

Really? Tell us more about it.

It's 2,000+ years old. The Jews hated Jesus and of course Christianity.

Go read the Talmud if you want an example of their outright contempt for the Goyim. Read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion too.

It is spelled out very explicitly.


Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2015, 08:56:23 AM »
Always been a huge fan of the Discworld novels.

Hi Fraxxx nice to see you back.
Is merkel still given you headache?  :)

What's up, Aladin! Never really got time to visit DubCC regularly these days. This last year bullshit politics are fuckin out of control. Way too much shit going on for one post. I'd rather leave it at that and go watch tenths of thousands of people in eastern Germany rise up against islamization when they have about 0,4% foreigners where they live...

It's still Fuck Religion, though. ;D

Well it's the Jew agenda to kill off the white race my friend.

u lost me there brobro


Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2015, 08:57:38 AM »

It's the Jew agenda to kill off the white race my friend.

Really? Tell us more about it.

It's 2,000+ years old. The Jews hated Jesus and of course Christianity.

Go read the Talmud if you want an example of their outright contempt for the Goyim. Read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion too.

It is spelled out very explicitly.

jesus was a jew lol.....ur theory on this one is off

talmud is a separate teaching of judaism...the old testament says to respect all creatures of God.

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2015, 09:22:07 AM »

It's the Jew agenda to kill off the white race my friend.

Really? Tell us more about it.

It's 2,000+ years old. The Jews hated Jesus and of course Christianity.

Go read the Talmud if you want an example of their outright contempt for the Goyim. Read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion too.

It is spelled out very explicitly.

jesus was a jew lol.....ur theory on this one is off

talmud is a separate teaching of judaism...the old testament says to respect all creatures of God.

Lol certainly a lie to control Christians. Many Christians are brainwashed to have unadulterated support for Israel. The Jews control the Vatican.

When I speak of Jews, I'm referring to the Khazar/Ukranian satanists who masquerade as Jews, and who are at the top of the pyramid.

They are not Semites.

Were you not taught that Jews are Gods chosen people? This is a friendly way of saying that all non Jews are beneath them.

The Torah is a good book for the basic Jew. The higher ups in blood lines etc adhere to the Talmud (which is essentially a collection of rabbinic teachings over the last couple millennia. They are the bloodline of Cain and they believe their mission is to prepare the world for Satans return, ie one world system.

This may seem very funny, but it is very serious as they have pushed their plans for centuries and it is coming to pass more every day.

Even if one doesn't believe that, make no mistake, they ABSOLUTELY believe this prophecy to be true and are DEAD serious about it.


  • Guest
Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2015, 09:28:01 AM »

When I speak of Jews, I'm referring to the Khazar/Ukranian satanists who masquerade as Jews, and who are at the top of the pyramid.

So when you speak about Jews you are not speaking about Jews...

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2015, 09:35:06 AM »

When I speak of Jews, I'm referring to the Khazar/Ukranian satanists who masquerade as Jews, and who are at the top of the pyramid.

So when you speak about Jews you are not speaking about Jews...

Well put.  Those in power are so clever you can't even properly say who they are without a huge explanation. They are masters at hiding their identity. They have made it extremely difficult to "know your enemy" and therefore do anything about it.

A very very clever and manipulating group they are.


Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2015, 09:36:50 AM »

It's the Jew agenda to kill off the white race my friend.

Really? Tell us more about it.

It's 2,000+ years old. The Jews hated Jesus and of course Christianity.

Go read the Talmud if you want an example of their outright contempt for the Goyim. Read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion too.

It is spelled out very explicitly.

jesus was a jew lol.....ur theory on this one is off

talmud is a separate teaching of judaism...the old testament says to respect all creatures of God.

Lol certainly a lie to control Christians. Many Christians are brainwashed to have unadulterated support for Israel. The Jews control the Vatican.

When I speak of Jews, I'm referring to the Khazar/Ukranian satanists who masquerade as Jews, and who are at the top of the pyramid.

