Author Topic: LAST POST ON DUBCC EVA!!!!!  (Read 904 times)

Kween Kockroach Killa

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« on: June 28, 2015, 04:00:54 AM »
Fuck it!!!
I've had my fun, pathetically it seems, and rather ignorantly at times, at the expense of others....
I can't seem to keep my mouth shut about issues which although offensive to me, I further aggravate through obnoxious reference in a pathetic attempt to assume a position of opposition that is based on the same narrow minded and prejudice thinking that brings one to form beligerant beliefs in the first place....
I'm not copping a ban, but fuck it, I never have... I just wake up occasionally and wonder why I troll websites without being fully invested in internet culture, regardless of subject matter...
Good ridance to me...
I hope I never loose the plot again n come back....
The username I originally and quite selfishly signed up with reappear when I close my account and it has been bought to my attention, that regardless of intention, which was reffered to as subjective and offensive and an affront to trials tribulations and afflictions of certain people, I cannot with any true sense of compensation, pay enough mind to the fact that my immature, mindless and sarcastic reference to a known white hate organisation, has created an opinion of me that I detest, and so again, I wish to apologize for using the name kween kockroach killer, with no forethought for the offense it might cause others not as disrespectful, arrogant, obnoxious and obviously deluded as me...
Selfishly I feel a need to make it know that my intention when thinking up that name was not to offend, but honestly, I realised afterward that it did and I regret that...
So, I wish I could keep the username Ebenus Supremus aka BONeZ aka ebano bianco, but I can't, so I will let my pathetic original username be a constant reminder of the idiocy I have often employed on this website...
Thanks for the lecture Mr Don't Play Games and thanx to all the fools who made me laugh...
Big yhanx to the hip hop community, who without their dedication to an art form I admire to the point of idolatry yet am still learning about everyday, I would never have discovered this website in the first place, like when I first stumbled into this cyberspace web of sarcasam and knowitallism back in 2010....
Adios Amigos n Enemies...
From the East to the West - Peace...


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« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2015, 08:22:10 AM »
Pathetic Mac aka KrazyDumbFuck

Hack Wilson - real

« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2015, 11:53:24 AM »
who was this? krazy???

Triple OG Rapsodie

« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2015, 02:25:39 PM »
who are you?

Hack Wilson - real

« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2015, 03:05:06 PM »
who are you?

miss NWA whooryda

aka krazysumwhat's new girlfriend


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« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2015, 03:22:28 PM »
The usual suspect. Sccif alias, KrazyDumbFuck, Mac, Billy Matt, Elano, Skystalker, Rick Venom.

J. B A N A N A S

« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2015, 02:59:25 PM »
Haha liberal white people these days are so sensitive about being branded racist it's pathetic.

Quote from: Kween Kockroach Killa
I apologise sincerely for being so rude and insensitive and vulgar and ridiculous and immature and disrespectful and derogatory and offensive and sarcastic and just straight up wrong with my screen name which you were 100% correct about being a jibe at the kkk...
I did not think that one through properly...
I didn't think frofrom another's perspective rather selfishly and indulgently and immaturely and hipocritically with the intent of turning so.etching I consider a negative into ainto weird albeit disrespectful positive...
Maybe I'm an attention seeker, or maybe I'm just a stupid bitch who does dumbass shit, cops an intelligent lecture or so.etimes checks herself, regrets her actions, tries to apologise in an attempt to rectify the situation and fails miserably because I'm a repeat offender and you only get so many chances at using the ignorant or crazy excuse...
Pardon me, better yet, dont pardon me, because continued misappropriation of black culture is a travesty which cannot be measured....
I could come at you all self righteous as I have in part in the forums, but let's be honest, you and I both know I'm just wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.....
Again Mister, I apologise...
I hope to never do it again...
If you wanna teach me a real lesson, I'll give you my address in this fuckdd up redneck town I'm living in and we can duke it out like they did in the old days....
I haven't excersized or lifted a weight in four five years so I don't think I'll make it past the first hit, but.....
Never mind, I'm starting to talk shit again....
Sorry dude...
No more rap talk for me...
I throw away all my rap for you and never talk about your people ever again....

 :laugh:  :'(


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« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2015, 04:31:23 PM »
Haha liberal white people these days are so sensitive about being branded racist it's pathetic.

