Author Topic: Is The Earth Actually Flat?  (Read 5217 times)

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2015, 11:59:53 AM »
The whole enemy mentality is futile, you end up imprisoning your soul and mind focusing your energy that way.

Here is what Yeshua answered when asked what the most important commandment was:

"Rabbi, which of the mitzvot in the Torah is the most important?"
He told him, "`You are to love YHWH your G_d with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.'
This is the greatest and most important mitzvah.
And a second is similar to it, `You are to love your neighbor as yourself".


I agree that it is futile, and at the end of the day living righteous and with integrity is all one needs to really do.

I enjoy studying and trying to make sense of the world. It's one of my favorite things to do when I have the time.


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Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2015, 12:40:09 PM »
Since you enjoy studying, here is a book for you:

The Duties of the Heart by Rabbi Bachye



Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2015, 12:41:40 PM »
Since you enjoy studying, here is a book for you:

The Duties of the Heart by Rabbi Bachye


read this n holla at me Jome

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #33 on: January 24, 2015, 02:07:23 PM »
Since you enjoy studying, here is a book for you:

The Duties of the Heart by Rabbi Bachye


read this n holla at me Jome

Lol how about you read  it and and holla at me. And read the Talmud and Protcols while you're at it.

Also, read the The Project for a New American Century. Authored by Dov Zakheim in the late 90's, a satanist Jew who was part of the Bush administration (much higher ranking that GWB). Holla at me on that too.

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #34 on: January 24, 2015, 02:07:44 PM »
Since you enjoy studying, here is a book for you:

The Duties of the Heart by Rabbi Bachye




Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #35 on: January 24, 2015, 03:04:18 PM »
Since you enjoy studying, here is a book for you:

The Duties of the Heart by Rabbi Bachye


read this n holla at me Jome

Lol how about you read  it and and holla at me. And read the Talmud and Protcols while you're at it.

Also, read the The Project for a New American Century. Authored by Dov Zakheim in the late 90's, a satanist Jew who was part of the Bush administration (much higher ranking that GWB). Holla at me on that too.

U seem to be misinformed about the true purpose of Judaism..I don't want to read the Talmud because that's just a HUMAN interpretation. But I do follow the Torah 100.


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Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #36 on: January 24, 2015, 03:23:35 PM »
I enjoy reading human interpretations/commentary of the Torah and other religious scriptures, often they are by people that have devoted themselves to understand them spiritually.
Sometimes it brings clarity and awareness to something I am supposed to learn/understand.
But in the end they are no authority.

Desert Lord

Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #37 on: January 24, 2015, 06:24:39 PM »
holy fucking shit!!!
so much bullshit in this thread it's not even funny


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Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2015, 12:21:54 AM »
holy fucking shit!!!
so much bullshit in this thread it's not even funny

Please point out what you feel is bullshit or else your post is pointless.

Desert Lord

Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #39 on: January 25, 2015, 04:35:30 AM »
ok, you actually right, thought it would be obvious what i mean but i guess with no explanation it's not.

first off: the protocols of the elders of zion was confirmed to be a fake a long time ago...i know he would answer it was falsely confirmed to be a fake because of propaganda of "the jews"
and then all this bullshit with "the jews" wants the white race to be killed. lol. it's just speaks for it self that someone who believes in something like that has a very ignorant, "black & white with no grey in between" world view, despite always complaining to be one of the only people in this world that understand reallity to the fullest. i know how these people argue/think.

it's alway good to pick your information from different sources, because there's lobbyists in every part of the media and nobody should be suprised by this. but some people not only take it way to far. they even do exact the same thing that they accuse the "other" people with: they believe everything they read in there "alternative" information sources without even thinking twice about it.
and it's true that history is written by the winners, so it is good to not believe everything that history books will tell you. but you got to do a lot of self study to find out for yourself which sources you can take for granted. to believe everything that is as much notwithstanding from the popular believe as it gets it's just as stupid as the other way around..if not, even much more stupid!
there are no satanic conspiracy by the world's elite! these few people (the elites) believe in money and power, which will not make them less evil, but don't fool your self and believe in such fairy tales. and although there are some elites that try to take influence on thhe world for their own good (often they are successful with it), they are lobbyists within "the system", they really got power and influence but to believe that these people do all of this for their savior satan is just stupid, sorry!

and all these conspiracys about jews are so old, that it makes me wonder how anyone can still believe in such a bullshit in 2015. there are some jews with a lot of money and power in the world so the conclusion for a few people is that these people must have made a conspiracy against "the white race" or all non-jews. smh

i know my english isn't the best but i hope that everybody can get my point
« Last Edit: January 25, 2015, 04:40:48 AM by Funk Lord »


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Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #40 on: January 25, 2015, 05:59:51 AM »
Thank you for clarifying your post M.
I agree with some of your points but would perhaps word myself differently.

