Author Topic: weird shit about juvenile detention  (Read 389 times)


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weird shit about juvenile detention
« on: March 26, 2015, 04:27:46 PM »
when iwas 14 i got locked up on remand in the girls homes.
when the screws was walkin me toward the top level all the girls come up to the window singin out "fresh fish, fresh fish"....
shit was like straight out of a movie....
so i goes inside and this one girl come up to me and go "where you from n-gg-?"....
im like, "im white"....
she like " i dont give a fuck sista girl where ya from?".....
im like "coffs" and shes like "thats right next door to me country girl come on ya comin with us".....
that was alright, koori girls told me to tell the screws i waws part aboriginal so i could go to one of their dance classes my first night, so that was alright....
went to bed, woke up in the morning and didn't know a soul.....
the entire lower level had been swapped with the entire upper level and im the only one they didn't move....
kinda freaky but i played it quiet like and a couple girls took me under they wing....
juvenile justice told me i was lookin at 6 months, i cried even though i was pretty much having a mad time....
screws used to call it camp yasmar....
anyway, one day me and my friend lookin out the window at the doctors office and the screw comes up to us and asks us what we lookin at....
we said "the doctors office"
he said "but what does the window of the doctors office look like?"
we said "a window with bars on it"
he said " but what do the bars look like?"
we said "bars"
he said " dont you think those bars look like a ladder?"
he said "if you climb up the window and get on the roof and jump off your outside, free."
it shouold probably be noted that there are two sides to yasmar...
remand and committed and they are completely seperate....
so we told all the girls what the screw said and didn't do shit....
i went to court after about 2 weeks and the judge let me off saying i was prepared to do the time.....
i know alot of people who wern't swhown the same consideration....
wrote to my friend and she told me that a couple girls tried that escape route and one got away and one broke they foot jumpin off the roof.....
i wouldn't be suprised if the other side of the doctors office was the committed side....

suffice to say, i knew back then just like i know now, that everythings corrupt and you cant trust no one cos there's always some muthafucka tryin to set you up.....

never did anymore time after that, turned 15 and played housewife for a while, got drunk, smoked nough weed to kill a hippy convention then got my act together bout 17 and left town and never thought about crime since.....
lotta people dont wake up though....
some use the excuse "what can i do, i cant get a job no one will give me a go"

i did a speech in town for my parole officer about giving juvenile offenders employment ande giving ex offenders a go....
made it in the paper and on the news but i was embarressed cos i looked like shit....

i might only have a 14year old eductaion and all you smartasses be like, she dumb and shit, but ive educated myself to the extant that im capable of acknowledging whats going on and im not about to loose my head over some trife comment thats only intention is to derail me from my intended purpose.....


Re: weird shit about juvenile detention
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2015, 12:46:09 AM »
thats crazy

do all australians type this much about themselves?


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Re: weird shit about juvenile detention
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2015, 04:59:03 PM »
thats crazy

do all australians type this much about themselves?

only the ones who dont give ashit what other people think of them....
 i was kinda wonderin if this type of shit happens in other places too...
ya can watch movies and read books and find documentaries and watch the news but the media is just as corrupt as the system its sposed to be reporting on and i know for a fact that prisoners are told not to talk to the media about their excperience while incarcerated so you know some sick shit be goin on...


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: weird shit about juvenile detention
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2015, 04:12:54 PM »
do u know the leygendary clint dogg?


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Re: weird shit about juvenile detention
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2015, 05:42:18 PM »
do u know the leygendary clint dogg?

if ya gotta ask then he probable aint no legend

J. B A N A N A S

Re: weird shit about juvenile detention
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2015, 02:18:27 PM »
thats crazy

do all australians type this much about themselves?

only the ones who dont give ashit what other people think of them....

That is a lie.


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Re: weird shit about juvenile detention
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2015, 05:00:39 PM »

That is a lie.

proove it mister. and dont be playin no games either....