Quote from: Kween Kockroach Killa
I apologise sincerely for being so rude and insensitive and vulgar and ridiculous and immature and disrespectful and derogatory and offensive and sarcastic and just straight up wrong with my screen name which you were 100% correct about being a jibe at the kkk...
I did not think that one through properly...
I didn't think frofrom another's perspective rather selfishly and indulgently and immaturely and hipocritically with the intent of turning so.etching I consider a negative into ainto weird albeit disrespectful positive...
Maybe I'm an attention seeker, or maybe I'm just a stupid bitch who does dumbass shit, cops an intelligent lecture or so.etimes checks herself, regrets her actions, tries to apologise in an attempt to rectify the situation and fails miserably because I'm a repeat offender and you only get so many chances at using the ignorant or crazy excuse...
Pardon me, better yet, dont pardon me, because continued misappropriation of black culture is a travesty which cannot be measured....
I could come at you all self righteous as I have in part in the forums, but let's be honest, you and I both know I'm just wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.....
Again Mister, I apologise...
I hope to never do it again...
If you wanna teach me a real lesson, I'll give you my address in this fuckdd up redneck town I'm living in and we can duke it out like they did in the old days....
I haven't excersized or lifted a weight in four five years so I don't think I'll make it past the first hit, but.....
Never mind, I'm starting to talk shit again....
Sorry dude...
No more rap talk for me...
I throw away all my rap for you and never talk about your people ever again....

 :laugh:  :'(

True, but this person is just batshit crazy.


« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2015, 03:46:26 AM »
make me a new video

Ebony B.C.

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« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2015, 06:45:15 AM »
Haha liberal white people these days are so sensitive about being branded racist it's pathetic.

 :laugh:  :'(

Well I can't very well expect you to take me seriously when I PATHETICALLY choose to mock a SERIOUS issue which, unless I am mistaken... You found deeply offensive...
True I would prefer not to be labelled racist, but I am also aware, that that does not in itself prevent me from displaying backwards, prejudice or just straight up ridiculously disrespectful views...

I am also going to assume that even though you do not respect my supposed liberalism, which I can identify with in the sense that I would love to live in a world of equality as apposed to this farce of democracy and system/culture of greed, particularly in the west, where unless its profitable, the RIGHT thing to do generally gets ignored, I am going to assume that you would not appreciate it if I were to choose to exploit and degrade you in the name of a white power driven mindset that has shaped the everyday beliefs and practices of so many people of all colours and creeds....

Just as I am assuming that if I were to further the insult and appropriated some culturally identifying mannerism which you claim YOUR people practice, to try and make my point, you would be offended also...

So, I figure, what ever I do, I'm offending someone, so I may as well do whatever I want....

I don't wanna be condescending, racist, offensive, abusive, ignorant, gullible, weak, easily manipulated, part of the crowd or anything other someone who is wise to the disguises and refuses to mimick or adopt that which I deem unworthy or unjust....

If you move to China, you'll start talking Chinese, so I will, at times, appropriate some terminology at times that may be predominantly from black culture, cos that is where rap originates from...

Other than that, I'm glad to be back....
You can call me crazy, scratch face, dirty mop, wanna be gooda gooda, try hard, white cunt, dumb fuck of the year..... If it tickles ya fancy....

If I'm gonna go out, LIKE THAT, I'm gonna make it worth it.....

Ebony B.C.

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« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2015, 06:48:01 AM »
make me a new video

Do you wanna make fun of one of my lame videos, cutey???

I'll think about it!!


« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2015, 08:52:04 AM »
Haha liberal white people these days are so sensitive about being branded racist it's pathetic.

 :laugh:  :'(

Well I can't very well expect you to take me seriously when I PATHETICALLY choose to mock a SERIOUS issue which, unless I am mistaken... You found deeply offensive...
True I would prefer not to be labelled racist, but I am also aware, that that does not in itself prevent me from displaying backwards, prejudice or just straight up ridiculously disrespectful views...

I am also going to assume that even though you do not respect my supposed liberalism, which I can identify with in the sense that I would love to live in a world of equality as apposed to this farce of democracy and system/culture of greed, particularly in the west, where unless its profitable, the RIGHT thing to do generally gets ignored, I am going to assume that you would not appreciate it if I were to choose to exploit and degrade you in the name of a white power driven mindset that has shaped the everyday beliefs and practices of so many people of all colours and creeds....

