Author Topic: The Ultimate revenge to a BITCH (Revenge pt.1)  (Read 241 times)


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The Ultimate revenge to a BITCH (Revenge pt.1)
« on: April 16, 2003, 07:07:30 AM »

Bitches who argue, jealous and bitches who u put trust into and they fuk u about with some sloppy ass nigga. Here is what we do to them. This is THEE ultimate revenge that will gurentee have them paraniod, sad or angry all in the one.

Some bitch cheats on u. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT give her a hint you know. If u have ultimate proof then u can go ahead and pick her up one night. Make sure she dont know u know. Be your ol happy self and when she get in say yo we goin up to mine, u wanna sit back and watch a movie then go out? she'll probably yes (make sure this is done preferablly on a Friday Or Saturday) get 2 drinks the same but make sure you purchase something out of the drug store called GHB - it's carbon moduled and tastelss and is like a powder. However get the 2 drinks the same and put GHB into one of them. When she drinks it she'll become dazed and confused within 5 mins, after a few sips she'll be out cold for 2-3 hours in an in and out state of mind. Thats when you get the revenge

Get a set of hair cutters and start trimming away. Give her a skinhead. Then because it's a friday night, what you do is get a board and rope it around her, make sure the board says something like 18 today. Then drop her off at a nightclub. Police will thik she has been a victim of someone inside the club but you aint been in there and if her parents ask u just say - WHAT? She phoned on Friday I went up and she said she wanted to go to a club but I couldnt and I wasnt too happy about her going alone, I know she shouldnt have went, I just knew something bad was gonna happen. This is all my fault... Blah bLah just feed the parents. They'll think your such a nice guy. Then 2 days later after she's the laughing stock of the whole town, simply say to her it's over, I was told last night u cheated on me.

What Revenge huh. Look out for Revenge Part 2 coming soon

KING VerbalAssaulta

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Re:The Ultimate revenge to a BITCH (Revenge pt.1)
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2003, 08:09:57 AM »
lol...thats pretty evil....not sure it would work though  :-\


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Re:The Ultimate revenge to a BITCH (Revenge pt.1)
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2003, 08:13:22 AM »
It DOES work. Try it. And it's not evil. Who defines evil? What if we are just carrying out an act that god would find appreciative for bullyied children or for people who are picked on!!

Don Seer

Re:The Ultimate revenge to a BITCH (Revenge pt.1)
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2003, 08:15:18 AM »
dont joke with me about that spiking shit.. a very close female friend of mine got spiked, raped and then beaten by some tosser and his friend late last year.

she did actually get some memory of it back after a little while... she spent two weeks with a fucked up back not being able to walk.. turns out they slammed her into a sink and broke it.. trying to wash up dna evidence or some crazy shit.


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Re:The Ultimate revenge to a BITCH (Revenge pt.1)
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2003, 10:12:45 AM »
Damn ur the devil Machiaveli  ;D

But seriously think about it...shes gunna remember commin up to ur room and THEN not recollectin anything...

think about it man....ull get caught when they find she was given a date rape drug and u were the last place she recalls being

Da WCC Hopar!

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re:The Ultimate revenge to a BITCH (Revenge pt.1)
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2003, 01:12:12 PM »
i think dats a good way of gettin bak at ur gurl but can u get dat drug over da counter? if ya how much duz it go for?

Don Seer

Re:The Ultimate revenge to a BITCH (Revenge pt.1)
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2003, 01:22:17 PM »