They are not Semites.

Were you not taught that Jews are Gods chosen people? This is a friendly way of saying that all non Jews are beneath them.

The Torah is a good book for the basic Jew. The higher ups in blood lines etc adhere to the Talmud (which is essentially a collection of rabbinic teachings over the last couple millennia. They are the bloodline of Cain and they believe their mission is to prepare the world for Satans return, ie one world system.

This may seem very funny, but it is very serious as they have pushed their plans for centuries and it is coming to pass more every day.

Even if one doesn't believe that, make no mistake, they ABSOLUTELY believe this prophecy to be true and are DEAD serious about it.

a lie to control christians? jesus wasnt a jew who started dabblin in some other shit n got fucked for it??

and yes, we are considered God's chosen people...moses, abraham, aaron, noah, etc. etc....what religion were they? please do tell.

but then again, every religion considers themselves the right youre off base n flat out reachin wit this 1. especially if u just say "jew" as opposed to "fraudelant jew".

i go to a temple ran by my great uncle and the teachings are 100% pure and genuine. nothin "satanic" or "evil" or any of that other bullshit you speakin on, just clear cut life lessons that are pretty damn practical...but then again, were real israeli jews, not american reformed or any of that other bs, so u may have a point there.

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2015, 09:46:35 AM »

It's the Jew agenda to kill off the white race my friend.

Really? Tell us more about it.

It's 2,000+ years old. The Jews hated Jesus and of course Christianity.

Go read the Talmud if you want an example of their outright contempt for the Goyim. Read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion too.

It is spelled out very explicitly.

jesus was a jew lol.....ur theory on this one is off

talmud is a separate teaching of judaism...the old testament says to respect all creatures of God.

Lol certainly a lie to control Christians. Many Christians are brainwashed to have unadulterated support for Israel. The Jews control the Vatican.

When I speak of Jews, I'm referring to the Khazar/Ukranian satanists who masquerade as Jews, and who are at the top of the pyramid.

They are not Semites.

Were you not taught that Jews are Gods chosen people? This is a friendly way of saying that all non Jews are beneath them.

The Torah is a good book for the basic Jew. The higher ups in blood lines etc adhere to the Talmud (which is essentially a collection of rabbinic teachings over the last couple millennia. They are the bloodline of Cain and they believe their mission is to prepare the world for Satans return, ie one world system.

This may seem very funny, but it is very serious as they have pushed their plans for centuries and it is coming to pass more every day.

Even if one doesn't believe that, make no mistake, they ABSOLUTELY believe this prophecy to be true and are DEAD serious about it.

a lie to control christians? jesus wasnt a jew who started dabblin in some other shit n got fucked for it??

and yes, we are considered God's chosen people...moses, abraham, aaron, noah, etc. etc....what religion were they? please do tell.

but then again, every religion considers themselves the right youre off base n flat out reachin wit this 1. especially if u just say "jew" as opposed to "fraudelant jew".

i go to a temple ran by my great uncle and the teachings are 100% pure and genuine. nothin "satanic" or "evil" or any of that other bullshit you speakin on, just clear cut life lessons that are pretty damn practical...but then again, were real israeli jews, not american reformed or any of that other bs, so u may have a point there.

I'm sure your uncle is a good guy. I'm talking about the higher ups my friend. Not your local rabbi.

Are you familiar with the Kabbalah? Jewish mysticism? That's all black magic.

The Jews hated Jesus because he fought against their satanic ways. Those bloodlines absolutely despise Jesus to this day and want to eradicate Christianity.

I've given examples of this, it's up to you to investigate or not. If you are firm in your beliefs, that's up to you.

The chosen people of God aka The Jews in power today are the most murderous and deceitful people on the planet. They're God's chosen people all right, and their God is Satan.

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #26 on: January 24, 2015, 09:47:55 AM »
Also, back on topic real quick. I'm having trouble posting the pic, but look at the United Nations logo.

