Author Topic: EBONY SUPREMUS  (Read 453 times)


« on: September 25, 2015, 05:42:08 PM »


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« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2015, 08:15:47 AM »

Ebenus Supremus

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« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2015, 03:33:16 PM »
Thanx sccit... Will read article when I'm finished abusing this fool who accused me of fucking a friend of his who hit on me before I left for home...

This is why affairs are ok but relationships are bullshit...
If its just a fling then you can dismiss they games as baggage. If your committed you have to start caring n making compromises...

28yr old dick ain't worth the energy...


Ebenus Supremus

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« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2015, 04:04:13 PM »
Ok. Read the article...
I actually knew this...
Was it Andy Warhol or Andy Kaufman who did taxi???
He was schizophrenic n a creative genius....
I often think ice cube has serious mental health issues...
How else could a 45 yr old man who lives in the suburbs n makes kids movies succeed at telling us gangster rap made him do it???
There is evidence that psychosis is a result of a flood of dopamine to the brain, hence anti psychotics disabling the production of dopamine, which has the adverse side effect of lethargicness n lack of motivation, as dopamine is key in the creative process as is serotonin n endorphins...
If you are no longer able to "CREATE" due to lack of brain chemistry, e.g. lack of dopamine, you can become severely depressed, to the point of suicidal ideologies...

This is why many people with mental illness choose not to seek clinical support as the side effects which are long lasting and severe can be just as debilitating as the illness, also, the treatment can hinder the creativity which could have devastating effects on the individuals quality of life...

Hey, before I was diagnosed I predicted the GFC so maybe I am a lil bit of a genuis...

But I never profited from it so Im no worse off than I was before they prevented my brain becoming inundated with a flood of dopamine by prescribing me anti psychotics... And now I'm in an anti depressant to counteract the suicidal tendencies which floods my brain with serotonin which makes me feel creative and lively again...

This debate, seeking the genius within the psycho is a very old one, but you could explain it simply, by saying, people not afflicted by severe chemical imbalances appreciate and value the artistic accomplishments of those afflicted with such illness as it serves the purpose of exposing one to perceptions of reality unknown and unexperienced by the healthy individual.

Psychosis is like a culture all of its own...
And there are sub cultures within it...

We all recognise the delusion to be false based on our interpretation of reality yet there are significant similarities within all forms of psychosis which enables the healthy mind to detect patterns of behaviour or discrepancies within the delusion which justify the need to stabalise the psychotic individual...

Many artists fear the stigma associated with mental illness as well as loosing the gratification they receive through their warped interpretations of reality...

Personally I think we will see more creative "geniuses" in the future with the lenient attitude toward drug use and the lagalisation of mind altering substances such as marijuana which also create a flood of dopamine to the brain...

We instinctively appreciate that which is foreign to us, unless we fear it, and that gives the left wing psychotic an advantage in a world that is pretty much about conformity...


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« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2015, 08:20:56 AM »
Anyone who tries to hard to be brotha lynch and immitate his horrorcore has mental illness. Like "Spam"