Author Topic: Beverly Johnson’s Former Manager Claims She Lied About Bill Cosby Accusations  (Read 770 times)


What's sad is that all it takes is one. Bill could have raped all those other girls, but once we find out one is lying then that one ruins it for all the others to get heard. Selfish.

bill dint rape no one, they tryna set him up

Here is the thing. I don't doubt that he didn't rape over 70% of them women. But I do think that because standards of what is rape was different then, what wouldn't be rape when it happened would be rape now. Like in the 70's, slip a girl something, it wasn't thought of anything wrong. In today's world, it's a crime. Even though technically it was a crime, no one enforced that shit then. So I have no problem believing Cosby did that shit. And I also believe that when he did it, most people would have thought nothing of it. So the question becomes what do you do?

bullshit, they just tryna get him

Why would anyone try to get Bill Cosby. The original women who came out didn't press charges because they didn't want money, just to let people know what happened to them 40 years ago, back when this stuff was overlooked. I have no problem believe it happened 40, 30 years ago. It just was what it was back then.

its not the women...theres someone bigger behind it. use ur mind.

Bill is closer to being dead than being a threat to anyone bigger. Man, you tripping. Plus Bill has a been a puppet for so long.

lol keep believing what the media tells u
Even though I mostly don't agree with what sccit says on this forum or another forum, he might just be right on this.  Here's what somebody on the internet posted a month or 2 ago.  Sometimes in life you just gotta put 2 and 2 together.