It's of flat earth. Hiding in plain site.


Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #27 on: January 24, 2015, 09:55:40 AM »

It's the Jew agenda to kill off the white race my friend.

Really? Tell us more about it.

It's 2,000+ years old. The Jews hated Jesus and of course Christianity.

Go read the Talmud if you want an example of their outright contempt for the Goyim. Read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion too.

It is spelled out very explicitly.

jesus was a jew lol.....ur theory on this one is off

talmud is a separate teaching of judaism...the old testament says to respect all creatures of God.

Lol certainly a lie to control Christians. Many Christians are brainwashed to have unadulterated support for Israel. The Jews control the Vatican.

When I speak of Jews, I'm referring to the Khazar/Ukranian satanists who masquerade as Jews, and who are at the top of the pyramid.

They are not Semites.

Were you not taught that Jews are Gods chosen people? This is a friendly way of saying that all non Jews are beneath them.

The Torah is a good book for the basic Jew. The higher ups in blood lines etc adhere to the Talmud (which is essentially a collection of rabbinic teachings over the last couple millennia. They are the bloodline of Cain and they believe their mission is to prepare the world for Satans return, ie one world system.

This may seem very funny, but it is very serious as they have pushed their plans for centuries and it is coming to pass more every day.

Even if one doesn't believe that, make no mistake, they ABSOLUTELY believe this prophecy to be true and are DEAD serious about it.

a lie to control christians? jesus wasnt a jew who started dabblin in some other shit n got fucked for it??

and yes, we are considered God's chosen people...moses, abraham, aaron, noah, etc. etc....what religion were they? please do tell.

but then again, every religion considers themselves the right youre off base n flat out reachin wit this 1. especially if u just say "jew" as opposed to "fraudelant jew".

i go to a temple ran by my great uncle and the teachings are 100% pure and genuine. nothin "satanic" or "evil" or any of that other bullshit you speakin on, just clear cut life lessons that are pretty damn practical...but then again, were real israeli jews, not american reformed or any of that other bs, so u may have a point there.

I'm sure your uncle is a good guy. I'm talking about the higher ups my friend. Not your local rabbi.

Are you familiar with the Kabbalah? Jewish mysticism? That's all black magic.

The Jews hated Jesus because he fought against their satanic ways. Those bloodlines absolutely despise Jesus to this day and want to eradicate Christianity.

I've given examples of this, it's up to you to investigate or not. If you are firm in your beliefs, that's up to you.

The chosen people of God aka The Jews in power today are the most murderous and deceitful people on the planet. They're God's chosen people all right, and their God is Satan.

jesus was doin "magic" n shit and u sayin the jews were the evil ones....LOL

i only practice the old's a good book

and dont say jews...say "perpetrators"

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2015, 10:16:16 AM »
After the Bar Kokhba revolt of 135 AD, Emperor Hadrian cleared the Holy Land of all Jews–both real and fake....The real Jews either believed in the Jewish Messiah and became Christians or disappeared from history forever. The Babylonian Jews moved to Hispania and renamed it Sepharad. From that time onward they always referred to themselves as "Jews" . . . and never as Samaritans.

Jesus said:

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9).

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee (Revelation 3:9).

St. Paul–a Hebrew of the Hebrews–gave the following definition of a Jew:

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God (Romans 2:28-29).

Most people who call themselves "Jews" today to not meet the Bible criterion of being a Jew. Therefore they must be LIARS and JEHOVAH promised that no liars would enter the Kingdom of Heaven:

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie (Revelation 22:15)


  • Guest
Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2015, 10:18:49 AM »
The whole enemy mentality is futile, you end up imprisoning your soul and mind focusing your energy that way.

Here is what Yeshua answered when asked what the most important commandment was:

"Rabbi, which of the mitzvot in the Torah is the most important?"
He told him, "`You are to love YHWH your G_d with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.'
This is the greatest and most important mitzvah.
And a second is similar to it, `You are to love your neighbor as yourself".
