Author Topic: Simulation theory  (Read 1700 times)


Re: Simulation theory
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2015, 03:39:08 AM »
very intereting.

i would postulate that this 'reality' is not what it seems and our science is nowhere close to figuring things out. at least as far as what we can currently see and measure being only a small fraction of universe. my understanding is that it's more like a dream than a simulation - ie our experience of it is very much intertwined with it's 'existence' as opposed to being something external that's being run by a machine etc. having said that, it does seem like there are rules and that's where the whole matrix analogy makes sense.

but how do you find out what the rules are? that seems to be where the quantum leap from current thinking will be required, to look inward at the human experience and the minds potential instead of out to the stars. right now a lot of very real stuff is chalked up as metaphysical gobbledygook and paranormal quackery because there's no realiable way to see it, measure it, etc. my experiences are telling me that people already figured the rules out long ago and the means of polishing your magnifying lens to get a deeper sense of things is the proof. it's actually crazy obvious how much of the physical plane is based off 'other stuff' as opposed to vice-versa when you start doing deeper healing work. but it's a giant inconvenient truth and normally only tanigble with some type of quantum experience in the first place.

I like your thinking. I had a spiritual awakening a few years ago, but I decided to not go deeper on that path, as I felt alone in that situation, with something that I just couldn't handle. I felt vulnerable. I'm not sure how to word it correctly (not a native english speaker), but from the small glimpse of ''truth'' I perceived from everyday situations, I saw that everything is deeply interwined. The world around us speaks to us everyday, sometimes it's subtle, sometimes it's almost overwhelming. As you said, we don't have to reach for the stars to ''get'' this.

The idea of a simulation is interesting because it is probable. It's rationnal.

I have had this awakening too. You will on occasions have this full body vibrational experience from time to time (the same as how you get a shiver on your back) but over your entire body, as if your body gets a spiritual re-charge. Lucid dreams will be more common, you will have a few astral projections, or out of body experiences and you see through manipulation and lies on 'earth' a hell of a lot easier than before. Semi success appears to come through too through positive thinking that comes following spiritual awakening. 1 - 2 years after my awakening, I was able to 'escape' a job where I missed my family 85% of my time, to one where I was working from home, double pay, company car and far more freedom / flexibility. So work therefore became a 'happier' part of my life too, as well as more rewarding financially.

Being open minded to all kinds of theories out there - holographic universe, glass sky earth, hollow earth, thought forming, energy fields and any others all appear to have merit.

Good to see you 2 guys on this path. I see Heinz in this too to provide some very good content in this kind of discussion. Very reassuring, especially for a 'Hip Hop' forum. Music plays an important role, and from when I was a child, melodies always sparked my curiosity and interest and always found greater preferences towards more soulful, jazz-like music for the melodies, or rappers with deep political / world views. I don't know what your eating habbits are like, but ever since I've been on this path, I've been consuming more whole foods, more organic, less dairy and meats, and drinking clean water free from fluoride, metals, copper from piping etc. (berkey water system) as the pineal gland activation and exercise is crucial IMO for maintaining free thought, and awareness.

Be interested to hear your thoughts

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Re: Simulation theory
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2015, 05:27:49 AM »
very intereting.

i would postulate that this 'reality' is not what it seems and our science is nowhere close to figuring things out. at least as far as what we can currently see and measure being only a small fraction of universe. my understanding is that it's more like a dream than a simulation - ie our experience of it is very much intertwined with it's 'existence' as opposed to being something external that's being run by a machine etc. having said that, it does seem like there are rules and that's where the whole matrix analogy makes sense.

but how do you find out what the rules are? that seems to be where the quantum leap from current thinking will be required, to look inward at the human experience and the minds potential instead of out to the stars. right now a lot of very real stuff is chalked up as metaphysical gobbledygook and paranormal quackery because there's no realiable way to see it, measure it, etc. my experiences are telling me that people already figured the rules out long ago and the means of polishing your magnifying lens to get a deeper sense of things is the proof. it's actually crazy obvious how much of the physical plane is based off 'other stuff' as opposed to vice-versa when you start doing deeper healing work. but it's a giant inconvenient truth and normally only tanigble with some type of quantum experience in the first place.

I like your thinking. I had a spiritual awakening a few years ago, but I decided to not go deeper on that path, as I felt alone in that situation, with something that I just couldn't handle. I felt vulnerable. I'm not sure how to word it correctly (not a native english speaker), but from the small glimpse of ''truth'' I perceived from everyday situations, I saw that everything is deeply interwined. The world around us speaks to us everyday, sometimes it's subtle, sometimes it's almost overwhelming. As you said, we don't have to reach for the stars to ''get'' this.

The idea of a simulation is interesting because it is probable. It's rationnal.

