Author Topic: old shit not quite finished but i couldn't be bothered  (Read 697 times)


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old shit not quite finished but i couldn't be bothered
« on: March 24, 2015, 05:08:19 PM »
crassness abounds
i was lost but now i've found
a new inspiration
i hope it feeds a nation
so much suffering in the world
so much hate on display
so much intolerance
empty promises
feelin the weight of it everyday
not enough sympathy and empathy
people so quick to turn away
from what they find disturbing
just leaving people to suffer and live in pain
so much for love thy neighbour
instead their braking down the doors
cutting keys to appease their greed
but its all been done before
kidnapping and rape
standover tactics to keep their pockets fat
it's been this way since man walked through the gate
every cultures been corrupted
so many thrive on greed
taking anothers misery and nuturing it like a seed
like the pharoahs
the nazis
the dictators
that keep us entertained
with sufference and oppression
as if anothers loss will be our gain
every body wanna piece of the apple pie
so sweet it rots your teeth
i'd rather suffer than adopt their ways
you see that as defeat
but im not interested in your story of glory and luxury and riches for all
im thinkin bout those that didn't get the concept of having someone else take the fall
you got admirers of infamy doing time for crimes they didn't commit
and you laugh and say they deserve it
when you contribute to the shit
it's so easy to victimise people when thats all the potential that you see
something to be exploited in the name of profit and corruption and greed
two birds flew into the world trade centre
woke everybody up
think about what that represents
then think about how bush
he didn't give a fuck
3000 lives in exchange for a war that was all about protecting a commodity
but we allow ourselves to be misled and talk about war like its comedy
something that keeps us enthralled
when theirs actual people being exploited and defamed
you dont want to understand your fellow man
you just thrive off misery and pain
now the whole world is dependant on the labours of a man
who has no other option if he wants to feed his fams
and you point the finger and say this and that
as if you know it all
but if you walkked in another mans shoes for just one minute
you wouldn't be so quick to call them small
your the inferior one
trying to standover to feel big
your the piece of shit that thrives on infamy
and when your exposed you back down like a nervous pig
your the one that said the only way out is in
to contribute to the game
but i found another way out
it's on my own stead of looking for protection like a lame
i could surround myself with people
but id only be putting them at risk
so i choose to strive all on my own
and just keep adding names to the list
of people who choose to abuse me in the name of what ever they want
your no different from the devils that betrayed god and chose to front
now you want me to bow down to your evil
as if im going to learn anything other than weakness
you want me to be the devil
by adopting your crassness and cheapness
you want me to feel how you'd feel if you felt anything at all
but im never mimicking you devils
i refuse to take the fall
id rather suffer knowing good religion
god gave me a world to praise him in
im not hindu or muslim or christian or catholic
i know first hand bout sin
were all born so innocent
corrupted along the way
some strive with faith all their life
while others go astray
i asked an old women what she thought when they tried to teach her bout god
she said it didn't bother her cos she already knew who god was
now everyone wanna be the preacher
like he got something we all need to hear
he wanna preach about justice and righteousness
but the flip side of his sermon is fear
i got no time for intimidation
murder asnd rape
im interested in evolution
not following man back through the gate.