You are Roma right?
For many years I have had a strong feeling that Roma are Israelites (one of the lost tribes).
I have not researched this in depth but maybe you can share your thoughts/knowledge on this?

Desert Lord

Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #41 on: January 25, 2015, 07:32:20 AM »
Thank you for clarifying your post M.
I agree with some of your points but would perhaps word myself differently.

You are Roma right?
For many years I have had a strong feeling that Roma are Israelites (one of the lost tribes).
I have not researched this in depth but maybe you can share your thoughts/knowledge on this?

yes i know what you mean with you would word yourself differently, you should always be able to have a constructive debate with someone who have a different point of view, but sometimes there are some opinions that are so confused and racist that i feel it would make no sense to be absolutely diplomatic no more.

yes i'm partly roma...there are many theories about the origins of the sinti and roma, but not none of them is scientifically proven. it is proven that romani language is related to indian languages..the forefathers probably came from the indian sub-continent. but at the end of the day it's not known where they came before this. and language is not always a proof for the origins of a tribe. i personally think that they always was a minority and maybe came from another place before the moved to india and took the language of their surroundings after some time. also they have genetics from different races because of their history of migration. of course roma doesn't look indian and got big cultural differences so the original origins are just speculation.
never heard about a israli origin but that might also be a possibility, who knows...maybe the forefathers came from there and moved to india back in the days, or they started from there and intermixed themself with some other tribes they met on their way.
i also think that there is a relation to turk/mongol tribes..



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Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2015, 08:25:07 AM »
After I posted my question to you I did a search and found this website:

Myths, Hypotheses and Facts
Concerning the Origin of Peoples
The True Origin of Roma and Sinti

Another section of the same website has an interesting comparison chart:

Comparison of Romany Law
with Israelite Law and Indo-Aryan Traditions


I have only skimmed through it but the author seems to have done some good research into it.
Maybe this should be a separate thread...


Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #43 on: January 25, 2015, 09:09:35 AM »
ok, you actually right, thought it would be obvious what i mean but i guess with no explanation it's not.

first off: the protocols of the elders of zion was confirmed to be a fake a long time ago...i know he would answer it was falsely confirmed to be a fake because of propaganda of "the jews"
and then all this bullshit with "the jews" wants the white race to be killed. lol. it's just speaks for it self that someone who believes in something like that has a very ignorant, "black & white with no grey in between" world view, despite always complaining to be one of the only people in this world that understand reallity to the fullest. i know how these people argue/think.

it's alway good to pick your information from different sources, because there's lobbyists in every part of the media and nobody should be suprised by this. but some people not only take it way to far. they even do exact the same thing that they accuse the "other" people with: they believe everything they read in there "alternative" information sources without even thinking twice about it.
and it's true that history is written by the winners, so it is good to not believe everything that history books will tell you. but you got to do a lot of self study to find out for yourself which sources you can take for granted. to believe everything that is as much notwithstanding from the popular believe as it gets it's just as stupid as the other way around..if not, even much more stupid!
there are no satanic conspiracy by the world's elite! these few people (the elites) believe in money and power, which will not make them less evil, but don't fool your self and believe in such fairy tales. and although there are some elites that try to take influence on thhe world for their own good (often they are successful with it), they are lobbyists within "the system", they really got power and influence but to believe that these people do all of this for their savior satan is just stupid, sorry!

and all these conspiracys about jews are so old, that it makes me wonder how anyone can still believe in such a bullshit in 2015. there are some jews with a lot of money and power in the world so the conclusion for a few people is that these people must have made a conspiracy against "the white race" or all non-jews. smh

i know my english isn't the best but i hope that everybody can get my point

Lol at the protocols being faked. Yeah must have been someone real bored and of course the sweet little innocent Jew is unfairly victimized once again. Nevermind that they've been kicked out of probably over 100 countries in the last 1500 years. They just have the darndest luck.

So is the Talmud fake too? More anti-Jew propaganda right?

You make many baseless assumptions in your post; many of which i said nothing about.

I can assure you I have read many different points of view on a very wide variety of subjects. I'm probably one of the most open minded people you'll meet, and I'm always open to admitting to be wrong when presented with proof.

It is illegal/an arrestable offense in some Euro countries to say that less than 6 mill Jews died in the Holocaust. Any basic research will show you that it was completely impossible for that amount of people to have been killed. Why is it illegal to QUESTION that? I'll let you answer that for me.

When presented with these facts, Jews like the ADL's Abe Foxman doesn't deny any of it! They simply label you anti-Semitic! Re-read those 2 sentences again.

Do you think Foxman is a Semite? LMAO, homeboy is Eastern European.


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Re: Is The Earth Actually Flat?
« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2015, 10:50:43 AM »

I'm probably one of the most open minded people you'll meet.

Then you shouldn't have to declare it.