I have had this awakening too. You will on occasions have this full body vibrational experience from time to time (the same as how you get a shiver on your back) but over your entire body, as if your body gets a spiritual re-charge. Lucid dreams will be more common, you will have a few astral projections, or out of body experiences and you see through manipulation and lies on 'earth' a hell of a lot easier than before. Semi success appears to come through too through positive thinking that comes following spiritual awakening. 1 - 2 years after my awakening, I was able to 'escape' a job where I missed my family 85% of my time, to one where I was working from home, double pay, company car and far more freedom / flexibility. So work therefore became a 'happier' part of my life too, as well as more rewarding financially.

Being open minded to all kinds of theories out there - holographic universe, glass sky earth, hollow earth, thought forming, energy fields and any others all appear to have merit.

Good to see you 2 guys on this path. I see Heinz in this too to provide some very good content in this kind of discussion. Very reassuring, especially for a 'Hip Hop' forum. Music plays an important role, and from when I was a child, melodies always sparked my curiosity and interest and always found greater preferences towards more soulful, jazz-like music for the melodies, or rappers with deep political / world views. I don't know what your eating habbits are like, but ever since I've been on this path, I've been consuming more whole foods, more organic, less dairy and meats, and drinking clean water free from fluoride, metals, copper from piping etc. (berkey water system) as the pineal gland activation and exercise is crucial IMO for maintaining free thought, and awareness.

Be interested to hear your thoughts


whats up man, personally i spent (and to be honest wasted) a lot of time looking at nutrition/cleansing before learning about dhamma and what's going on beyond meat & bones. alkalinity, superfoods, juicing, tonic herbalism - all that stuff, with an emphasis on the chinese medicine context. it's great i guess, but it's a lot, lot less important than people think. the condition of your mind trumps what you're eating many times over when it comes to being open and maintaining health. it's possible to do it in a balanced way, but any effort spent thinking or preparing food is ultimately detrimental if it's engaging the mind in a way where it could otherwise be rested - ie just grab something quick to eat instead of worrying about what it is. there's huge amounts of people being very aware of what their eating these days and it's mostly a net negative for them. it's all a big balancing act when it comes to our actions and their effects on our mind. and living a long time isn't much an indicator of anything either. it can be a side effect of being moderate, but it's a single factor in a much bigger picture.

having said that, there are considerations that tie in with the 'energy' stuff like sugary, creamy foods should be moderated because they overly stimulate lust/attachment energy. and as well as making you feel heavy, there is kamma associated with eating meat. my own diet is something along the lines of paleo with less meat, lots of eggs, fish but with plenty of greens (inc juicing) superfoods and tonic herbs on top. considering the condition of my mind (messy) and therefore less than optimal body functionality, i have a lot of energy. again it's a balancing act and diet is different for everyone depending on energetic constitution. the people who proscribe their diet as the ultimate totally miss the point there.

to give an idea in percentages, temperature and nutriment (ie the physical body) is meant to make up about a third of what we are. the rest is all kamma, or 'behind the scenes' energy or whatever people want to call it. start to actively tap into that and the effects on our organism are drastically stronger than having a 'perfect' diet. that's my 2cents i guess, i'm still at the stage where i'm overthinking food and keeping it clean etc. it's done a lot of good for me, but there will come a time to let that stuff go. working with the other stuff, the 'energy' that makes up our conditioning, made it obvious the food stuff doesn't even scratch the surface.

oh yeah your point about music and its relation to this stuff is really strong, totally agree. music is a transcendent experience in itself (the reason why it resonates with pretty much everyone) in the sense it bypasses the conventional mind and enters our awareness/heart directly 8) i was the same with it from a young age, particularly rhythm. there's always been something about rhythm that i connected with and it started pre-birth, if you can believe that, lol. my mum told me about how i'd react to certain rhythmic sounds/music (particularly this clock ticking theme on an afternoon game show) in the womb, bopping about in there :laugh: 8)

oh yeah and Burgs/Art of Meditation are now based in a retreat centre based in Southern France near the Spanish border, in the Pyrenees. so euros (or anyone) looking for some real teaching, it's more accessible than ever. i wouldn't try and freestyle with this spiritual energy stuff, it's way too powerful to get a handle on without proper guidance. everything starts falling into place real quick once you get a sense of how it all fits together and the mechanics at work.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 05:57:58 AM by Matty »


Re: Simulation theory
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2015, 05:42:08 PM »
Really enjoyed reading all that. although I still think that every spiritual experience is our own mind fucking with us (thanks a lot self-awareness).
i don´t need any medicate shit im 100 normal.


Re: Simulation theory
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2015, 08:01:42 PM »
Really enjoyed reading all that. although I still think that every spiritual experience is our own mind fucking with us (thanks a lot self-awareness).

there's something beyond the mind, a base of awareness where everything is arising from, total stillness. not really much i can add apart from you have to experience it, either by yourself or in my case have someone 'tune' you into it by bypassing the conventional mind. that's where the 'clear light' is. it's accessed through the heart base and everyone has that connection. your mind retreats from the body into it when you sleep, particularly in early REM cycles. also the mind can totally cease (the process that causes consciousness to appear through us in a snapshot like way - bhavanga/life-continuum) in deep states of absorption, but it takes a lot of refinement to get to that level of concentration.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 08:14:17 PM by Matty »