Just as I am assuming that if I were to further the insult and appropriated some culturally identifying mannerism which you claim YOUR people practice, to try and make my point, you would be offended also...

So, I figure, what ever I do, I'm offending someone, so I may as well do whatever I want....

I don't wanna be condescending, racist, offensive, abusive, ignorant, gullible, weak, easily manipulated, part of the crowd or anything other someone who is wise to the disguises and refuses to mimick or adopt that which I deem unworthy or unjust....

If you move to China, you'll start talking Chinese, so I will, at times, appropriate some terminology at times that may be predominantly from black culture, cos that is where rap originates from...

Other than that, I'm glad to be back....
You can call me crazy, scratch face, dirty mop, wanna be gooda gooda, try hard, white cunt, dumb fuck of the year..... If it tickles ya fancy....

If I'm gonna go out, LIKE THAT, I'm gonna make it worth it.....

whoever you are, you are mentally ill. many people who talk like that and identify as liberal have similar, undiagnosed mental problems. i would suggest getting off the internet and finding some real help.


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« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2015, 09:46:16 AM »
Haha liberal white people these days are so sensitive about being branded racist it's pathetic.

 :laugh:  :'(

Well I can't very well expect you to take me seriously when I PATHETICALLY choose to mock a SERIOUS issue which, unless I am mistaken... You found deeply offensive...
True I would prefer not to be labelled racist, but I am also aware, that that does not in itself prevent me from displaying backwards, prejudice or just straight up ridiculously disrespectful views...

I am also going to assume that even though you do not respect my supposed liberalism, which I can identify with in the sense that I would love to live in a world of equality as apposed to this farce of democracy and system/culture of greed, particularly in the west, where unless its profitable, the RIGHT thing to do generally gets ignored, I am going to assume that you would not appreciate it if I were to choose to exploit and degrade you in the name of a white power driven mindset that has shaped the everyday beliefs and practices of so many people of all colours and creeds....

Just as I am assuming that if I were to further the insult and appropriated some culturally identifying mannerism which you claim YOUR people practice, to try and make my point, you would be offended also...

So, I figure, what ever I do, I'm offending someone, so I may as well do whatever I want....

I don't wanna be condescending, racist, offensive, abusive, ignorant, gullible, weak, easily manipulated, part of the crowd or anything other someone who is wise to the disguises and refuses to mimick or adopt that which I deem unworthy or unjust....

If you move to China, you'll start talking Chinese, so I will, at times, appropriate some terminology at times that may be predominantly from black culture, cos that is where rap originates from...

Other than that, I'm glad to be back....
You can call me crazy, scratch face, dirty mop, wanna be gooda gooda, try hard, white cunt, dumb fuck of the year..... If it tickles ya fancy....

If I'm gonna go out, LIKE THAT, I'm gonna make it worth it.....

whoever you are, you are mentally ill. many people who talk like that and identify as liberal have similar, undiagnosed mental problems. i would suggest getting off the internet and finding some real help.

Its KrazyDumbFucc the pedaphile or Billy Matt, feel free to ban him again. He reeks of Kanga.

Ebony B.C.

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« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2015, 12:11:02 PM »
Nevermind this stupid thread...
I'm sticking to the forums...
Sorry for swearing...

Ebony B.C.

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« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2015, 12:28:35 PM »
Haha liberal white people these days are so sensitive about being branded racist it's pathetic.

 :laugh:  :'( hi

whoever you are, you are mentally ill. many people who talk like that and identify as liberal have similar, undiagnosed mental problems. i would suggest getting off the internet and finding some real help.

Okay, so your a mod???
I dontbknow what you mean by talk like that...
Some of the synonyms I used in reference to being called whatever tickles your fancy were taught to me by free suge knight ect.,... So if I've got them mixed up then I'm working with false and deliberately misleading information...
Second... It is well known I suffer from a serious mental health problem, its called schizophrenia, which, through treatment, I've learned is a manifestation of the effects if abuse, abuse in all its many forms, from substances to physical to psychological....
So you suggest getting off the internet to seek proper help, knowing full well that identifying oneself with liberal views and beliefs does not in itself prevent one from making crass statements....
Hey, we live we learn...
Not looking to get messed with, but then I'm not looking to back down either...
This thread should never have been replied to or more importantly, started...
Its okay though, I'm not looking to make friends...
Fuck friends...
Fuck everything....
The end....